Appendix: Group Build Implementation for Developers

This appendix discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding Applications or Batch Programs that Include Group Build Functions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImplementing PeopleCode API Calls

This section discusses what a developer must do to use Group Build in the application that he or she is building. (We refer to this application as the client application.)

Note. Please read this entire section before performing any steps.

To Implement PeopleCode API calls:

  1. (Optional) Set up a Group Build results table.

    Group Build provides a standard Group Results Table called GB_GRP_RES_TBL. This table contains the results of the groups that you build; its content is managed entirely by the Group Build application. This table provides a central place for storing Group Build results, so the results can be shared by all applications that use Group Build. Do not add, delete or modify rows in this table.

    If you want a table for your application where you can add, delete, or modify rows, you must perform this optional step. Your table will be taken into account for the construction and purge processes of the Group Build application.

    There are two ways to set up your own table:

    1. Log on to PeopleSoft Application Designer and clone the record GB_GRP_RES_TBL into MyClientModuleResultTable.

      This record becomes your client application result table.

    2. Create a new record (MyClientModuleResultTable) into which you insert (at least) the subrecord GB_GRP_RES_SBR (the minimal structure for a modified result table). The modified results table can contain more fields than the one that is defined in the subrecord. However, you can't use the standard query «GB_DEFAULT_QUERY». You must create your modified developer query in which the additional fields appear in the «field tab». For example, if your result table is defined as DEPTID, define your modified query as follows:

      – All fields from GB_QRY_LINK_VW.

      – All of your additional fields.

  2. (Optional) Add two fields on the client application record to store the group ID and group as of date. If you choose not to record this information, you can use a derived/work record (see step 3) or system variables (such as system date).

    In PeopleSoft Application Designer, add two fields to the client application record (MyClientModuleRecord):

  3. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, create a derived/work record to store your group generation button.

    1. Create a new record (DERIVED_MyClientModule) or use an existing derived record.

    2. Create a new field: MyClientModule_GEN_BTN.

    3. To the DERIVED_MyClientModule record, add a new field: MyClientModule_GEN_BTN.

  4. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, Include the work page GB_API_WRK in the client application component.

    1. Open the component (MyClientModuleComponent) that contains the page (MyClientModulePage) from which you'll call the Group Build API.

    2. Insert the page named GB_API_WRK (the Group Build work page) into MyClientModuleComponent and mark it as hidden.

  5. (Optional) Using PeopleSoft Query, define the query that you might want to add to for refining your group - developer query definition.

    1. Insert the view GB_QRY_LINK_VW (required).

    2. Insert the record(s) that are needed for joins and criteria.

    3. Write your query according to the Group Build limitations.

      See Group Build Query Limitations for Developers

    4. Add all necessary prompts on the criteria tab.

      Prompt values are bound using the GB_BIND API call.

    5. Verify that your query is PUBLIC.

    6. Save your query as MyDeveloperQueryName.

  6. Add modified fields on the client application page.

    1. Add the MyClientModuleRecord.GB_GROUP_ID field to MyClientModulePage.

    2. Add the MyClientModuleRecord. MyAsOfDate field to MyClientModulePage.

    3. Add the DERIVED_MyClientModule.MyClientModule_GEN_BTN group generation button to MyClientModulePage.

  7. Add PeopleCode to implement calls to Group Build API.

    Warning! All calls to Group Build API must be done from level 0 of your client application page.

    1. Make calls to Group Build API in the FieldChange PeopleCode event.

    2. Set the PeopleCode Event Properties to Application Server.

    3. Select Application Server on the PeopleCode Event Properties page.

      See PeopleCode API Functions.

  8. Implement PeopleSoft Security to see if a group can be used in the component.

    1. GB_GROUP_ID field must be on the page, and the recordfield properties must be set to prompt table edit on Record GB_GROUP_SEC_VW.

    2. Add DERIVED_XXX.PNLGRPNAME and DERIVED_XXX.OPRID on level 0 of the page. The fields must be display-only and hidden.

PeopleCode API Functions

This list is a funclib (DERIVED_HR_GB.GB_API FieldFormula) for PeopleCode. Specifies which API group, query name for refinement, and results table to use.

Scenario 1

If you implement Group Build calls using the standard Group Result Table and query, the FieldChange PeopleCode for DERIVED_MyClientModule.MyClientModule_GEN_BTN looks like this:

Declare Function GB_DECLARE PeopleCode DERIVED_HR_GB.GB_API FieldFormula; Declare Function GB_BIND PeopleCode DERIVED_HR_GB.GB_API FieldFormula; Declare Function GB_EXEC PeopleCode DERIVED_HR_GB.GB_API FieldFormula; /* Use this instruction if you plan to use GB_GRP_RES_TBL */ GB_DECLARE (MyClientModuleRecord.GB_GROUP_ID, MyClientModuleRecord.MyAsOfDate, «⇒ », « ») ; /* Bind all parameters for the default Query : The Effdt of JOB */ GB_BIND_DATE(Any Date ) ; /* Execute the SQL and fill the group result table */ &MyVersion = GB_EXEC ( « Y » ) ; /* <Y> Forces to rebuild the group even if one⇒ is available */ * The list of employees for the group is now available for your own usage */ /* The code presented above populates the Group Result table GB_GRP_RES_TBL */ /* You can now use this record to populate your scrolls or can be used as a join⇒ for a SQL Statement */ /* ADD YOUR CODE HERE  */ /* Clear the group result table only in the case you know the group will not be⇒ used anymore*/ [GB_DELETE() ;]

Scenario 2

If you implement Group Build calls using your own modified Group Result Table and query, the FieldChange PeopleCode for DERIVED_MyClientModule.MyClientModule_GEN_BTN looks like this:

Declare Function GB_DECLARE PeopleCode DERIVED_HR_GB.GB_API FieldFormula; Declare Function GB_BIND PeopleCode DERIVED_HR_GB.GB_API FieldFormula; Declare Function GB_EXEC PeopleCode DERIVED_HR_GB.GB_API FieldFormula; /* Give your result table name to GB_DECLARE (STEP 1 must have been previously⇒ performed) and your Query Name if you created one */ GB_DECLARE (MyClientModuleRecord.GB_GROUP_ID, MyClientModuleRecord. MyAsOfDate,⇒ « MyDeveloperQueryName », «MyClientModuleResultTable ») ; /* Bind all parameters for MyDeveloperQueryName */ /* Each prompt in MyDeveloperQueryName must be binded */ GB_BIND (« :1 », MyClientModuleRecord.MyField1) ; […] GB_BIND (« :n », MyClientModuleRecord.MyFieldn) ; /* Or use local variable for binding */ GB_BIND(« :n », &MyLocalVarn) ; /* Execute the SQL and fill the group result table */ &MyVersion = GB_EXEC ( « N » ) ; /* <N> Don't rebuild the group if it is⇒ available */ /* Employee group is now available for your module */ /* This populates the group result table MyClientModuleResultTable  */ /* You can now use this record to populate your scrolls or work on this table… */ /* ADD YOUR CODE HERE  */ /* Clear the group result table only in the case you know the group will not be⇒ used anymore*/ [GB_DELETE() ;]

Group Build Query Limitations for Developers

Following are some limitations to the standard use of PeopleTools Query:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImplementing PeopleSoft Application Engine API Calls

This section discusses what a developer has to do to use Group Build in the application that he or she is building, using PeopleSoft Application Engine. (We refer to this application as the client application.)

To implement PeopleSoft Application Engine API calls:

  1. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, create a Run Control page.

  2. Create a new Run Control record or use an existing one.

    In this record, add:

  3. In PeopleSoft Application Engine, create a new program .

    This program must contain:

  4. Create reports, based on the group that you just created, by setting up a JOB.

    When the system launches the SQR, you get the GB_GROUP_ID VERSIONGBQDM (version of the group) from the Run Control record. This enables you to retrieve the group from the Group Results Table and print or perform processing on it.

Differences Between PeopleCode and Application Engine APIs



What are the differences between a PeopleCode API and a PeopleSoft Application Engine API?

For building a group, there are not many differences between the two APIs.

  • In both APIs, you use the PeopleCode function GB_DECLARE, GB_BIND, or GB_BIND_DATE.

  • In the PeopleCode API, you call GB_EXEC("Y") with a REFRESH_FLAG ("Y" or "N") as parameter, and the function returns the VERSION of the group.

  • In the PeopleSoft Application Engine API, you call a section GB_API.GB_EXEC. The refresh flag is set before this call by updating AE_GB_API_AET.REFRESH_SW, and you retrieve the version of the group in the cache record AE_GB_API_AET.VERSIONGBQDM.

Why can't we use the PeopleCode API directly in a PeopleSoft Application Engine PeopleCode step?

There is a PeopleTools limitation:

The CallAppEngine() function is not intended to be inserted into an Application Engine PeopleCode step. If you need to call an Application Engine program from another Application Engine program, you must use the Call Section Action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeveloping Client-Specific Workflow

This section provides the additional steps that must be performed for implementing workflow. This specific workflow is an enhancement to the generic workflow that is provided by default by the Group Build application. Workflow must be fully implemented by the client application developer. This section discusses the main differences between the Group Build workflow and the standard way of implementing workflow.

Although the business process diagram looks like the Group Build generic workflow business process, you have to develop a business process for each client application to enhance the information that is provided by the Group Build generic workflow. The reasons for this are:

The worklist record table has to contain key fields for accessing the client application page, so map those fields to the appropriate client application page fields (the workflow is triggered from the calling page).

The Message Agent is responsible for entering data on the client application page for triggering the specific workflow. The Database Agent executes a query that retrieves the values that are passed as Message Agent input fields. Therefore, the Database Agent query should retrieve the necessary key values, plus the condition for triggering the workflow.

You have to define a new client-specific table record (MySpecificWorkflowTable). This record stores all client application key fields, the group ID (GB_GROUP_ID) field, and the version (VERSIONGBQDM) field. Populate the MySpecificWorkflowTable after you call Group Build (to get the version number).


As a client application developer, you have to:

  1. Define a new table (MySpecificWorkflowTable) for storing the page key, group ID, and version number fields.

  2. Define a new worklist table record.

  3. Define a derived/work field that is responsible for triggering the workflow.

  4. Add this field to the client application page as a hidden field.

  5. Provide PeopleCode for storing page key values before calling Group Build.

  6. Define a Database Agent query for retrieving the key field values: group ID, version number, and user ID.

  7. Design the business process (activities, steps, business event, worklist routing, email routing, Database Agent, and Message Agent) and define the necessary attributes and field mappings.

  8. Define a new process for the modified Database Agent (MyDBAGProcess) in PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

  9. Define a new job (MySpecificJobName) that serializes PeopleSoft Application Engine, calling the section GB_EXEC in Application Engine GB_API and the modified Database Agent process (MyDBAGProcess).

  10. Pass the new job name to Group Build as a parameter through a new API function, GB_SET_JOB_WF(MySpecificJobName), which passes the new job name to be scheduled, enables the specific workflow, and disables the generic workflow. The call to this function must be done before the call to GB_EXEC.

  11. Add PeopleCode to save the necessary information in MySpecificWorkflowTable (see the following procedure).

To add PeopleCode to save the information in MySpecificWorkflowTable:

  1. Design MySpecificWorkflowTable so that all the key fields that are necessary for accessing your client application page will be recorded.

    1. Add two key fields, GB_GROUP_ID and VERSIONGBQDM, to your record.

    2. Add a workflow flag, WF_FLAG.

  2. Design MySpecificWorkflowDerived/Work.

    1. Add two fields: GB_TRIGGER_WF (responsible for triggering the workflow) and OPRID (important for routings).

    2. Make the fields invisible.

  3. Define a worklist record, MyWorklistRecord, for routing to the calling client application page.

    BUSPROCNAME, ACTIVITYNAME, EVENTNAME, WORKLISTNAME, INSTANCEID, and TRANSACTIONID are standard, required fields for a worklist record.

    Add all of your page's key fields, plus the GB_GROUP_ID and VERSIONGBQDM fields.

  4. Define the Database Agent (DBAG) query.

    The DBAG query is responsible for calling the client application key field values: group ID, group version number, and user ID.

    1. In PeopleSoft Tree Manager, add MySpecificWorkflowTable to the HR ACCESS GROUP, as follows:

    2. Go to PeopleSoft Query.

    3. Join MySpecificWorkflowTable and GB_GENERICWF on group ID and version number to return specific key values: group ID, group version number, workflow triggering flag, and user ID.

    4. Include in your criteria prompts on group ID and version number.

    5. Save your query as a public database agent query named "_DBAG__MySpecificWorkflowQuery".

  5. Design the MySpecificBusinessProcess.

    1. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, define a business process.

      MySpecificBusinessProcess has two activities:



      Each activity has only one step branching to the client application page:

    2. In the MySpecificWorkflowModule activity, add a business event, a worklist routing, an email routing, a database agent, and links.

    3. Define each item and its required attributes.

      The business event is triggered from the MySpecificWorkflowDerived/Work record.

    4. Add workflow PeopleCode, using the button Edit Business Rules and write the code as displayed, providing the condition for calling the TriggerBusinessEvent function. Write the correct parameters: business process, activity, and business event to trigger.

    5. On the Worklist Attributes page, select the record defined in step 4 as the worklist record. Specify the Business Process, its activity that works the worklist (MySpecificWorkflowModuleResult).

    6. On the Field Map page, specify the mapping between the worklist record fields and your client application page keys.

    7. For the OPRID field, select the role name Roleuser by Oprid Qry, binding the OPRID query variable to the MySpecificWorkflowDerived/Work.OPRID field.

    8. For the email routing, define the field map between your email fields (SUBJECT, NOTETEXT, TO, CC, and BCC) and your application fields.

    9. Define the Database Agent items:

      Define the target component on the Message Attributes page and provide the path to your client application component.

      In the Query Name field, enter the database agent query defined in Step 5.

      Define the mapping between the query selection fields (second column) and your client application page fields (last column).

  6. Go to PeopleSoft Process Scheduler and define MySpecificWorkflowDBAGProcess

    1. Add a new process of type Database Agent on the Process Definitions page.

    2. On the Process Definition Options page, override the parameters list in Append mode, specifying the following as parameters:

      E100 -T -L /A MySpecificWorkflowModule /MD MyDatabaseAgentName


      /A stands for Activity Name

      /MD stands for Message Definition

      -kbind1 and −kbind2 are bind variables from the API work page.

  7. In PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, define MySpecificWorkflowJob.

    Add a new job serializing the Group Build Application Engine process (the one that calls GB_API.GB_EXEC) and MySpecificWorkflowDBAG database agent process.

  8. Add calls to Group Build API on your client application.

    On the FieldChange PeopleCode event of your Group Build calling button, use Group Build API as described at Step 7 in the first section of this documentation. Don't forget to call the GB_SET_JOB_WF function to activate your specific workflow and disable the generic workflow.

  9. Add PeopleCode to store the necessary information in MySpecificWorkflowTable.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Group Versions

This section provides an overview of version numbers and discusses how to work with versions (for developers).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Version Numbers

Each time you build a group, the system generates a version number and stores it in the Group Result Table. The system creates a new version number and updates the result table if any of the following have changed since the last time you executed the group:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with Versions (for Developers)

Before reading this section, see "Building Applications or Batch Programs That Include Group Build Functions".

You can implement Group Build in an application by:

However, you can use your own Group Results Table with the default developer query or use the default Group Results Table with your own query, as long as the fields selected by the query match the default Group Results Table structure.

This means that the system regenerates the group and changes the version number if either of the following changed since the last time you executed this group:

Note. You can bypass the versioning mechanism by calling GB_EXEC("Y"). Then the group is generated each time it is called.

Note. When using Developer Query or User Query, keep in mind that GB_QRY_LINK_VIEW is based on the JOB record. When Group Build generates the SQL, the system replaces all references to GB_QRY_LINK_VIEW with JOB. If, after this is done, the left REC.FIELD is the same as the right REC.FIELD, Group Build will not process the line in the SQL generation.

For example, if you have the criteria GB_QRY_LINK_VIEW.EFFDT <= JOB.EFFDT in Query, Group Build will replace it with JOB.EFFDT <= JOB.EFFDT. The system will then remove the line because the left REC.FIELD is the same as the right REC.FIELD. As a result, the Query count may differ from the one returned by Group Build.