Defining Country Data

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Utilities in Global Payroll for Brazil

To set up utilities in Global Payroll for Brazil, use the Define Variable Attributes BRA (GPBR_COMP_VARS) and the Map Elems to Comp/Rcd BRA (GPBR_ELEM_MAP) components.

This section provides an overview of element mapping and discusses how to:

Note. This setup is optional and is designed to help technical people manipulate PIN numbers during development.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Element Mapping

The element map plays a critical role when packaging and moving elements and data to other databases.

PIN numbers are used in PeopleCode, component interfaces, and reports to refer to global elements. The PIN number is a consecutive number so it can change between databases or releases; therefore, there is a need to create a utility during development so that the PIN number is not hard-coded. Using the utility also ensures consistency between the PIN number changes.

There are two ways to map an element:

Select record when you need to map a record field into a core Global Payroll element.

Select component when the mapping doesn't depend on a record field; instead, it depends on some behavior on the page, for example, the record is used in more than one place and must map to different core Global Payroll elements.

If you select to map an element by component, you may want to define your component variables on the Define Variable Attributes BRA page before you define your element mapping.

PeopleCode Function Example

When you need to use a PIN number in the PeopleCode, use this function to obtain the corresponding PIN number:

Declare Function Get_Pin_Num PeopleCode GPBR_DERIVED_EM.PIN_NUM FieldFormula; &Record_Name = "GPBR_LOAN"; &Date_Pin_Num = Get_Pin_Num ("R", &Record_Name, "DATE");

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Utilities in Global Payroll for Brazil

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Variable Attributes BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Define Variable Attributes BRA, Define Variable Attributes BRA

Define the variables for components to be used on the Map Elems to Comp/Rcd BRA page to define the variable type.

Element Mapping


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Map Elems to Comp/Rcd BRA, Element Mapping

Set up the mapping to the fields and variables of an element which are used during development in the components interface objects.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Component Variables

Access the Define Variable Attributes BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Define Variable Attributes BRA, Define Variable Attributes BRA).

Variable Name

Enter the name of the variable. This can be any name you want to use during PeopleCode development.

Variable Type

Select the variable type. Values include Character, Date, and Numeric.

Note. Once you have defined your component variables, you can map your elements on the Map Elems to Comp/Rcd BRA page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Element Mapping

Access the Map Elems to Comp/Rcd BRA Page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Map Elems to Comp/Rcd BRA, Element Mapping).

If you choose to map your elements by component, you may want to define your component variables before you map your elements.


The key type that your mapping applies to appears here. Values include Other and Field.

Map Value

Select the field or value to which you want to map. If you selected Record as the key type, you can select the record fields. If you selected Component as the key type, then you can select the variables defined for the component.

Entry Type

Select the element type on which you want to transform your field or variable. Values are Accumulator, Bracket - Numeric, Count, Deduction, Earnings, Formula - Numeric, Rate Code, Rate Code - Amount, Variable - Numeric, Variable - Pointer, and Variable - Dec + Char + Date + Ptr. The values available depend on the map value type. For example, if you select a character map value, then you can select only character values.

Note. Although you can see System Element - Numeric as a value, you can not select it. The entry type cannot be a system element or a constant.


Select the name of the element.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Elements

The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Brazil. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Report Elements and Defining Payslip Sort Order

To select report elements and define the sort order for payslips, use the Element Lists BRA (GPBR_PAYSLIP_FORMA) component and the Sort IDs BRA (GPBR_SORTID) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select Report Elements and Define Payslip Sort Order

Page Name

Definition Name



Element List


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Element Lists BRA, Element List

Select earnings, deductions, and calculation bases eligible for printing for multiple reports, including payslips and payroll results register.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Sort IDs BRA, Sort ID BRA

Define the printing order selection for the payslip.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Earnings, Deductions, and Calculation Bases for Multiple Reports

Access the Element Lists BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Element Lists BRA, Element List).

Note. The Element Lists BRA page is used in the financial register and payroll results register reports, as well as payslip generation.

Total Earnings

Select the accumulator that contains the earnings total. The value of this accumulator prints as the total earnings on the report or payslip.

Total Deductions

Select the accumulator that contains the deductions total. The value of this accumulator prints as the total deductions on the report or payslip.

Net Pay

Select the accumulator that contains the net payment. The value of this accumulator prints as the difference between total earnings and total deductions on the report or payslip.

Earnings, Deductions, and Accumulators

In these group boxes, indicate whether you want to include or exclude the earning or deduction elements you list. You decide if it is easier to define the elements by inclusion or exclusion.

Enter the accumulators you want to appear as informative data on the report or payslip.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Printing Order Selection for Payslips

Access the Sort ID BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Sort IDs BRA, Sort ID BRA).

Sort by and Then by

Enter the criteria you want the payslip to sort by first in the Sort by field. Enter additional criteria, in the order you want to sort by, using the Then by fields. Values include Company, Department, Employee ID, Employee Name, Employee Type, Establishment, Location, Pay Entity, Pay Group, and Supervisor Code.

The order in which you define your sort criteria determines the order in which information is printed on the payslip.

Desc (descending)

Select if you want the sort order to be in descending order. The default is in ascending order, so if you want to print in descending order, you must select this check box.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Service Takers

To set up service takers, use the Service Takers BRA (GPBR_SERVICE_TAKER) component.

Service takers are companies that buy services from your company. For example, if your company is a consulting company, all the different companies where your employees work during a defined period of time are considered to be service takers.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Service Taker Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Service Takers BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Service Takers BRA, Service Takers

Set up service takers to use for data entry purposes. The SEFIP report uses service taker information.

Service Taker Transactions BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Service Taker Transactions BRA, Service Taker Transactions

Administer service taker transactions.

Service Taker Data BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Service Taker Data BRA, Service Taker Data

Define monthly parameters for service takers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Service Takers

Access the Service Takers BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Service Takers BRA, Service Takers BRA).

S. Taker Inscription Type (service taker inscription type)

Select the type of ID that identifies the service taker. Values are CEI or CNPJ.

Service Taker Inscription

Enter the ID that identifies the service taker.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Service Taker Transactions

Access the Service Taker Transactions BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Service Taker Transactions BRA, Service Taker Transactions BRA).

Information that you enter on this page is included in the SEFIP report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Service Taker Data

Access the Service Taker Data BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Service Taker Data BRA, Service Taker Data BRA).

Information that you enter on this page appears in the SEFIP Process report (GPBRSF01). It is not used in any report calculations.


The month to which the information on Social Security and payment of FGTS applies.

Retention 9711/98 Law

Enter the amount that represents the 11 percent requirement under law 9.711/98.

Compensation Value

Enter the adjusted compensation value to be reported on the GPS (Guia de Previdência Social) form for the reference month.

Issued Invoices Value

Enter the total amount of invoices or bills issued for services during the month.

Previous Competencies

Use these fields to enter the value of accrued contributions that were not reported on the GPS form in previous months because they did not meet the minimum reportable value. Enter a separate value by type of contribution: INSS or other entity.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Union Parameters

To set up union parameters, use the Union Parameters BRA (GPBR_UNION_PARMS) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Union Parameters

Page Name

Definition Name



General Parameters


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Union Parameters BRA, General Parameters

Set up union parameters.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Union Parameters BRA, Averages

Set up average salaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Union Parameters

Access the General Parameters page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Union Parameters BRA, General Parameters).

Union parameters enable you to enter the details of agreements between unions and companies.

The fields on this page are monthly percentages and amounts.

Min. Guaranteed Comissionists (minimum guaranteed comissionists)

Enter the minimum guaranteed monthly allowance that an employee receives if the employee is one hundred percent commissioned and has no salary earnings assigned in a given month of work.

Union Monthly Contribution Pct (union monthly contribution percent)

Enter the percentage of the employee's salary to contribute for monthly union dues. To have this contribution made, you must enter the union code in the Alternate Union Code field on the Job Information page.

Max. Union Monthly Contribution (maximum union monthly contribution)

Enter the maximum amount to contribute for monthly union dues.

Confederative Contribution Pct (confederative contribution percent)

(Optional) Enter the percentage of the employee's salary to contribute as a confederation contribution.

Max. Confederate Contribution (maximum confederate contribution)

Enter the maximum amount for a confederation contribution.

Attendance Contribution Pct (attendance contribution percent)

(Optional) Enter the percentage for an attendance contribution. An employee can refuse to pay this contribution.

Max. Attendance Contribution (maximum attendance contribution)

Enter the maximum amount for an attendance contribution.

Transport Coupons Pct (transport coupons percent)

Enter the maximum percentage of an employee's salary that can be used for transportation costs. By law, this amount cannot be more than 6 percent, but a union may have an agreement for a lower percentage.

Proration Hiring Monthly Empl (proration hiring monthly employees)

Select how to pay the employee's salary, on calendar days or on a 30-day month basis.

For example, for an employee hired on February 28, the employee receives payment for:

  • One day if calendar days are selected.

  • Three days if 30-day months are selected.

13th Salary Parameters

Calc Average First Installment (calculate averages on first installment)

Select to have the system base an employee's 13th salary (first partiality) on his or her average salary calculation rather than on the monthly salary.

Recalc First Installment (recalculate first installment)

Select to indicate the system should recalculate the first installment of the 13th salary. Since the 13th salary payment is run in November, salary changes may occur that could cause some employees to receive an extra first installment of the 13th salary. The system needs to recalculate 13th salary to make sure that employees receive any extra payments they are due.

Termination and Stability Parm (termination and stability parameters)

Count Days-13 sal/prior notif (13th salary/prior notification)

Enter the number of days notice required for dismissal. By law, you must provide at least 30 days notice.

Allows Term. When Stability (allows termination when stability)

Select to allow an employee to be terminated when he or she has tenure.

Work Related Accident

Select the absence take element for work related accidents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Average Salaries

Access the Averages page.

See Defining Average Calculation Rules by Union.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payee Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Payee Data for Brazil

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Payee-Union Data BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Payee-Union Data BRA, Maintain Payee-Union Data BRA page

Add, modify, or delete union-related payee information.

Payee Parameters


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, Payee Parameters

Define payee parameters.

Termination Parameters


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, Termination Parameters

Define termination parameters.

PIS Parameters


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, PIS Parameters

Define PIS parameters for an individual payee.

RAIS Parameters


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, RAIS Parameters

Define an individual's RAIS (Relação Anual das Informações Sociais) parameters, for Brazil's annual social information report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Union Parameters for a Payee

Access the Maintain Payee-Union Data BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Payee-Union Data BRA, Maintain Payee-Union Data BRA page).

The system uses the information that you enter here when it calculates the employee's annual contribution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payee Parameters

Access the Payee Parameters page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, Payee Parameters).

The parameters you enter on this page insert a Supporting Element Override variable field at the payee level.

Begin Date

Enter the effective date for these parameters.

End Date

Enter the date these parameters are no longer valid. You must enter an end date before you can add a row with a new set of parameters.

SEFIP Risk Level

Select the appropriate risk level for the employee's activities. The system uses this information to generate the SEFIP report and to determine the employee's retirement deduction.

Note. Setting a value in this field overrides the value specified on the Additional Info - BRA page.

See Calculating INSS for Special Retirement.

See Managing Country-Specific Workforce Data.

Unhealthy Indicator

Select the appropriate health risk level for the employee's activities. The system uses this indicator to calculate an earning that compensates for this health risk factor.

Values are Default, Maximum Grade, Middle Grade, Minimum Grade, and Not Applicable.

Note. Setting a value in this field overrides the value specified on the Additional Info - BRA page.

See Managing Country-Specific Workforce Data.

Risk Indicator

Select the appropriate hazard level for the employee's activities. The system uses this indicator to calculate an earning that compensates for this hazardous factor.

Values are Applicable, Default, and Not Applicable.

Note. Setting a value in this field overrides the value specified on the Additional Info - BRA page.

See Managing Country-Specific Workforce Data.

IR Ded Retirement (income tax retirement deduction)

Select to indicate that the payee is an active retiree and entitled to a retirement deduction.

Weekly Hours

Enter the number of hours the employee works per week.

Note. This information is required. The vacations process uses this information.

Service Taker

Indicate the Service Taker to which the employee is assigned.

FGTS Option (Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço)and FGTS Date

Select to indicate the employee participates in FGTS, and the date participation began. Used for historical tracking, as FGTS participation is now required.

Advance Payment Option and Advance Percentage

Select to indicate the employee can receive payments in advance from their regular salary and then enter the percentage of the monthly salary the employee can receive in advance.

Notification Date

Enter the date you notify the employee of his or her termination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Termination Parameters for a Payee

Access the Termination Parameters page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, Termination Parameters).


The code of operation for an FGTS employee's account.

Calculate last months FGTS

Select this check box to indicate that FGTS should be calculated for the employee's last month.

Pregnant Date

Enter the date the employee notifies you that she is pregnant.

Union Member, FGTS Board Member, CIPA's Titleholder/Substitute, CNPS Board Member, Cooperative Society Mgr. (cooperative society manager), and Prev.Settlement Committee Memb (previous settlement committee member)

Select the appropriate check boxes to indicate any memberships or positions the employee holds. These options define a tenure status. If the employee has one of these options for a started Begin Date and End Date, the system does not allow termination of the employee, unless that option is enabled on the Union Parameters page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PIS Parameters for a Payee

Access the PIS Parameters page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Define Payee Parameters BRA, PIS Parameters).

See Also

Defining PIS Parameters for a Company

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Unhealthy and Hazardous Indicators for Job Codes and Positions

To set up indicators for job codes and positions, use the Position/JobCd Parameters BRA (GPBR_MIXED_PARM) component.

This section discusses how to define unhealthy and hazardous indicators for job codes and positions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Indicators

Page Name

Definition Name



Position/Jobcode Parms BRA (position/job code parameters)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Position/JobCd Parameters BRA, Position/Jobcode Parms BRA

Define unhealthy and hazardous indicators for job codes and positions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Unhealthy and Hazardous Indicators for Job Codes and Positions

Access the Position/Jobcode Parms BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Position/JobCd Parameters BRA, Position/Jobcode Parms BRA).


Select whether you are assigning unhealthy/risk indicators to a Jobcode or a Position.

Position, Business Unit, Location, and Job Code

Select the position or job code you are assigning unhealthy/risk indicators to using these fields.


Select the appropriate health risk level for the activities of the job code, position, or location. The system uses this indicator to calculate an earning that compensates for this health risk factor.


Select the appropriate risk level for the activities of the job code, position, or location. The system uses this information to generate the SEFIP report and to determine the employee's retirement deduction.

See Calculating INSS for Special Retirement.


Select the appropriate hazard level for the activities of the job code, position, or location. The system uses this indicator to calculate an earning that compensates for this hazardous factor.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining SEFIP Parameters

To define parameters for SEFIP, use the SEFIP Parameters BRA (GPBR_SEFIP_PARM), SEFIP Absence Table (GPBR_SEFIP_ABS), and the SEFIP Absence Parameters BRA (GPBR_SEFIP_ABSP) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define SEFIP Parameters

Page Name

Definition Name



SEFIP Parameters BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, SEFIP Parameters BRA, SEFIP Parameters BRA

Define SEFIP parameters.

SEFIP Absence Table BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Absence Elements, SEFIP Absence Table BRA, SEFIP Absence Table BRA

Map absence codes to SEFIP absence codes.

SEFIP Absence Parm BRA (SEFIP absence parameters)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Absence Elements, SEFIP Absence Parameters BRA, SEFIP Absence Parm BRA

Define absence parameters for SEFIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining SEFIP Common Parameters

Access the SEFIP Parameters BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, SEFIP Parameters BRA, SEFIP Parameters BRA).

Some of the information that you enter on this page is included in the SEFIP report for the respective establishment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Absence Codes to SEFIP Absence Codes

Access the SEFIP Absence Table BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Absence Elements, SEFIP Absence Table BRA, SEFIP Absence Table BRA).

Use this page to associate absence codes with return codes that are used for SEFIP reporting. For each legal absence, SEFIP has an identification code and return code. This table is a prerequisite for the information on the SEFIP Absences Parameters Page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining SEFIP Absence Parameters

Access the SEFIP Absence Parm BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Absence Elements, SEFIP Absence Parameters BRA, SEFIP Absence Parm BRA).

This page maps Global Payroll absence takes to SEFIP absence codes and the corresponding SEFIP absence return code. In order to complete the information on this page you must complete the information on the SEFIP Absence Parameters Page for each absence take.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Core Functionality in Brazil

This section describes how to use the following core PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll features in your Brazilian payroll system:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Retroactivity in Brazil

Retroactivity is the process of going back in time and recalculating prior calendars because changes were made after the original calculation was run. When retroactive processing occurs for a payee, the system recalculates each element generated for the payee. The difference between these results is the retro delta.

In Global Payroll, there are two methods for calculating retro:

Note. In Brazil, all retro is handled with the forwarding method to comply with Brazilian legislation that requires all retroactive payments to be taxed in the current period. This includes both the Default retro method and the On Conflict retro method.

With the forwarding method, payments are calculated in the respective periods, but balance accumulators for the period are not updated. Only the segment accumulators are updated. Deltas are created for each earning, deduction, and segment accumulator used in the process list. These deltas, which are identified on the Retro Process Override page, are forwarded to the current period.

The system generates a retro trigger every time you enter a change on the data described in the following sections.

Changes in the Employee's Data

Changes in employee data include compensation rate-related changes:

Changes in Other Data

Changes in other data include absence take-related changes:

Earnings and deductions are recalculated and a difference results.

Note. Not all earnings or deductions will have an adjustment for retro. Some of the earnings and deductions are forwarded to one earning or deduction, which then appears as a single adjustment in the current period.

See Also

Defining Retroactive Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Accumulators in Brazil

In Brazil, the following types of accumulators are used:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Segmentation in Brazil

In Global Payroll, if there is a change to employee details within a pay period that might affect calculation, such as a pay rate increase, the calculation creates two slices. One slice uses the details before the change and the other slice uses the details after the change.

Global Payroll provides two types of segmentation: period segmentation or full segmentation and element segmentation or slice. Period segmentation occurs when more than one gross-to-net calculation is required. Element segmentation occurs when there is a change in the rate that affects the calculation of one or more elements. In other words, element segmentation occurs when you want to calculate a select set of earnings or deductions multiple times, but not the entire gross to net calculation.

Note. Global Payroll for Brazil does not utilize element segmentation.

In Global Payroll for Brazil, the following items produce a period segmentation:

Global Payroll for Brazil delivers some segmentation; however, you can alter the delivered segmentation events and add or delete segmentation events depending on your business needs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Triggers in Brazil

Triggers are used to detect online changes to data that should result in some type of system action. Examples of common data changes that might use triggers include a new employee hire or a change in pay rate.

Global Payroll provides three types of triggers:

Note. You must first set up an iterative trigger to tell the system when an event occurs, it should perform the desired action. After that, you can use a trigger to process an employee, perform segmentation, or perform retro processing.

Global Payroll for Brazil delivers some triggers; however, you can alter the delivered triggers and add or delete trigger setups depending on your business needs.

Delivered Iterative Triggers

The following table lists the iterative trigger setups that are delivered with Global Payroll for Brazil:

Changes to:


Employee's employment record


Employees job records


Employee's compensation record


Employee's personal data record


Employee's contract data record


Employee's positive input records


Employee's positive input supporting element override record


Employee's payee override record (earnings and deductions assignments)


Employee's payee element assignment supporting element override record


Employee's payee section detail record


Employee's personal data effective date record


Employee's schedule calendar assignment record


Employee's workday overrides record


Employee's workforce contract type record


Employee's absence records


See Also

Setting Up Triggers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Rounding Rules in Brazil

In Global Payroll, you can apply rounding to any component of an earning or deduction, the resolved amount of an earning or deduction, or within a formula. Rounding is applied to each of the components first before the resolved amount is rounded. Rounding is applied after proration rules have been applied.

Global Payroll for Brazil does not deliver country-specific rounding rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Rate Codes in Brazil

Global Payroll for Brazil supports the following types of salaries:

Global Payroll for Brazil delivers the following Human Resources rate codes to support the listed salaries:

Rate Code






Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Process Lists

The following table lists the delivered process lists for Brazil:

Process List



13th Salary Calculation


Advance Payment Process




Vacations Calculation


Vacation Takes


Payroll Calculation Process



Note. PeopleSoft delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements that are designed for Brazil.

See Also

Viewing Delivered Elements