A window appears with Settings for Enforcement Point: 'ep_01". The first section is Monitoring settings:

Protected database: Sample selected from list says Oracle - orcl

Traffic Sources: br0 is checked with an icon indicated the second of 4 pairs is selected.

Database Response: Unchecked box for Activate Database Response Monitoring

Database Interrogation: Unchecked box for Activate Database Interrogation

Remote Monitor: Unchecked box for Activate Remote Monitor

Local Monitor: Unchecked box for Activate Local Monitor

SPA: Checked box to Activate Stored Procedure Auditing with subitems

Database Address: entry field showing

Port: entry field showing 1521

Database Name: entry field showing sales_db

Password: xxxxxx

Password Confirmation: xxxxxxx

Next come the Database Connection button labeled Test Now with additional display info showing First Run Time: July 15, 2010, 02: 00: 000

Next comes a line that says Repeat Every: and provides option buttons for Hours, Days (checked) Weeks, Month, and Days with a field for entering number of days (default shows 1)