Setting Up Country-Specific Tables

This chapter provides an overview of country-specific table setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Country-Specific Table Setup

Once you've set up the tables that you'll use to administer your core workforce functionality in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources, you may also need to set up additional tables to manage the Administer Workforce business process for specific countries.

You need to set up only the tables that are relevant to your organization's business needs.

See Also

Setting Up the Administer Workforce Business Process

Click to jump to parent topic(FRA) Setting Up French Workforce Tables

To set up the French workforce tables, use the APE Table (APE_TABLE_FRA), the INSEE Table (INSEE_TABLE_FRA), the External Variables (EXTERNAL_VARIABLES), URSSAF Table (URSSAF_TABLE_FRA), FRA CPAM Table (CPAM_TABLE_FRA), FRA CRAM table (CRAM_TBL_FRA), Hour Type table (HOUR_TYPE_TABLE), and Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA (OCC_ILLNESS_FRA) components.

This section provides an overview of maintaining French social security tracking codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding French Social Security Tracking Code Maintenance

In France, CPAMs are the local social security offices that manage health coverage for French workers. The French government establishes and regulates CPAMs. If you're managing a French workforce, you'll need to identify and track the CPAM offices that impact your enterprise.

The CRAM is the regional social security body that oversees the running of CPAMs. CRAM offices work with companies to both prevent and compensate workers for vocational or personal injuries.

Use the French setup tables to maintain Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM) and Caisse Regionale d'Assurance Maladie (CRAM) codes for compliance with French social insurance regulations.

Track and report on occupational injuries for French workers using the Monitor Health and Safety business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.

See Also

Creating and Tracking Incidents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up French Workforce Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



APE Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, APE Table

Maintain APE codes for your French organization. APE codes are used to classify the type of industry (such as software, banking, and insurance) that a company represents. APE codes are a normalized set of codes that are required by law and are used on Training Report 2483 (TRN029).



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, INSEE Table

Maintain INSEE codes for your French organization.

External Variables


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, External Variables

  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Regulatory Requirements FRA, External Variables

Enter information that is related to the salaries and Social Security ceilings that are established by the French government each year.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, URSSAF Table

Set up URSSAF codes. The URSSAF is a French administration that collects the worker and employer contributions for Social Security. This table stores the codes for the local URSSAF offices.

CPAM Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, CPAM Table, CPAM Table

Modify or add a CPAM ID to your human resources system.

CRAM Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, CRAM Table, CRAM Table

Modify or add a CRAM code to your human resources system.

Hours Type


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, Hours Type, Hours Type

Define hours type codes that you'll use to track job hours information for French workers.

Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA, Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA

Enter French occupational illness codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining INSEE Codes

Access the INSEE Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, INSEE Table).

The system displays the description that you enter for this code on pages or reports in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources that reference the INSEE code.

These values are set by the INSEE and classify job codes. Link INSEE codes to job codes that are used in French organizations on the Job Data - Evaluation Criteria page.

Special ability

Select if this INSEE code represents a job that requires a special ability.

An worker who is assigned (through the job code) an INSEE code with this check box selected can't be listed as disabled on the French Disability report.

Population Category

Select the population category associated with this INSEE code. Population codes are used in the definition of contingency contracts to identify the population covered by a contract. Population codes are also used by the DUCS reporting in PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for France.

See Also

Classifying Jobs

Setting Up French Regulatory Requirements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Salary and Social Security Ceiling Information

Access the External Variables page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, External Variables).

The values that you enter act as a reference for salary and payroll processing in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Leg&Reg Report Parameters (legislative and regulatory report parameters)

Minimum Salary, Retail Price Index, and Minimum Salary Guaranteed

Enter a minimum salary, retail price index, and guaranteed minimum salary for this external variable. The French government sets the amounts.

Disability Report Rate

Prior to launching the Disability report (DIS001), enter a disability report rate. The rate is set by the French government, and the current rate is 6 percent (a field value of 0,06). The disability report rate is set up in the External Variables Table.

Social Security Ceiling

These ceiling values are determined every year by the French Social Security Administration; the values that you enter are the ceiling values that define different income brackets for French workers. They are also used as a reference for payroll calculations for French workers because many types of Social Security contributions are calculated based on the Social Security income bracket into which an worker's salary falls.

For example, if you enter the following Social Security ceilings for Social Security Ceiling A, B, and C, and the tax rates for each bracket of income are as shown:


Bracket A

Bracket B

Bracket C



2279 EUR

9116 EUR

18233 EUR


Tax Rate





Then an worker whose salary is 31000 EUR per month, based on this Social Security and tax rate scenario, is required to pay the following Social Security premium:

(2,279 × 10%) + (9,116 × 15%) + (18,233 × 18%) + (1,372 × 20%)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Hours Type Codes

Access the Hours Type page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data FRA, Hours Type, Hours Type).

Hours Type

Enter the hours type code you are defining. Add rows to define as many hours type codes as needed.


Hours Type



Indicates a shift work pattern. For example, in the manufacturing or industrial sector, production can go on round the clock. The production workers are split into three groups—each group is working one after the other, eight hours a day. Every month, for example, the workers shift to another group. Shift workers who were working the 12 p.m. to 8 a.m. shift move to the 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. shift. Because this type of work schedule implies a lot of constraints in their personal life, those workers are often paid a shift bonus.


Works the same way as the 3*8 option, but indicates that there are two work shifts as opposed to three.


Indicates that the work hours follow a regular pattern using the job's standard hours as indicated on the Job Information page.


Indicate that the worker's hours follow an individualized pattern that is different from the company's default standard hours. Indicate this amount in the Standard Hours field on the Job Information page. This field is used by the French Employee report (indicator 413 of the Employee Survey for the Trade/Services industry).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering French Occupational Illness Codes

Access the Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA, Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA).

Use this page to define occupational illness categories for French workers. Use the categories when you enter information on the Disability page.

Note. The Occupational Illness Tbl - FRA table (OCC_ILLNESS_FRA) is used as a prompt table on the Prof. Dis (Professional Disease) field for the Disability page. While there is another Occupation Illness table (OCC_ILLNESS_TBL) used in the Monitor Health and Safety business process, they aren't the same page. If you're entering information about disabilities for French employees on the French Disability page, you must complete this table.

Professional Disability

Enter codes for the occupational illnesses that you want to track in your system.

Click to jump to parent topic(DEU) Setting Up German Workforce Tables

To set up the German workforce tables, use the Accident Insurance table (ACCDT_INS_TABLE), BA Cd table (BA_CD_TABLE), Function Code Table (FUNCTION_CD_TBL), Nation Duvo (NATION_DUVO_TABLE), Industrial Inspection (INDUST_INSP_GER), and SI Unit (SI_UNIT_GER) components.

This section provides an overview of social insurance in Germany and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Accident Insurance

Accident insurance in Germany is maintained and administered by private organizations (Berufsgenossenschaften) that act as employer's liability insurance associations. Employers pay out a certain amount in the form of premiums to these associations, who administer and pay out funds to workers injured on the job. To manage the amount your company contributes to the fund, set up information regarding accident insurance codes and accident insurance hazard codes. The insurance associations usually determine these codes.

To determine your premium, track the number of employees who belong to a hazard class. This number is multiplied by a hazard factor, and the results are supplied to the social insurance provider, which determines the required premium for your organization. These contribution amounts are based on the number of organizations that the provider serves; for example, if one of the companies in the group goes bankrupt, the other member companies may have to pay higher premiums.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up German Workforce Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



Accident Insurance Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Accident Insurance, Accident Insurance Table

Define accident insurance codes for German employees.

Accident Insurance Address


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Accident Insurance, Accident Insurance Address

Enter address information for this accident insurance provider.

Accident Insurance Upload


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Accident Insurance, Accident Insurance Upload

Upload UVGT and UVSD files to use.

BA Codes (Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit Codes)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, BA Codes, BA Codes

Add or update Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit job codes.

PeopleSoft maintains the BA Code table so that you can add or update it. All job codes are published by the German Federal Labor Office (Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit ) in Verzeichnis der Berufsbezeichnungen and are required on reports to the German Federal Labor Office.

Function Code


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Function Code, Function Code

Add or maintain job codes for conducting statistical analyses of your workforce in Germany. For example, you can use the codes that you establish here to examine how many consultants, administrators, support staff, or sales representatives make up your workforce.

Nation Duvo


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Nation Duvo, Nation Duvo

Add or update nation DEUEV information.

Industrial Inspection


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Industrial Inspection, Industrial Inspection

Set up German industrial inspection codes that you associate with locations in your organization.

Note. Industrial inspection codes are not effective-dated and have no status.

Social Insurance Unit


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Social Insurance Unit, Social Insurance Unit

Set up German social insurance unit codes that you associate with locations in your organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Accident Insurance Codes

Access the Accident Insurance - Accident Insurance Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Accident Insurance, Accident Insurance Table).


Enter the code for the hazard type.

Note. German hazard codes are regulated and standardized by the German government.

Hazard Class

Enter the class, or degree, of the covered hazard.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering German Nation DEUEV Codes

Access the Nation Duvo page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data DEU, Nation Duvo, Nation Duvo).

The Nation DEUEV table is maintained by PeopleSoft and stores nationality codes specified by the German DEUEV Directive that regulates how data is to be provided to the German social insurance administration by companies doing business in Germany. Using these codes is required for compliance with the German DEUEV (data transmission/transfer) Directive.

Note. The nation codes on the Nation DEUEV table are different from the country codes on the Country table. Nation DEUEV codes are specific to the German DEUEV Directive and are not based on ISO.

Note. The DEUEV Directive specifies the nationality key for each DEUEV country. Don't change it here unless the DEUEV Directive changes the nationality key.


Enter the nationality associated with this country. For example, the nationality associated with The Netherlands is Dutch.

Nationality Code

The DEUEV Directive specifies a unique two-character nationality code for each nationality key. These nationality codes are different from the three-character ISO country codes stored on the Country table.


Indicate an ISO country code to be associated with the DEUEV Directive nationality key.

OECD Country (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development country)

Select to indicate the nationality key is for an OECD country. Germany carefully regulates the types of industries in which citizens of non-OECD countries, like Iraq, can work. For example, non-OECD nationals are restricted from working in defense-related industries or for companies that produce products involving protected trade technologies.

Note. There isn't always a one-to-one correspondence between ISO countries on the Country table and the nationality keys on the Nation DEUEV table. The German DEUEV Directive makes nationality distinctions that have no direct relationship to ISO country standards.

EU-Land (European Union country)

Select to indicate this is European Union country. Workers from European Union nations are tracked for purposes of reporting to the German Social Insurance administration.

Note. Nationality keys are attached to an employee's job data on the Job Data Identity/Diversity page. If you're entering information for German workers, the system prompts for the worker's nationality code using the DEUEV nations on the Nation DEUEV table.

Click to jump to parent topic(ITA) Setting Up Italian Workforce Tables

To set up the Italian Workforce tables, use the ITA C.I.A. table (CIA_TBL_ITA), Cities table (CITY_TABLE_ITA), ITA INAIL table (INAIL_TBL_ITA), ITA INPDAI table (INPDAI_TBL_ITA), INPS Site (INPS_SITE_ITA), INPS Codes (INPS_TBL_ITA), ITA PREV table (PREV_TBL_ITA), Company Codes (COMP_CD_ITA), Company/Estab Codes (COMP_ESTAB_CD_ITA), IT Country FCode (COUNTRY_TABLE_ITA), Seniority Notification Periods (SENIORIT_NOTIF_ITA), Turnover Action (TRV_ACTREAS_ITA), and Productive Unit (UNITA_PROD_TBL) components.

This section discusses setting up Italian workforce tables and how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Italian Workforce Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



C.I.A.Contratto Integrativo Aziendale)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, C.I.A., C.I.A.

Enter company integrative contract information.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Cities, Cities

Use the Italian City Table page to maintain the city data. Update the table by downloading the file supplied annually from the Ministero delle Finanze website and the running the Italian City Update process. You can enter the postal codes for cities to expedite data entry during the hiring process.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, INAIL Codes, INAIL Codes

Define the INAIL (Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione degli Incidenti sul Lavoro) position code and rate for INAIL contribution.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, INPDAI Codes, INPDAI Codes

Define the INPDAI (Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza per I Dirigenti di Aziende Industriali) position codes for pension funds.

Note. The INPDAI codes are used for historical data only. The INPDAI is no longer a legal body in Italy and these codes are no longer required.

INPS Sites


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, INPS Sites, INPS Sites

Set up INPS (Istituto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale) site codes. Link INPS sites to INPS codes on the INPS Codes page.

INPS Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, INPS Codes, INPS Codes

Define INPS data for social security contributions and information needed for social security reporting (DM10).

PREV Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, PREV Codes, PREV Codes

Define PREVINDAI codes, descriptions, and PREVINDAI position codes.

Company Codes - INPS Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company Codes, INPS Codes

Link the company with INPS codes.

Company Codes - INAIL Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company Codes, INAIL Codes

Link the company with INAIL codes.

Company Codes - INPDAI Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company Codes, INPDAI Codes

Link the company with INPDAI codes.

Company Codes - PREV Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company Codes, PREV Codes

Link the company with PREV codes.

Company Codes - C.I.A. Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company Codes, C.I.A. Codes

Link the company with C.I.A. codes.

Company/Estab Codes - INPS Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company/Estab Codes, INPS Codes

Link the company and establishment with INPS codes.

Company/Estab Codes - INAIL Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company/Estab Codes, INAIL Codes

Link the company and establishment with INAIL codes.

Company/Estab Codes - INPDAI Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company/Estab Codes, INPDAI Codes

Link the company and establishment with INPDAI codes.

Company/Estab Codes - PREV Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company/Estab Codes, PREV Codes

Link the company and establishment with PREV codes.

Company/Estab Codes - CIA Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Company/Estab Codes, CIA Codes

Link the company and establishment with C.I.A. (Contratto Intergrativo Aziendale) codes.

Country Fiscal Codes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Country Fiscal Codes, Country Fiscal Codes

Define the city fiscal code.

Seniority Notification Periods


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Seniority Notification Periods, Seniority Notification Periods

Define seniority termination notification periods for employment categories.

Turnover Action


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Turnover Reasons, Turnover Action

Set up action reasons for job turnover actions.

Productive Unit


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Production Unit, Productive Unit

Define production units based on your company's agreements with the unions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining INPS Codes

Access the INPS Codes page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, INPS Codes, INPS Codes).

INPS Activity Desc (INPS activity description)

Enter the company activity description to be reported on the INPS declarations.

INPS Position Code

Enter the company INPS position codes.


Select the INPS site to which the company must send declarations. Set up INPS site codes on the INPS Site page.

Stat Contr Code (statistical contribution code)

Enter the statistical contribution code to be reported on the INPS declarations.

INPS Fiscal Code

Enter the company fiscal code.

Authorization Number

Enter the authorization codes to be reported on the INPS declarations.

Istat Code

Enter the Istat code to be reported on the INPS declarations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Seniority Notification Periods

Access the Seniority Notification Periods page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ITA, Seniority Notification Periods, Seniority Notification Periods).


Select the job category to which this labor agreement notification applies.


Select the job subcategory to which this labor agreement notification applies.

Subcategory 2

Select the job subcategory 2 to which this labor agreement notification applies.

From Seniority

Enter the beginning of the seniority period to which this labor agreement notification applies. The seniority must be entered in month units.

To Seniority

Enter the end of the seniority period to which this labor agreement notification applies. The seniority must be entered in month units.

Notif Days (notification days)

Enter, in days, the seniority applicable to this period. For example, a labor agreement might require that employees employed for more than 6 months but less than 12 months have a notification period of 30 calendar days.

Type of Day

Indicate whether the notification uses working days or calendar days.

Click to jump to parent topic(JPN) Setting Up Intercompany Transfer Company Data

To set up intercompany transfer company data, use the IC Trans External Company/Dept (INTCPX_CPY_JPN) and IC Trans External Superv Lvl (INTCPX_SPV_JPN) components.

This section provides an overview of the setup of company data for intercompany transfers and describes how to set up company data for intercompany transfers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setup of Company Data for Intercompany Transfers

In any intercompany transfer, one of the companies is outside of the PeopleSoft database in which your organization's company data has been set up. Therefore it is necessary to create data in the database for those companies. These setup steps are for that purpose.

To set up company data for intercompany transfers for Japan:

See Also

Understanding Supervisor Levels

Working with Payee Data

Indicating the Home or Host Compensation Owner

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Intercompany Transfer Company Data

Page Name

Definition Name



IC Trans External Company/Dept (internal company transfer external company/department)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data JPN, IC Trans External Company/Dept, IC Trans External Company/Dept

Set up company and department codes for companies outside the database to use for intercompany transfers.

IC Trans External Superv Lvl (intercompany transfer external supervisor level)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data JPN, IC Trans External Superv Lvl

Set up supervisor level codes for companies outside the database to use for intercompany transfers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Company Data for Intercompany Transfers

Access the IC Trans External Company/Dept page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data JPN, IC Trans External Company/Dept, IC Trans External Company/Dept).

The Effective Date must be prior to any intercompany transfer effective dates to transfer to the external company, and the Status option must be Active.

Enter required rows in the Department Information group box.

Click to jump to parent topic(MYS and SGP) Setting Up Festive Advance Religions Tables for Singapore and Malaysia

To set up festive advance religions, use the Religions MYS/SGP (RELIGION_TBL_FA) component.

Regulations in some countries require ethnic group tracking by employers. The system tables contain predetermined values for defining ethnic groups and religions. You can add or edit values and descriptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Festive Advance Religions for Singapore and Malaysia

Page Name

Definition Name



Religions MYS/SGP


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Religions MYS/SGP, Religions MYS/SGP

Define religions and festive advance types for Malaysia and Singapore. Select the appropriate festive advance type from the FA Holiday Type field associated with this religion

Click to jump to parent topic(NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Disability Codes

To set up New Zealand disability codes, use the Disability Codes (DISABILITY_TBL_NZL) component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up New Zealand Disability Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Disability NZL


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Disabilities NZL, Disability NZL

Create new disability type codes or modify existing codes.

Click to jump to parent topic(ESP) Setting Up Spanish Workforce Tables

To set up Spanish workforce tables, use the Social Security Country Code (SOCS_CNTRY_ESP), Industry Activity (INDUSTRY_ACT_ESP), Insurance Company (INSUR_COMPANY_ESP), Social Security Risk Code (SOCS_RISKCD_ESP), Social Security Scheme (SOCS_SCHEME_ESP), Social Security Occupation Cd (SOCS_OCCUPATN_ESP), Social Security Company Setup (SOCS_SETUP_ESP), Social Security Data (SSEC_DATA_ESP), and Hiring Center Table (HIRING_CENTER_ESP) components.

If your organization does business in Spain, you must set up several tables to track information required by the Spanish government for Spanish workers.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Spanish Workforce Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



Country Codes Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Country Codes Table, Country Codes Table

Enter country codes valid for social security reporting purposes.

Industry Activity Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Industry Activity Table, Industry Activity Table

Enter industry activity codes and descriptions. The industry activity code helps determine the employer social security number.

Insurance Company Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Insurance Company Table, Insurance Company Table

Enter insurance company descriptions and address information.

Social Security Risk Code


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Risk Code, Social Security Risk Code

View the risk codes that can apply to employees in your organization.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Scheme Table, Scheme

Review or define maximum and minimum social security ceilings, as well as review or define the minimum hourly rate for each social security scheme.

Work Group


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Scheme Table, Work Group

Define maximum and minimum social security bases by work group, as well as the minimum hourly rate used to calculate the base for part-time employees.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Scheme Table, Contribution

Define the contribution rates and percentages for both employees and employers used in the social security calculation.

Social Security Occupation Cd (social security occupation code)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Occupation Cd, Social Security Occupation Cd

Define social security occupation codes.

Company Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Company Setup, Company Setup

Enter specific company information, including data needed for social security purposes.

Banking Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Company Setup, Banking Setup

Enter pay type and specific bank information.

Social Security Data


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Data, Social Security Data

Define a time limit for transferring FDI medical report data to the social security agency.

Hiring Center Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Hiring Center Table, Hiring Center Table

Define the hiring centers you will attach to employee personnel records on the Contract Data page.

You connect every Spanish employee with a hiring center.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Country Codes for Social Security Reporting

Access the Country Codes Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Country Codes Table, Country Codes Table).


Enter the standard ISO country code.

Social Security Country Code

Enter the country code used for social security processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Industry Activity Codes

Access the Industry Activity Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Industry Activity Table, Industry Activity Table).

Enter the effective date, status, description, and short description of the industry activity.

Social Security Rates

Enter percentages for Invalidez, Muerte y Supervivencia (IMS) and Incapacidad Temporal (IT) risks. For payees with no assigned occupational code, PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain uses these percentages to calculate IMS and IT contributions.

See Also

Retrieving Calculation Percentages and Rates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Insurance Company Descriptions and Address Information

Access the Insurance Company Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Insurance Company Table, Insurance Company Table).

Edit Address

Click to enter or modify address information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Risk Codes

Access the Social Security Risk Code page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Risk Code, Social Security Risk Code).

Note. The Spanish government requires employers to assign jobs a social security risk code that rates the risk of illness, accident, or death connected with that type of job.

The PeopleSoft system delivers all social security risk codes as system data.

Social Security Risk Code

The code that you entered to access this page. This is the code defined on this page.

IMS Risk Rate (Riesgo de Invalidez/Muerte/ Supervivencia)

Displays the IMS risk rate that applies to this social security risk code. The Spanish government assigns IMS risk rate codes that assess the risk of work-related disability, death, or survival.

IT Risk Rate (Riesgo de Incapacidad Temporal)

Displays the IT risk rate that applies to this social security risk code. The Spanish government assigns IT risk rate codes to assess the risk of work-related temporary disability, such as respiratory problems for miners or injuries for construction workers.

Total Rate

The system automatically calculates the total rate, the sum of the IMS risk rate, and the IT risk rate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Maximum and Minimum Social Security Ceilings

Access the Scheme page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Scheme Table, Scheme).

Lower Ceiling

Enter the lower ceiling amount used to calculate the professional contingencies funding base.

Upper Ceiling

Enter the upper ceiling amount used to calculate the professional contingencies funding base.

Minimum Hourly Rate

Enter the amount used to calculate the professional contingencies funding base in the case of employees working part-time.

Important! To trigger the correct part-time calculation of the base, you must specify whether the employee is working on a full or part-time basis in the Full/Part field on the Job Information page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Maximum and Minimum Social Security Bases by Work Group

Access the Work Group page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Scheme Table, Work Group).

Once you've reviewed the ceilings and hourly rate on the Scheme page, use the Work Group page to view and update the maximum and minimum bases for regular employees, and the minimum hourly rate used to calculate the funding base for part-time employees. If you need to define rates and percentages for schemes other than the general scheme, you can do so on this page as well.

Social Security Work Group

All employees who contribute to social security must be assigned to social security work groups (also known as contribution groups) based on their level of education, professional skills, and job title. The SS Work Group field displays the numerical code for each group.


This field displays an M (Monthly) or a D (Daily), depending on whether members of the social security work group have their contributions calculated on a daily basis or a monthly basis.

Minimum Amount

Enter the minimum amount used to calculate the common contingencies funding base.

Maximum Amount

Enter the maximum amount used to calculate the common contingencies funding base.

Minimum Hourly (Part Time)

Enter the minimum hourly rate used to calculate the common contingencies funding base for part-time employees.

Important! To trigger the correct part-time calculation of the base, you must specify whether the employee is working on a full or part-time basis in the Full/Part field on the Job Information page.

See Also

Entering Job Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Contribution Rates and Percentages

Access the Contribution page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Scheme Table, Contribution).

If you need to define rates and percentages for schemes other than the general scheme, you can do so on this page.

Contribution ID

In PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Spain, there are multiple contribution IDs for each scheme ID, and each contribution ID is associated with its own rates and percentages. To view the different contribution ID classes and their corresponding rates or percentages, use the scroll arrows in the Contribution and Contribution Concepts scroll areas.

Possible values for the contribution ID are:

  • General Empleado Regular (general regular employee)

  • Empleado Regular Tiemp Completo (full-time regular employee)

  • Empleado Reg Tiempo Parcial (part-time regular employee)

  • Empleado Regular E.T.T. (E.T.T. regular employee)

  • Training Contracts

  • Apprenticeship Contract

Note. You must associate individual employees with a Scheme and SS Contribution ID on the Contract Data page.

Social Security Number Type

Select one of the following values:

  • Regular: Select to define the percentages used to calculate the contributions of employees with regular contracts.

  • Apprentice: Select to define rates used to calculate the contributions of apprentices.

  • Training: Select to define rates used to calculate the contributions of employees with training contracts.

Contribution Type

Select Percentage if you will be entering percentages in the Employer Percentage or Employee Percentage fields. If you select Percentage, the Employer and Employee Rate fields become unavailable for data entry.

Select Rate if you will be entering rates in the Employer or Employee Rate fields. If you select Rate, the Employer and Employee Percentage fields become unavailable for data entry.

Important! You should always select Percentage for regular employees, and Rate for apprentices and trainees.


Indicates the type of contributions for which the system displays corresponding employee or employer contribution rates or percentages in the Contribution-Concepts grid. Possible values are:

  • Common Contingency


  • Non Structural Overtime

  • Permanent Disability D & S

  • Professional Training

  • Structural Overtime

  • Temporary Disability

  • Unemployment

Employer Rate

Displays the employer contribution rate associated with the concept listed in the left-hand column of the grid. If you are defining a new rate, enter the rate in this field.

Note. Only contributions of apprentices and trainees are based on fixed rates.

Employer Percentage

Displays the employer contribution percentage associated with the concept listed in the left-hand column of the grid. Social security contributions of regular employees are calculated as percentages of a funding base. If you are defining a new percentage, enter the percentage in this field.

Employee Rate

Displays the employee contribution rate associated with the concept listed in the left-hand column of the grid. If you are defining a new rate, enter the rate in this field.

Employee Percentage

Displays the employee contribution percentage associated with the concept listed in the left-hand column of the grid. Social security contributions of regular employees are calculated as percentages of a funding base. If you are defining a new percentage, enter the percentage in this field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Social Security Occupation Codes

Access the Social Security Occupation Cd (social security occupation code) page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Occupation Cd, Social Security Occupation Cd).

Enter the effective date, status, description, and short description of the occupation code.

Enter percentages for Invalidez, Muerte y Supervivencia (IMS) and Incapacidad Temporal (IT) risks. PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain uses these percentages to calculate IMS and IT contributions.

See Also

Retrieving Calculation Percentages and Rates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Social Security Company Information

Access the Company Setup page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Company Setup, Company Setup).

Social Security Country Code

Enter the social security country code for the company.

Silcon Key

Enter the key provided by the Social Security General Treasury to identify your company during electronic file transfers and to access the shared network.

Deliver Process Code

Select how the company submits social security reports to the Social Security General Treasury. Values include MS DOS, Magnetic D, or Winsuite. Winsuite is the official system for sending flat files containing monthly reports and human resource changes using software provided by the Social Security General Treasury and payroll flat files (like those generated by PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll).

Authorization Key

Enter the authorization code to access Winsuite provided by the Social Security General Treasury.

Delta Data


Identify the kind of labor risk prevention management that the company uses. Valid values are:

  • Business owner: The company assumes responsibilities. Fills the <asunpersona> tag.

  • Designated Workers: Managed by designated employees. Fills the <trabdesigna> tag.

  • External: Managed by an external service outside of the company. Fills the <serprevpro> tag.

  • Internal: Managed by a service organization within the company. Fills the <serprevaje> tag.

  • None: The company does not manage labor risk prevention. Fills the <ninguna> tag.

  • Shared: Managed jointly by several services. Fills the <serprevman> tag.

    See Managing Delta Communications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Social Security Bank Information

Access the Banking Setup page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Company Setup, Banking Setup).

Bank Account Data

Source Bank ID

Enter the name of the bank the company uses to pay social security contributions.

Holder Name

Enter the name the company uses at the bank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Social Security Time Limit for FDI Data

Access the Social Security Data page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Data, Social Security Data).

WS File Version

This field identifies the version of the Winsuite software used by the social security agency for reporting. As this software is updated, you must update the file version.

Sick Note

Specify the time limit (in days) for transferring sick note data to the social security agency following receipt of the note from an employee. If you select the Add Security Period check box on the Create FDI File ESP page (discussed below), the system compares the date on which the file with the sick note data is transferred to the agency (system date) to the absence begin date. If the number of days between the file transfer date and the absence begin date exceeds the time limit for sick notes, the system marks the employee as Late on the Create FDI File ESP page.

Medical Discharge

Specify the time limit (in days) for transferring medical discharge data to the social security agency following receipt of a discharge note from an employee. If you select the Add Security Period check box on the Create FDI File ESP page (discussed below), the system compares the date on which the file with the medical discharge note data is transferred to the agency (system date) to the absence end date. If the number of days between the file transfer date and the absence end date exceeds the time limit for medical discharge notes, the system marks the employee as Late on the Create FDI File ESP page.

Confirmation Note

Specify the time limit (in days) for transferring confirmation note data to the social security agency following receipt of the note from an employee. If you select the Add Security Period check box on the Create FDI File ESP page (discussed below), the system compares the date on which the file with the confirmation note data is transferred to the agency (system date) to the confirmation date you entered on the Additional Data page. If the number of days between the file transfer date and the confirmation date exceeds the time limit for medical discharge notes, the system marks the employee as Late on the Create FDI File ESP page.

See Also

Generating the FDI Medical Report Text File

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Spanish Hiring Centers

Access the Hiring Center Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Hiring Center Table, Hiring Center Table).

Hiring Center Code

The hiring center code that you entered to access this page.

Responsible ID

Select the employee ID of the person in your organization who is responsible for signing employment contracts at this hiring center.

Responsible Role

Enter a description of the job responsibilities of the person who you designated in the Responsible ID field.

Unemployment Office

Enter a description of the unemployment office for this hiring center.

Signature City

Spanish contracts must be stamped with the date and the name of the city where the contract was signed. Enter the city's name here.

See Also

Working with System Data Regulation in HRMS

Click to jump to parent topic(BRA) Setting Up Brazilian Establishments

To set up Brazilian establishments, use the Establishment ID Type BRA (ESTAB_TYPE_BRA), Establishment BRA (ESTAB_TBL_BRA), and Centralization Data BRA (CENTRALIZATION_BRA) components.

A company may have several establishments. You must enter data required for reporting purposes for each establishment, such as different ID types.

Note. All Brazilian establishments must belong to a company.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Establishments

Page Name

Definition Name



Establishment ID Type BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Establishment ID Type BRA, Establishment ID Type BRA

Enter types of establishment ID codes and the format for each ID.

Additional Info - Brazil (additional information - Brazil)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Establishment BRA, Additional Info - Brazil

Set up establishments.

Centralization Data BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Centralization Data BRA, Centralization Data BRA

Group establishments to obtain centralized data for multiple reports such as SEFIP and CAGED.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Types of Establishment ID Codes

Access the Establishment ID Type BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Establishment ID Type BRA, Establishment ID Type BRA).


Enter the type of establishment ID code. You can enter ID types that are not legal IDs (national IDs) but are required for certain reports.


Select to establish this type of ID code as the default for the selected country.

ID Format

Specify the format of the ID code. Enter a 9 for each digit of the ID number.

The system has edit masks that apply special formatting to some of the ID types you enter on this page. The system applies the following formatting to these ID types:

  • CNPJ: 99.999.999/9999-99

  • CNAE: 99.99-9

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Establishments

Access the Additional Info - Brazil page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Establishment BRA, Additional Info - Brazil).

County Code

Enter the county code.

Estab Type Cd (establishment type code)

Select the establishment type code, which is based on the size of the establishment. Values are: Micro, Other, and Small.

Inscr Type (inscription type)

Select the company inscription type. Values are: CNPJ or CEI.

Note. The following sections contain setup data for various reports. PeopleSoft delivers only the GPS, SEFIP, and CAGED reports. The other reports will be delivered later.

PIS Data

Enter information used to generate the Programa de Integração Social (PIS) report.

Estab Responsible by Agreement (establishment responsible by agreement)

When you select this check box, the CAIXA Agency field appears.

CAIXA Agency

Enter the number of the Caixa Economica Federal (Federal Saving Bank) branch that generates the file with the issued resources for the PIS payment of employees (TSO file).


The date the Federal Saving Bank generated the TSO file.


Enter information used to generate the Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS) report.

RAIS Estab Pref (RAIS establishment prefix)

Enter the prefix only if the establishment register appears for RAIS as a key differentiation. RAIS assigns the establishment prefix.

Nbr of Owners (number of owners)

Enter the number of owners working in the establishment.

Own Serv % (owner service percentage)

Enter the owner service percentage.

Kit Admin % (kitchen administration percentage)

Enter the kitchen administration percentage.

Meals Agr % (meals agreement percentage)

Enter the meals agreement percentage.

Trans Meals % (transported meals percentage)

Enter the transported meals percentage.

Food Basket % (food basket percentage)

Enter the food basket percentage.

Feeding Agr % (feeding tickets agreement percentage)

Enter the feeding tickets agreement percentage.

Closing Activities RAIS

Select to indicate that the establishment closed its activities during the base year (the year for which you are currently reporting). A RAIS report uses this information.

PAT Participation Option (Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador participation option)

Select to indicate the establishment participates in PAT.


Enter information used to generate the Guia de Recolhimento da Previdência Social/ Sistema Empresa de Recolhimento do FGTS e Informações à Previdência Social(GPS/SEFIP) report.

GPS Pay Code

Enter the company's social security contribution code.

SAT Code

Enter the work accident insurance code.


Enter the FPAS (Fundo de Previdência e Assistência Social) social assistance and pension fund code. The activity type of the company determines this code.

The system identifies all third parties and their respective percentages assigned to this code and generates a total percentage of collection for the establishment.

Third Party Code

Enter the code of the third-party that collected service from the establishment. The system uses these codes to identify the third parties involved in a specific collection.

The SEFIP report uses this code to get the GFIP value.

SS 3th Party % (social security third-party percentage)

Enter the total percentage of social security contributed by a third-party for a specific collection. The system uses this value to obtain the Other Entities Amount on the social security payment form (GPS).

SAT % 15 Years (SAT percentage up to 15 years), SAT % 20 Years (SAT percentage up to 20 years), andSAT % 25 Years (SAT percentage up to 25 years)

Enter the percentages that apply to only the eligible employees for each case of special retirement (with 15, 20, and 25 years of service). The system uses this percentage to obtain the special retirement component of the INSS total amount for collection.

Work Risk %

Enter the establishment's identified predominant worth risk percentage. The system uses this percentage to obtain worth risk component of the INSS total amount for collection.

Company %

Enter the percentage to use to obtain the company component of the INSS total amount for collection.

Independent %

Enter the percentage to use to obtain the independent component of the INSS total amount for collection.

Philant Exemp % (philanthropy exemption percentage)

Enter the percentage to use to obtain the philanthropy exemption component of the INSS total amount for collection.

DIRF Responsible

Complete this group box only for Declaração de Informações à Receita Federal (DIRF) centralizing establishments.

DIRF Rep Type (DIRF representative type)

Select whether the party responsible for generating the DIRF file is a Company, Employee, or Non Empl (non-employee).

DIRF Resp ID (DIRF responsible ID)

Enter the company code or employee ID of the party responsible for generating the DIRF file.

SEFIP Responsible

SEFIP Rep Type (SEFIP representative type)

Select whether the party responsible for generating the SEFIP file is a Company, Employee, or Non Empl (non-employee).

SEFIP Resp ID (SEFIP responsible ID)

Enter the company code or employee ID of the party responsible for generating the SEFIP file.

RAIS Responsible

Complete this group box only for RAIS centralizing establishments.

RAIS Rep Type (RAIS representative type)

Select whether the party responsible for generating the RAIS file is a Company, Employee, or Non Empl (non-employee).

RAIS Resp ID (RAIS responsible ID)

Enter the company code or employee ID of the party responsible for generating the RAIS file.

Establishment Bank


Enter an establishment ID type.

Source Bank ID

Enter the establishment's ID.

Establishment ID


Enter an establishment ID type.


Enter the establishment's ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGrouping Establishments for Centralized Data

Access the Centralization Data BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Centralization Data BRA, Centralization Data BRA).

Process Type

When you add a record, select the type of data that you want to centralize, such as SEFIP or CAGED.


Enter the name of the establishment that creates centralized data for reporting purposes.

Establishment ID

Enter the IDs of all establishments whose data the centralizer collects.

Click to jump to parent topic(CHN) Setting Up Hukou Data

To set up Hukou data, use the Hukou Setup CHN (HUKOU_SETUP_CHN) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Hukou Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Hukou Type


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Hukou Setup CHN, Hukou Type

Set up Hukou types.

Hukou Location


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Hukou Setup CHN, Hukou Location

Set up Hukou locations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Hukou Types

Access the Hukou Type page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Hukou Setup CHN, Hukou Type).

Use this page to review and update Hukou types and their descriptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Hukou Locations

Access the Hukou Location page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Hukou Setup CHN, Hukou Location).

Use this page to review and update Hukou locations and their descriptions.