(JPN) Updating Salaries for Japan

This chapter provides an overview of Japanese salary updating methods and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Updating Salaries for Japan

The methods for updating salaries in Japan involve some functionality-specific setup and, depending on the salary increase method your organization uses, some or all of the following:

The three salary increase methods are:

The final processes associated with each of these methods produce new compensation records for each worker with an action of Pay Rt Change (pay rate change) and a reason of Salary Increase by Step, Salary Increase by Amount, or Salary Increase by Percent.

All the salary increase processes include worker review results in their calculation. Because review IDs are actually effective dates and the system automatically retrieves the results of the latest salary review after you specify the review ID for the process, you can be sure the system will use correct review results.


All three salary increase methods must be based on worker reviews that have been resolved into a review band, meaning that worker reviews for these salary increase methods must be based on a review rating scale that has a scale type of Review Band.

Load Process

The load processes that are associated with each of the three salary increase methods—load steps, load amount, and load percentage increase—include a check of the worker's job record effective dates, action and action reason, and job code. The load process terminates for the worker and reports the worker on the error list if either of these conditions exists:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Required because, although this batch process is a load process, an error list may occur, which you need to read.


Enter the setID for the review ID that the system should use to calculate the worker's review-based salary increase. Because you can link a single review ID to multiple setIDs, you must identify the review by its setID and its own ID.

Review ID

Enter the ID of the review on which the selected process is to base its load.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Salaries by Step Increase

To update salaries by step increase use the Step Increase JPN (STEPINC_TBL_JPN_GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of the step increase process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Step Increase Process

Updating salaries by step increase requires that you set up a Step Increase table in which you associate several salary steps with a review band. Each worker's review band is derived from the points awarded by single or multiple reviewers using weighted or nonweighted reviews. After you have the salary step increase for each review band and each worker's review band, you can run a process to load the salary step increases for each worker.

Note. To run the update process for this method of salary increase, select the Multi-Step Grade check box on the Installation Table - HRMS Options page.

To update salaries by step increase:

  1. Set up review bands and the number of steps to increase.

  2. Run the JPN Load Salary Steps process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update Salaries by Step Increase

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Step Increase


Compensation, Base Compensation, Step Increase JPN, Define Step Increase, Define Step Increase

Associate several salary step increases with a rating model and review rating.

Load Salary Steps


Compensation, Base Compensation, Step Increase JPN, Load Salary Steps, Load Salary Steps

Update the salary step and associated compensation on the job record for workers who have a fixed amount Plan/Grade/Step-based salary component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Step Increases

Access the Define Step Increase page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Step Increase JPN, Define Step Increase, Define Step Increase).

Rating Model and Review Rating

Enter the rating model and review rating.

Number of Steps to Increase

Enter the number of salary step increases to associate with the rating model that you entered. Workers in this rating model receive the salary that is associated with the step to which they move. For example, if they increase three steps for being in Rating Model A, then they increase from the salary for Step 2 to the salary for Step 5.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Step Increases

Access the Load Salary Steps page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Step Increase JPN, Load Salary Steps, Load Salary Steps).

Calculation As Of Date

The effective date the system uses to determine which job compensation record it should use to obtain the worker's current data to calculate the new data. For example, if the worker's review band earns the worker a three-step increase, the system must use the existing step to calculate the new step.

Salary Increase Date

This value becomes the effective date of the new job record that the system inserts for the worker for the review-based increased amount. The action and reason are Pay Rate Change and Salary Increase by Step, respectively.

Group ID

Enter specific groups for the system to process. If you select no groups, the system processes all workers with a salary plan, grade, and step in their compensation record and a compensation rate code that is defined in the Salary Rate Code table.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Salaries by Salary Amount Increase

To update salaries by salary amount increase, use the Salary Increase Amount JPN (SALINC_AMT_TBL_JPN_GBL) component.

This section provides an overview of the salary amount increase process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Salary Amount Increase Process

Using the updating salaries by salary amount increase method requires that you set up a Salary Increase Amount table in which you associate a compensation rate code with review bands and monetary increase amounts with each review band. Each worker's review band is derived from the points awarded by single or multiple reviewers using weighted or nonweighted reviews. After you have the salary increase amount for each review band and each worker's review band, you can run a process to load the salary increase for each worker.

When you set up the Salary Increase Amount table, you can select only compensation rate codes that are flat amount types and not of class GRPPAY or SENPAY.

To update salaries by salary amount:

  1. Set up rate codes, review bands, and increase amounts.

  2. Run the JPN Load New Salary Amount process.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Define Salary Increase Amount


Compensation, Base Compensation, Amount Increase JPN, Define Salary Increase Amount, Define Salary Increase Amount

Define the salary increase amount for a particular compensation rate code, rating model, and review rating.

Load Salary Increase


Compensation, Base Compensation, Amount Increase JPN, Load Salary Increase, Load Salary Increase

Execute the salary update process using the values that you set up in the Sal Inc Amount table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Salary Amount Increases

Access the Define Salary Increase Amount page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Amount Increase JPN, Define Salary Increase Amount, Define Salary Increase Amount).

Enter the compensation rate code whose value you are updating. The compensation rate code must not be of class SENPAY and must be of type Flat Amount.

Rating Model and Review Rating

Enter the rating model and review rating for which to enter a salary increase amount.

Amount of Salary Increase

Enter the amount of the salary increase for workers whose review results put them in the rating model that you specified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Salary Amount Increases

Access the Load Salary Increase page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Amount Increase JPN, Load Salary Increase, Load Salary Increase).

Calculation As Of Date

The effective date that the system uses to determine from which job compensation record it should get the worker's current data to calculate new data. For example, if the worker's review band earns the worker an increase, the system must get the existing rate code amount to calculate the new rate code amount.

Salary Increase Date

Becomes the effective date of the new job record that the system inserts for the worker for the review-based increased amount. The action and reason are Pay Rate Change and Salary Increase by Amount.

Rate Code

Enter the rate codes for which you defined a salary increase to include in this load process. The system displays the short description, currency, and compensation frequency associated with each rate code.

Note. You defined your salary increases by compensation rate code and review band. You can run the process for multiple rate codes.

Group ID

Enter group IDs for workers to be included in this process. Leave this blank to have job compensation records updated for all workers who have the rate code that you specified. If a worker in a group that you specify does not have the compensation rate code that you specified for processing, the system skips the worker without processing.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Salaries by Percentage

To update salaries by percentage, use the Salary Increase ID JPN (SALINC_ID_TBL_JPN_GBL) and Salary Increase Matrix JPN (SALARY_MATRIX_JPN_GBL) components.

This section provides an overview of the update salaries by percentage process and discusses how to:

See Also

(JPN) Updating Salaries for Japan

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Update Salaries by Percentage Process

To use the updating salaries by percentages method, which includes a simulation process that shows the effects of various increase options, you set up two tables: the Salary Increase ID table and the Salary Increase Matrix table. In the Salary Increase ID table, you specify a single compensation rate code, which must be of class Defined Range Pay (DFRPAY) and of type Flat Amount. You then run the simulation process, which, like other methods, uses review results in its calculation. You can adjust the result of the simulation for workers, by increasing or decreasing it, and view the overall results—the totals—online. When you are satisfied with the results, you run a second process, similar to the processes that conclude the other methods, to load the salary increase amounts to the workers' job compensation records.

Note. To use this salary increase method, select the Defined Range check box on the Calculation Rule Settings JPN page.

You complete these steps to update salaries by percentage:

  1. Define a Japanese salary increase ID.

  2. Set up a Japanese salary increase matrix.

  3. Run the Run Salary Inc Table process.

  4. Run the salary increase simulation and adjust as required.

  5. Run the load salary increase process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update Salaries by Percentage

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Salary Increase ID


Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Define Salary Increase ID, Define Salary Increase ID

Define a salary increase ID and associate a rate code, which must be of class DFRPAY and of type Flat Amount, and worker groups with it. You run the salary increase simulation by salary increase ID.

Define Salary Increase Matrix


Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Define Salary Increase Matrix, Define Salary Increase Matrix

Establish the fixed percentage increase for each review rating by quartile. The fields on this page are identical to those on the Define Salary Increase Matrix Table page.

Generate Salary Increase Data


Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Generate Salary Increase Data, Generate Salary Increase Data

Enter the parameters for running the salary increase process and populating the Salary Increase Simulation table.

Simulate Salary Increase


Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Simulate Salary Increase

View the results of running the simulation process. All fields in the results grid are display-only, except fpr the Adjustment Amount field on the Changes tab, in which you can adjust the amount of an individual's salary increase.

Salary Simulation Report


Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Salary Simulation Report, Salary Simulation Report

Run the (JPN) Salary Simulation report (CMP020JP) that displays the results of the Salary Increase Simulation process.

Load Salary Increase


Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Load Salary Increase, Load Salary Increase

Update worker job compensation records with the results of the salary increase and adjustment results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Salary Increase IDs

Access the Define Salary Increase ID page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Define Salary Increase ID, Define Salary Increase ID).

Calculation As Of Date

Enter the effective date that the system uses to determine from which job compensation record it should get the worker's current data to calculate new data. For example, if the worker's review band earns a worker a 6 percent increase, the system must get the existing rate code amount to calculate the new rate code amount.

Salary Increase Date

Enter the effective date of the new job record that the system inserts for the worker for the review-based increased amount. The action and reason are Pay Rate Change and Salary Increase by Percentage.

Comp Rate Code (compensation rate code)

Enter the rate code. It must be of the class Defined Range Pay (DFRPAY) and of the type Flat Amount.

You can add only one compensation rate code for each salary increase ID, and only one salary increase ID is associated with each simulation run. To run a simulation for a different compensation rate code, you must define additional salary increase IDs.

Note. You cannot have more than one rate code of class DFRPAY on a single worker's Job Data - Compensation record.

The process that populates the Salary Increase Simulation table includes all workers in the groups that you specify who have this compensation rate code as well as the currency code and frequency set in the Compensation Rate Code table for this rate code.

If you have changed the default currency code or frequency from that set on the compensation rate table in the workers' job compensation record, then those workers go into error and are not included in the simulation.

Apply Rounding At

Select the numerical "place" at which to apply the rounding rule you select.

Rounding Rule

Select the rounding rule for the simulation process based on this salary increase ID. Options are:

  • Round

  • Round Down

  • Round Up

Group ID

Enter the group IDs for the workers being included in this process.

You must enter at least one group ID to complete this process. If a worker in a group that you specify does not have the compensation rate code that you specified for processing, the system skips the worker without processing.

Note. This salary update method retrieves the required percentage increase from the salary matrix table where you linked review bands to percentage increases, quartile by quartile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Salary Increases

Access the Generate Salary Increase Data page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Generate Salary Increase Data, Generate Salary Increase Data).

Salary Increase ID

Enter the salary increase ID for which to run the simulation.

Calculation Number

Enter the number that identifies a particular simulation in a series that you might run for comparison purposes.

Select All Groups

Select to have the system populate the Group ID group box with all groups that you originally associated with this salary increase ID.

Group ID

If you do not want to run the simulation for all the groups that you associated with this salary increase ID, deselect the Select All Groups check box and enter only those groups to process.

Note. This process includes only workers with the single compensation rate code that is associated with the salary increase ID, but only if their currency code and frequency are the same as the compensation rate code default.

If you try to run a simulation with a combination of salary increase ID, calculation number, and group ID for which results exist, you get a warning. If you proceed, the results of the previous simulation are overwritten. To add groups to or remove them from an existing simulation and maintain the results of the previous simulation, change the calculation number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning a Salary Increase Simulation

Access the Simulate Salary Increase page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Simulate Salary Increase).

Name and EmplID (employee ID)

Enter this information for a single worker if you are viewing and possibly adjusting simulation results for one person.

Search Result Message

Displays the range showing on the page and the total of the search results.

Sort Group By

EmplID (employee ID) and Name

Select to have the grid display simulation results by worker ID or worker name, respectively.

Simulation Statistics

The (bracketed) number for each Total field is used in the field description to identify where the derived results come from. The Amounts and Adjustments tabs indicate on which page the column appears.

Total Current Amount (1)

The total of the Amount Before Salary Increase column (Amounts).

Total Adjusted Amount (2)

The total of the Adjustment Amount column (Adjustments).

Average Percent Increase (3)

The average of the Salary Increase Percent column (Amounts) (or 5/1).

Adjusted Average Percent (4)

The average of the Adjusted Sal Inc Percent column (Adjustments) (or 6/1).

Total Calculation Incr Amount (total calculation increase amount) (5)

The total of the Amount of Salary Increase column (Amounts) (or 1 × 3).

Total Actual Increase Amount (6)

The Total Calculation Incr (increase) Amount plus Total Adjustment Amount (or 5 + 2).

Total Calculation New Amount (7)

The total of the New Salary Amount column (Adjustments) (or 1 + 5).

Total Actual New Amount (8)

The total of the Adjusted Salary Amount column (Adjustments) (or 7 + 2).

Note. Column order for grids may vary by implementation. All columns may not be visible. Use the horizontal scroll bar for the page to view all available columns.

Salary Details Tab

EmpllD (employee ID)

The system displays the IDs of all the workers in the group that you entered to access this page. You can have the display sorted by this first column. The worker ID is repeated on all the pages of this component.


The system displays the names of all the workers in the group that you entered to access this page. You can sort the display by this column.

Empl Rcd Nbr (employment record number)

The system displays each employment record number if it is not 0. Blank equals record number 0, which means that the worker has only one employment record.

Comp Rate Code (compensation rate code)

The compensation rate code associated with this salary increase ID.

Compensation Eff Sequence (compensation effective sequence)

The system displays the compensation effective sequence that comes from the worker's compensation record in the Job record.

Amounts Tab

Amount Before Salary Increase

The worker's salary before the simulation was run.

Review Band

The system displays the review band that the worker's review results indicate. The salary increases come from the increase percentages that you linked to review bands in the Salary Increase Matrix table.

Salary Increase Percent

The increase in salary, expressed as a percentage of the Amount Before Salary Increase.

Amount of Salary Increase

The amount by which the Amount Before Salary Increase is increased as a result of running the salary increase process.

Adjustments Tab

New Salary Amount

The system displays the amount of the salary after the simulated increase: the Amount Before Salary Increase (Amounts) plus the Amount of Salary Increase.

Adjustment Amount

The only field available for entry in the otherwise display-only grid. Manually adjust the New Salary Amount by adding or subtracting an adjustment amount.

Note. If you change the value in this field, save before you move to the next set of records using the navigation buttons below the calculation number. If you do not save, you receive a warning that your changes will not be stored.

Adjusted Salary Amount

The system updates this field online according to any adjustments that you make. This value is the new salary amount after adjustment or the New Salary Amount plus or minus the Adjustment Amount.

Adjusted Sal Inc Percent (adjusted salary increase percentage)

The system updates this field according to any adjustments that you make. This value is the salary increase percentage after adjustment, calculated by:

(Adjusted Salary Amount / Amount Before Salary Increase − 1) × 100.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Salary Simulation Report

Access the Salary Simulation Report page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Salary Simulation Report, Salary Simulation Report).

Salary Increase ID

Enter the salary increase ID you ran the simulation for and for which you want the results reported.

Calculation Number

Enter the calculation number of the particular simulation you want reported.

Select All Groups

Select this check box if you want the system to populate the Group ID section with all the groups you originally associated with the Salary Increase ID.

Group ID

If you do not want to run the simulation for all the groups that you associated with this salary increase ID for this calculation number, deselect the Select All Groups check box and enter only groups that you want to process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Salary Increases

Access the Load Salary Increase page (Compensation, Base Compensation, Percentage Increase JPN, Load Salary Increase, Load Salary Increase).

Salary Increase ID

Enter the salary increase ID for which you ran the simulation and for which the results are to be loaded to worker job compensation records.

Calculation Number

Enter the calculation number of the particular simulation results to be loaded.

Select All Groups

Select to have the system populate the Group ID section with all the groups that you originally associated with this salary increase ID and calculation number combination.

Group ID

If you do not want to run the simulation for all the groups that you associated with this salary increase ID for this calculation number, deselect the Select All Groups check box and enter only groups that you want processed.