Setting Up ePerformance

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining System Settings

To define system settings for ePerformance, use the General Settings (EP_INSTALLATION) component.

This section provides an overview of system settings in ePerformance and discusses how to define system settings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding System Settings

System settings control certain processing options. You can modify these delivered system settings to meet your business needs:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define System Settings

Page Name

Definition Name



ePerformance: General Settings


Set Up HRMS, Install, Product and Country Specific, ePerformance: General Settings, General Settings

Define system settings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining System Settings

Access the General Settings page (Set Up HRMS, Install, Product and Country Specific, ePerformance: General Settings, ePerformance: General Settings).

Last Document ID

Enter the number from which the system begins generating document IDs. The system automatically generates the document ID by adding 1 to the Last Document ID.

Warning! Entering a value that is lower than the value that appears can cause unpredictable results.

Allow Document Language Override

Select this check box to enable document generation in a language other than the system base language. If this check box is deselected, the system generates all documents in the system base language.

The base language is defined using the Manage Installed Languages page in PeopleTools.

PS Audit Enabled

Select this check box to enable Detailed Item History audits.

In addition to selecting this check box, you must also use Application Designer to turn on the audits that you want to use. Select the Audit fields in the Record Field Properties dialog box for the EP_APPR_B_ITEM object.

When this audit is enabled, the system displays the Modification History link on document pages used for establishing criteria data. Users can click this link to access the Modification History page (EP_ITEM_MOD_HISTRY), which displays before and after values by field name. The Detailed Item History audit is delivered turned off. This audit is controlled by a database trigger.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide, Creating Record Definitions, Setting Record Field Properties, Setting Record Field Use Properties

Debug Options

Debug Rating Calculations

Select this check box to have the system generate a debug/trace log every time it calculates the ratings in an evaluation. HR ePerformance administrators use the Debug/Trace Results page to review the results of each calculation performed for an evaluation.

This helps track down any unexpected results when you build templates and test the configuration.

Warning! Producing the debug/trace log can have a significant impact on system performance. Select this option only if you are testing the ePerformance configuration or debugging a suspected calculation problem.

Configure Email Notifications

Select the check box next to each event type for which you want the system to automatically generate and send notices.

Configure Document Selection Page - Displayed Fields

Select the fields that you want to appear in the document list from which self service users select documents.

See Accessing Documents.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Manage Profiles

This section provides overviews the rating models, content catalog, and profile types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Rating Models

ePerformance using rating models to rate an employee's performance or level of proficiency. Rating models define the qualitative values, such as A, B, and C, or 1, 2, and 3, that the system uses to rate or score and employee's performance.

Rating models are assigned to the sections that make up performance or development documents. Managers, employees, and peers can then select an appropriate rating that best reflects the employee's performance in that area.

Ratings can have expanded descriptions that can be used to further describe the behavior one exhibits when performing at a specific proficiency level. These expanded descriptions display on the performance or development document.

See Defining Rating Models.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Content Catalog

ePerformance uses content types and content items defined in the content catalog to identify the items by which employees are measured. Content types are used as categories for grouping similar content items. Content items are the specific items that you want to measure.

Content types are associated with the sections that form the structure of a document template and performance or development document. ePerformance uses content types to define the category of content items that can be added to document templates and performance documents.

This list includes some of the content types delivered and typically used by ePerformance:

Once content types are defined, you can begin to link content items to content types.

This table provides examples of how content types and items in the Content Catalog for ePerformance might be set up:






  • Leading supplier of paper products.

  • Superior customer value.

  • Renowned research university.

  • Increase shareholder value.

  • Enhance customer productivity.

  • Deliver innovative solutions.

  • Increase customer satisfaction by 10%.

  • Increase cash reserves.

  • Cut operational expenses by 3% by fiscal year end.

  • Participate in quarterly close process.

  • Adhere to accounting standards.

  • Prepare quarterly and annual financial reports.

  • Abstract thinking.

  • Analytical thinking.

  • Conceptual thinking.

If you need to create new content types and content items, this table shows field mappings between Manage Profile and ePerformance:

This field in Manage Profiles maps

To this field in ePerformance





















Note. ePerformance enables you to associate sub-items to items. To accomplish this in the Manage Profiles business process you set up the relationship for the content item as a child of another content item.

See Defining Content Items.

See Understanding Custom List Values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Profile Types

A profile type is a collection of content items that describe the qualitative attributes of a person or business entity. If a profile type is used to describe a person, it is called a person profile. If a profile type is used to describe a business entity, such as a job, business unit, or job family, it is referred to as a nonperson profile.

You can use profiles in ePerformance in these ways:

Note. ePerformance supports these nonperson profile identity options for downloading content items from a nonperson profile into a document template, performance document, or development document: Job Code, Job Family, Job Function, Position, Salary Plan and Grade, Reg Region, Company, Business Unit, and Location and Department.

When items are added to an ePerformance document from a Non-Person Profile, ePerformance downloads these fields from the Profile record:

This field in a Non-Person Profile maps

To this field in ePerformance

Field Label in ePerformance



Item ID



Rating Model



Target Rating






Min Weight









Due Date



Reminder Date

These fields always come from the Content Catalog.

See Managing Profiles.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Approvals and Reviews

ePerformance uses the Approval (PTAF_TXN) component to define its approval processes. There are five approvals processes. Three processes use the new approval framework, which includes:

The approval process definition is linked to a document type using the Document Type page.

In addition to assigning the approval process definition to a document type, you also define when you want the employee review to occur within the performance process. Your choices are:

See Setting Up and Working with Approvals.

Click to jump to parent topicModifying Self-Service Pages and Email Notifications

This section list prerequisites for sending email notification and discusses:

ePerformance provides standard text that appears on self-service pages and in automatically generated email notifications. The text catalog stores these text entries. You can modify the text catalog entries as needed or create new ones to meet business needs.

See Also

Configuring the Text Catalog

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites for Email Notifications

To ensure email and workflow notifications are working properly, complete the following steps:

  1. Activate emails using the Worklist System Defaults page.

  2. Define the method used to notify originator using the System Workflow Rules page.

  3. Define user notification preferences.

  4. Define user's email address on the Email Addresses page.

  5. Select email user as a routing preference on the User Profiles - Workflow page.

See Setting Up and Working with Self-Service Transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicePerformance Text Catalog Settings

ePerformance makes use of the text catalog for storing text that appears on self-service pages, including field labels, button names, links, page instructions, and warnings as well as the text and subject lines of automated email notifications. You can modify text that appears on a page or in an email message by editing text in the Text Catalog feature.

The text catalog is partitioned by the applications that use it. Each partition can store and access data differently. To access the text catalog items that belong to ePerformance, enter HEP as the object owner identifier on the Maintain Text Catalog search page.

These are the unique settings that apply to ePerformance:

Sub ID

ePerformance partitions its text catalog entries by performance and development. To retrieve text catalog entries, follow the instructions in this table:

Document Type



Enter D in the Sub ID field.


Leave the Sub ID field blank.

Text Catalog Keys

ePerformance designates these four keys for storing and retrieving its entries:

Section Type

From the list of section types that you defined on the Section Definition page, select the section type to which the text pertains.

Author Type

From the list of role types that you defined on the Role Types page, select the evaluator role of the evaluation on which the text appears.

User Role

From the list of predefined system roles, select the system role to which the text pertains. This key is used to select text depending on the user's system privileges; for example, update or approve.

Document Status

Select the status to which the text pertains: Acknowledged, Available for Review, Cancelled, Completed, In Progress, Not Started, or Review Held.

When the system retrieves text from the catalog:

Note. An empty key functions as a wildcard. Entries with wildcard keys pertain to all possible values for the key.

Example of Text Retrieval in ePerformance

For example, if you define two different instructional messages for completing the Goals section of a document, one message for employees and an alternate version for managers, you would define the four keys as shown in this table:

Text ID

Section Type (Key 1)

Author Type (Key 2)

User Role (Key 3)

Document Status (Key 4)

Any ID





Any ID





First, the system looks for entries with an exact match on Key 1 (section type). If it finds entries that match the key value (including the wildcard entry), it searches only those entries for the other values and picks up the best match. In this case, the section type for both entries is Goal, so the system looks at Key 2 (author type). It applies the same logic. Both values in this case are wild cards, so both entries remain possibilities. Now, the system looks for a match on Key 3 (user role) and finds an exact match on Manager. The system only considers entries where Key 4 is blank if it cannot find any match on the key.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicText Substitution

Text substitution in the Text Catalog feature works just like substitution in the PeopleTools Message Catalog. You supply the text values for the tokens in a PeopleCode function call at runtime. The values are replaced by parameters in the PeopleCode when the text is rendered on evaluations.

To use this feature, you must know PeopleCode. If you want to update the delivered text IDs such that the substitution tokens take on a different meaning or are resequenced, you also need to make corresponding changes to the PeopleCode that calls the Text Catalog feature retrieval functions, since this copies supplier values to use in place of the tokens.

These are the tokens and the substitution text for each token that are delivered by ePerformance. You can insert up to five substitution tokens from the following list:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNotifications

This table lists the delivered text entries that ePerformance includes in system-generated email notifications. It specifies when and to whom notices are sent. Most text entries have two versions, one with the suffix _SBJ for use in email subject lines and a corresponding entry with the suffix _BDY for use in the body of email messages. When a notification is triggered by a status change or an action request on an evaluation, the body text that is generated contains a link to the evaluation(s).

Text Catalog ID


Condition for Creating



Manager or Employee

An adhoc message is sent from the criteria document.



Manager or Employee

An adhoc message is sent from an evaluation.



Multi-participant Evaluation Candidate

An adhoc message is sent from the Nominate Participants page for an evaluation.



Manager or Employee

An establish criteria document is marked as completed.



Manager or Employee

An establish criteria document is created by either the manager, employee or ePerformance HR Administrator.



Manager or Employee

An establish criteria document is reopened by either the manager or employee.



Manager, Employee or Multi-Participant Reviewer

A manager or ePerformance HR administrator changes the due date of an evaluation.



Manager, Employee or Multi-Participant Reviewer

An ePerformance HR administrator or manager resets the status of the evaluation to In Progress. This can happen if an evaluation is prematurely advanced to the next stage of the process.




An ePerformance HR administrator has generated documents using the batch process.




An ePerformance HR administrator has generated documents using the batch process.



Manager and Employee

An ePerformance HR Administrator or manager cancels the evaluation.




An employee acknowledges that they have reviewed the manager evaluation.




An employee marks the employee evaluation as completed.



Manager, Employee or Multi-Participant Reviewer

An ePerformance HR Administrator, manager or employee cancels an evaluation.




A manager marks the manager evaluation as completed.



Manager or Employee

A nominated employee accepts a nomination for a multi-participant evaluation.




A nomination for a multi-participant evaluation is cancelled.



Manager or Employee

A nominated employee declines a nomination for a multi-participant evaluation.




Nominations to participate in multi-participant evaluations are sent to nominees.



Manager and/or employee

A participant in a multi-participant evaluation completes their evaluation.




A manager marks am evaluation as Review Held. This message is sent to the employee requesting that they formally acknowledge the evaluation.




A manager changes the status of a manager evaluation to Available for Review.



New Manager

A manager or ePerformance HR transfers an evaluation to a new manager.

These notification messages are used in email body text only.



An HR administrator creates manager and employee documents, but some employee documents are not created. This message lists the employees for whom documents were not created.


Manager and Employee

This is used in all notices.