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Sun Blade X3-2B (formerly Sun Blade X6270 M3) Installation Guide for ESX Software
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About the Sun Blade X3-2B Installation Guide for VMware ESXi

About VMware ESXi 5 Installation

Installation Task Map

VMware ESXi 5 and Server Module Documentation

Supported Software Versions and Server Module Updates

Software Installation Options

Single-Server Interactive Installation Methods

Preparing for ESXi 5 Installation

Set Up for Local Installation

Set Up for Remote Installation

Gather Required Information

Set the BIOS Mode

Creating a Virtual Disk and Setting the Boot Disk

Installing VMware ESXi 5

Install VMware ESXi 5 Using Local or Remote Interactive Installation

Install VMware ESXi 5 Drivers

Update VMware ESXi 5

Getting Server Firmware and Software

Firmware and Software Updates

Firmware and Software Access Options

Available Software Release Packages

Accessing Firmware and Software

Installing Updates


Install VMware ESXi 5 Using Local or Remote Interactive Installation

Before You Begin

Complete all of the preparation procedures in Preparing for ESXi 5 Installation.

  1. Connect to your server console using one of the methods described in your server's installation guide. See the instructions in one of the following procedures:
  2. Power on or reset the server.

    BIOS messages appear on the console.

  3. Insert the distribution media in the local or remote server.

    Additional BIOS messages appear on the console.

  4. When you see a message offering a series of selections, press F8.
    Initializing USB Controllers .. Done.
    Press F2 to run Setup (CTRL+E on Remote Keyboard)
    Press F8 for BBS POPUP (CTRL+P on Remote Keyboard)
    Press F12 to boot from the network (CTRL+N on Remote Keyboard)

    After a delay, a menu offers a selection of boot devices.

        Please select boot device:
    PXE:IBA GE Slot 1000 v1331
    PXE:IBA GE Slot 1001 v1331
    PXE:IBA GE Slot 4100 v1331
    PXE:IBA GE Slot 4101 v1331
    PXE:IBA GE Slot 8100 v1331
    PXE:IBA GE Slot 8101 v1331
    PXE:IBA GE Slot C100 v1331
    PXE:IBA GE Slot C101 v1331
  5. Select CD/DVD or USB drive from the list.

    Control passes to the OS installation program on the media.

  6. Follow the steps in the VMware vSphere 5 documentation to complete the installation.

    See VMware ESXi 5 and Server Module Documentation.

Next Steps