Tracking Training Costs

This chapter provides an overview of training cost tracking and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Training Cost Tracking

This section lists common elements and discusses student reimbursement processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Data Override and Override

Select to manually change costs that are associated with a student for a specific course session. Cost fields become available. Selecting Data Override prevents the Compute Student Costs process (TRN013) to override costs entered by you.

Note. Once you change the default values on a page, you cannot select the Data Override check box again.

Warning! When you rerun the Compute Student Cost process (RUNCTL_TRN013) with this check box selected, the system overwrites the data on that page with new calculation results.

EE Qty (employee quantity)

Defines the number of units of equipment or materials. Can also define the number of units of the Expense Type value on the page that the employee used as part of the course session.

Per Employee Cost

Displays the costs per employee. The appropriate currency is defined in the field next to this field. You can override the costs by selecting the Data Override check box.

(FRA) Financed Cost, Financing Fund, and Financing Department

Use these fields to define the additional facility information that is used to generate the French Training Report 2483. Enter the financed cost if the student's training is financed by an external organization.

Select the financing fund that is used to finance the student's training costs. Set up financing funds in the Vendor table.

Select the department that is financing the student's training costs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStudent Reimbursement Processing

You can use Human Resources to handle student reimbursements for external course expenses. The system calculates reimbursable amounts according to the schedules that you create. In the Budget Training business process, the system updates training costs as students complete courses and are reimbursed for training expenses and posts those costs against your organization's training budget.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining and Tracking Reimbursable Tuition Expenses

This section discusses how to:

Note. The reimbursement information that you track here is for informational purposes only and does not affect payroll processing in Human Resources Management (HRMS).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define and Track Reimbursable Expenses

Page Name

Definition Name



Tuition Expense Type


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tuition Expense Type, Tuition Expense Type

Define the types of training expenses that are reimbursable, define the percentage that is reimbursable, and set up a reimbursable limit.

Maintain Tuition Reimbursement


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Tuition Reimbursement, Maintain Tuition Reimbursement

Track reimbursable expenses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Reimbursable Expenses and Percentages

Access the Tuition Expense Type page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Tuition Expense Type, Tuition Expense Type).

Cost Type

Select Direct or Indirect.

Percent Reimbursable

Work-Related Course and Non-Work-Related Course

Enter the percentage of the expense that is reimbursable. You can have different percentages for work-related and non-work-related courses.

Reimbursable Limit

Define reimbursable limits to help track tuition reimbursement costs.

Limited Reimbursement

Select to limit the amount that the students are reimbursed. The system makes the Amount and Cost Unit fields available.

Amount and Cost Unit

Enter the reimbursable limit and select the associated unit.

For example, you can specify a flat cost, such as 100 USD, or limit the amount that is reimbursed for a period, such as 100 USD, per person per year.

(FRA) France

Define additional expense data for 2483 report requirements.

2483 Type

Select an expense type. Options are Equipment, Furniture, Instructor Lodging & Transport, Instructor, Student Lodging & Transport, Non-Instructor (non-instructor-related expenses), and Student Restaurant.


Select to make the training course a chargeable item for the 2483 report. When selected, related costs that you entered are reported in the 2483 report. This is used to meet French legal reporting requirements. The default value derives from the chargeable flag set in the Course setup page and by the Compute Student Cost process.

Limited Amount

Select if the expense amount is restricted to a specific value. The system makes the Limit Amount and Cost Unit fields available. The limit amount is applied when computing the chargeable cost.

Limit Amount, Currency, and Cost Unit

Enter the limit amount and select the associated unit.

For example, to limit hotel lodging to FRF 2000 per person per day, enter 2000 in the Limit Amount field and select Pers/Day in the Cost Unit field.

Note. The quantity also applies to the limit. For example 2 meals that are paid by the same student costs 20 EUR pers/day, qty = 2. If the charge is only 15 EUR pers/day, the limit will be 15*2 = 30 EUR pers/day.

See Also

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Student Reimbursements

Access the Maintain Tuition Reimbursement page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Tuition Reimbursement, Maintain Tuition Reimbursement).

You can track all expense types for which you usually reimburse students, including tuition, textbooks, and ancillary materials.

You can enter and update tuition reimbursements only for courses where students have a status of Enrolled, Currently Attending, or Completed. You update (or the system updates) the student status on the Enroll Individually and Student Training pages.


Displays the sum of the amounts in the Expense Amount field on the Date tab and the sum of the amounts in the Amount Reimbursed field and the currency code from the Amount tab.

Date Tab

Expense Type

Select an expense type from the types that you created on the Tuition Expense Type page.

Amount Tab

Work Rltd (work-related) and Amount Reimbursed

Select if the course is work-related.

The system calculates the amount that is to be reimbursed to the student based on the percentages that you entered on the Tuition Expense Type table. You can set up different percentages for work-related and non-work-related courses. If you have set a reimbursable limit on the Tuition Expense Type table, and you select this check box, the system calculates the amount that is to be reimbursed. If the limit is exceeded, the system displays a warning message and adjusts the Amount Reimbursed value. You can continue with the reduced amount or update the amount reimbursed.

See Also

Selecting the Base Currency for Training Costs

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating and Maintaining Student Costs

To calculate student costs for a course session, run the Compute Student Costs process. This process splits out the training costs to the employee level using cost information that is specified at the course, course catalog, and course session levels.

The process calculates the training cost for each employee in the specified session, for the specified budget period, and populates the tables that store employee training cost component information as follows:

Cost Component












Employee Expense


Session Expense


Once you've run this process, you can view the results in the Track Student Cost component. Adjustments that you make to the cost information in that component override the cost information that is calculated by the process.

The Compute Student Costs process affects the 2483 Training Report as follows:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Calculate and Track Student Costs

Page Name

Definition Name



Calculate Student Cost


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Calculate Student Cost, Calculate Student Cost

Run the Calculate Student Costs process before you review or update actual training costs at the employee level. This process computes student costs by budget period for the course sessions that you specify as part of the process parameters.

Maintain Student Costs - Salary


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Salary

Review the employee salary costs that are associated with a course session and budget period.

Maintain Student Costs - Vendor


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Vendor

Review and update the vendor costs resulting from the Compute Student Costs process.

Maintain Student Costs - Facility


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Facility

Review and update the facility costs resulting from the Compute Student Cost process.

Maintain Student Costs - Equipment


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Equipment

Review and update training equipment and materials costs resulting from the Compute Student Cost process.

Maintain Student Costs - Instructor


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Instructor

Review and update the training instructor costs resulting from the Compute Student Cost process.

Track Student Costs - Employee Expense


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Employee Expense

Update the employee expense costs resulting from the Compute Student Costs process.

Maintain Student Costs - Session Expense


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Session Expense

Update the expense costs resulting from the Compute Student Cost process.

EE Session Cost Summary (employee session cost summary)


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, EE Session Cost Summary, EE Session Cost Summary

Run the EE Session Cost Summary report (TRN032). This report lists the costs that are associated with an employee who is attending a course. Costs are for salary, vendor, facility, equipment, instructor, employee expense, and session expense. This is an SQR report.

Note. You must run the Compute Student Cost process before you run this report.

The EE Session Cost Summary job runs two processes to produce the report:

  • EE Session Costs (HR_TRNEECOST). This is an application engine process that extracts the costs and stores them in a temporary table (PS_TRN032_TAO). The system runs this process first to generate the data for the report.

  • EE Session Cost Summary. This is an SQR process that generates the report using the data in the temporary table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Compute Student Costs Process

Access the Calculate Student Cost page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Calculate Student Cost, Calculate Student Cost).

External Expense Record

Students' travel and lodging expenses.

Note. When training expenses are managed by another system other than PeopleSoft, it is possible to import costs from the external system via a table. The table that is used as the interface between PeopleSoft and the other system should be filled with costs to be imported. When running the process, costs specified into this interface table are imported into TRN_EEEXPN_COST.

Session Selection Criteria

Start Date Between and and

Select the session start and end dates. When you select a budget period, these dates are populated with values from the Budget Period Table page.


Click to populate all the sessions with a similar session start date into the specified dates.

Cancelled, Completed, Incomplete, No Show, Enrolled, and Dropped

Select to include students with each status for the selected course and session.

Course Information

Course Code

The system displays courses that have completed sessions for the selected budget period only.

Session Nbr (session number)

Select from the list of completed sessions.

Last Proc Date (last process date)

Displays the date that you last ran the Compute Student Cost process for the specified course session and budget.


Select to proceed with the process and populate the Track Student Cost pages with the process calculation results.


The process does not automatically alter costs entered manually into the Track Student Costs page (when the Data Override check box is selected on that page). To force the process to store computed costs into the Trainees Salary Costs page, select this check box.

See Also

Defining Training Requirements

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(FRA) Reviewing and Updating Vendor Costs

Access the Maintain Student Costs - Vendor page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Vendor).

Define additional vendor information to be tracked for legal reporting.

Certified, Chargeable and Billed,

For legal reports, select any check box that is applicable.

Date Entered

Enter date that the invoice was entered for the vendor.

Note. The Date Entered field is activated when the Billed date is activated. This is 2483 specific. To be chargeable, a vendor should be certified, chargeable, have an invoice with the Billed date included within the declaring year and a valid agreement number should be specified if the Vendor Type is Consulting Firm or Training Provider.

Agreement Date and Company

Enter the agreement date and the name of the company that signed the agreement.

See Also

Selecting the Base Currency for Training Costs

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(FRA) Updating and Maintaining Facility Costs

Access the Maintain Student Costs - Facility page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Facility).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(FRA) Updating and Maintaining Equipment Costs

Access the Maintain Student Costs - Equipment page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Maintain Student Costs, Equipment).

Click to jump to parent topic(FRA) Updating Training Cost Data Imported from Enterprise Learning Management

When training costs are deleted or cost types changed in Enterprise Learning Management for data already imported into Administer Training, the original imported data is not automatically deleted from Administer Training and must be deleted manually.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Purge Deleted ELM Cost Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Load ELM Messages


Enterprise Learning, ELM Integration, Load ELM Messages, Load ELM Messages

Enter costs to be purged from Administer Training.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Actual Training Costs

The Update Planned and Real Costs process updates the actual training costs that you're tracking in the Administer Training business process. You can post these costs against the training budget in the Budget Training business process.

Once you run the Update Planned and Real Cost Process, you can examine how you've spent your training budget, using online inquiry pages that detail the budgeted costs for your organization and any unbudgeted costs that you incurred as part of training your employees. Also, you can look at how your organization's total budgeted costs compare to what you spent on training at the end of the budget period, or at any point along the way, to examine how the projected expenditures compare to what you've spent.

Note. Run this process only if you have set up a training budget using the Budget Training business process and have been tracking actual training costs in the Administer Training business process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Update Planned and Real Cost Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Calculate Planned/Real Costs


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Calculate Planned/Real Costs, Calculate Planned/Real Costs

Run the Update Planned and Real Cost process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Update Planned and Real Cost Process

Access the Calculate Planned/Real Costs page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Calculate Planned/Real Costs, Calculate Planned/Real Costs).

Budget Period

You can update costs for any predefined budget period, but you'll want to run the process only against the current budget period, because you need to have recorded actual training costs to obtain meaningful cost results. You can run the process anytime during the current budget period to see how projected training spending compares to actual expenditures.

Note. The budget period needs to be frozen for the process to execute properly.

Base Currency

When you move out of the Business Unit field, the system displays the base currency for that business unit. When the system calculates the costs for this budget period and business unit, it converts the costs to the base currency shown here. Then you can compare training expenditures and budget amounts in the same currency.

When the system executes the Update Planned and Real Costs process, it calculates totals for all cost elements for each training demand that is associated with the selected budget period and business unit and compares the totals to the total training budget.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Creating Global Scenarios

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Training Costs

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Training Costs

Page Name

Definition Name





Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Budgeted, Budgeted

Review budgeted costs compared to actual training costs.



Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Unbudgeted, Unbudgeted

Review current unbudgeted training costs. Costs can include projected costs without any actual expenditure, if you have not spent the projected amount.



Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Summary, Summary

Compare budgeted and actual training cost totals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Budgeted Costs

Access the Budgeted page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Budgeted, Budgeted).

Note. In the departmental view, to see all the budgeted training versus the current training information for all departments, you may need to scroll down the page.

See Also

Tracking Training Plans

Defining Default Training Costs

Selecting the Base Currency for Training Costs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Unbudgeted Costs

Access the Unbudgeted page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Unbudgeted, Unbudgeted).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing Budgeted Costs to Actual Costs

Access the Summary page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Summary, Summary).

From Budget Training

These results include all the demands that you budgeted for in the Budget Training business process.

For all of the budgeted training costs for the specified budget period, business unit, and departments in the departmental view ID), the system provides demand, duration and cost information as follows:






Budgeted total demand (number of employees to be trained).

Budgeted total training duration that you estimated as part of the training budget.

Total budgeted training cost.


Projected (current realized) training demand (number of employees that are enrolled or are in training).

Projected (current realized) duration for the training that has occurred to date.

Projected cost for the training to date. The projected amounts here include those students that have been enrolled in the course sessions for that budget period, including those who have completed the course.

Percent of projected (realized) cost compared to budgeted cost

Projected (realized) demand compared to budgeted demand.

Projected (realized) duration compared to budgeted duration

Projected cost compared to budgeted cost. This represents the budget percentage you've projected that you will spend to date. Remember that you haven't actually spent this money yet, because it is only projected.

Actual training expenses incurred to date

Actual number of employees trained (demand).

Actual total training duration to date.

Actual cost to date.

Percentage of actual costs compared to projected costs

Actual number of employees trained compared to projected number of employees trained.

Actual duration amount compared to projected training duration amount.

Actual training cost compared to projected training cost. If the amount is 100 percent, then the projected budget amount equals the actual amount that you've spent. If the result is less than 100 percent, you still have projected budget money to spend. If the amount is more than 100 percent, then you've overspent the training budget.

Percentage of actual cost compared to budgeted cost

Actual (realized) demand compared to budgeted demand.

Actual (realized) duration compared to budgeted duration.

Actual (realized) cost compared to budgeted cost. This represents the percentage of the budget that you've spent to date.

From Administer Training

These amounts are for costs that were not included as part of the training budget for the budget period. This includes all training that was tracked in the Administer Training business process but not linked to a budget training demand, as follows:






Projected (current realized) training demand (number of employees that are enrolled or are in training).

Projected (current realized) duration for the training that has occurred to date.

Projected cost for the training to date. The projected amounts here include those students that have been enrolled in the course sessions for that budget period, including those that have completed the course.


Actual unbudgeted employees trained.

Actual unbudgeted training duration amount.

Actual cost associated with training unbudgeted employees. The actual population is made up of students that have completed the course sessions for that budget period (Attendance status is Completed).

Total Actual Costs

These amounts represent a summary of the actual costs, both as part of the training budget and from unbudgeted costs that are tracked in the Administer Training business process, as follows:





Total actual

Total (current realized) training demand (number of employees currently trained or in training.

Total (current realized) duration for the training that has occurred to date.

Total cost for the training to date.

Percentage of total budgeted amount that the projected amount represents

Percentage of total budgeted demand the projected demand represents.

Percentage of total budgeted duration the projected duration represents.

Percentage of the total budgeted cost that the projected cost represents. The projected amounts here include students who have been enrolled in the course sessions for that budget period but have not yet completed the course (Attendance status is other than Completed).

Percentage of the total actual amount represented by the total projected amount

Percentage of the total actual demand represented by the total projected demand.

Percentage of the total actual duration represented by the total projected duration

Percentage of the total actual cost represented by the total projected cost. The projected amounts here include those students that have been enrolled in the course sessions for that budget period but have not yet completed the course (Attendance status is other than Completed).

Percentage of total budgeted amount that the actual amount represents

Percentage of total budgeted demand that the actual demand represents.

Percentage of total budgeted duration that the actual duration represents.

Percentage of the total budgeted cost that the actual cost represents.

Click to jump to parent topic(FRA) Reviewing Employee Session Costs

If you're administering training programs for French workers, you can view a summary of course session cost information for the employee. This inquiry page displays information that is relevant to the French Training Report 2483 and includes information about financed training costs and chargeable amounts that aren't included on the Review Training Summary page.

Use this inquiry page only after you've run the FRA Compute 2483 process and reviewed or updated the employee's cost information on the Track Student Cost component.

See Also

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Employee Session Costs

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Ssn Cost Summary FRA (student session cost summary)


Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Student Ssn Cost Summary FRA, Student Ssn Cost Summary FRA

View a summary of course session cost information for an employee.

Note. This page is relevant to French organizations only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Course Session Costs

Access the Student Ssn Cost Summary FRA page (Enterprise Learning, Cost Analysis, Review Costs, Student Ssn Cost Summary FRA, Student Ssn Cost Summary FRA).

For each cost that is categorized as a provider, facility, employee cost, instructor, expense, or equipment amount in the France group boxes on the Track Student Cost page, the system displays that cost for the session indicated.

For each charge, the system displays:

Note. The chargeable amount is based on charges for French workers that you indicated as chargeable on the cost pages in the Administer Training business process. Chargeable costs are also reflected in the company-contributed or -financed amount, as indicated in the Course Session Cost table. You can indicate a cost as chargeable in the Course Session Cost French group boxes in Administer Training.

At the bottom of the page, the system displays the total cost for the course session for this student, the total financed amount, the total company-contributed amount, and the total chargeable amount.

See Also

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Selecting the Base Currency for Training Costs