Managing Multiple Jobs

This chapter provides an overview of multiple jobs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multiple Jobs

Many organizations have employees who work in more than one job at the same time. Calculating benefit deductions and determining benefit eligibility requires special considerations. When an employee is hired into another position, use the Add New Assignment page in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Administer Workforce. Each job is assigned an employee record number and a benefit record number.

A benefit record number is used to group several jobs together for benefit purposes. Each employee record number is unique. However, a benefit record number can be assigned to multiple employee record numbers.

Each benefit record number must have a designated primary job. The primary job is used to process benefit information.

Warning! Do not confuse the benefits-related primary job with the primary/secondary job indicator found on the Job Data pages. These are separate fields with very different functionality.

For PeopleSoft Enterprise Benefits Administration, the primary job is used to:

You need to determine how to group jobs for calculating benefit deductions or determining benefit eligibility. For example, suppose a professor has three jobs:

When the professor's job data is entered in Administer Workforce, the system updates the Primary Jobs Table with information regarding the relationships between jobs and their benefit groups. For example, the following attributes might result:

Job Description

Employee Record Number

Benefit Record

Primary Job Indicator

Include for Eligibility

Include for Deductions



















The following diagram shows the employee's three jobs and two benefit records. The first two jobs as a university professor and university dean share the same benefit record number for benefit enrollment purposes. However, the third job as a physician at the university has its own unique benefit record number and therefore the job is processed separately from the other jobs. Each benefit record corresponds to a set of benefits enrollments:

An employee with three jobs and two benefit records

You can set default rules on the Multiple Jobs Options page to determine the setting and management of these options automatically for hires, rehires, and terminations.

See Also

Increasing the Workforce

Setting Up Multiple Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Benefit Record Numbers

You should not change the benefit record number of an existing job. Doing so invalidates primary job indicators on the effective-dated Primary Jobs Table and can result in erroneous processing within PeopleSoft Benefits Administration and PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America, which may lead to abnormal termination of some processes.

Whenever changes are made through the Job Data, Assign Additional Jobs, or Current Job components, the system verifies that only one job within a given benefit record is designated as the primary job. If the system finds a problem, such as no primary job or multiple primary jobs, a worklist entry tells the benefits administrator to run the Primary Jobs Audit Report.

See Also

Setting Up Multiple Jobs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multiple Jobs Data and Calculating Deductions

To calculate deductions for multiple jobs, the system needs to know the job or jobs that contribute salary information for calculating the deduction or coverage amount for salary-based plans.

To keep track of this information, the system uses the:

Even if Multiple Jobs processing is not enabled, the system populates the Primary Jobs Table whenever employees are hired; you then have a base of primary job data if you later decide to enable multiple jobs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Calculation Rules

The calculation rules specify how to group jobs when calculating deductions based on an employee's salary. The following fields determine deduction or coverage amounts for salary-based plans:

The primary job indicator controls the frequency of benefit deductions. Nonearnings-based benefit deductions (for example, rate-based deductions) are taken only when the primary job for the enrollment's benefit record is part of the payroll calculation. Benefit deductions that are based upon actual employee earnings, such as savings, retirement, or pension plans, are taken according to how those plans are set up, or in some cases, according to the contribution method—either percentage of earnings or a flat amount—that the employee selects upon enrollment.

Summary of Calculating Deductions by Plan Type

Here's how these fields are used to calculate coverage and deductions for each plan type series:

Plan Type



Health (1x)

Flat amount or compensation rate based

To calculate the premium if a Salary Rate Table is specified, salaries are combined using the Include flag for each job along with the combination parameters on the Calculation Rule Table.

Life/AD&D (2x)

Flat amount or compensation rate based

If the coverage is based upon a factor of salary, salaries are combined using the Include flag for each job along with the combination parameters on the Calculation Rule Table.

If a Salary Rate table is specified, salaries are combined using the Include Flag along with the combination parameters on the calculation rule to calculate the premium.

Disability (3x)

Flat amount or compensation rate based

To determine coverage, salaries are combined using the Include flag for each job along with the combination parameters on the Calculation Rule Table.

To calculate the premium if a Salary Rate table is specified, salaries are combined using the Include flag for each job along with the combination parameters on the Calculation Rule Table.

Savings (4x)

Flat amount or earnings-based

The combination parameters on the Calculation Rules Table, as well as the Include for Deductions flag, are ignored: all jobs within the benefit record contribute earnings to the deduction and limits.

Savings plans contributions can be expressed as either a flat amount or a percentage of eligible earnings (controlled by special accumulators). Contributions expressed as a percentage of eligible earnings are calculated based upon the earnings from all jobs in the enrollment's benefit record number in the current check, without regard to the setting of the Include flag for each job. Limits are determined using year-to-date deductions across all benefit record numbers.

Leave (5x)


Not applicable. No coverage amount or deduction exists with these plans.

FSA (6x)

Flat amount

Not applicable. No coverage amount exists, and deductions are not based upon salary or earnings.

Retirement (7x)


The combination parameters on the Calculation Rules Table, as well as the Include for Deductions flag, are ignored: all jobs within the benefit record contribute earnings to the deduction.

Contributions are expressed as a percentage of eligible earnings (controlled by a special accumulator), and are calculated based upon the earnings from all jobs in the enrollment's benefit record number, in the current check. Limits (if any) are determined using year-to-date deductions across all benefit record numbers.

Pension (8x)


The combination parameters on the Calculation Rules Table, as well as the Include for Deductions flag, are ignored: all jobs within the benefit record contribute earnings to the deduction.

Contributions expressed as a percentage of eligible earnings are calculated based upon the earnings from all jobs in the enrollment's benefit record number, in the current check. Limits (if any) are determined using year-to-date deductions across all benefit record numbers.

Vacation Buy/Sell (9x)


Calculation rules are not used for these plans, and the Include flag is ignored. The cost is calculated by adding compensation rates across all active jobs in the enrollment's benefit record number.

See Also

Setting Up Benefit Rates

Setting Up Calculation Rules

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Primary Job Data

Changing an employee's primary job indicator, Include for Eligibility flag, or Include for Deductions flag can affect deduction calculation and processing, and benefit eligibility in Benefits Administration. This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Change Primary Job Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Flags


Benefits, Maintain Primary Jobs, Maintain Flags, Maintain Flags

Change primary job data. Change an employee's primary job indicator, the Include Eligibility check box, and the Include Deductions check box manually.

Job Data


Click the Detail link on the Maintain Flags page.

View job details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Primary Job Data

Access the Maintain Flags page (Benefits, Maintain Primary Jobs, Maintain Flags, Maintain Flags).

Because the settings on this page are critical to the proper operation of Benefits Administration and Payroll for North America, PeopleCode handles most of the data manipulation in the database.

Use the forward and reverse buttons to navigate through the different effective dates for which changes to the primary jobs data have occurred. Add a new row to change the primary job designation. When you save the page, PeopleCode turns off the primary job designation of the previously designated job and ensures that all of the rules for data integrity are maintained.

Job Data and Detail

Click Detail to view additional job information in the Job Data page.

Primary Job

Select this check box if you want this job to be flagged as the primary job for this benefit record number.

Include Eligibility

For Benefits Administration only. Select this check box if you want this job to be included by the system when it is determining the employee's benefit eligibility.

Include Deductions

Select this check box if you want this job to be included when the system calculates the employee's benefit deduction and coverage.

Note. If you change the Primary Job or the Include Deductions check boxes and Retro Deductions is activated, the system creates a retro/deduction trigger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Job Details

Access the Job Data page (Benefits, Maintain Primary Jobs, Maintain Flags, Maintain Flags, click the Detail link on the Maintain Flags page).

The system displays the job information that is in effect as of the effective date of the selected primary jobs entry.

Click to jump to parent topicAutomatically Building Primary Job Data for Multiple Employees

When you have established your employee population in the database (Personal Data, Employment, and Job tables have been loaded), use the Primary Job Utility to automatically build primary job data for one or more employees. Run the Primary Job Utility process whenever you add a new employee population to the database through an external interface or database load (such as when implementing employee groups in phases or acquiring another company).

Note. When you upgrade your PeopleSoft database from a previous release, the primary jobs information is automatically built as part of the upgrade process. You do not need to run this utility after an upgrade unless you have added more employees to the database through an external interface after performing the upgrade.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Automatically Build Primary Job Data for Multiple Employees

Page Name

Definition Name



Rebuild Primary Job Flags


Benefits, Maintain Primary Jobs, Rebuild Primary Job Flags, Rebuild Primary Job Flags

Automatically build primary job information for multiple employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Primary Job Utility

Access the Rebuild Primary Job Flags page (Benefits, Maintain Primary Jobs, Rebuild Primary Job Flags, Rebuild Primary Job Flags).

When the utility runs, it deletes all existing data for the indicated employee population (if any) in the Primary Jobs Table. For each employee, the utility makes a new effective-dated entry, assigning the primary job designation to the lowest active employee record within a benefit record number. Primary job information is created for a time span bounded by the earliest and latest job effective dates for all jobs within a benefit record. If all jobs within a benefit record are terminated, the job with the lowest employee record is designated as the primary job.

Warning! All manual changes made through the Maintain Flags page for the selected employee population are lost, because the complete primary job history is rebuilt for each employee.

Run Option

Specify which employees to process:

Employees Specified in List: Enter one or more employee IDs in the Employee List group box.

All Employees in the Database: Select to specify that all employees in the Personal Data Table be processed.

Employees in a PS Table: Enter the name of any PeopleSoft table that is defined in the Application Designer and contains an Employee ID field.

Employees in a non-PS Table: Enter the name of a non-PeopleSoft table that contains an Employee ID field.