Entering Absences

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding Absence Management

Defining Absence Elements

Click to jump to parent topicEntering, Updating, and Voiding Absence Events

This section provides an overview of absence entry and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Absence Entry

When a payee is absent from work at a normally scheduled work time, you record the absence take, the begin and end dates, and other details that you want to track.

Absences can be entered:

This chapter discusses the absence entry tasks for payroll administrators.

Absence Event Entry Steps

Following are the steps for entering an absence event:

  1. Access the Absence Event Entry page for the payee.

  2. Select the absence take element and enter the begin and end dates of the absence.

  3. If applicable, enter the partial hours that the payee was absent and the original begin date of the absence.

  4. Click the Details link to access the Absence Event Input Detail page, where you can enter other details that are related to the absence, if applicable.

  5. If the Forecasting process is required for the take that you entered, return to the Absence Event Entry page and follow the procedures for forecasting entitlement during absence entry. You receive a warning message if you try to save absence entries for the take without first running the Forecasting process.

See Forecasting Absence Entitlement Balance During Absence Entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter, Update, and Void Absence Events

Page Name

Definition Name



Absence Event Entry


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event, Absence Event Entry

Enter, update, and void absences. Start the Absence Forecasting process.

Absence Event Input Detail


Click the Details link on the Absence Event Entry page.

Enter detailed information for an absence, including the reason, processing action, manager approval, user-defined data, entitlement adjustment, and partial hours.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering, Updating, and Voiding Absences

Access the Absence Event Entry page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event, Absence Event Entry).

To enter a new absence, insert a row and complete the fields described below. To make changes to a row, delete the row and add a new one.

Note. If you enter absences with overlapping dates, and your absence rules do not allow you to enter more than one absence for the same day, an error message appears when you try to save the events. If you’ve elected to use the automatic priority processing feature and have assigned a priority number to your absence take elements, the system determines which take element has priority for the date in question and offers the option of executing priority processing. You define absence priority rules on the Absence Take - Priority page.

Absence Take

From and Through

The user can display absence request that fall within a specified date range by entering dates in the From: and Through: fields. If the From, Through or both dates is left blank, the system will initialize the search based on the default dates.

The From and Through date range is determined by the Default History Date Range values entered on the History Grid page of the Country component. If the Default History Date Range has not been set up the system uses the current date minus 90 days for the From field and the current date plus 90 days for the Through field.

See Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country.


Click the Refresh button after entering, changing, or removing dates in the From: and Through: fields.

Note. If you do not click Refresh after changing the From or Through fields you will get an error message that tells you that you must click the Refresh button. You are able to proceed with absence entries once the Refresh button has been clicked.

Absence Take Element

Select the Absence Take element that corresponds to the payee’s absence. (You can select from all absence take elements that are defined by your organization, not just those for which the payee is eligible.)

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the begin and end dates of the absence. If there's a break in the absence, enter each event separately. For example, if a payee is out sick for two days, returns to work for three days, and then is out sick again, enter two absence events. If the absence includes a weekend (say, Thursday to Monday), enter one absence event.

The system uses the Take definition that is in effect on the begin date that you specify.

Partial Hours

For absences of less than a full day, enter the number of hours that the payee was absent.

If the payee was absent for more than one day (the begin and end dates are different), the system assumes that the partial hours apply only to the first day of the absence. To specify otherwise, click the Details link to access the Absence Event Input Detail page.

Process Action

For a new absence event, the default is Normal.

Select Void to void an absence that has already gone through the Take process. The event is not processed in subsequent runs. Instead, the Process Action is reset to Normal and the Voided check box is automatically selected during the next Take process.

During retroactive processing, a new version of the results is calculated without the voided event. Positive input is not generated from the voided event, and the results for earning/deduction have deltas.


Selected if you voided the event and ran the take process.

This field can also be selected if you’re using the automatic priority processing feature and have assigned a priority number to your absence take elements. If you save absence entries with overlapping dates, the system voids the event with the lower priority and creates a new event for the days that do not overlap.

Original Begin Date

Enter a date in this field if your absence take rules allow you to link this absence to a previous absence that was taken for the same reason. (The Link Absence and By Original Begin Date options are selected on the take element’s Period page.)

If this absence is related to another absence, enter the begin date of the original absence.

Example: A payee is out sick for the following periods of time:


Absence Type

Reason (not entered online)

Absence Begin Date

Absence End Date

Original Begin Date


Sprained wrist

May 15

May 16

May 15



June 1

June 5

June 1


Wrist didn’t heal properly

June 10

June 10

May 15



Entering the same original begin date for the first and third absence events tells the system that the absences are related. If you defined the take element to link absences, the system checks to see if the current absence occurred within the time frame allowed for linking. If it did, the two events are linked.

The default value for Original Begin Date is the begin date. Changing the begin date here does not update the original begin date.


Click to display the Absence Event Input Detail page, where you can enter additional information about the absence.

Entry Source

Displays the origin of absence event. The values are:·Administrator, Time & Labor, Third Party, Employee Self Service, Manager Self Service, Employee Timesheet, and Manager Timesheet.

Work Flow Status

Displays the current workflow status of the employee extended absence, manager extended absence, administrator extended absence, and absence event. The values are:·Saved, Needs Approval, Pushed Back, Denied, Approved, and Cancelled.


After entering absence events, click this button to start the Forecasting process. To use this button, absence forecasting must be enabled for one or more take elements.

Process Status

Select the Process Status tab.

This tab displays information on the status of the absence event process and is meant for use by administrators.


Displays the status of the absence event as it relates to processing in payroll. Valid values are Not Proc. (Not Processed), Processed, and Finalized.

Note. Absence events with a status of Finalized will be set to Processed if the absence event has been retroactively processed during an on cycle or off cycle calculation

Forecast Value

Select the Forecast Value tab.

Forecast Value

The alphanumeric value resolved by the forecasting element. You associate a forecasting formula with a take element on the Take − Forecasting page. (For example, your forecast element might return a value of Eligible or Not Eligible.

Forecast Date Time

The last date and time that the Forecasting process was run for the take element.

Forecast Details

Select the link to display the Absence Forecast Results page.

Deleting Absence Event Rows

The Delete row button will be available or grayed out based on the Payroll Status and the Delete Option selected on the Event Entry page. When the Delete Option selected is All Events Except Processed the Delete row button is disabled on all processed rows and finalized rows. When the Delete Option selected is All Event Except Finalized the Delete row button is disabled on all finalized rows.

A warning is issued when you select to delete an absence event and you have selected the Delete Option of All Events Except Finalized. The warning message states, ”Are you sure you want to delete the Event %1 Begin Date %2 End Date %3?” The explanation attached to this message states, “This absence event has already been processed. If you delete this event you might have to reprocess the absence to correct the results.”

See Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Detailed Information About an Absence

Access the Absence Event Input Detail page (click the Details link on the Absence Event Entry page).

Absence Take

Displays the take element that you selected on the Absence Event Entry page.

Absence Type

The absence type for the Take element is displayed.

Absence Reason

You can select an absence reason from those that were in effect as of the absence begin date. You define absence reasons on the Absence Types page and link an absence type to a take element on the Take - Calculation page.

Event Priority

Displays the priority number of the take element if one was assigned on the Absence Take - Priority page.

If you enter more than one absence for the same date, you can use the automatic priority processing feature when you save your entries. The system compares the priority numbers of the overlapping absences to determine which take rule to apply for the date in conflict. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Entry Source

Identifies the source of the absence, employee extended absence, manager extended absence, and administrator extended absence data. Values are:

Admin:The absence event entry was created using the Absence Event Entry page. This is the default for new entries using the Absence Event Entry page.

Third Party Time and Labor: The absence event entry was created using a third-party interface.

Employee Self Service:The absence event entry was created using the Absence Self Service Employee request page.

Manager Self Service:The absence event entry was created using the Absence Self Service Manager request page.

Employee Timesheet: The absence event entry was created using Employee Timesheet page

Manager Timesheet: The absence event entry was created using Manager Timesheet page.

Manager Approved

Select to have the absence processed when you run the take process. This check box is selected, by default, if you defined the absence take element (on the Absence Take - Calculation page) as not requiring manager approval.

Last Updated

This date appears after you save your entry.

Workflow Status

Displays the current workflow status of the absence take.

Process Status

Displays the status of the absence event as it relates to processing in payroll. Valid values are Not Processed, Processed, and Finalized.

Calendar Group ID

Displays the calendar group for which the absence take was processed.

Process Date

This field displays the most recent processing date for this absence event.

First Processed Date

The value in this field represents the original processing date for the absence event. The Process Date and First Processed Date fields show different processing dates, in the case of retroactive processing.

Absence Begin / End Data

Begin Date, End Date, and Original Begin Date

These fields display the dates that you entered for the absence event on the main page. Any changes that you make here update the main page.

Data that you enter in the following fields is used in absence calculations only if the data is referenced by your absence formulas.

Partial Days

Specify which days of the absence event are partial days.

If the Calculate End Date or Duration option is enabled on the Absence (setup) page, and the Unit Type is Hours, the system does consider any partial hours or half-day entries that are entered in this group box when it calculates the end date or duration.

For example, an employee has a work schedule of 8 hours per day from Monday through Friday. The employee reports an absence from Monday, January 8, 2007 through Wednesday, January 10, 2007. Then employee takes a half day off on Monday and full days off for the rest of the absence.

Example 1: The Country Take set up is defined as follows:

  • Unit Type = Hours.

  • Allow Partial Days = Selected.

  • Partial Days = Partial Hours.

With these settings, to correctly enter the absence data the employee should report:

  • Start Date = January 8, 2007.

  • End Date = January 10, 2007.

  • Partial Days = Start Day Only.

  • Start Day Hours = 4.

Example 2: The Country Take set up is defined as follows:

  • Unit Type = Hours.

  • Allow Partial Days = Selected.

  • Partial Days = Half Days.

With these settings, to correctly enter the absence data the employee should report:

  • Start Date = January 8, 2007.

  • End Date = January 10, 2007.

  • Partial Days = Start Day Only.

  • Start Day is Half Day = Selected.

Warning! If the absence unit type is defined in days in the Country Take setup, we do not recommend using partial days options.

Note. Data that you enter in the following fields is used in the absence calculation process only if the data is referenced by your absence formulas.

The available options in the Partial Days field when the absence is calculated in days include:

  • All Days

  • End Day Only

  • None

  • Start Day Only

  • Start and End Days

Start Day Hours, End Day Hours, and All Day Hours

Enter the number of hours the payee was absent for the first day of the absence, the last day of the absence, or all days of the absence, respectively.

Start Day is Half Day, End Day is Half Day, and All Days are Half Days

Select if the payee was absent exactly half a day.

Start Day Start Time, End Day Start Time, and All Days Start Time

Enter the scheduled start time for the specified workday or workdays.

Important! These fields are not available unless you have installed Oracle Workforce Scheduling and you select an option in the Partial Days field.

See Integrating with Oracle Workforce Scheduling.

Start Day End Time, End Day End Time, and All Days End Time

Enter the scheduled end time for the specified workday or workdays.

Important! These fields are not available unless you have installed Oracle Workforce Scheduling and you select an option in the Partial Days field.

See Integrating with Oracle Workforce Scheduling.

User Defined Fields

You can enter data in up to 16 user-defined fields. When you run the Take process, the system writes the data to the daily records, so that it’s available to the count formulas.

A system element in the GP_ABS_EVENT record corresponds to each user-defined field. The naming conventions are:

Definition of abbreviations: Event configurable 1(2,3,4) date/decimal/character/monetary

For example, employees take 100 percent or 80 percent pay for sick time. If they take 100 percent, they lose a day of vacation for each set of five sick days that they take. You enter 100 or 80 in one of the decimal fields to specify the employee's choice and use a formula that counts the number of vacation days that the employee loses in each case.

Note. Values entered in the user defined fields can be overwritten during the Take process, depending on your take rules.

Note. The user-defined fields on this page are not related to the user-defined fields that appear on the Absence Take - Calculation page.


If the absence take element is associated with a per-absence entitlement element, use this group box to override the standard entitlement amount or adjust the payee's entitlement balance. To override the entitlement amount or adjust the entitlement balance for a frequency-based entitlement, use the Absence Adjustment page.

Important! Use the same type of units as those that are used to define the entitlement element.


To override the entitlement for this event, enter the number of units in this field. If the take is linked to more than one entitlement element, the number overrides the entitlement for the first linked element only.


To adjust the entitlement balance, enter the number of units in this field. (That number populates the automatically assigned adjustment element.) Enter a negative number to reduce the entitlement balance.

See Also

Defining Absence Take Elements

Defining User Defined Result Fields

Click to jump to parent topicForecasting Absence Entitlement Balance During Absence Entry

This section provides an overview of forecasting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Absence Entitlement Balance Forecasting

Use the Absence Forecasting process to evaluate the impact of an absence event. To use this feature, you must have defined the forecasting rules that are applicable to your organization and enabled the absence forecasting feature.

Absence Forecasting Steps

Following are the steps for using absence forecasting:

  1. Enter a payee’s actual or anticipated absence events on the Absence Event Entry page.

  2. Click the Forecast button to start the process.

    The system does not automatically save your absence request before initiating the Forecasting process. Although the system prompts you to save before leaving the page, it is not necessary to save your forecast information before or after the Forecasting process.

  3. If applicable, check the Forecast Messages page to see if errors or warnings were generated during the process.

  4. Correct errors and rerun the process.

    Each time you run the Forecasting process, the system overwrites the previous forecast data.

  5. View the results by clicking the Forecast Details link on the Absence Event Entry page.

Forecasting and Retroactivity

In absence forecasting the forecasting period includes those calendars that should be reprocessed due to the presence of an unprocessed retro trigger. The absence event change must create a retro trigger in order for the forecasting period to include a finalized calendar whose period includes the effective date of the trigger.

Example of Absence Forecasting with Retro

An employee has an absence entitlement balance of 16 hours once the September run is finalized. During October’s run the employee is absent for 24 hours, October 17 – October 19. Because there is not enough entitlement to cover this absence, a portion of the absence will go unpaid. The rules as defined for this absence mark this event as Ineligible.

If the end date is changed to October 18, there is enough entitlement and the event is marked as Eligible. The change to the event creates a retro trigger and therefore the October calendar is processed again during forecasting.

Note. The absence event change must create a retro trigger in order for the forecasting period to include a finalized calendar whose period includes the effective date of the trigger. In addition, the earliest retro trigger (not limited to retro triggers from the absence event) that satisfies the retro limit is selected to determine which template calendar is the starting point for retro processing. The calendar period end date must be greater than or equal to the minimum effective date of the retro triggers that are greater than or equal to the retro limit date.

See Also

Absence Entry, Approval, and Self Service Features

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Page Name

Definition Name



Absence Forecast Results


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event, Absence Event Entry

Click the Forecast Details link on the Forecast Value tab on the Absence Event Entry page.

Review the results of the Forecasting process for a specific absence event and any take elements that are mapped to it.

Forecast Messages


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event, Forecast Messages

Review the messages that are generated during the Forecasting process.

Forecast Message Detail


Click the Details link on the Forecast Messages page.

Review the text of a selected error or warning message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Absence Entitlement Balance Forecast Results

Access the Absence Forecast Results page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event, Absence Event Entry Click the Forecast Details link on the Forecast Value tab on the Absence Event Entry page).

Forecast Results

This tab displays the forecasted value for each element that appears on the Absence Take - Forecasting page, along with related take elements.

Secondary Element

Displays the name of the take element that the results pertain to. This can be the take element listed on the Absence Take - Forecasting page, a redirected take element, or a “mapped to” take element that’s associated with that take.

Note. You identify redirected take elements on the Take - Negative Balance page and “mapped to” elements on the Absence Take - Day Formula page. Redirected take element can be redirected to other take elements. For example, if A redirects to B, which redirects to C, then C can appear in this field.

Forecast Element, Type

Displays the name of the element for which a value has been forecast, followed by its type.

A value displays for each element listed on the Take - Balance Inquiry page.

Reviewing Accumulator Results

Select the Accumulator Results tab.

The begin and end dates of the accumulation period are displayed for any accumulators that are included in the Forecasting Results Element List on the Absence Take - Forecasting page.

Reviewing User Keys

Select the User Keys tab.

The values of the accumulator's user keys are displayed for any accumulators that are included in the Forecasting Results Element List on the Absence Take - Forecasting page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Forecast Messages

Access the Forecast Messages page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Absence Event, Forecast Messages).

Calculation Status

Identifies the phase of processing during which the error or warning occurred.

Message Text

Displays the abbreviated text of the message and other information about the message.

See Also

Status Codes and Process Indicators

Reviewing System Generated Forecasting Error Status Messages

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Current Absence Entitlement Balances and Running the Absence Entitlement Balance Inquiry Process

Use the Balance Inquiry feature to view a payee’s current entitlement balance for a take. You can also run the Balance Inquiry process to return the values of the elements that are specified on the Absence Take - Balance Inquiry page. Typically, one of these elements returns the absence balance for the take. Values are displayed as of the date that you specify.

In this section, we discuss how to:

See Also

Status Codes and Process Indicators

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Start the Balance Inquiry Process and View Balances

Page Name

Definition Name



Current Balance


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Review Absence Balances, Current Balance

View a payee’s current entitlement balances.

Forecast Balance


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Review Absence Balances, Forecast Balance

Starts the Balance Inquiry process and view the results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Payee’s Entitlement Balances

Access the Current Balance page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Review Absence Balances, Current Balance).

Accumulator Balance Tab

For the period of time defined by the From and Through dates this tab displays the payee’s entitlement balances as of the most recent run of the Entitlement process for the payee.

User Keys Tab

This tab displays the value that was entered for each user key defined on the Entitlement Accumulators page.

See Also

Defining Rules for Auto Generated Accumulators

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Balance Inquiry Process

Access the Forecast Balance page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Review Absence Balances, Forecast Balance).

Following are the steps for running the Balance Inquiry process:

  1. Select the take element and the As of Date for which you want to display forecasted results.

  2. Click the Forecast button.

  3. View the results in the Forecast Balance Results Detail group box.

    The tabs in this group box are identical to the tabs on the Absence Forecast Results page.

See Reviewing Absence Entitlement Balance Forecast Results.

Click to jump to parent topicAdjusting and Overriding Entitlement Balances

You can adjust or override a payee's entitlement balance in several ways.

In this section, we discuss how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Adjust Balances - Absences


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Adjust Balances, Absences, Adjust Absence Balances

Adjust a payee's frequency-based entitlement for a single calendar period.

Before you can enter an adjustment, you must set up the corresponding absence calendar.

Assign Entitlements and Takes


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Assign Entitlements and Takes, Assign Entitlements and Takes

Redefine a frequency-based entitlement rule for a payee for a specified period of time. Specify whether a take or frequency-based entitlement element is processed for a payee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting a Payee’s Entitlement for a Single Calendar Period

Access the Adjust Balances - Absences page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Adjust Balances, Absences, Adjust Absence Balances).

The Absence Entitlement process follows the instructions you enter on this page.

Note. You can also enter one time adjustments to a per-absence entitlement when entering an absence event.

Note. You cannot adjust or delete entitlement elements inserted through the Leave Donations process on this page. Use the Adjust Leave Program Balances page to adjust leave donation balances.

Balance Adjustments

Enter each adjustment that applies to this payee for the selected absence calendar. You cannot enter more than one adjustment for the same element.

Element Name

Select the entitlement element for which you want to enter an adjustment. The prompt table displays only frequency-based entitlement elements that are defined for positive input overrides on the Element Name page.

Balance Adjustment

Enter the adjustment units. You can enter a positive or negative number. The amount is added to or subtracted from the beginning entitlement balance when you run the Entitlement process. Generation control for the adjustment is ignored.

Begin Date and End Date

These dates determine in which segment the adjustment is made, if the calendar period is segmented.

  • If you leave the Begin Date field blank, the system assumes that the date is the same as the Begin Date on the Calendar - Definition page. The system does not use the begin date for processing.

  • If the End Date differs from the Calendar End Date, and the calendar period is segmented, the end date determines the segment or slice to which the adjustment is assigned.

See Entering, Updating, and Voiding Absences.

See Also

Adjusting Leave Program Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRedefining a Frequency-Based Entitlement Rule

Access the Assign Entitlements and Takes page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Assign Entitlements and Takes, Entitlement/Take Assignment).

To override a per-absence entitlement rule, use the Absence Event Entry page.

Note. To override an entitlement or take element, the Payee override option must be selected on the Element Name (GP_PIN) page.


Element Type

Specify the type of element to override: Absence Entitlement or Absence Take.

Element Name

Select the name of the element to override. Only elements that allow payee overrides are listed; the system does not check payee eligibility.

If you selected Absence Entitlement as the entry type, you can select a frequency-based entitlement element only.


Selected by default. Clear if you don’t want the system to resolve this absence element for the payee.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the date that the override instructions become effective and the last date to which the override instructions apply.

Unit Element

Unit Element Type

To change the supporting element that is used to calculate the entitlement units, select Accumulator, Bracket, Formula, Numeric, Payee Level, System Element, or Variable.

If you select Numeric, enter the value in the Entitlement Unit field.

For all other element types, select the element name in the Element Name - Unit field.

Frequency and Frequency ID

Specify the frequency for the system to apply when granting the entitlement. Values are Pay Period and Other.

If you select Other, select the frequency in the Frequency ID field; for example, Monthly.

Generation Control

Generation Control Option

You can override the generation control condition that is defined for the take or entitlement element on the Element Name page. You can enter instructions here even if you didn’t specify generation control details at the element level. Values are:

None: System ignores the generation controls that you originally defined at the calculation rule level.

Specify: Enter a generation control value in the field to the right.

Element (the default): System uses the generation control that was defined when the element was set up.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Daily Absence Records

The following table lists the pages that display the results of a batch absence process:


Tables Populated

Inquiry Pages and Display


GP_RSLT_ABS (Daily absence rows)

Absence Data pages. Daily data that is generated by the Take process.



Accumulators page. Updated entitlement balances.



Results by Calendar: Positive Input - Absence page. Balances adjustments made to frequency based entitlement elements that are processed for the absence calendar.



Results by Calendar - Calendar Results: Absence Data. Also Results by Calendar Group - Calendar Results: Absence Data. The absence type, reason, and forecast value.



Generated positive input from the take process is stored in this table. (Note: This is the principal table that Absence Management uses to provide information to the payroll system. )



Accumulators page. Updated entitlement balances.



Supporting Elements page. Entitlement units with supporting elements.

See Also

Viewing Positive Input Results

Viewing Daily Results of the Absence Take Process