Reviewing Worker Performance History

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Rating Model

A set of codes representing the levels of performance that you assign when evaluating worker performance. The following is an example of a rating model:

  • 1 - Excellent

  • 2 - Good

  • 3 - Needs Improvement

  • 4 - Unacceptable

    Set up more than one rating model if appropriate for evaluating different categories of workers.

Rating Scale

Also known as the Review Rating Scale, it provides a means of quantifying the overall results of a worker's review. The rating scale combines a list of competencies with a rating model and a method of calculating the worker's performance in each competency. The calculation method depends upon whether you are setting up an Average, Summation, or Review Band rating scale type.

Scale Type

The rating scale type determines the method of calculating a worker's performance in the competencies that you include in the rating scale. The system provides the following three rating scale types: Average, Summation, and Review Band.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Worker Review Information

This section discusses how to:

Note. Worker reviews are conducted in the Employee Review business process.

Use the Employee Review pages to review detailed, historical information about salary reviews, performance reviews, or both.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Access Worker Reviews

Page Name

Definition Name



Employee Review


Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review History, Employee Review

View worker reviews.

Review History - Reviewers


Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review History, Reviewers

Review the list of competencies included in the rating scale and appropriate review fields.

Reviewer Comments


Click the EE Review Rating Comment icon at the end of the grid row for the competency comments you want to review.

Review comments about an individual competency.

Review History - Comments


Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review History, Comments

Review comments about the overall review. The same reviewer can record comments related to reviews for different evaluation types.

Review History - Goals


Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review History, Goals

Review worker goals and objectives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Worker Reviews

Access the Employee Review page (Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review History, Employee Review).

Review Details

Review Type

Displays one of these values:

  • Both (both a Salary and a Performance review)

  • Empl Fdbc (employee feedback)

  • Initl Rtng (initial rating)

  • Intrm Rtng (interim rating)

  • Offcl Rtng (official rating)

  • Performance

  • Salary

  • Self Assmt (self assessment)


Total Review Points

The system displays the total review points from the Reviewers page if the rating scale type is Summation.

Total Review Amount, Total Review Percent, or Total Review Salary Points

Depending on the resolution of the rating scale rating points, the system calculates and displays one of these fields as the result of the review if the rating scale type is Summation.


Displays the status of this review.

Loaded to Job

Selected if you loaded the changes to the Job record.

Viewing Fields on the Employee Review Page

Different fields appear in this section of the page, depending upon the rating scale type. The following table lists the visible fields for each rating scale type.



Review Band

Rating Scale

Rating Scale

Rating Scale

Scale Type

Scale Type

Scale Type

Rating Model

Rating Model

Rating Model

Review Rating

Total Review Points

Resulting Review Band


Total Review Amount

Final Review Band


Total Review Salary Points



Total Review Percent

Loaded to Job





Loaded to Job


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Reviewer Comments

Access the Review History - Reviewers page (Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review History, Reviewers).

Note. Column order for grids may vary by implementation. All columns may not be visible.

Review Details


The system displays the worker's salary plan, grade, and step.


Factor Weight

Displays the weighting percent for this reviewer. The total weight of all reviewers for a review date must be 100 percent.


The following table lists the fields that are visible for each of the rating scale types:



Review Band




Weight (%)






Total Percent

Total Review Points

Total Review Points

Weighted Average



Competencies Field Definitions


Displays the competencies that you defined for the rating scale on the Rating Scale table.


Displays the short description of the competency.

Weight (%)

(For Average scale only.)

The system displays the weight percent. The total of weight percents equals 100 percent for the worker.


Displays the review rating that you want to give the worker for this competency.


(For Summation and Review Band scales only.)

Displays the points for this competency.

Click the EE Review Rating Comment icon to access the Reviewer Comment page, where you can view comments about the review rating for this competency.

Total Percent

(For Average scale type only.)

The system enters the total of the competency weights.

Weighted Average

(For Average scale type only.)

Displays the sum of the competency ratings multiplied by their weight percents.

Total Review Points

(For Summation and Review Band scales only.)

Displays the total review points a reviewer assigned all of the competencies.

Review Totals

Weight (%)

Displays the total percent of reviews completed. For example, if Reviewer 1 has 50 percent weight and Reviewers 2 and 3 each have 25 percent weight, then this field will show 75 percent after Reviewers 1 and 2 have completed their reviews.

Total Review Points

(For Summation and Review Band scales.)

Displays the total review points for the reviews completed up to this point.

Review Result

The system multiplies the total review score for each reviewer by the reviewer weight (taken as a percentage) and adds these weighted review scores.

For Summation and Review Band scale types, the system enters this value on the Employee Review page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Employee Goals

Access the Review History - Goals page (Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review History, Goals).


Nbr (number)

Displays the sequence number for the goals that you add.


The system displays goals from the worker's career plan.


Displays the goal status (for example Exceeded or Met).

See Also

Creating Career Plans

Click to jump to parent topicReporting on Worker Reviews

To generate the worker review report, use the Review Audit (RUN_PER008) component.

This section lists the pages used to run the Employee Review Audit report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Employee Review Audit Report

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Audit


Workforce Development, Employee Review History, Review Audit

Run the Employee Review Audit report (PER008). This report lists the worker review data that appears in the Employee Review component.