This figure shows a large cylinder at the bottom, labeled "XBRL Repository". Within the cylinder are graphics representing (a) documents, labeled "XML Representation" (with sublabel) "XML Taxonomies and Reports"; (b) part of a node tree, labeled "XBRL Representation"; (c) a tree labeled "3NF Logical Data Model Views" and a tree labeled "Derived Data Model", with an arrow from the first tree to the second, labeled "Transforming Packages". Above the cylinder are four boxes, labeled (1) "UBMatrix Taxonomy Designer"; (2) "XBRL Application; (3) "Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition"; and (4) "UBMatrix XBRL Processing Engine". There is a double-ended arrow between each of these boxes and the XBRL Repository cylinder. There is a double-ended arrow between #1 and #4, and between #2 and #4. There is an arrow from outside the figure toward #2, labeled "Report Submissions", and a label from #2 away from the figure, labeled "Report Queries". There is an arrow away from #3, labeled "Business Intelligence Reports and Dashboards".