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System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris 10 Containers, and Resource Management     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Part I Oracle Solaris Resource Management

1.  Introduction to Resource Management

2.  Projects and Tasks (Overview)

3.  Administering Projects and Tasks

4.  Extended Accounting (Overview)

5.  Administering Extended Accounting (Tasks)

6.  Resource Controls (Overview)

7.  Administering Resource Controls (Tasks)

8.  Fair Share Scheduler (Overview)

9.  Administering the Fair Share Scheduler (Tasks)

10.  Physical Memory Control Using the Resource Capping Daemon (Overview)

11.  Administering the Resource Capping Daemon (Tasks)

12.  Resource Pools (Overview)

13.  Creating and Administering Resource Pools (Tasks)

14.  Resource Management Configuration Example

Part II Oracle Solaris Zones

15.  Introduction to Oracle Solaris Zones

16.  Non-Global Zone Configuration (Overview)

17.  Planning and Configuring Non-Global Zones (Tasks)

18.  About Installing, Halting, Uninstalling, and Cloning Non-Global Zones (Overview)

19.  Installing, Booting, Halting, Uninstalling, and Cloning Non-Global Zones (Tasks)

20.  Non-Global Zone Login (Overview)

21.  Logging In to Non-Global Zones (Tasks)

22.  Moving and Migrating Non-Global Zones (Tasks)

23.  About Packages on an Oracle Solaris 11 Express System With Zones Installed

24.  Oracle Solaris Zones Administration (Overview)

25.  Administering Oracle Solaris Zones (Tasks)

Using the ppriv Utility

How to List Oracle Solaris Privileges in the Global Zone

How to List the Non-Global Zone's Privilege Set

How to List a Non-Global Zone's Privilege Set With Verbose Output

Using the zonestat Utility in a Non-Global Zone

How to Use the zonestat Utility to Display a Summary of CPU and Memory Utilization

How to Use the zonestat Utility to Report on the Default pset

Using zonestat to Report Total and High Utilization

Using DTrace in a Non-Global Zone

How to Use DTrace

Checking the Status of SMF Services in a Non-Global Zone

How to Check the Status of SMF Services From the Command Line

How to Check the Status of SMF Services From Within a Zone

Mounting File Systems in Running Non-Global Zones

How to Use LOFS to Mount a File System

How to Delegate a ZFS Dataset to a Non-Global Zone

Adding Non-Global Zone Access to Specific File Systems in the Global Zone

How to Add Access to CD or DVD Media in a Non-Global Zone

How to Export Home Directories in the Global Zone Into a Non-Global Zone

Using IP Network Multipathing on an Oracle Solaris System With Zones Installed

How to Use IP Network Multipathing in Exclusive-IP Non-Global Zones

How to Extend IP Network Multipathing Functionality to Shared-IP Non-Global Zones

Administering Data-Links in Exclusive-IP Non-Global Zones

How to Use dladm show-linkprop

How to Use dladm set-linkprop

How to Use dladm reset-linkprop

Using the Fair Share Scheduler on an Oracle Solaris System With Zones Installed

How to Set FSS Shares in the Global Zone Using the prctl Command

How to Change the zone.cpu-shares Value in a Zone Dynamically

Using Rights Profiles in Zone Administration

Backing Up an OracleSolaris System With Installed Zones

How to Use find and cpio to Perform Backups

How to Print a Copy of a Zone Configuration

Restoring a Non-Global Zone

How to Restore an Individual Non-Global Zone

26.  Troubleshooting Miscellaneous Oracle Solaris Zones Problems

Part III Oracle Solaris 10 Zones

27.  Introduction to Oracle Solaris 10 Zones

28.  Assessing an Oracle Solaris 10 System and Creating an Archive

29.  (Optional) Migrating an Oracle Solaris 10 native Non-Global Zone Into an Oracle Solaris 10 Container

30.  Configuring the solaris10 Branded Zone

31.  Installing the solaris10 Branded Zone

32.  Booting a Zone and Zone Migration

33.  solaris10 Branded Zone Login and Post-Installation Configuration



Using the zonestat Utility in a Non-Global Zone

The zonestat utility reports on the CPU, memory, and resource control utilization of the currently running zones. Two usage examples follow. For more information, see zonestat(1).

How to Use the zonestat Utility to Display a Summary of CPU and Memory Utilization

  1. Be superuser, or have equivalent authorizations.
  2. Display a summary of CPU and memory utilization every 5 seconds.
    # zonestat -z global -r physical-memory 5
    # zonestat 5 1
    Collecting data for first interval...
    Interval: 1, Duration: 0:00:05
    SUMMARY                    Cpus/Online: 2/2   Physical: 2046M    Virtual: 2909M
                        ----------CPU---------- ----PHYSICAL----- -----VIRTUAL-----
                   ZONE  USED %PART  %CAP %SHRU  USED   PCT  %CAP  USED   PCT  %CAP
                [total]  0.01 0.99%     -     -  693M 33.8%     -  967M 33.2%     -
               [system]  0.00 0.15%     -     -  336M 16.4%     -  682M 23.4%     -
                 global  0.01 0.80%     -     -  276M 13.4%     -  217M 7.49%     -
                  zone1  0.00 0.01%     -     - 40.2M 1.96%     - 33.1M 1.13%     -
                  zone2  0.00 0.01%     -     - 40.2M 1.96%     - 33.4M 1.14%     -

How to Use the zonestat Utility to Report on the Default pset

  1. Be superuser, or have equivalent authorizations.
  2. Report on the default pset once a second for 1 minute:
    # zonestat -r default-pset 1 1m
    Collecting data for first interval...
    Interval: 1, Duration: 0:00:01
    PROCESSOR_SET                   TYPE  ONLINE/CPUS     MIN/MAX
    pset_default            default-pset          2/2         1/-
                                    ZONE  USED   PCT   CAP  %CAP   SHRS  %SHR %SHRU
                                 [total]  0.02 1.10%     -     -      -     -     -
                                [system]  0.00 0.19%     -     -      -     -     -
                                  global  0.01 0.77%     -     -      -     -     -
                                   zone1  0.00 0.07%     -     -      -     -     -
                                   zone2  0.00 0.06%     -     -      -     -     -
    Interval: 60, Duration: 0:01:00
    PROCESSOR_SET                   TYPE  ONLINE/CPUS     MIN/MAX
    pset_default            default-pset          2/2         1/-
                                    ZONE  USED   PCT   CAP  %CAP   SHRS  %SHR %SHRU
                                 [total]  0.06 3.26%     -     -      -     -     -
                                [system]  0.00 0.18%     -     -      -     -     -
                                  global  0.05 2.94%     -     -      -     -     -
                                   zone1  0.00 0.06%     -     -      -     -     -
                                   zone2  0.00 0.06%     -     -      -     -     -

Using zonestat to Report Total and High Utilization

  1. Be superuser, or have equivalent authorizations.
  2. Monitor silently at a 10–second interval for 1 hour, then produce a report on the total and high utilizations.
    # zonestat -q -R total,high 10s 1h 1h
    Report: Total Usage
        Start: Wed Nov  3 06:55:20 PDT 2010
          End: Wed Nov  3 07:46:30 PDT 2010
        Intervals: 308, Duration: 0:51:10
    SUMMARY                    Cpus/Online: 2/2   Physical: 2046M    Virtual: 2909M
                        ----------CPU---------- ----PHYSICAL----- -----VIRTUAL-----
                   ZONE  USED %PART  %CAP %SHRU  USED   PCT  %CAP  USED   PCT  %CAP
                [total]  0.01 0.66%     -     -  693M 33.8%     -  967M 33.2%     -
               [system]  0.00 0.13%     -     -  336M 16.4%     -  682M 23.4%     -
                 global  0.01 0.51%     -     -  276M 13.4%     -  218M 7.49%     -
                  zone1  0.00 0.01%     -     - 40.2M 1.96%     - 33.1M 1.13%     -
                  zone2  0.00 0.01%     -     - 40.2M 1.96%     - 33.4M 1.14%     -
    Report: High Usage
        Start: Wed Nov  3 06:55:20 PDT 2010
          End: Wed Nov  3 07:46:30 PDT 2010
        Intervals: 308, Duration: 0:51:10
    SUMMARY                    Cpus/Online: 2/2   Physical: 2046M    Virtual: 2909M
                        ----------CPU---------- ----PHYSICAL----- -----VIRTUAL-----
                   ZONE  USED %PART  %CAP %SHRU  USED   PCT  %CAP  USED   PCT  %CAP
                [total]  0.01 0.82%     -     -  693M 33.8%     -  967M 33.2%     -
               [system]  0.00 0.19%     -     -  336M 16.4%     -  682M 23.4%     -
                 global  0.01 0.59%     -     -  276M 13.4%     -  217M 7.49%     -
                  zone1  0.00 0.01%     -     - 40.2M 1.96%     - 33.1M 1.13%     -
                  zone2  0.00 0.01%     -     - 40.2M 1.96%     - 33.4M 1.14%     -