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Oracle® Communications Marketing and Advertising Installation Guide
Release 5.1

Part Number E20239-01
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4 Installing Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising Software

This chapter describes how to install the Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising software. This process must be followed on every server in the system. The chapter includes information on:

Installation Platforms and Modes

You can install Marketing and Advertising using the following platform-specific installers:

These installers bundle the JRockit SDK and Sun JDK for Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

A generic installer is provided, primarily for 64-bit platforms such as HP-UX. Unlike the platform-specific installers listed above, the generic installer does not include a bundled JDK. The JDK must already be installed when you use the generic installer.

The generic installer is contained in:

You can run all the installers in graphical, console, or silent mode.

Silent mode is for creating duplicate installations on multiple machines without responding to prompts.

Creating an Installation Log

To create an installation log, add the following option to any of the commands that invoke the installer:


where logfilename is a name that you assign to the log file.

For example, the following command runs the console Linux32 installer and creates a log file named "install_log" containing the installation's output.

ocma500_linux.bin -mode=console -log=install_log

The Graphical Mode Installer

This section contains instructions for using the graphical installer to install Marketing and Advertising.

If you want to use the GUI-based installer, the console attached to the machine on which you are installing the software must support a Java-based GUI. All consoles for Windows systems support Java-based GUIs, but not all consoles for UNIX/Linux systems do. If you attempt to start the installation program in graphical mode on a system that cannot support a graphical display, the installation program automatically starts console-mode installation.

Graphical mode is the default mode, so it is not necessary to specify the mode on the command line to install in this mode.

Running the Graphical Installer on Windows

To run the graphical installer on Windows:

  1. Log in to the Windows system.

    If you are going to use this machine as an Oracle WebLogic Administration Server and you wish to install the Node Manager as a Windows service, you must log in as an administrator. Node Manager is used to monitor, start, and stop server instances in a domain.

  2. Change to the directory where you have copied the installation program downloaded from

  3. To start the Windows installer, double-click ocma510_win_x86.exe or enter the following in a command window:

    ocma510_win_x86.exe [-log=logfilename]

    After the installer, starts, the Welcome window appears.

    You can cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.

  4. In the Welcome window, click Next to proceed with the installation.

    The Choose Oracle Home Directory window appears.

    The Oracle Home directory is the central support directory for all Oracle Middleware products installed on the target system.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To install into an existing Middleware home:

      1. Select Use an existing Middleware Home.

      2. From the list of existing Middleware home directories, select a directory.

      3. Click Next.

        The Choose Products and Components window appears.

    • To create a new Middleware home:

      1. Select Create a new Middleware Home.

      2. In the Middleware Home Directory field, enter the path for the new Middleware home directory.

      3. Click Next.

        The Choose Install Type window appears.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To perform a Typical installation including Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server:

      1. Select Typical.

      2. Click Next.

        The Choose Products Installation Directories window appears.

      3. Proceed to step 7 below.

    • To perform a Custom installation of a subset of the components:

      1. Select Custom.

      2. Click Next.

        The Choose Products and Components window appears.

      3. Select the components to be installed.

      4. Click Next.

        The JDK Selection window appears. Select either of the bundled JDKs to be installed or identify an existing JDK on the server that meets the prerequisites for use with Marketing and Advertising.

      5. Click Next.

  7. In the Product Installation Directories fields, enter the directories in which you want to install Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper, and WebLogic Server software. The installer will pre populate destination directories based on the Middleware Home Directory previously specified.

  8. Click Next.

    If you are performing a Custom installation on Windows, the Install Windows Service window appears.

    This window allows you the install the Node Manager as a Windows Service. The Node Manager Service allows you to stop and start Managed Servers remotely.

  9. In the Install Windows Service window, do one of the following:

    • To install the Node Manager as a Windows Service:

      1. Choose Yes.

      2. In the Node Manager Listen Port field, enter a Node Manager listen port.

    • To skip installing the Node Manager as a Windows Service, choose No.

  10. Click Next.

    If you are installing on Windows, the Choose Shortcut Location window appears.

    This window lets you specify the Start menu folder for the Marketing and Advertising Start menu shortcuts.

  11. Do one of the following:

    • To provides all users registered on the machine with access to the installed software, choose All Users Start Menu folder.

      Only users with administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder. Therefore, if a user without administrator privileges uses the configuration wizard to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired.

    • To ensure that other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation, choose Local user's Start Menu folder.

  12. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary window appears.

  13. Make sure that the installation summary reflects all the products and JDKs that you have chosen to install.

    If the list is not correct, you can use the Previous button to navigate back to make corrections.

  14. Click Next to start the installation.

    A progress bar indicates the status of the installation process.

  15. When the Installation Complete window appears, do one of the following:

    • On Windows, you have the option of running QuickStart now to configure domains. If you want to do this:

      1. Check the Run Quickstart checkbox.

        The installer exits.

        The QuickStart menu appears.

      2. Choose an action from the Quick Start menu. For information on configuring domains, see Chapter 5, "Configuring the Domain for Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising."

    • If do not want to run QuickStart now:

      1. Clear the Run Quickstart checkbox.

      2. Click Done.

        The installer exits.

Running the Graphical Installer on UNIX/Linux

To run the graphical installer on UNIX/Linux:

  1. Log into the target UNIX system.

  2. Change to the directory where you have copied the installation program.

    Marketing and Advertising can be obtained via download from the Oracle eDelivery website.

  3. Change the mode of the installation program file to executable if it is not already set.

  4. To start the UNIX installer, do one of the following:

    • To start the Linux32 installer, enter (specify the log option to generate an installation log):

      ./ocma510_linux_x86.bin [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the Solaris_Sparc32 installer, enter:

      ./ocma510_solaris_sparc.bin [-log=logfilename]

    After the installer, starts, the Welcome window appears.

    You can cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.

  5. In the Welcome window, click Next to proceed with the installation.

    The Choose Oracle Home Directory window appears.

    The Oracle Home directory is the central support directory for all Oracle middleware products installed on the target system.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To install into an existing Middleware home:

      1. Select Use an existing Middleware Home.

      2. From the list of existing Middleware home directories, select a directory.

      3. Click Next.

        The Choose Install Type window appears.

    • To create a new Middleware home:

      1. Select Create a new Middleware Home.

      2. In the Middleware Home Directory field, enter the path for the new Middleware home directory.

      3. Click Next.

        The Choose Install Type window appears.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • To perform a Typical installation including Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server:

      1. Select Typical.

      2. Click Next.

        The Choose Products Installation Directories window appears.

      3. Proceed to step 8 below.

    • To perform a Custom installation of a subset of the components:

      1. Select Custom.

      2. Click Next.

        The Choose Products and Components window appears.

      3. Select the components to be installed.

      4. Click Next.

        The JDK Selection window appears. Select either of the bundled JDKs to be installed or identify an existing JDK on the server that meets the prerequisites for use with Marketing and Advertising.

      5. Click Next.

        The Choose Product Installation Directories window appears

  8. In the Product Installation Directories fields, enter the directories in which you want to install Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper, and WebLogic Server software. The installer will pre populate suggested target installation directories based on the Middleware Home directory specified.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary window appears.

  10. Make sure that the installation summary reflects all the products and JDKs that you have chosen to install.

    If the list is not correct, you can use the Previous button to navigate back to make corrections.

  11. Click Next to start the installation.

    A progress bar indicates the status of the installation process.

  12. When the Installation Complete window appears, click Done.

    The installer exits.

Running the Graphical Generic Installer

To run the graphical installer on UNIX/Linux:

  1. Log into the target system.

  2. If you are installing on a 64-bit system, ensure that a 64-bit JDK or a hybrid 32/64-bit JDK is installed on the target machine.

    If it is not installed, install one. See the Certification Matrix for information about supported JDK versions.

  3. Run the java -version command, or java -d64 -version command on platforms using a 32/64-bit hybrid JDK to ensure that the JAVA_HOME variable is set to a 64- bit JDK.

    If JAVA_HOME is not correctly set, set it to point to the correct JDK.

  4. Add the bin directory of the appropriate JDK (which you have installed separately) to the beginning of the PATH variable definition on the target system. For example:

    export PATH

    Here JAVA_HOME represents the full path to the JDK directory.

  5. Change to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.

  6. To start the generic installer, do one of the following:

    • To start the generic installer on a system that uses a 32/64-bit hybrid JDK, such as the HP-PA, HPIA, and Solaris64 platforms, enter (specify the log option to produce an installation log):

      java -d64 -jar ocma510_generic.jar [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the generic installer on a system that uses the Solaris_SPARC 64-bit JDK, enter:

      java -Xmx1024m -jar ocma510_generic.jar [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the generic installer on a 32-bit system, enter:

      java -jar ocma510_generic.jar [-log=logfilename]

      After the installer, starts, the Welcome window appears.

      You can cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.

  7. In the Welcome window, click Next to proceed with the installation.

    The Choose Oracle Home Directory window appears.

    The Oracle Home directory is the central support directory for all Oracle middleware products installed on the target system.

  8. Do one of the following:

    • To install into an existing Middleware home:

      1. Select Use an existing Middleware Home.

      2. From the list of existing Middleware home directories, select a directory.

      3. Click Next.

        The Choose Install Type window appears.

    • To create a new Middleware home:

      1. Select Create a new Middleware Home.

      2. In the Middleware Home Directory field, enter the path for the new Middleware home directory.

      3. Click Next.

    The Choose Install Type window appears.

  9. Do one of the following:

    • To perform a Typical installation including Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server

      1. Select Typical.

      2. Click Next.

        The JDK Selection window appears.

      3. Select the Local JDK installed on the target machine for use with Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising.

      4. Click Next.

        The Choose Product Installation Directories window appears

      5. Proceed to step 10 below.

    • To perform a Custom installation of a subset of the components:

      1. Select Custom.

      2. Click Next.

        The Choose Products and Components window appears.

      3. Select the components to be installed.

      4. Click Next.

        The JDK Selection window appears. Select an existing JDK on the server that meets the prerequisites for use with Marketing and Advertising.

      5. Click Next.

        The Choose Product Installation Directories window appears

  10. In the Product Installation Directories fields, enter the directories in which you want to install Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper, and WebLogic Server software. The installer will pre populate suggested target installation directories based on the Middleware Home directory specified.

  11. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary window appears.

  12. Make sure that the installation summary reflects all the products that you have chosen to install.

    If the list is not correct, you can use the Previous button to navigate back to make corrections.

  13. Click Next to start the installation.

    A progress bar indicates the status of the installation process.

  14. When the Installation Complete window appears, click Done.

    The installer exits.

  15. After installation is complete, set the WL_HOME variable to the directory in the product installation directory that you indicated for WebLogic Server in step 10.

  16. Export WL_HOME. For example:

    export WL_HOME=your_installation_directory/wlserver_10.3 
    cd $WL_HOME/server/native/hpux11/IPF32/

The Console Installer

This section contains instructions for using the console installer to install Marketing and Advertising.

Running the Console Installer on Windows

To run the console installer on Windows:

  1. Log in to the target system.

  2. Change to the directory where you have copied the installation program.

    The Marketing and Advertising installer can be downloaded from Oracle's eDelivery website.

  3. To start the Windows installer in console mode, enter the following command line (or double-click the installer icon):

    ocma510_win.exe -mode=console [-log=logfilename]

    The Welcome prompt appears in the console.

  4. Enter Next.

  5. Press Enter to continue with the installation.

  6. At the Oracle Home Directory prompt, if you have any existing Middleware home directories they are displayed. Do one of the following:

    • To use an existing Middleware Home directory:

      1. Enter the number associated with the directory in the console display.

      2. Press Enter.

    • To create a new Middleware Home directory:

      1. Enter 1.

      2. Press Enter.

      3. Enter the full path of the new Middleware Home directory or Next to accept the default.

      4. When prompted to confirm your choice, press Enter to confirm or 1 or 2 to change your selection.

  7. At the Choose Install Type prompt do one of the following:

    • To perform a Typical installation including Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server

      1. Enter 1.

      2. Press Enter.

        The Product Installation Directories prompt appears. The Marketing and Advertising installer pre populates target directories based on the previously specified Middleware Home Directory.

      3. Proceed to step 8 below.

    • To perform a Custom installation of the components:

      1. Enter 2.

      2. Press Enter

        The Choose Products and Components prompt appears.

      3. To remove components from the planned installation, enter the number in brackets following any components that you do not wish to install. The screen refreshes and the check mark next to that component is removed.

      4. Enter Next

      5. Press Enter

        The JDK Selection prompt appears. Select either of the bundled JDKs to be installed or identify an existing JDK on the server that meets the prerequisites for use with Marketing and Advertising.

      6. Enter Next when the JDK selection has been finalized.

      7. Press Enter.

        The Choose Product Installation Directories prompt appears. The Marketing and Advertising installer pre populates target directories based on the previously specified Middleware Home Directory

  8. In the Choose Product Directories screen, specify the directories in which you want to install Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper, and WebLogic software. Do one of the following:

    • To accept the default product directories, enter Next.

    • To create one or more new product directories, for each directory you are creating:

      1. Enter the product index number to specify the product to be installed in the directory.

      2. Enter the full path to the directory you are creating.

      3. Enter Next.

      4. When prompted, confirm your choice.

  9. In the Install Node Manager as a Windows Service prompt (shown for Custom installation), do one of the following:

    • To install the Node Manager as a Windows Service:

      1. Enter 1 for Yes.

      2. Enter a Node Manager listen port at the prompt.

    • To skip installing the Node Manager as a Windows Service, enter 2 for No.

  10. Enter Next.

  11. The Windows installer displays the Choose Shortcut Location screen if you have administrator privileges and are performing an initial Marketing and Advertising installation. This screen is used to specify the Start menu folder for the Marketing and Advertising Start menu shortcuts.

    Do one of the following:

    • Enter 1 to select the All Users Start menu folder.

      Only users with administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder. Therefore, if a user without administrator privileges uses the configuration wizard to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired

    • Enter 2 to select the Local user's Start menu folder.

      This option ensures that other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation.

  12. When prompted, confirm your choice.

  13. Enter Next to continue.

  14. In the Installation Summary window, make sure the list reflects all the products and JDKs you have chosen to install.

  15. Enter Next to begin the installation.

  16. When the installation is complete, press Enter to exit the installer.

Running the Console Installer on UNIX/Linux

To run the console-based installer on UNIX/Linux:

  1. Log into the target system.

  2. Change to the directory where you have copied the installation program.

    The Marketing and Advertising installer can be downloaded from Oracle's eDelivery website.

  3. To start the installer in console mode, do one of the following (specify the log option to generate an installation log:

    • To start the Linux32 installer, enter:

      ./ocma510_linux_x86.bin -mode=console [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the Solaris_Sparc32 installer, enter:

      ./ocma510_solaris_sparc.bin -mode=console [-log=logfilename]

      The Welcome screen appears in the console.

  4. Enter Next to continue with the installation.

  5. In the Oracle Home Directory screen, if you have any existing Middleware home directories they are displayed. Do one of the following:

    • To use an existing Middleware Home directory:

      1. Enter the number associated with the directory in the console display.

      2. Press Enter.

    • To create a new Middleware Home directory:

      1. Enter 1.

      2. Press Enter.

      3. Enter the full path of the new MIddleware Home directory or Next to accept the default.

      4. When prompted to confirm your choice, press Enter to confirm or 1 or 2 to change your selection.

  6. At the Choose Install Type prompt do one of the following:

    • To perform a Typical installation including Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server

      1. Enter 1.

      2. Press Enter.

        The Product Installation Directories prompt appears. The Marketing and Advertising installer pre populates target directories based on the previously specified Middleware Home Directory.

      3. Proceed to step 7 below.

    • To perform a Custom installation of the components:

      1. Enter 2.

      2. Press Enter

        The Choose Products and Components prompt appears.

      3. To remove components from the planned installation, enter the number in brackets following any components that you do not wish to install. The screen refreshes and the check mark next to that component is removed.

      4. Enter Next

      5. Press Enter

        The JDK Selection prompt appears. Select either of the bundled JDKs to be installed or identify an existing JDK on the server that meets the prerequisites for use with Marketing and Advertising.

      6. Enter Next when the JDK selection has been finalized.

      7. Press Enter.

        The Choose Product Installation Directories prompt appears. The Marketing and Advertising installer pre populates target directories based on the previously specified Middleware Home Directory

  7. At the Choose Product Installation Directories prompt, specify the directories in which you want to install Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper, and WebLogic software. Do one of the following:

    • To accept the default product directories, enter Next.

    • To create one or more new product directories, for each directory you are creating:

      1. Enter the product index number to specify the product to be installed in the directory.

      2. Enter the full path to the directory you are creating.

      3. Enter Next.

      4. When prompted, confirm your choice.

  8. Enter Next.

  9. In the Installation Summary window, make sure the list reflects all the products and JDKs you have chosen to install.

  10. Enter Next to begin the installation.

  11. When the installation is complete, press Enter to exit the installer.

Running the Generic Console Installer

To run the generic console installer:

  1. Log into the target system.

  2. If you are installing on a 64-bit system, ensure that a 64-bit JDK, or a hybrid 32/64-bit hybrid JDK, is installed on the target machine.

    If it is not installed, install one. See the certification matrix in Certification Matrix for information about supported JDK versions.

  3. Run the java -version command, or java -d64 -version command on platforms using a 32/64-bit hybrid JDK to ensure that the JAVA_HOME variable is set to a 64- bit JDK.

    If JAVA_HOME is not correctly set, set it to point to the correct JDK.

  4. Add the bin directory of the appropriate JDK (which you have installed separately) to the beginning of the PATH variable definition on the target system. For example:

    PATH=$1.5 GB1.5 GBJAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    export PATH

    Here JAVA_HOME represents the full path to the JDK directory.

  5. Change to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.

  6. To start the generic installer in console mode, do one of the following (specify the log option to produce an installation log):

    • To start the 32-bit generic installer, enter:

      java -jar ocma510_generic.jar -mode=console [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the 32/64-bit hybrid generic installer, enter:

      java -d64 -jar ocma510_generic.jar -mode=console [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the 64-bit hybrid generic installer on Solaris-SPARC, enter:

      java -Xmx1024m -jar ocma510_generic.jar -mode=console [-log=logfilename]

    The Welcome screen appears in the console.

  7. Enter Next to continue with the installation.

  8. In the Oracle Home Directory screen, if you have any existing Middleware home directories they are displayed. Do one of the following:

    • To use an existing Middleware Home directory:

      1. Enter the number associated with the directory in the console display.

      2. Press Enter.

    • To create a new Middleware Home directory:

      1. Enter 1.

      2. Press Enter.

      3. Enter the full path of the new MIddleware Home directory or Next to accept the default.

      4. When prompted to confirm your choice, press Enter to confirm or 1 or 2 to change your selection.

  9. At the Choose Install Type prompt do one of the following:

    • To perform a Typical installation including Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server

      1. Enter 1.

      2. Press Enter.

        The JDK Selection prompt appears. Select either of the bundled JDKs to be installed or identify an existing JDK on the server that meets the prerequisites for use with Marketing and Advertising.

      3. Press Enter.

        The Choose Product Installation Directories prompt appears. The Marketing and Advertising installer pre populates target directories based on the previously specified Middleware Home Directory.

      4. Proceed to step 10 below.

    • To perform a Custom installation of the components:

      1. Enter 2.

      2. Press Enter

        The Choose Products and Components prompt appears.

      3. To remove components from the planned installation, enter the number in brackets following any components that you do not wish to install. The screen refreshes and the check mark next to that component is removed.

      4. Enter Next

      5. Press Enter

        The JDK Selection prompt appears. Select either of the bundled JDKs to be installed or identify an existing JDK on the server that meets the prerequisites for use with Marketing and Advertising.

      6. Enter Next when the JDK selection has been finalized.

      7. Press Enter.

        The Choose Product Installation Directories prompt appears. The Marketing and Advertising installer pre populates target directories based on the previously specified Middleware Home Directory.

  10. At the Choose Product Installation Directories prompt, specify the directories in which you want to install Marketing and Advertising, Services Gatekeeper, and WebLogic software. Do one of the following:

    • To accept the default product directories, enter Next.

    • To create one or more new product directories, for each directory you are creating:

      1. Enter the product index number to specify the product to be installed in the directory.

      2. Enter the full path to the directory you are creating.

      3. Enter Next.

      4. When prompted, confirm your choice.

  11. Enter Next.

  12. In the Installation Summary window, make sure the list reflects all the products and JDKs you have chosen to install.

  13. Enter Next to begin the installation.

  14. When the installation is complete, press Enter to exit the installer.

  15. After installation is complete, set the WL_HOME variable to the product installation directory that you designated for WebLogic Server.

  16. Export WL_HOME. For example:

    export WL_HOME=your_installation_directory/wlserver_10.3
    cd $WL_HOME/server/native/hpux11/IPF32/ 

The Silent Installer

This section contains instructions for using the silent installer to install Marketing and Advertising.

Silent-mode installation is a way of choosing installation settings once and then using those settings to duplicate the installation on many machines. During installation in silent mode, the installation program reads your settings from an XML file named silent.xml that you create prior to beginning the installation. The installation program does not display any options during the installation process. Silent-mode installation works on all supported platforms.

For general information on silent-mode installation, on WebLogic Server see "Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server at:

About the silent.xml file

The entries in the silent.xml file correspond to the prompts that you would see if you used one of the interactive modes.

Incorrect entries in the silent.xml file can cause installation failures. To help you determine the cause of a failure, we recommend that you create a log file when you start the installation.

The following is a sample version of a silent.xml file. Your input may be slightly different, depending on your installation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <data-value name="BEAHOME" value="d:/ocsg" />
    <data-value name="INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE" value="no" /> 
    <data-value name="LOCAL_JVMS" value="C:\oracle\java\jdk160_18">

The following error can be ignored:

com.bea.plateng.domain.script.ScriptException: The template to read must be a jar file containing a valid domain configuration

See the Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Guide for more information about the silent installer.

Returning Exit Codes to the Console

When run in silent mode, the installation program generates exit codes that indicate the success or failure of the installation. Table 4-1 shows these exit codes.

Table 4-1 Installation Program Exit Codes

Code Description


Installation completed successfully


Installation failed due to a fatal error


Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error

If you are launching the silent-mode installation process from a script, you can choose to have these exit codes displayed to the console. The following is a sample command file that invokes the WebLogic Platform installation in silent mode and echoes the exit codes to the console from which the script is executed.

Example 4-1 Return exit codes

rem Execute the installer in silent mode
@echo off
ocma500_win.exe -mode=silent  -silent_xml=silent.xml -log=logfilename

@rem Return an exit code to indicate success or failure of installation
set exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%

@echo Exitcode=%exit_code%
@echo Exit Code Key
@echo ---------------
@echo  0=Installation completed successfully
@echo -1=Installation failed due to a fatal error
@echo -2=Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error

Running the Silent Mode Installer on All Platforms

To run the silent mode installer:

  1. Create a silent.xml file, as described in About the silent.xml file.

  2. To run the silent installer, do one of the following:

    • To start the platform-specific Windows32 installer in silent mode, enter:

      ocma510_win_x86.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the platform-specific Linux32 installer in silent mode, enter:

      ocma510_linux_x86.bin -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the platform-specific Solaris-Sparc32 installer in silent mode, enter:

      ocma510_solaris_sparc.bin -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the generic 32-bit installer in silent mode, enter:

      java -jar ocma510_generic.jar -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the generic 32/64 -bit hybrid installer in silent mode, enter:

      java -d64 -jar ocma510_generic.jar -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml [-log=logfilename]
    • To start the generic /64 -bit hybrid installer in silent mode, enter:

      java -Xmx1024m -jar ocma510_generic.jar -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml [-log=logfilename]

    The installation proceeds with no prompts.

Where to Go From Here

After installing Marketing and Advertising, you must configure the Administrative Domain. See Chapter 5, "Configuring the Domain for Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising.".

If you wish to be able to start and stop servers remotely, for example by using the Administration Console, you must set up Node Manager on each server. The software for Node Manager is automatically installed along with WebLogic Server software when you use any of the installation methods. See Oracle® Fusion Middleware Node Manager Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server, at

for more information on setting up and configuring Node Manager.