Setting Up Deduction Data

This chapter provides an overview of deductions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Deductions

Payroll Interface recognizes two types of deductions: benefit deductions and general (non-benefit) deductions. Benefit deductions are deductions that are associated with benefit programs, and include deductions for health plans, life insurance plans, and other benefit plans. General deductions are deductions that typically are not associated with benefits, and include deductions such as parking fees, and union dues.

You can set up and maintain deductions using Payroll Interface and the Manage Base Benefits business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources; or, alternatively, you can have the third-party payroll system manage deductions.

Note. To simplify data entry, conversion, and maintenance issues, you may want to have the third-party payroll system manage deductions. Certain types of deductions, such as garnishments, are highly confidential and are almost always maintained in the third-party payroll system.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has stopped issuing paper savings bond through traditional payroll savings plans. Employees who want to purchase U.S. Savings Bonds with payroll deductions must set up a direct deposit deduction for the TreasuryDirect bond purchase process. Consult the TreasuryDirect website for information. The TreasuryDirect website at the time of this publication is provided:


See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.1 PeopleBook: Manage Base Benefits

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Deduction Table

To set up the Deduction Table, use the Deduction Table (DEDUCTION_TABLE) component.

This section provides an overview of the Deduction Table and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Deduction Table

The Deduction Table component enables you to select a plan type, enter a deduction code, and set up the deduction processing rules that enable you to specify processing details such as deduction priorities, deduction tax classifications, deduction pay period schedules, and other special payroll process indicators.

Whether you are setting up a benefit deduction or a general deduction, you begin with the Deduction Table component. For example:

The plan type that you select is critical in the deduction process because it indicates to the system whether you are setting up a deduction code for a benefit deduction or a general deduction. It also indicates to the system from which component, the Benefit Program Table (BEN_PROG_DEFN) component or the General Deduction Table component, to retrieve the deduction calculation parameters.

This graphic illustrates the relationship between the Deduction Table component, benefit deductions, and general deductions:

Relationship between the Deduction Table component, benefit deductions, and general deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Deduction Table

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Setup

Set up deduction parameters.

Tax Class


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Tax Class

Set up deduction tax classifications.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Process

Set up deduction processing.



Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Schedule

Set up deduction schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Deduction Parameters

Access the Setup page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Setup).

Deduction code

Set up deduction codes that mirror the deduction codes in the third-party payroll system.

Deduction Priority

Not used by Payroll Interface; however, you can set up deduction priorities that mirror the deduction priorities in the third-party payroll system.

Note. The Maximum Arrears Payback group box and Deduction Subset group box are not used by Payroll Interface.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Deduction Tax Classifications

Access the Tax Class page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Tax Class ).

Deduction Classification

Use this group box to select an appropriate tax classification for the deduction, including:

A deduction can have more than one classification. However, it is still considered one deduction. For example, a benefit deduction plan, such as 401(k), can have both before-tax and after-tax classifications as well as a nontaxable classification for employer contributions.

Note. (USF) A retirement plan deduction, such as TSP benefit deductions, can have a before-tax and a nontaxable classification for any employer contributions. Certain benefits, such as FEGLI, will have an after-tax classification for the employee contribution. If your agency has a FEGLI plan that provides coverage in an amount equal to three times your base salary of 40,000 USD a year, you pay for the after-tax deduction.


Select to reduce net pay. An example is a monthly parking deduction.


Select to reduce net pay and taxable gross. An example is an employee contribution to a retirement program, such as a 401(k) plan.

Nontaxable Benefit

Select to represent an employer contribution (not subject to federal tax) to an employee benefit plan, such as a health plan or retirement plan. The contribution has no payroll effect. The after-tax matching contribution for savings plans is a nontaxable benefit.

Nontaxable Btax Benefit (nontaxable before-tax benefit)

Select to represent an employer contribution (not subject to federal tax) to an employee benefit plan. Currently used only for the before-tax matching contribution to savings plans.

Taxable Benefit

Select to represent an employer contribution (subject to federal tax) to an employee benefit plan, such as life insurance. The contribution increases federal withholding taxable gross (for tax purposes) but does not increase total gross (for pay purposes).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Deduction Processing

Access the Process page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Process).

Process Information

Use this group box to define parameters for deductions during deduction processing.

Partial Deduction Allowed

Not used by Payroll Interface.

Deduction Arrears Allowed

Not used by Payroll Interface.

Deductions Taken From Sep Chk (deductions taken from separate check)

Not used by Payroll Interface.

Stop Deduction at Termination

For each deduction classification, select this option to stop the deduction for a terminated employee. For example, most health insurance plans are prepaid; premiums deducted for the current month are used to provide coverage for the next month. If an employee is terminated and no longer has health benefits, the deduction should not be taken.

Liability Accounts - Non Commitment Accounting

Not used by Payroll Interface. However, you may enter general ledger account numbers for your own information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Deduction Schedules

Access the Schedule page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Schedule ).

Deduction Schedule

By default, deductions are taken out every pay period regardless of pay frequency. Use this group box if you want a deduction to be taken out on a schedule other than every pay period.

Pay Frequency

Select the pay frequency that you want to override for those deductions that are not deducted every pay period. Values prompt from the Frequency table: Annual, Biweekly, Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Semimonthly, and Weekly.

If you select a weekly frequency, you can select the Fifth Pay Period option only if you have also selected the first, second, third, and fourth pay period options. Likewise, if you select a biweekly frequency, you can select only the Third Pay Period option if you have also selected the first and second pay period options.

Because a deduction with a monthly frequency is always taken once a month, no override is available for a monthly frequency. Suppose you have a semimonthly payroll, but a health deduction should only come out of the last paycheck of the month. In this case, you would select a pay frequency of Semimonthlyand take a deduction in the second pay period.

Deduction Frequency

Use this group box to specify the appropriate pay periods in which to take the deduction for the selected pay frequency. You must insert a new row for every pay frequency for which you have a pay group defined.

First Pay Period through Fifth Pay Period

Select the appropriate pay periods that you want the deduction to be taken in.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Benefit Deductions

To view benefit deductions, use the Benefit Program (BEN_PROG_DEFN) component.

This section provides an overview of benefit deductions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Benefit Deductions

Benefit deductions are set up using Payroll Interface and the Manage Base Benefits business process. To set up benefit deductions:

  1. Use the Deduction Table component in Payroll Interface to select the plan type (any plan type except General Deduction), enter a deduction code, and set up the deduction processing rules.

    See Setting Up the Deduction Table.

  2. Use the Benefit Plan Table (BENEFIT_PLAN_TABLE) component and other components in the Manage Base Benefits business process to set up benefit plans.

    See Setting Up Benefit Plans.

  3. Use the Benefit Program Table component and other components in the Manage Base Benefits business process to build the benefit program and to define the deduction calculation parameters.

    See Building Base Benefit Programs.

Benefit plans and programs are set up using the Manage Base Benefits business process; however, as a convenience, two components are duplicated in Payroll Interface: the Benefit Program component and the Assign to Benefit Program component. You can use these components as quick references when testing the interface definitions or trouble shooting deduction-related issues.

Calculating Benefit Deductions

Payroll Interface calculates pay period benefit deductions. When you run the Calculate Deductions and Deduction Confirmation processes, the calculated benefit deduction amounts are written to the export file. The third-party payroll system performs all gross-to-net-calculations.

See Calculating Deductions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Benefit Deductions

Page Name

Definition Name



Benefit Program


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Benefit Program, Benefit Program

View a benefit program.

Assign to Benefit Program


Payroll Interface, Assign to Benefit Program, Assign to Benefit Program

View the benefit programs that an employee is enrolled in.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Benefit Programs

Access the Benefit Program page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Benefit Program, Benefit Program).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Benefit Program Assignment

Access the Assign to Benefit Program page (Payroll Interface, Assign to Benefit Program, Assign to Benefit Program).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Maintaining General Deductions

To set up and maintain general deductions, use the Deduction Table (DEDUCTION_TABLE) and General Deduction Table (GENL_DEDUCTION_TBL) components.

This section provides an overview of general deductions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding General Deductions

General deductions are set up using Payroll Interface. To set up general deductions:

  1. Use the Deduction Table component to select the plan type (General Deduction), enter a deduction code, and set up the deduction processing rules.

    See Setting Up the Deduction Table.

  2. Use the General Deduction Table component to set up the general deduction and to define the deduction calculation parameters.

  3. Use the General Deduction component to assign a general deduction to an employee.

  4. Use the Override General Deductions component to override a general deduction assignment.

Exporting General Deductions

Payroll Interface does not calculate general deductions. However, when you run the Calculate Deductions and Deduction Confirmation processes, general deductions are automatically processed and the general deduction flat amounts are written to the export file along with the calculated benefit deduction amounts. If you do not maintain benefit deductions (do not run the Calculate Deductions process), you can set up and export general deduction amounts separately through the interface definition.

See Running Deductions.

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Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Setup

Set up the plan type (00 — General Deduction) and deduction code.

General Deduction Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, General Deduction Table, General Deduction Table

Set up a general deduction and define the deduction calculation parameters.

Note. For the matching entry on the Deduction Table component, select the plan type (00 — General Deduction).

General Deduction


Payroll Interface, Update Payroll Information, General Deduction, General Deduction

Assign a general deduction to an employee.

Override General Deductions


Payroll Interface, Update Payroll Information, General Deduction Override, Override General Deductions

Override a general deduction that is assigned to an employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Plan Type and Deduction Code for General Deductions

Access the Setup page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, Deduction Table, Setup).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up General Deductions

Access the General Deduction Table page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Deductions, General Deduction Table, General Deduction Table).

Deduction Calculation Routine

Select to enter the deduction calculation routine. For Payroll Interface, the only valid routines are Flat Amount and Special Deduction Calculation.

If you select Flat Amount, enter the amount in the Flat/Additional Amount field for each pay frequency that your company uses. If the amount varies from employee to employee, such as with United Way or other charitable contributions, leave the Flat/Additional Amount field blank. This information can be maintained at the employee level on the General Deduction page.

If you use a deduction rate, you can also enter an amount to be deducted. However, you need to indicate the amount here only if it is the same for all employees within a pay frequency. If it varies from employee to employee, you enter the amounts for each employee on the General Deduction page.

Deduction Rate or %

Select to enter the deduction rate or percentage. This value can be overridden at the employee level.

Pay Frequency

Select to add new rows as necessary. For example, to set up a 50 USD per month parking deduction, you could create two rows: one for a semimonthly pay frequency with 25.00 USD to be taken every pay period and the other for a monthly pay frequency with 50 USD. (Note that when you select this option, the Deduction Rate box is not available.)

For a deduction that varies by frequency, you must indicate the amount to be taken each pay period for each frequency. For the 50 USD per month parking deduction, you can set up the deduction for the semimonthly pay group, SM1, so that it applies only to the last pay period of the month. Rather than taking out 25 USD each pay frequency, you take the full 50 USD at the end of the month. To set this up, you need to indicate both the frequency and amount. Set the frequency as semimonthly and enter 50.00 USD. Indicate which semimonthly period to take the deduction for SM1 on the Deduction Table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning General Deductions

Access the General Deduction page (Payroll Interface, Update Payroll Information, General Deduction, General Deduction ).

Calculation Routine

Select how a deduction is calculated for an employee. If you do not make a selection, the deduction is calculated according to the Deduction Table. These routines are identical to the routines on the General Deduction Table. Choose from the following:

Default to Deduction Table: Uses the calculation routine that is specified on the Deduction Table. The Flat/Addl Amount field and Deduction Rate or % field on this page are not used. The system uses only values that are entered on the Deduction Table.

Flat Amount: Establishes the deduction as a flat amount. Enter the amount in the Flat/Addl Amount field, which is treated as an amount per pay period. The Deduction Rate or % field is not used.

Ded stopped by Self Serv User (deduction stopped by self-service user)

Select when an employee has stopped a voluntary deduction through a self-service application.

Deduction End Date

Select to specify when a deduction should no longer be taken.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding General Deductions

Access the Override General Deductions page (Payroll Interface, Update Payroll Information, General Deduction Override, Override General Deductions).