Managing Inland Revenue Department (IRD) Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of Inland Revenue Department (IRD) reporting and discusses how to:

Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for New Zealand. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IRD Reporting

This Global Payroll country extension enables you to meet the New Zealand IRD requirement to produce the IR 345/6 Employer Deductions Remittance certificate twice a month and the IR 348 Employer Monthly Schedule.

A single application engine process populates three types of IRD data tables:

The following diagram illustrates this IRD reporting process flow:

IRD reporting populates tables for IR 345/6, IR 348, and IR 348 exceptions

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up to Create IRD Data

To set up to create IRD data, use the Pay Entity IRD Details NZL (GPNZ_IRD_DTL) component.

This section discusses how to enter pay entity information for IRD reporting.

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Pay Entity IRD Details NZL


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Entity IRD Details NZL, Pay Entity IRD Details NZL

Store information about the pay entity that is needed for reporting to the IRD.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Pay Entity Information for IRD Reporting

Access the Pay Entity IRD Details NZL page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Framework, Organizational, Pay Entity IRD Details NZL, Pay Entity IRD Details NZL).

IRD Number

Enter the number that the IRD allocates for the pay entity. Your entry is validated in the same way as employee IRD numbers are.

Contact ID

This is the employee in the organization that the IRD should contact as required.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating IRD Data

This section discusses how to run the create IRD data process.

A single application engine process populates all the IRD data tables. The process creates the following data in the IRD Header Data table (GPNZ_IRD_HEADER):

  1. The pay entity totals that are required for reporting on the IR 345/6 forms.

  2. The detailed, employee amounts required for reporting in the IR 348 file.

  3. A table containing exceptions to the IR 384 data.

When you run the program for the first half of the month, the process only creates IR 345/6 summary data.

When you run the program for the second half of the month, the process creates both IR 345/6 and IR 348 data. The process also creates exception rows where there are negative amounts in the data and for employees with a Child Support variation or incomplete IRD details.

If you run the program for a month that's already been issued (you have already sent the IR 348 file to the IRD) the process creates exception data for employees where their current data differs from that already reported.

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Create IRD Data NZL


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Create IRD Data NZL, Create IRD Data NZL

Set the parameters to control the date output from the AE process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Create IRD Data Program

Access the Create IRD Data NZL page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Create IRD Data NZL, Create IRD Data NZL).


Select First or Second. The selection that you make here interacts with your selections in the Run Type field and the Recreate check box.

Run Type

Accept the default Actual or select Exceptions. You can only select Exceptions if the half-month is two. When you select Exceptions, the process checks that the status of the IR 348 in the data table for the pay entity, year, and month is IR 348 Issued.


If you select this check box for an actuals run, the process checks:

  • That there is data in the IRD Header Data table for the pay entity, year, and month, and that its status is not IR 348 Issued.

  • That, if the half-month is one, the status is first half created.

If you do not select this check box, the process checks:

  • That, if the half-month is one, there is no data in the IRD Header Data table for the pay entity, year, and month.

  • That, if the half-month is two, there is data in the IRD Header Data table for the pay entity, year, and month combination and that the status is first half created.

Note. The Recreate check box has no effect on an exception run, so you should not select it.

Processing - General

If you select Recreate, the process deletes existing data from the IRD Header and Detail tables for the pay entity, year, and month.

If you selected a run type of Exception, the process deletes any existing data from the Temporary IRD Detail table for the pay entity, year, and month.

Processing for the First Half-Month

For the first half-month, the process retrieves the following amounts from the NZ IRD Results table:

Processing for the Second Half-Month

For the second half-month, the process creates details for each employee that are paid during the whole month as well as the pay entity totals.

If the run type is Exception, the process writes the detail to the temporary table for comparison with the actual details at the end of the process.

Note. For employees with concurrent jobs who have different tax codes for each job, the process creates a separate row for each of their tax codes.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Adjusting IRD Data

This section discusses how to review and adjust the child support variation.

Four pages enable you to view IRD reporting. In one of them you can change the status of the data. In another you can adjust the Child Support Variation code.

IRD345/6 Deductions and IRD348 Deductions

These two pages are in a single component. On the first page — IRD345/6 Deductions — you can see, for both half-months, the total PAYE deductions & withholding tax, and child support, student loan, and SSCWT deductions.

On the second page — IRD348 Deductions — you can see gross earnings, gross not liable for earner premium, PAYE deductions and withholding tax, and child support and student loan deductions. On this page you can change the status from issued to IRD 348 Ready if you need to recreate the data and if you haven't actually submitted the electronic file. If for some reason you have create the electronic file but do not want it to be submitted, you can also set the status to Not (to be) Issued.

IR348 Details

On the Review EE IR348 Data NZL page (navigation Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Review EE IR348 Data NZL, Review EE IR348 Data NZL), you can view employee level IR 348 data and adjust the Child Support Variation code if required.

IRD Exceptions Inquiry Page

On the IRD Exceptions Inquiry page, you can view current data, which comes from the NZ IRD Exception record and the "as issued" data which is from the NZ IRD Details record. The system displays "as issued" data when there is a valid exception code.

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IRD345/6 Deduction


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Review IR345/6/8 NZL, IRD345/6 Deduction

View total PAYE deductions & withholding tax, and child support, student loan, and SSCWT deductions.

IRD348 Deductions


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Review IR345/6/8 NZL, IRD348 Deductions

View gross earnings, gross not liable for earner premium, PAYE deductions and withholding tax, and child support and student loan deductions.

Review EE IR348 Data NZL


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Review EE IR348 Data NZL, Review EE IR348 Data NZL

View employee level IR 348 data and adjust the Child Support Variation code if required.

IRD Exceptions Inquiry


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Review IRD Exceptions NZL, IRD Exceptions Inquiry

View current data from the NZ IRD Exception record and "as issued" data from the NZ IRD Details record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Adjusting the Child Support Variation

Access the Review EE IR348 Data NZL page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Review EE IR348 Data NZL, Review EE IR348 Data NZL).

All the data on this page comes from the NZ IRD Details record.

Lump Sum

The system selects this check box if there is a value in EXTRA EMLMNT FMTDA (Extra Emolument - WA Reporting) accumulator for the month.

CS Variation (child support variation)

You can manually override the variation code if there is a value in the Child Support field. If there is no value in that field, the system displays 0 in the CS Variation field.

  • A: Advance pay.

  • C: Ceased employment.

  • D: Deducted previously.

  • P: Protected earnings.

  • S: Short-term absence.

  • O: Other. This is the default value if there is no value in the Child Support field.

If the normal amount of the Child Support deduction is not the same as the amount in the month-to-date accumulator, the system determines why, using the IRD specified order of priority, and sets the CS variation code according to the conditions:

  • If the payee is terminated (that is, has a finish date): code C.

  • If there is a value in the CS Advance month-to-date accumulator: code A.

  • If there is a value in the CS Not Taken month-to-date accumulator: code P.

  • If the C, A or P codes are not appropriate: O.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating the IR 348 Data File

The file create process creates an electronic file in CSV format containing the IR 348 data for transmission to the IRD. The run parameters are pay entity, year and month. The process initially determines that there is an IRD Header record for the pay entity, year and month and that its status is Awaiting.

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Create IR348 File NZL


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Create IR348 File NZL, Create IR348 File NZL

Creates IR348 data file.

Click to jump to parent topicReporting Full or Exception IR 348 Data

You have the option of printing the IR 348 data held in the tables populated by IRD Data Create AE program. You enter the pay entity and year and month then select a report type of either full or exception. The system lists the data from NZ IRD Detail table and the NZ IRD Exception table respectively.

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IR 348 Report NZL


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, Create IR348 Report NZL, IR 348 Report NZL

Create the IR 348 report.