Appendix: PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager Reports

PeopleSoft Enterprise Talent Acquisition Manager supplies a group of standard reports to help you manage the recruiting process.

To offer our customers more robust and complete reporting solutions, Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise development teams are converting some of the existing Crystal reports into XML Publisher (XMLP) format.

Oracle provides a standalone Java-based reporting technology named Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) that streamlines report and form generation. XMLP uses select features from BI Publisher that have been integrated into PeopleTools. XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise provides native XMLP technology for PeopleSoft Query and Connected Query, as well as any PeopleSoft application.

XMLP separates the data extraction process from the report layout. XMLP provides the ability to design and create report layout templates with the more common desktop applications of Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat, and renders XML data based on those templates. With a single template, you can generate reports in many formats (PDF, RTF, Excel, HTML, and so on) and in many languages.

This appendix provides summary tables of Talent Acquisition Manager reports.

Note. For samples of these reports, see the PDF files published with your documentation.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicTalent Acquisition Manager Reports: A to Z

This table lists Talent Acquisition Manager reports by report ID. If you need more information about a report, refer to the report details at the end of this appendix.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Adverse Impact Analysis (USA)

Analyzes information on recruitment and hiring practices. (SQR)

Note. This report does not support languages other than the base language.

Recruiting, Reports, Adverse Impact (USA), Adverse Impact Analysis (USA)



Adverse Impact (UK)

Lists job offers and applications by ethnic groups and gender. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Adverse Impact (UK), Adverse Impact (UK)



Job Group Movement Analysis

Provides racial and gender demographic data regarding your hiring process. (SQR)

Note. This report does not support languages other than the Base Language

Recruiting, Reports, Job Group Movement Analysis, Job Group Movement Analysis



Job Opening Status Listing

For each job opening, the report lists job information, job opening status, recruiter, the number of applicants, and expenses information. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Job Opening Status, Job Opening Status



Applicant Listing

This report combines job opening information with a list of candidates being interviewed for the position. It groups requisitions by Department ID. For each candidate interviewed, the report displays the following: employee ID, name, status in the interview process (active, inactive, hired, withdrawn), last interview step completed, and any offers made. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Applicant Listing, Applicant Listing



Job Opening Cost Analysis

Provides a breakdown of expense types and amounts for each job opening. (SQR)

For each job opening, the report lists the job opening number, job code, position number, status, title of the position offered, and the recruiter's name. The last two columns contain a breakdown of each type of expense incurred and its monetary amount, including a total by job opening number. A department summary includes an expense total for all job openings, each expense category, and calculates a department-average cost-per-hire amount.

Recruiting, Reports, Job Opening Cost Analysis, Job Opening Cost Analysis



Salary Package Model

Lists applicant salary package models. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Salary Package Model, Salary Package Model



Vacant Budgeted Positions

Lists all vacant budgeted positions. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Vacant Budgeted Positions, Vacant Budgeted Positions



Applicant Summary by Job

For each job opening, this report lists the number of applicants and percentage of total applicants that applied, sorted by source type and specific source. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Applicant Summary by Job, Applicant Summary by Job



Applicant Summary by Source

Lists the number of applicants and percentage of total applicants sorted by source type and specific source. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Applicant Summary by Source, Applicant Summary by Source



Works Council Posting

List open job openings monitored by a Works Council. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Works Council Posting, Works Council Posting



Job Posting

Shows detailed posting information for a job opening. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Job Posting, Job Posting



Full Text Vacancy Report

Generates a hard copy of the full vacancy announcement. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Full Text Vacancy, Full Text Vacancy



Job Code and Position Audit

Cross references position numbers and job codes. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Job Code & Position Audit, Job Code & Position Audit



Application Analysis (USA)

Analyze information on recruitment and hiring practices. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Application Analysis (USA), Application Analysis (USA)



Application Details

Displays application data for applicants. (SQR)

Recruiting, Find Applicants

Select the Print Application Details action in the Group Action field under the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page or other pages that support applicant actions.



Pre-Screening Activity Report

List applicants who have been pre-screened during the online application process, and show each applicant's pre-screening results and disposition. (SQR)

Recruiting, Reports, Pre-Screening Activity Report, Pre-Screening Activity Report



Priority Placement Table (USF)

List the valid priority placement values. (XMLP, Crystal)

Recruiting, Reports, Priority Placement Table, Priority Placement Table


HRS820; HRS82B, HRS82C

Candidate Evaluations List (USF)

Produces an Evaluation of Candidate reports. The three different versions of the report display the same information using different sorting rules. HRS820 sorts by applicant ID, HRS82B sorts by applicant name, and HRS83C sorts by score. (XMLP, Crystal)

Recruiting, Reports, Candidate Evaluations List, Candidate Evaluations List



Certificate of Eligibles (USF)

Generates a Certificate of Eligibles report. (XMLP, Crystal)

Recruiting, Reports, Certificate of Eligibles, Certificate of Eligibles