Managing Pay Information for Global Payroll

This chapter provides an overview of ePay transactions for Global Payroll and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ePay Transactions for Global Payroll

You can use these ePay transactions if your organization has licensed PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Personal Bank Account Information

To define personal bank account information, use the Payee Bank Acct/Net Pay Dist (GP_SS_NPD_CONFIG_GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of how to define personal bank account information and discusses how to set up banking instructions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Define Personal Bank Account Information

The steps for setting up and entering personal account data are:

  1. Before employees can use the self-service pages to enter personal bank information, the payroll administrator must set up general bank and bank branch information by using the Bank Table and Branch Table pages in PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS.

  2. If you want to replace default instructions that appear in the Personal Bank Accounts component (GP_SS_EE_BANK) with instructions that are specific to your company, define these instructions on the Banking Instructions page.

    The new instructions appear in place of default messages from the Message Catalog.

    Note. (GBR) If you are a United Kingdom user, specify additional instructions on the Banking Instructions page for employees that belong to building societies.

After general bank and bank branch information is set up, Global Payroll employees can enter personal bank information, such as bank locations and account types, bank and branch names, account names, account numbers, and currency codes. Employees enter this information by using the Personal Bank Accounts component.

Note. Any information that an employee enters in the Personal Bank Accounts component automatically updates the Maintain Bank Accounts page in the Global Payroll core application.

See Also

Updating Personal Bank Account Information

Defining Banking Instructions

Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches

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Definition Name



Bank Table


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Bank Table

Set up general bank information that is needed to enable employee self-service transactions.

Branch Table


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Branch Table

Set up general bank branch information that is needed to enable employee self-service transactions.

Banking Instructions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePay, Payee Bank Acct / Net Pay Dist, Banking Instructions

Create instructions that you want employees to see on pages in the Personal Bank Accounts component. These instructions override any default messages in the Message Catalog.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Banking Instructions

Access the Banking Instructions page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePay, Payee Bank Acct / Net Pay Dist, Banking Instructions).

Bank Instructions

Enter a message that will appear directly above the list of banks from which a user can select on the self-service Select a Bank page.

Branch Instructions

If you set up bank branches by using the Branch Table page, when employees select a bank on the Select a Bank page, the system displays a list of available branches. Employees then see any instructions that you define here.

Note. This field is not available if the country is GBR or USA.

(GBR) Building Society Instructions

If an employee specifies GBR (Great Britain) in the Bank Location field and selects Building Society Roll Number in the Account Type field on the Bank Location and Account Type page, the Select a Building Society field appears, and displays the instructions that you define here.

Note. This field is available only if the country is GBR.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Personal Bank Account Information

This section lists the pages used to update personal bank account information.

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Personal Bank Accounts


Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, Personal Bank Accounts, Personal Bank Accounts

View any previously defined accounts and delete or edit earlier entries.

After employees have defined their personal account information by using the Personal Bank Accounts component, they can click the Pay Distribution Instructions link. The system displays the Pay Distribution Instructions component (GP_SS_EE_NPD), where employees can define their net pay distribution.

Note. Any information that an employee enters in the Personal Bank Accounts component automatically updates the Maintain Bank Accounts page in the Global Payroll core application.

Bank Location and Account Type


Click the Add a New Account button on the Personal Bank Accounts page.

Enter the country where the bank is located and select the account type.

(GBR) Select a Building Society


On the Bank Location and Account Type page, enter United Kingdom in the Bank Location field and Building Society Roll Number in the Account Type field, then click the Continue button.

(GBR) Select a building society.

Note. The system displays this page only when you select GBR in the Bank Location field and Building Society Roll Number in the Account Type field on the Bank Location and Account Type page. Otherwise, the Select a Bank page appears.

Select a Bank


Click the Continue button on the Bank Location and Account Type page.

Select a bank.

Select a Branch


On the Select a Bank page, select a bank for which branches have been defined.

Select a bank branch.

Note. If the bank that you select does not have any branches defined, the Add Account Details page appears instead of the Select a Branch page.

Add Account Details


  • Select a bank for which branches have not been defined on the Select a Bank page.

  • Select a bank branch on the Select a Branch page.

  • Select a building society on the Select a Building Society page.

Add additional account details, such as the account name, account number, and currency code.

(GBR) Enter building society roll name and roll number.

(BEL, CHE, DEU, ESP, FRA, GBR, ITA, and NLD) Enter the international bank account number.

(USA) If the bank is in the United States, indicate whether funds are actually going to a non-US bank.

(USA) Funds going to a non U.S. Bank


Click the Help icon next to the Funds going to a non U.S. Bank check box on the Add Account Details page.

Explains the use of the Funds going to a non U.S. Bank field.

Save Confirmation


Click the Save button on the Add Account Details page.

Confirm that the personal bank account information is saved.

Edit Account Details


Click the Edit button on the Personal Bank Accounts page.

Edit account details, such as the account name, account number, and currency code.

Delete Confirmation


Click the Delete button on the Personal Bank Accounts page.

Delete a personal bank account.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payment Instructions and Distribution Details

To define payment instructions and distribution details, use the Payee Bank Acct/Net Pay Dist (GP_SS_NPD_CONFIG_GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of how to set up payment instructions and distribution details and discusses how to define run type information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Set Up Payment Instructions and Distribution Details

To set up payment instructions and distribution details, the payroll administrator must:

  1. Set up general bank and bank branch information by using the Bank Table and Branch Table pages.

  2. Determine whether employees can define separate payment instructions and distributions for different run types, such as expenses and bonuses.

    If you configure the system so that users can specify different distributions for different run types, then users are required to select a run type before entering distribution details.

    Note. If employees have more than one job, they must also select the job for which they are entering distribution details.

  3. If the payroll administrator enables employees to define separate payment instructions and distributions for different run types, select a default election to use if the payee has no net distribution instructions for the run type.

  4. Decide whether to lock net pay transactions so that employees cannot alter their distributions before or during a banking run.

The payroll administrator uses the ePay Run Types page to enter the decisions that are made in steps 2 through 4.

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Bank Table


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Bank Table

Set up general bank information that is needed to enable employee self-service transactions.

Branch Table


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks, Branch Table

Set up general bank branch information that is needed to enable employee self-service transactions.

Run Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePay, Payee Bank Acct / Net Pay Dist, Run Types

Set up the net pay distribution options that are available to employees in the self-service Pay Distribution Instructions transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Run Type Information

Access the Run Types page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePay, Payee Bank Acct / Net Pay Dist, Run Types).

Run Type

Select the run type for which you want to allow or prevent employees from entering distribution instructions.

Only run types with a calculation type of payroll are listed. The Global Payroll security settings determine whether you can select run types designated for all countries or only selected countries.

If you do not select run types on this page, employees see the following message when they access the Pay Distribution Instructions component: "There are no payroll types set up in the system which you can access. Please contact your Payroll Administrator."

If you select only one run type, employees do not have to choose a run type before they define their distribution amounts and percentages.

If you select more than one run type, employees must select a run type before they enter distribution instructions.

Default Election

Enables you to define the distribution options that are selected by an employee for a particular run type as a default distribution. The default works as follows: When you run the banking process, the system looks at the run type that is defined on the pay calendar. It then tries to find the net distribution selections that the employee has made for that run type in the Pay Distribution Instructions component. If the current run type does not have distribution instructions defined for it, the system uses the distribution amounts and percentage corresponding to the row marked as default election.

If you choose a default run type, when employees go to the Payment Instruction Details page to enter their distribution amounts and percentages for that run type, the Use Payment Instructions for All Payroll Runs check box is selected. This lets employees know that the distributions that they make for that run type are used as the default election. Employees can override this default and set any other defaults that they want by deselecting the check box.

Net Pay Transaction Locked

Select this check box if you want to temporarily prevent employees from entering distribution instructions for this run type. For example, you might want to select this option while you are running the banking process.

Doing so causes the following message to appear after the name of the run type in the Pay Distribution Instructions component: "Locked by Payroll Administrator − please try later."

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Payment Instructions and Distribution Details

This section provides an overview of how to enter payment instructions and distribution details and lists the pages used to enter payment instructions and distribution details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Enter Payment Instructions and Distribution Details

After the payroll administrator has set up payment instructions and distribution details, employees can enter their own bank account information, payment instructions, and distribution details.

To enter personal bank account information, payment instructions, and distribution details, the employee:

  1. (Optional) Uses the Personal Bank Accounts component to enter personal bank account information, first selecting a bank, then a branch, and then entering the account name and account number.

    The employee can select only those banks and branches that you have set up by using the Bank Table and Branch Table pages.

    The accounts defined here are those to which employees distribute their net pay in step two. If the employee does not have bank account information when the employee uses the Pay Distribution Instructions component (GP_SS_EE_NPD), the employee can add personal bank account information because the Personal Bank Accounts transaction is incorporated within the Pay Distribution Instructions transaction.

    Note. Any information that the employee enters in this component automatically updates the Maintain Bank Accounts page in the Global Payroll core application. The Maintain Bank Accounts page is designed to enable payroll departments to enter employee bank account information, while the Personal Bank Accounts component is designed as part of a self-service application that enables employees to enter their own account information online. Regardless of which page is used to enter account information, both pages display the most up-to-date account data because both pages reference the same bank table (PYE_BANKACCT).

  2. Uses the Pay Distribution Instructions component to:

    If you configure the system so that employees can specify different distributions for different run types, then employees are required to select a payroll type before entering distribution details. If employees have more than one job, they must also select the job for which they are entering distribution details.

    Note. Any information that employees enter on these pages automatically updates the Net Distribution page in the Global Payroll core application. The Net Distribution page was designed to enable payroll departments to define net distribution details, while the Pay Distribution Instructions component was designed as part of a self-service application, enabling employees to set their own distribution amounts and percentages online. Regardless of which page is used to enter pay distribution information, both pages display the most up-to-date pay distribution data because both pages reference the same bank tables (GP_NETDIST, GP_NETDIST_DT, and GP_NETDIST_DTL).

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Select Job Title


  • Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, Pay Distribution Instructions, Select Job Title

  • Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, Personal Bank Accounts, Personal Bank Accounts

    Click the Pay Distribution Instructions link on the Personal Bank Accounts page.

Select a job for which you want to enter distribution and payment instructions.

Note. The system displays this page only if the employee has multiple jobs. If the employee has only one job, the system displays the Select Type of Payroll page or the Pay Distribution Instructions page.

Select Type of Payroll


  • Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, Pay Distribution Instructions, Select Type of Payroll

  • Select a job title on the Select Job Title page.

  • Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, Personal Bank Accounts, Personal Bank Accounts

    Click the Pay Distribution Instructions link on the Personal Bank Accounts page.

Select the run type for which you want to enter payment instructions and define distribution amounts and percentages.

Note. The system displays this page only if more than one run type is selected for distribution on the Run Types page. If only one run type is selected, the system displays the Pay Distribution Instructions page.

Pay Distribution Instructions


  • Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, Pay Distribution Instructions, Pay Distribution Instructions

  • Select a job title on the Select Job Title page.

  • Select a payroll type on the Select Type of Payroll page.

  • Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, Personal Bank Accounts, Personal Bank Accounts

    Click the Pay Distribution Instructions link on the Personal Bank Accounts page.

View, delete, or edit any previously defined distributions and payment instructions, and add new distributions and payment instructions.

Select Distribution Method


Click the Add a Distribution Instruction button on the Pay Distribution Instructions page.

Select a payment method for which you want to distribute amounts or percentages.

Pay Distribution Instructions - Personal Bank Accounts


Select Bank Transfer in the Distribution Methods column on the Select Distribution Method page.

Select a bank account for which you want to distribute amounts or percentages.

Distribution Instruction Details


  • Select Cash, Check, or Postal Order in the Distribution Methods column on the Select Distribution Method page.

  • Select a bank account on the Pay Distribution Instructions - Personal Bank Accounts page.

  • Click the Edit button on the Pay Distribution Instructions page.

Specify the priority and the amount or percentage of funds to be paid for the selected payment method.

Distribution is processed in priority order. To change priority order when the priority has already been used, the original row with that priority must be changed first.

Note. Employees must specify an amount or a percentage, but cannot specify both. Employees can also leave both amount and percentage blank if they select the Use for any Remaining Pay check box. If Use for any Remaining Pay has been selected on a row, it cannot be selected on another row. The user would have to assign an amount or percentage to the original row before assigning the remaining pay to another account.

Delete Confirmation


Click the Delete button on the Pay Distribution Instructions page.

Delete a payment instruction.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up View Payslip

To set up View Payslip, use the Self Service Payslip Options (GP_SS_PSLP_OPTIONS_GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of the View Payslip transaction setup, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the View Payslip Transaction Setup

You can make employees' payslips available in PDF format in the View Payslips transaction (GP_SS_EE_PSLP). The system creates the PDF files when the Create Self Service Payslips Application Engine process (GP_EPAY) runs. This process is included as part of the PS Job process that you run from each country extension's payslip creation page.

As part of the payslip generation process, the system launches a series of processes that:

Important! When scheduling a process request for a payslip job, the following values can be used with ePay in the Type and Format fields on the Process Scheduler Request page: None and None (defaults to Web and PDF), Web and PDF, or File and PDF. If using File and PDF, do not use a custom output destination on the Process Scheduler Request page.

To set up the View Payslip transaction:

  1. Define the URL identifier for the server that will store the individual PDF files.

    The Create Self Service Payslips process (GP_EPAY) uses this URL to identify where the PDF files are to be stored.

    You can use the default, GP_SS_PSLP_FTP, or you can create your own URL identifier.

  2. Define the parameters for the View Payslip transaction.

    Using the Self Service Payslip Options page, you define:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can set up the View Payslips transaction, you must:

  1. Set up a secure FTP server to store the individual PDF payslip files.

  2. Obtain the FTP URL from your environments engineers.

  3. Set up payslips.

    Each country extension has instructions on how to set up payslips for that country.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up View Payslip

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URL Maintenance


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs, URL Maintenance

Stores URL addresses.

Self Service Payslip Options


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePay, Self Service Payslip Options, Self Service Payslip Options

Enable online payslip printing using the View Payslip self-service transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the FTP URL Used for Storing PDF Files

Access the URL Maintenance page (PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs, URL Maintenance).

Important! If you are creating your own URL identifier to use instead of GP_SS_PSLP_FTP, you must update the Self Service Payslip Options page to reflect the new URL identifier.


Enter the address for the location of the stored individual PDF files. Your environments engineers can provide this address.

Note. The format of your URL may not match the format of the example provided in the Comments field. The format of the address is dependent on the operating system you are using. You should contact your system administrator for the exact format of the URL.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Online Payslip Printing

Access the Self Service Payslip Options page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, ePay, Self Service Payslip Options, Self Service Payslip Options).

Default Payslip URL Identifier

Enter the URL identifier that contains the FTP URL where the PDF files for this country are stored.

The default URL identifier is GP_SS_PSLP_FTP. If you created your own URL identifier, you must make sure to enter that URL identifier here.

Default Payslip Print Options

Suppress Printing of Payslips

Select this check box if you do not want payslips to be printed.

Note. If your country extension does not support the ability to suppress the printing of payslips, you should leave this check box deselected.

This check box serves as the default selection for your organization. It does not override existing individual payee settings.

ePay Availability Options

Enable Option in Self Service

Select this check box if you want employees to control whether they receive a printed copy of their payslip, overriding the default selection that you enter on this page. If selected, the Paper Payslip Instructions group box displays on the View Payslips page.

Note. If your country extension does not support the ability to suppress the printing of payslips on an individual payee basis, you should leave this check box deselected.

Days after Payment Date

Specify when the payslip is available for viewing using View Payslip. The date determined using this information is the earliest date that the payslip is available; once this date has passed, the payslip is always available. You can enter:

  • Zero to indicate that the payslips are available on the payment date.

  • A number greater than zero to indicate the number of days after the payment date that payslips are available.

  • A negative number to indicate the number of days before the payment date that payslips are available.

Payslip Availability By Run Type

Run Type and Days after Payment Date

If you want a run type to have a different payslip availability date than the default that is specified in the ePay Availability Options group box, enter the run type and then specify the number of days before or after the payment date that you want payslips to be available.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Payslips Online

This section provides an overview of online payslip views and discusses how to review employee payslips.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Online Views of Payslips

Employees can view their payslips using the View Payslip transaction. When the employee accesses the View Payslips page, the system displays all payslips available, listed 10 at a time. To display the detailed payslip, the employee clicks the date link.

If the Enable Option in Self Service field is selected on the Self Service Payslip Options page, employees also have the option of indicating whether they want to receive a printed copy of their payslip.

To aid in resolving questions raised by employees about their payslips, the payroll administrator can view employees' self-service payslips in an online view that replicates the employees' view.

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View Payslips


Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, View Payslips, View Payslips

The employee selects the paycheck date to display the payslip as a PDF file. The employee can also instruct payroll whether to print a hard copy of the payslip.

Review Self Service Payslips


Global Payroll and Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Review Self Service Payslips, Review Self Service Payslips

The payroll administrator reviews employee payslips to respond to employee questions. Select the employee by name or employee ID on the search page, then click the paycheck date to view the same payslip that the employee views in self service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Employee Payslips

Access the Review Self Service Payslips page (Global Payroll and Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Review Self Service Payslips, Review Self Service Payslips).

Selection Criteria

Filter By

Specify the criteria by which you want to filter payslips. The options are Payment Date, Pay Period Begin Date, or Pay Period End Date.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range for the payslips that you want to view.

Note. You can specify an open date range by leaving one of the date fields blank.

Select with Matching Criteria

Click to generate a list of payslips based on the selection criteria you specify.


Click to clear the From Date and To Date fields along with any results listed in the Select Payslip group box.

Select Payslip


Update the status for a payslip. Valid values are:

  • Original: Indicates that this is the original payslip generated by the system.

  • Modified: Indicates that the payslip was modified after it was originally generated.

  • Void-Hidden: Indicates that the payslip has been voided and is not visible to the payee through self-service.

  • Void-Deleted: Indicates that the payslip was invalid and has been deleted. It is not visible to the payee through self-service.

  • Void-Display: Indicates that the payslip has been voided and is visible to the payee through self-service.

Click to jump to parent topic(GBR) Viewing Payslips Online

For U.K. employers, there is a separate payslip provided in ePay. This section lists the prerequisites and page used to view payslips online.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Setup of the U.K. payslip is managed in Global Payroll for the U.K. This is discussed in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for the United Kingdom PeopleBook.

Before employees can view their payslips, you must run the payslip process, which produces the payslips.

See Also

Setting Up Payslips

Generating and Viewing Payslips

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Self Service, Payroll and Compensation, View Payslip GBR, Payslips

Employees use this page to view their payslips when payroll has been finalized.