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Oracle® Fusion Middleware WebLogic Server on JRockit Virtual Edition Installation and Configuration Guide
11g Release 1 (10.3.4)

Part Number E15219-03
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8 Known Issues

This section includes current known issues for WebLogic Server on JRockit VE.


For a list of known issues in Oracle JRockit Virtual Edition, refer to the "Known Issues" section in the User's Guide for Oracle JRockit Virtual Edition.

For a list of known issues in Oracle WebLogic Server, refer to the Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Linux x86. []

8.1 Install Oracle VM Server Patch (Version 2.2 Only)

In order to fully support high availability, it is recommended that you install the patch for the Oracle VM agent and Xen packages. This patch is not required to be installed if you are using Oracle VM 2.2.1 or later.

If you do not install the recommended patch, any normal or abnormal shutdowns of WebLogic Server will result in WebLogic Server being automatically restarted by Oracle VM, regardless of whether this is the intended behavior. For example, if WebLogic Server shuts down because of a non-restartable failure, or if the user logs in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console to manually shut down a WebLogic Server VM, Oracle VM will restart the VM and server. In addition, the configured limits for maximum number of restart attempts for the server are ignored.

The Oracle VM patch is available from the Oracle Unbreakable Linux (ULN) site at by selecting the ovm22_i386_latest channel. For detailed instructions, see the FAQ at Once you update the Oracle VM Server using the patch, ensure that the Oracle VM packages use the following minimum versions:

8.2 No Support for Sample Domains

This version of WebLogic Server on JRockit VE does not include support for the medrec, medrec-spring, or the wls-server sample domains.

However, the WebLogic Server on JRockit VE package includes instructions to reconfigure the MedRec sample domain in a physical environment to work with Oracle Database, and then that environment can be migrated to a WebLogic Server VM. For more information, see Using the Oracle WebLogic Server on JRockit Virtual Edition MedRec Domain With Oracle DB (wlsve_medrec_domain_with_odb.pdf).

8.3 Performance When Using Multiple CPUs

In a virtual machine that is configured with multiple virtual CPUs, in certain circumstances (for example, when there is a lot of synchronization between threads), performance might be affected.

In the current release, Oracle recommends that you start with a configuration with a single virtual CPU. If necessary, you can try adding more virtual CPUs to see if it helps improve performance, but in this release adding additional Virtual CPUs may not improve performance on all workloads.

8.4 Initially Start Virtual Machines Using OVM Manager

There is a delay in communication between Oracle VM Manager and Xen (xm) when initially starting the WebLogic Server VM using the xm command.


Use the Oracle VM Manager console to initially import, discover, and approve the virtual image, and then you can safely use WLST, the Administration Console, and the xm command to start and stop WebLogic Server VMs.

8.5 Improve Performance with Conversational Web Services

To improve performance when using conversational Web services, include the following option in the <java-arguments> stanza of the wlsve.xml file:

8.6 Random JMX Warnings During VM Shutdown

Random JMX warnings are thrown when a WebLogic Server on JRockit VE instance is shutdown. The occurrence of these JMX warnings are non-fatal.

8.7 Use Only the DNS Name of WebLogic VM When Creating Demo Certificates

If you create your demo certificates using the IP address for a WebLogic VM instead of using the DNS name for the VM, then you will not be able to access the online help from the Administration Console in SSL mode when using either the IP address/DNS name in the URL for the Administration Console.


Create your demo certificates using only the DNS name for a WebLogic VM.

8.8 Patch Set 3 README File Contains Incorrect Documentation URLs

The README.txt file in the package, contains incorrect URLs to the latest version of the WebLogic Server on JRockit VE documentation and the WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning Guide.


For the WebLogic Server on JRockit VE documentation home page, use this URL:

For the WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning Guide, use this URL: