Tracking Disciplinary Actions and Grievances

This chapter discusses how to:

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This section discusses how to:

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Disciplinary Action


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions, Disciplinary Action

Describe the incident that led to a disciplinary action against a worker.

Action Taken


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions, Action Taken

Document details of disciplinary actions taken against a worker.

Disciplinary Resolution


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions, Disciplinary Resolution

Record the final resolution of an incident that required disciplinary action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Disciplinary Incidents

Access the Disciplinary Action page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions, Disciplinary Action).

Total Incident

Each time you enter a new disciplinary offense for this worker, the system calculates and displays the total number of incidents.


Select a disciplinary action type.

Reported Date

Select the date the disciplinary action is reported.

Supervisor ID

Select the worker's supervisor ID if the default supervisor ID selected from the worker's Work Location page isn't accurate.

Purge Date

The system automatically inserts a purge date of six months from the Reported Date.

Note. This field is informational only and the system does not purge data automatically based upon this date. You may use this field to write an SQR to purge old disciplinary incidents, but the system will not do this automatically.

Letter Code

Select the type of letter you want to issue the worker.

Date Letter Printed

The system generates this date when you run the standard letter process.

See Also

Setting Up and Generating Form Letters

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocumenting Disciplinary Action Details

Access the Action Taken page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions, Action Taken).

Action Taken

Enter as many rows as necessary to resolve the disciplinary issue.

Disciplinary Step

Select a disciplinary step for the disciplinary type.

Step Resolution and Action Date

Select the resolution type that occurred for this step and the date when the disciplinary step took place.

Discussed With

Enter the name of the person with whom you discussed the step.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Incident Resolutions

Access the Disciplinary Resolution page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions, Disciplinary Resolution).

Final Resolution

Select the resolution type that indicates how the incident was finally resolved.

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Tracking Disciplinary Actions

This section provides an overview of the disciplinary tracking system and discusses how to:

See Also

(USF) Setting Up Unions

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Disciplinary Offenses


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions USF, Disciplinary Offenses

Describe the incident that led to a disciplinary action against a worker.

Disciplinary Actions


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions USF, Disciplinary Actions

Record what actions took place in response to the offense.

First enter data on the Disciplinary Offenses page.

Disciplinary Action Events


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions USF, Disciplinary Action Events

Enter an event that discusses the steps of the disciplinary action that have taken place thus far.

First enter data on the Disciplinary Offenses and Disciplinary Actions pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Describing Disciplinary Offenses

Access the Disciplinary Offenses page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions USF, Disciplinary Offenses).

Note. Most of the fields on this page are shared by the Disciplinary Action page.

See Entering Disciplinary Incidents.

Offense Type and Offense Nbr (offense number)

Select an offense type and number.

Once you have selected an offense type and number, the system automatically displays a list of all disciplinary actions recommended for this particular offense. The system also displays the recommended number of Days To Complete each action. These recommendations were created on the Disciplinary Penalties Matrix 1 page (GVT_DISCIP_OFFNSES) and Disciplinary Penalties Matrix 2 page (GVT_RCMND_ACTIONS).

See (USF) Defining the First Penalty Matrix for Indicating the Offense Level Penalties.

See (USF) Defining the Recommended Disciplinary Actions for Each Offense Level and Type.

See Also

Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Related Disciplinary Actions

Access the Disciplinary Actions page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions USF, Disciplinary Actions).

Action Type

Select a discipline step to record the action taken to resolve the problem.

See Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications.

Date Initiated

Defaults to today's date. Change unless the action taken was initiated today.

Step Length (Days)

If the action has a limited time frame, enter the duration, in days.

Reported To Union

If your agency identified this type of action as reportable to the union(s), enter the date it was reported to the union(s).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Disciplinary Events to Support Disciplinary Actions

Access the Disciplinary Action Events page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Disciplinary Actions USF, Disciplinary Action Events).

Event Nbr (event number)

These disciplinary action events are stored and presented in numerical order based on the event number you assign. PeopleSoft recommends that you assign event numbers chronologically to give yourself a picture of the events as they happened. For events initiated on the same day, the event number can play a critical role when trying to avoid or settle litigation.


Select an event that discusses what took place at this point.


The date the event was initiated defaults to today's date. Change the date unless it was actually initiated today.

Days To Complete

(Optional) Estimate a number of days to complete this event if you want or let it default from the Disciplinary Events table.


Include the name (if any) of the person who initiated this event or was primarily responsible for resolving it.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Grievances

This section provides an overview of grievance tracking and discusses how to:

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Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Grievances, Grievance

Add a new grievance into the system. You can create grievances for workers, applicants, unions, or another group or person.

Grievance Steps


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Grievances, Grievance Steps

Record the steps taken to resolve the grievances. A grievance may require a number of steps before it is resolved.

Grievance Resolution


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Grievances, Grievance Resolution

Document the final resolution of a grievance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering New Grievances

Access the Grievance page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Grievances, Grievance).

Assigning Grievance IDs

When you open the Grievances component, the system prompts you for a grievance ID. Use the grievance ID to track a grievance through the entire resolution process. There are two ways to assign grievance IDs:

Note. To avoid maintaining two different sets of grievance IDs, PeopleSoft recommends that you choose only one way of assigning them. Either always assign IDs manually or always let the system assign them—not both.

Filed By


If you are adding a grievance filed by a worker or applicant, click this button and enter the person or applicant ID in the adjacent field.


Select if you are entering a grievance filed by a union on behalf of union members and enter a union code in the adjacent field.


Select if you are entering a grievance that doesn't fall into either of the previous categories. In the adjacent field, enter free-form text up to 40 characters to describe who filed the grievance.


Business Unit and Department

If you enter a business unit and department here, then only those users with security access to that department can access the grievance record when you save the information for this grievance. For example, if you select Department 10200 for Grievance ID 0000000001, then when you save the page only users with security access to Department 10200 can access this record.

Note. If you don't enter a value in the Department field, then you won't set department level security for this record and the system defaults to no department security for grievance records.

Note. These system does not default a worker's business unit and department into these fields.

See Setting Up and Administering HRMS Security.

Grievance Details


(Required) Select a grievance type.

See Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications.

Contract Ref (contract reference)

Enter the contract reference for this grievance, if applicable.

Status and Status Date

Select the status of the grievance — Settled, Pending, or Appealed — and the date that status was reached.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Steps in the Grievance Process

Access the Grievance Steps page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Grievances, Grievance Steps).

Note. Grievances are sorted in descending order—you'll see the most recent one first.

Grievance Step and Action Date

Select the grievance step and the date it was taken.

Note. You can enter multiple grievance steps as you process this grievance.

See Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications.

Resolution Date

When the step is resolved, update this page by entering a resolution date, if applicable.

Discussed With

Enter the name of the person with whom you discussed the step.

Letter Code

If you want to send a standard letter about the grievance, select the appropriate letter code.

Letter Date

Enter the date when the letter was sent.

Step Resolution

Select the action you took to resolve this step.

See Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications.


You can enter comments longer than the three lines shown.

See Also

Setting Up and Generating Form Letters

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Grievance Resolutions

Access the Grievance Resolution page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Grievances, Grievance Resolution).

Final Resolution

Select the resolution type that indicates how the incident was finally resolved.

See Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications.

Resolution Comments

Enter any comments you have about the final resolution.

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Entering Union Negotiability Appeals

This section discusses how to track union negotiability appeals.

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Record Negotiability Appeal USF


Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Negotiability Appeal USF, Record Negotiability Appeal USF

Track union negotiability appeal items and the steps taken to resolve them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Union Negotiability Appeals

Access the Record Negotiability Appeal USF page (Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Record Negotiability Appeal USF, Record Negotiability Appeal USF).

Item Status

Indicate the status of the appeal of this item. If the resolution affects the status of the item being appealed, update the Item Status field at the same time.

Appeal Step

Use only for sequencing the events or steps. Enter steps in the order in which they happened, if known.

Description and Long Description

When that step is resolved, describe the resolution.


Enter the date on which the step was or will be resolved.