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Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 Release Notes
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E27423-01
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8 Migrating from Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 on Linux

When you migrate from Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0, you first export the existing configuration and uninstall Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0. Then you install Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 , and apply the configuration exported from Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0. This chapter contains the following sections:

8.1 Obtaining the Patch

See Section 1.3, "Obtaining the Software as Part of Directory Server Enterprise Edition."

8.2 Preparing for Migration

The following is a checklist of required tasks you must complete before you can successfully migrate Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 .

8.2.1 Schedule an appropriate time for migration

Schedule an appropriate time for migration.

Migration typically requires four to eight hours, depending on your system's performance and the configuration of Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 .

8.2.2 Disable the group synchronization and account lockout

You can use either the administration console or the command-line interface to complete these tasks. Using the Administration Console

  1. Open the administration console.

    # /var/Sun/mps/startconsole -x nologo

  2. Open the Identity Synchronization for Windows administration window.

    1. Open the appropriate server group.

    2. Select the "Identity Synchronization for Windows" server.

    3. Click on the Open button at the upper right.

  3. Go to Configuration > Groups, and deselect the Enable Group Synchronization checkbox.

  4. Go to Configuration > Account Lockout, and deselect the Enable Account Lockout Synchronization checkbox.

  5. Click Save. Using the Command-Line Interface

Use the idsync command in the following directory:


To disable group synchronization:

# idsync groupsync -d -D  Directory-Manager-DN -w bind-password [-h Configuration-Directory-hostname] [-p Configuration-Directory-port-number] -s rootsuffix [-Z] -q configuration-password -t AD-group-type

To disable account lockout:

# idsync accountlockout -d -D  Directory-Manager_DN -w  bind-password -h Configuration Directory-hostname -p Configuration-Directory-port-number -s rootsuffix [-Z] [-P cert-db-path [-m secmod db path] -q configuration-password -t max-lockout-attempts 

8.2.3 Unpack the Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 patch content

Unpack the Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 patch content.

# unzip zipped_patch_file

To identify the zipped_patch_file for your installation, see Section 1.3.2, "Minimum Patch Level Requirements.".

After the patch files are unzipped, the migration subdirectory contains the migration tools:

  • export11cnf.jar

  • checktopics.jar

8.2.4 Export the current Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 configuration setting to an XML file

Change the current directory to migration and run the export11cnf.jar file with the following usage:

# java -jar export11cnf.jar -D bind_DN -w bind_password | -
[-h configuration_directory_hostname] [-p configuration_directory_port_number]
-s root_suffix [-Z] -q configuration_password | - 
-f xml_configuration_filename_to_export

where root_suffix is the suffix where the Identity Synchronization for Windows configuration is stored.

The following example shows a typical use:

# java -jar export11cnf.jar -D "cn=directory manager"
-w - -h "" -p 389 -s "ou=isw_config" -q - -f export.cfg

8.2.5 Add a clear text password to the exported configuration file

Add clear text passwords to the exported configuration file.

Edit the exported configuration file, and enter a password between the double quotation marks for each of six cleartextPassword fields. You must provide three passwords for the Directory Server user, and three passwords for the Active Directory user.

8.2.6 Stop synchronization

You can either use the administration console, or run the idsync stopsync command. See Section 1.5.2, "Starting and Stopping Synchronization."

8.2.7 Verify that your system is in a quiescent state

Make sure that the current directory is migration, and run the checktopics.jar file with the following usage:

java -jar checktopics.jar -D bind_DN -w bind_password | - 
     [-h configuration_directory_hostname] [-p configuration_directory_port_number]
     -s root_suffix [-Z] -q configuration_password | -

The following example shows a typical use:

java -jar checktopics.jar -D "cn=directory manager"
-w - -h "" -p 389 -s "ou=isw_config" -q -

If the system is in a quiescent state, checktopics.jar displays the following message:

There are no synchronization messages currently in the Message Queue

If checktopics.jar does not display this message, follow these steps:

  1. Restart synchronization. See Section 1.5.2, "Starting and Stopping Synchronization.".

  2. Wait until the synchronization messages are applied to the destination connector.

  3. Stop synchronization again. See Section 1.5.2, "Starting and Stopping Synchronization."

  4. Run the checktopics.jar file again.

8.2.8 Exit the Console

Be sure that the graphical administration console is not running.

8.2.9 Stop the Identity Synchronization for Windows Daemons

To stop the Identity Synchronization for Windows and Message Queue, run the following commands:

# /etc/init.d/isw stop
# /etc/init.d/imq stop

8.2.10 Save the connector states

Save the connector states by backing up the persist and etc directories from the existing 6.0 installation tree. For example:

# cd /var/opt/sun/isw
# tar cf /var/tmp/connector-state.tar persist etc

8.3 Uninstalling Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Components

Complete the following procedures:

8.3.1 Uninstall Identity Synchronization for Windows and Connectors

Repeat the following procedure for each of the Identity Synchronization for Windows components installed on your system in this order: First uninstall Active Directory Connectors, then uninstall Directory Server Connectors and Plug-ins, and finally uninstall the Identity Synchronization for Windows Core.

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to use the Java release and shared libraries that come with Identity Synchronization for Windows:

    # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/jre/
    # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sun/private/lib/:/opt/sun/isw/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  2. Run the uninstaller. For example:

    # cd /opt/sun/isw
    # ./
  3. In the Welcome page, click Next.

  4. In the "Uninstall: Configuration Location" page, choose "The configuration no longer exists or is corrupt," and then click Next.

  5. In the "Uninstall: Componente Selection" page, choose "Remove all local components," and then click Next.

  6. Click Yes when the following Warning is displayed:

    "Selecting this option will make Identity Synchronization for Windows unusable. If the Core install is local to this machine, you will have to manually uninstall any remote components and remove any remaining configuration artifacts from the configuration directory. Do you want to continue?"

  7. Review the "Uninstall: Summary," and then click Close.

You can verify that all Identity Synchronization for Windows were removed by running the following command:

# rpm -qa | grep ^sun_isw

When all packaged have been removed, the command returns no results.

8.3.2 Unconfigure the Administration Server

Run the unconfigure command. For example:

# cd /var/Sun/mps/sbin 
# ./mpsadmserver unconfigure

Provide information as prompted.

8.3.3 Remove the Administration Server

Run the following command:

# rpm -e sun-admin-server-5.2-18 sun-admin-server-man-5.2-8 sun-server-console-5.2-18

You can verify that the administration server packages are removed by running the following command :

# rpm -qa | grep sun.*server

When all packaged have been removed, the command returns no results.

8.3.4 Remove Message Queue

Run the following command:

# cd /var/sadm/prod/entsys
# ./uninstall

Provide information as prompted, choosing Sun Message Queue as the component to removed.

You can verify that all Identity Synchronization for Windows were removed by running the following command:

# rpm -qa | grep ^sun-mq

When all packaged have been removed, the command returns no results.

8.3.5 Edit the productregistry File

This step is a safeguard in case the uninstallation was unable to completely update the registry.

Inspect the /var/opt/sun/install/productregistry file. If any references to the following products exist, then remove the references:

  • Identity Synchronization for Windows

  • Message Queue

  • Administration Server

8.3.6 Delete the Identity Synchronization for Windows Data from the Configuration Server

This step ensures that the configuration suffix no longer contains Identity Synchronization for Windows data. Use one of the following methods:

  • If the configuration suffix contains only data related to Identity Synchronization for Windows, then recreate the suffix. For example, if the configuration data is stored under ou=isw_config:

    # dsconf delete-suffix ou=isw_config
    # dsconf create-suffix ou=isw_config
  • If the configuration suffix contains data other than Identity Synchronization for Windows data, then first use the ldapsearch command to find Identity Synchronization for windows entiries in the suffix. Then use the ldapdelete command to delete the Identity Synchronization for Windows data.

8.4 Installing Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1

  1. Patch Identity Synchronization for Windows components. For example:

    # cd ISW-6.0-SP-1-content/packages/RHELxxx/
    # rpm -Uvh *
  2. Upgrade to JDK 5.0_u29. For example:

    # cd ISW-6.0-SP-1-content/jdk/
    # rpm -Uvh jdk-1.5.0_29-fcs.i586.rpm
  3. Install Message Queue 4.3. For example:

    # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_29/
    # cd ISW-6.0-SP-1-content/mq4_3-installer/
    # ./installer
  4. Install Identity Synchronization for Windows core software. For example:

    # cd ISW-6.0-SP-1-content/144591-01/installer
    # ./

    Do not start the console once the installation is completed.

  5. In the file /opt/sun/isw/bin/, change the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example:

  6. Import the Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 configuration XML file. For example:

    # cd /opt/sun/isw/bin
    # ./idsync importcnf -w admin_password -q configuration_password -f xml_configuration_filename_to_import

    The file xml_configuration_filename_to_import here is the file that was created when you ran the command java -jar export11cnf.jar. You can ignore any warnings or Java exceptions that are displayed.

  7. Install the Directory Server Enterprise Edition connector. For example:

    # cd ISW-6.0-SP-1-content/144591-01/installer
    # ./
  8. Run the installer a second time, and install the Active Directory connector.

  9. The data Directory Server must be restarted to enable the plugins.

  10. Stop Identity Synchronization for Windows service daemons. For example:

    # /etc/init.d/isw stop
  11. Delete the Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 persist and etc directories.

    # cd /var/opt/sun/isw/
    # rm -rf etc/ persist/
  12. Restore persist and etc backup directories. For example:

    # tar xf /var/tmp/connector-state.tar
  13. Start the Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 services. For example:

    #  /etc/init.d/isw start
  14. Start synchronization.

    See Section 1.5.2, "Starting and Stopping Synchronization."


    If the console fails with a Java exception and is unable to open the Identity Synchronization for Windows console, then set LD_LIBRARY_PATH first before starting the console. For example:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sun/private/lib/:/opt/sun/isw/lib/

8.5 Confirming the Installation

To confirm that the installation is successful, run this command and verify that the response is the same as shown here:

idsync -V
common.jar :    6 2009Q1_SP1 (ISW build id:2010.116.1643 built by svbld)
connector.jar : 6 2009Q1_SP1 (ISW build id:2010.116.1643 built by svbld)
install.jar :   6 2009Q1_SP1 (ISW build id:2010.116.1643 built by svbld)
registry.jar :  6 2009Q1_SP1 (ISW build id:2010.116.1643 built by svbld)
ui.jar :        6 2009Q1_SP1 (ISW build id:2010.116.1643 built by svbld)
watchdog.jar :  6 2009Q1_SP1 (ISW build id:2010.116.1643 built by svbld)
manager.jar :   6 2009Q1_SP1 (ISW build id:2010.116.1643 built by svbld)