Using the General Ledger Interface

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Payroll Data to GLI

The following diagram represents the processing of payroll data for the GLI. The selected check box options represent the options on the processing page.

Note. The Leave Entitlement option updates data in the GP_GL_DATA table for inclusion in the output to the GLI.

Singapore GLI Processing

See Also

Reporting Leave Liability and Absence History

Linking Journal Types to GL Groupings

Running the GLI Processes

Remapping ChartFields after Initial Calculation

Click to jump to parent topicLinking Journal Types to GL Groupings

Use the Journal Type SGP (GPSG_GL_GROUP) component to link journal types to GL groupings.

This section provides an overview of journal type and GL grouping links.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Journal Types to GL Grouping Links

You report payroll data to the general ledger by journal type by linking a journal type to a general ledger grouping.

Link journal types to groupings on the Journal Type page. A grouping comprises entry types of earnings, deductions, or segment accumulators. There are five delivered journal types: Salary, Accrual, Employee Entitlements, Statistical and Terminated EE's (employee's) Entitlement.

Note. The Leave Entitlements Application Engine selects data for inclusion into the GPSG_LEAVE_LIAB record (from GP_GL_DATA) by the flags for journal types Employee Entitlement and Terminated EE's Entitlement. Therefore, any organization needing to resolve leave entitlement calculations within the Leave Entitlement phase of the GL Interface process needs to select a journal type for each GL grouping code associated with GL Liability earnings codes.

The following table is an example set up:

Grouping Code


Journal Type


GLI Accrual (segment accumulator)



SGP GROSS (segment accumulator)



LIAB ANN DYS (earnings)

Employee Entitlement


LIAB TER DYS (earnings)

Terminated Annual Liab Days

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Journal Type SGP


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Integration, Journal Type SGP, Journal Type SGP

Attach one journal type to each general ledger grouping.

See Also

Reporting Leave Liability and Absence History

Running the GLI Processes

Remapping ChartFields after Initial Calculation

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Accrued Salary, Bonus and GST

The following earnings (contained in the EARNINGS-GLI section) are provided to calculate the current value of leave entitlements. They are all for use by the GL only and should not add to gross or net accumulators. The earnings are not paid but are used for general ledger interface reporting of annual leave liability and their reversal of liabilities on termination:

Note. If the end date of the last pay period in a month is before the end of the accounting period, you can send a percentage of total salary as the accrued costing for the "gap" between the two dates. The value sent to GL is reversed by the Financials system the following month and replaced by actual costings.

See Also

Calculating Earnings for GLI Reporting

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Leave Liability

The amount of leave an employee is owed needs to be costed as a liability in the general ledger. For leave liability reporting, we have set up earnings that store the monetary value of each employee's leave entitlement. The earnings are not paid as earnings because they do not contribute to SGP GROSS. This is made clearer by having them in a section of their own after the other earning sections.

Because the GLI flat file only requires the difference between the liability for the last pay period and the current pay period, this is what the Application Engine (AE) leave liability process calculates and passes to GP_GL_DATA.

If an employee has terminated, the stored value of his processed liability has to be reversed out from the GL, since it is no longer a liability.

Reversing Leave Liability on Termination

LIAB TER DYS is the leave liability earning used for reversing the liability on termination.

This earning element uses an Amount calculation rule where the amount is derived from the LIAB ANN DYS earning. Generation control CMN GC TERM STAT checks for terminated employees only using formula CMN FM TERM STAT. Formula CMN FM TERM STAT checks whether the employee is currently terminating (their termination date is in this segment, or in the past and was entered in the current period). The termination leave liabilities are to be calculated only when an employee terminates, so that they reverse any remaining liabilities in the GL.

LIAB TER DYS contributes to the LIAB TER DYS_FPTDA accumulator.

If an employee is terminated, the leave balance liability earning value becomes the termination liability earning for reversal.

See Also

Calculating Earnings for GLI Reporting

Click to jump to parent topicReporting Leave Liability and Absence History

This section provides an overview of leave liability and absence history, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Leave Liability and Absence History

The data that the report process extracts for leave liability reporting can be transferred to the general ledger through the GLI.

The reports and the interface depend upon data that is created the same way as any other data that's used for reports, the GLI—by the use of Global Payroll rules.

Note. In this section, unless otherwise stated, reported means printed on a report and available for transfer to GLI.

Liability and absence history are calculated and reported to assist in the administration of employee absences and leave. They are used to identify trends in absence and for costing purposes.

Liability is reported for annual leave accrued in days. The values are calculated as earning LIAB ANN DYS. This earning does not contribute to accumulator SGP GROSS.

When you run the liability report, the parameters include the element category. Earning LIAB ANN DYS is category ANN. The category value is assigned as a variable entered as a supporting element override for each earning.

Note. The term pro rata refers to accrued leave that the payee may or may not be entitled to take. Pro rata becomes entitlement on an anniversary, usually of the payee's hire date. Entitlement refers to leave that the payee is entitled to take and that may have previously been pro rata leave. We make this distinction in this documentation because both entitlement and pro rata (as we have just defined them) are called entitlement in the system.

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Definition Name



Leave Liability SGP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Leave Liability SGP, Leave Liability SGP

Specify the population of employees you want to report the leave liability for. You can specify an as of date and you can report by element category.

Leave History SGP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Leave History SGP, Leave History SGP

Specify the population of employees you want to report the history of. You can specify an absence type and the period to be reported. You can set up to 3 sort orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Annual Leave for Accrual in Days

The calculation rule for LIAB ANN DYS is Unit × Rate where:

Unit = Accumulator ANN GENL ENT_BAL


Leave liabilities are to be calculated at the end of each month for active employees, or when an employee terminates. Generation control GLI GC LIAB checks this by using the following formulas:

LIAB ANN DYS contributes to the LIAB ANN DYS_FPTDA accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Annual Leave Liability for Reversal on Termination

The calculation rule for LIAB TER HRS is Amount where:

Amount = Earnings LIAB ANN DYS

Generation control CMN GC TERM STAT checks for terminated employees only using formula CMN FM TERM STAT. Formula CMN FM TERM STAT checks whether the employee is currently terminating (their termination date is in this segment, or in the past and was entered in the current period). The termination leave liabilities are to be calculated only when an employee terminates, so that they reverse any remaining liabilities in the GL. There is no proration.

LIAB TER DYS contributes to the LIAB TER DYS_FPTDA accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Salary Accrual Earnings

The calculation rule for SAL ACCRUAL is Base × Percentage where:

Base = Accumulator SGP GROSS

Percentage = Variable GLI VR ACCRUAL PCT

Variable GLI VR ACCRUAL PCT enables you to enter the percentage to be accrued. You add the variable as a calendar supporting element override on the last calendar for the month so the variable's override levels should be set to pay calendar. The value of the variable varies according to the gap between the end of the pay period and the end of the financial period. You enter the value on the Pay Calendar SOVR's page as it will depend on the number of days between the end of the pay period and the end of the month. So, the Override Level for Pay Calendar should be ticked.

Accruals need to be calculated only in the last segment of each month and only for active employees. Generation control GLI GC ACCRUAL therefore includes the formula GLI FM LST PRD/SEG which returns a value that determines whether to pay the SAL ACCRUAL earning.

SAL ACCRUAL contributes to the SAL ACCRUAL_FPTDA accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating GST Accrual Earnings

The calculation rule for GST is Base × Percent where:

Base = Accumulator SGP GST

Percentage = Variable GST VR PCT

The SGP GST accumulator accumulates earnings and deductions that are subject to GST. Members include MEAL and TRANSPORT earnings.

You use variable GST VR PCT to enter the percentage to be calculated for GST. The same percentage will be used across the company, so the value will be entered on the Pay Entity SOVR's page. The Override Level for Pay Entity should be ticked.

Generation control GLI GC ACCRUAL, using formula GLI FM LST PRD/SEG checks the last segment of each month and only for active employees.

GST contributes to the GST_FPTDA accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Bonus Accrual Earnings

The calculation rule for BON ACCRUAL is Base × Percent where:

Base = Accumulator SGP GROSS

Percentage = Variable BON VR ACCRUAL PCT

You use variable BON VR ACCRUAL PCT to enter the percentage to be accrued for bonus. The same percentage will be used across the company, so the value will be entered on the Pay Entity SOVR's page. The Override Level for Pay Entity should be ticked.

Accruals need to be calculated only in the last segment of each month and only for active employees. Generation control GLI GC ACCRUAL therefore includes the formula GLI FM LST PRD/SEG which returns a value that determines whether to pay the BON ACCRUAL earning.

BON ACCRUAL contributes to the BON ACCRUAL_FPTDA accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Non-Contractual Bonus Earnings

The calculation rule for BONUS ACCRL is Base × Percent where:

Base = Accumulator SGP GROSS

Percent = Variable BON VR NON-ACC PCT

You use variable BON VR NON-ACC PCT to enter the non-contractual bonus accrual percentage. The same percentage will be used across the company, so the value will be entered on the Pay Entity SOVR's page. The Override Level for Pay Entity should be ticked.

Accruals need to be calculated only in the last segment of each month and only for active employees. Generation control GLI GC ACCRUAL therefore includes the formula CMN FM LST PRD/SEG which returns a value that determines whether to pay the BONUS ACCRL earning.

BONUS ACCRL contributes to the BONUS ACCRL_FPTDA accumulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Leave Liability When the Cost Centre Changes

The leave entitlements Application Engine program checks to see if there is a change of chartfield for each employee—where chartfields represent cost centres such as department and pay group. When the program detects a change, it reverses the liability from the centre storing the processed liability and sends the full amount of the new (unprocessed) liability (not the difference) to the new cost centre.

See Also

Linking Journal Types to GL Groupings

Running the GLI Processes

Remapping ChartFields after Initial Calculation

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the GLI Processes

This section provides an overview of the GLI processes, and discusses how to run the General Ledger processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding GLI Processes

The Calculate phase of GLI processing populates the GP_GL_DATA table. The Leave Entitlement process uses the Application Engine program GPSG_LV_LIAB to compare previous entitlement liability to current entitlement liability and load the difference into GP_GL_DATA. After you have updated the GP_GL_DATA table, you can complete the standard core GLI process by running Finalize.

You can also run an Application Engine process - (GPSG_GL_MAP) that updates chartfields in GP_GL_DATA. The program selects and updates the necessary GP_GL_DATA records with specified chartfield overrides. When you run the GL interface finalize process, the data is summarized using your chosen (remapped) chartfields for correct account mapping.

Note. You need to have already finalized your payroll to get up-to-date entitlement balances—upon which the liability calculation is based—for annual leave.

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Send Costs to GL SGP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Time and Labor / GL Costs, Send Costs to GL SGP, Send Costs to GL SGP

Initiate the processes for calculation of GL data, leave liability, chartfield remapping and finalization the GLI and statistical data updating.

Review GL Costing Info SGP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Time and Labor / GL Costs, Review GL Costing Info SGP, Review GL Costing Info SGP

View GL cost data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the General Ledger Processes

Access the Send Costs to GL SGP page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Time and Labor / GL Costs, Send Costs to GL SGP, Send Costs to GL SGP).

Processing Phases and Options

Chart Field Remap

Select this check box to enable the chartfield remap application program when running the General Ledger process. This run control page enables you to run an Application Engine process (GPSG_GL_MAP) that updates chartfields in GP_GL_DATA. The program selects and updates the necessary GP_GL_DATA records with specified chartfield overrides. When you run the GL interface finalize process, the data is summarized using your chosen (remapped) chartfields for correct account mapping.

Note. The differences between this page and the page you access through Compensate Employees, Manage Payroll Process, Process (GP_GL_PREPARE) is the additional processing phase option of Leave Liability and ChartField Remap.

Running the ChartFields Remapping Process

The ChartField remapping process achieves the following:

You run the new Application Engine program as part of the standard General Ledger Interface process in the following sequence:

  1. Ensure GL Calculate phase is complete.

  2. Execute new Application Engine process to perform department remapping.

    You run the remap before the leave entitlement process. If you alter the remap you must always re-run the calculate process. You can't re-run the remap process until you have run the calculation process.

  3. Ensure GL Leave Entitlement phase is complete.

  4. Execute GL Finalize process.

Note. This process runs as a separate process and is not integrated into existing Application Engines. In this way, it does not impact on the existing General Ledger Interface.

See Also

Reporting Leave Liability and Absence History

Linking Journal Types to GL Groupings

Remapping ChartFields after Initial Calculation

Click to jump to parent topicRemapping ChartFields after Initial Calculation

Use the GL Chartfield Remapping SGP (GPSG_GL_MAP) component to remap chartfields after initial calculation.

This section provides an overview of ChartField remapping after initial calculation, and discusses how to remap ChartFields.

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Page Name

Definition Name



GL Chartfield Remapping SGP


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Integration, GL Chartfield Remapping SGP, GL Chartfield Remapping SGP

Set up GL chartfield parameters that enable you to re-map chartfields after you run the initial calculate process. You can configure and maintain GL remapping data. Enables you to set up different levels of chartfields based on GL groupings codes or accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRemapping ChartFields

Access the GL Chartfield Remapping SGP page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Integration, GL Chartfield Remapping SGP, GL Chartfield Remapping SGP).

Global Payroll for Singapore enables you to define chartfield remapping data used during the General Ledger (GL) interface process and post payroll costs to differing levels of chartfields based on GL groupings codes or accounts.

Use this page to set up GL chartfield parameters that enable you to re-map default chartfields after you run the initial calculate process. For example, you may have a requirement that a higher level of chartfields is attached to each of your account codes. Instead of using multiple departments for each account code, you may require one global chartfield level, which covers all departments.


Chartfields represent attributes of a payee, such as department, company, or employee ID. When you send a payee's earnings, deductions, or accumulator amounts to PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger, you can also transmit the values that associated with your specific combination of chartfields for the payee.

Chartfields to be passed to GL

A field appears for each chartfield you have set up on the ChartFields page in Global Payroll. Use the specific chartfields check boxes to choose not to send your specific chartfields to the General Ledger. During mapping, chartfields can be used to cost to different account codes. You can then choose not to send the chartfields to the General Ledger and only send the values to the accounts. When integrating Global Payroll with General Ledger, you can remap ChartField values to a business unit's general ledger (GL) account numbers. To enter the new, remapped chartfield value, use the Transformed Values tab.

Transformed Values Tab

The default chartfields values display in the fields on the Chartfields tab. To remap the default settings, select the new values on the Transformed Values tab.


This is the General Ledger Account number to which your chartfields and grouping codes will map.

Grouping Code

Select the code to map to the General Ledger account. This is the Grouping Code for the elements that are included in the General Ledger transfer. A grouping comprises entry types of earnings, deductions, or segment accumulators. Elements must be in groups before they can be processed by General Ledger. Instead of entering earnings individually, you bundle them into one accumulator and create a grouping code for that accumulator.

See Also

Reporting Leave Liability and Absence History

Linking Journal Types to GL Groupings

Running the GLI Processes