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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index
Release 1.1
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Developing Oracle Healthcare Master Person Indexes

This chapter introduces you to the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index (OHMPI), and provides an introduction to the development process. It also introduces you to the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM) object profiles, and provides information you should consider before developing a master person index, including a checklist.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Understanding the Master Person Index Development Process

This document provides instructions for creating a master person index application using Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index. It includes creating the master person index application framework, creating custom Java code, generating the application files, and creating the database. It also includes performing a data analysis using the framework created for the master person index application.

The following steps outline and link to the procedures you need to follow to develop a master person index application. Not all tasks are covered in this document. Where a process is covered in a separate document, the reference is in italics.

  1. Perform a preliminary analysis of the data you plan to store in the master person index application.

  2. Create a new project and a new Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index application within that project (described in Creating a Master Person Index Application).

  3. Define the object structure, operating environment, and certain runtime characteristics using the wizard (described in Creating a Master Person Index Application).

  4. Define and build custom plug-ins, and specify the plug-ins in the appropriate configuration file (described in Implementing Master Person Index Custom Plug-ins).

  5. Customize the configuration files (instructions for this step are provided in a separate document, Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Guide).

  6. Generate the master person index application (described in Generating the Master Person Index Application).

  7. Create the database (described in Creating the Master Person Index Database).

    • Customize the database scripts by defining system information, processing codes, and drop-down menu values.

    • Create the database structure and any necessary indexes.

    • Define database connectivity in the application server.

  8. Analyze and cleanse existing data that will be preloaded into the master person index database (instructions for this step are provided in a separate document, Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Analyzing and Cleansing Data.

  9. Build and deploy the project.

  10. Define security for the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM) described in "Master Person Index Data Manager Security" in Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Data Manager's Guide.

  11. Load the initial data set into the master person index database (this is described in a separate document, Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Loading the Initial Data Set).

Learning About the Master Person Index Framework and Runtime Environment

The values you enter in the wizard, Configuration Editor, or directly in the XML files define how other components of the master person index application are generated, such as the database scripts, the Master Index Data Manager, and the dynamic Java API. This section provides an overview of how the values you enter correspond to the runtime environment.

From XML to the Database

The master person index database is created using a standard MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server database and a database script generated directly from object.xml. Additional scripts are created based on any user codes or menu lists you defined for the fields in the object structure. Running the database scripts against the database creates the tables necessary for your master person index application and also creates startup data, such as external system information, processing codes, and so on.

From XML to the Master Index Data Manager

Based on information you specify in the wizard or Configuration Editor, midm.xml is generated to define the appearance of the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM). This file defines the fields and appearance of the MIDM and also specifies the searches used by the MIDM. The available search types are defined in query.xml. You can customize many features of the MIDM, including the following.

From XML to the EJB

When you generate the master person index application, two additional projects are created, an EJB project and a web application project. The EJB project includes several Java classes that are common to all master person index applications as well as a set of custom classes that are specific to the type of object you are indexing. These are based on object.xml. You can use these methods to specify how data is processed into the database. You can also call these methods from Business Processes.

From XML to the Runtime Environment

The information you specify in the master person index configuration files is read at runtime when the domain is started. The only exception is object.xml, which is stored only as a record of the object structure. You can modify the configuration files after moving to production; however, for the changes to take effect, you must regenerate the application and then rebuild and redeploy the project to apply the changes to the server. You also need to restart the MIDM and any eWays or Binding Components connected to the application for the changes to take effect.


Use caution when modifying these files; changing these files after moving to production might result in loss of data integrity or unexpected weighting and matching results.

Analyzing Your Business Requirements Before Developing a Master Person Index

Creating a master person index application requires in-depth analyses of your business requirements, legacy data, and data processing requirements. After the initial analysis, you can plan and design how you will create the master person index application framework and how you will customize that configuration after creating the framework. After creating the master person index application, you should perform an in-depth data analysis using the tools provided. This analysis will help you define matching and standardization rules and logic.

The following topics provide information about what you need to know and do before you begin to create a master person index application.

Preliminary Data Analysis for a Master Person Index

Before creating the master person index application, perform a preliminary analysis against the data that will be stored in the index database to determine the structure of the records. Analyzing your data requires reviewing the message structure of each legacy system that will share data with the master person index application. The master person index application does not need to store every field from every system, so you can narrow the master person index application object structure to just the pertinent fields from each system. However, the master person index application stores the same fields for each system. A more in-depth analysis of the field values in the legacy data occurs after the initial master person index application framework is created.

Planning a Master Person Index Project

Before you create the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index project, analyze the business requirements and determine which project components will help you meet those requirements. Planning the project includes defining how each external system will share information with the master person index application and how the master person index application will share information with those external systems. In addition, you can incorporate master person index Java methods that define how the master person index application processes incoming data. Master person index methods can also be used to transform the data sent from external systems into a format that can be read by the master person index application.

An additional consideration is whether to integrate the master person index methods into a Business Process.

Master Person Index Project Initiation Checklist

Before you begin developing your master person index application, make sure you have obtained the following information:

  • The primary object to be indexed, such as a person, customer, business, and so on

  • Any secondary objects, such as telephone numbers and addresses

  • All fields to be stored in the index for both the primary and secondary objects

  • The name of each field as it appears on the MIDM and whether the field will be a standard text field or will be populated from a menu list (if a field will be populated from a menu list, you should also define an eight-character name for the list)

  • The fields that are required in order to add a record or that are required for queries

  • The fields that will appear on reports

  • The fields that must be unique to an enterprise record (in other words, they uniquely identify a child object within an enterprise record)

  • The fields that will be used for matching

  • The fields that will need to be parsed or normalized prior to matching

  • Any special formatting requirements, such as character types, the data type, minimum and maximum values, and field size

  • The fields that will appear on MIDM search and search results windows

  • The processing codes for the source systems being integrated into the index