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Oracle® On Track Communication Gadget Feature Documentation
Release 1 (1.0)


Oracle® On Track Communication

Gadget Feature Documentation

Release 1 (1.0)


March 2011

Gadget Features

Defined in: container, conversation, gadget, and rpc features.
Gadget Feature Summary
Feature Name and Description
This feature provides functionality specific to interacting with the On Track Web Client (aka container) hosting the gadgets.
This module provides functionality specific to Conversations
Defines functions and callbacks regarding Gadget state
This module encapsulates functionality needed to issue RPC requests to On Track.
Feature Detail
Class to simplify connecting to an On Track server and executing calls against it
Method Detail
Instructs the container to remove the gadget. This is a destructive operation that will remove the gadget instance permanently from the conversation and will affect all users of the gadget.

Feature Detail
This module provides functionality specific to Conversations
Method Detail
Provides the id of the conversation
{String} Id of the conversation this gadget is associated with
Instructs the On Track web client to display the specified message to the user. The specified message does not necessarily need to be part of the conversation the gadget is attached to.

Feature Detail
Defines functions and callbacks regarding Gadget state
Method Detail
Retrieves basic, On Track specific information about this gadget.
{Function} Callback Function that accepts an Object containing the following fields:
+ ID (String) - The ID of this gadget
+ Name (String) - The name of this gadget
+ ConversationID (String) - The ID of the conversation where this gadget lives
+ WidgetGadgetID (String) - The ID of the Gadget manifest used to instantiate this gadget
+ CreatedByUserID (String) - The ID of the user who instantiated this gadget
+ WidgetPropertyInfos (Array of Objects) - Current properties of this gadgets of the form
{'PropertyName' : value }. Properties include Gadget User Preferences which are prefaced by 'up_'
Registers an event listener that is fired when any property or gadget preference for this particular gadget changes. The updates only contain the new values.
{Function} callback
Function that accepts an Object containing the following fields:
+ preferences (Array of Objects) - {name : value}
+ properties (Array of Objects) - {name : value}

Feature Detail
This module encapsulates functionality needed to issue RPC requests to On Track.
Method Detail
execute(module, method, callback, Additional)
Execute Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) against On Track. The names of the modules, methods and necessary parameters can currently be found in the provided JavaDoc.
{String} module
Server module name
{String} method
Method to execute
{Function} callback
Function to call when the RPC completes. This callback should accept two parameters: + success {Boolean} - True indicates the call succeeded with False indicating either a network error or execution exception + result {Object} - The return of the call which varies depending on the module and method.
{Variable} Additional
parameters after callback will be passed as arguments to the method being called.

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Oracle On Track Communication Gadget Feature Documentation, Volume 1, Release 1 (1.0)


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