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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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4 Upgrading Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

This chapter describes how to upgrade your existing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI EE) 10g Release 3 (10.3.2 or later) environment to Oracle Business Intelligence 11g.

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Task 1: Understand the Starting Points for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Upgrade

For information about starting points for an Oracle Business Intelligence upgrade, see Chapter 2, "Supported Starting Points for Oracle Business Intelligence Upgrade." If you are running a version of Oracle Business Intelligence older than version specified in Chapter 2, you must upgrade to the supported starting point version before attempting to upgrade to 11g.

If you are already running Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide, which provides information about applying the latest Oracle Fusion Middleware patches.

This guide provides instructions for upgrading from Oracle Business Intelligence 10g to the latest Oracle Business Intelligence 11g.

4.2 Task 2: Decide Upon an Oracle Business Intelligence Topology

To help you decide on a target topology for your Oracle Business Intelligence 11g deployment, see Chapter 3, "Oracle Business Intelligence for 10g Users." Chapter 3 compares 10g and 11g features, directory structures, and architecture. It also describes Oracle Business Intelligence 11g integration with Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware applications.

4.3 Task 3: Run RCU to Create the Destination BIPLATFORM Schemas

The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) is a graphical tool for creating and managing Oracle Fusion Middleware database schemas.

Important screens when running RCU:

To create your Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g destination schema, see "Create Database Schemas Using the Repository Creation Utility" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.4 Task 4: Install and Configure Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g

Use Oracle Business Intelligence Installer to install Oracle Business Intelligence 11g components on Windows, Linux, and UNIX operating systems.

Important screens when running the Oracle Business Intelligence Installer:

For installation and configuration instructions for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, see "Enterprise Install for New Installations" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.5 Task 5: Upgrade the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition RPD and Web Catalog

Use the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition RPD and Web Catalog.

Before running Upgrade Assistant

Before running Upgrade Assistant configure TNSNAMES.ora in your 11g system so that it connects to any databases used by the RPD.

In addition, any custom changes to the Oracle BI EE 10g configuration files, for example, instanceconfig.xml, are not upgraded by Upgrade Assistant. You must manually edit the 11g configuration files to re-apply the customizations.

The following configuration changes may be necessary before running Upgrade Assistant:

  1. Confirm any datasources used by your RPD are configured in the 11g system.

  2. If you configured the nqsconfig.ini file in the 10g system for database authentication, you must copy over the same configurations to the 11g version of the files.

    For example, to add the following parameter in the nqsconfig.ini file for this type of authentication:

    DATABASE = "mydb";

Admin Server and Managed Servers

The Admin Server and the Managed Server must remain running during the upgrade process.

Running Upgrade Assistant

Upgrade Assistant is installed automatically into the bin directory of your Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle home. For information on the Oracle home, see Section 3.4, "Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle WebLogic Server."


The following sections describe how to use the Upgrade Assistant in graphical user interface mode. You can also use the Upgrade Assistant command line to perform these tasks.

For more information, see "Using the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Interface" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide.

Table 4-1 Running the Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Oracle BIEE RPD and Web Catalog

Step Screen Description and Action Required



To start the Upgrade Assistant using the graphical user interface, change the directory to the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory of the Oracle Fusion Middleware installation:

Note: If you have multiple RPDs, you must run Upgrade Assistant once for each RPD.



On a Windows operating system:



Welcome Screen

Click Next to continue.


Specify Operation

Select Upgrade Oracle BI RPD and Web Catalog.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Source Details

Enter the details for the source 10g BIEE RPD and Web Catalog. This could be in the existing 10g installation, or a copy made to a shared network location or USB drive:

Upgrade Repository (RPD)

RPD File: Enter the name of the RPD file. The RPD file (and Web catalog) can be copied from anywhere, for example, a USB drive, or direct from the 10g installation if it is on a shared drive.

Administrator User Name: Enter the 10g Administrator User Name. Typically the name is Administrator.

Administrator Password: Enter the 10g Administrator Password

Enter the password which will be used to secure the upgraded 11g RPD (The RPD password does not have to match the Administrator or any other password).

Upgrade Web Catalog

Web Catalog Directory: Enter the name, or browse to the Web Catalog Directory.

Web Catalog Deliveries Directory:

In 10g, the deliveries directory is a special directory used for data such as Dashboard snapshots used by Briefing Books. The directory is called deliveries by default and is located in the OracleBIData/web/catalog directory. In many cases, the 10g directory is empty. If the 10g deliveries directory is not available, any empty directory named deliveries, can be given for upgrade. If the upgrade assistant finds a directory called deliveries in the same folder as the catalog, it is selected by default.

Click Next to continue.


Specify WebLogic Server

Enter the following:

  • In the Host field is always localhost for this type of upgrade.

  • In the Port field, enter the server's port number, for example, 7001.

  • In the Username field, enter the admin user name, for example, weblogic.

  • In the Password field, enter the password associated with the specified admin user.

Click Next to continue.


Examining Components

During the examination process, Upgrade Assistant checks for the following:

  • The source directory exists.

  • The source directory is readable and contains a file for upgrade.

  • The destination directory exists.

  • Destination directory is writable and has sufficient space.

Under the Status column, the word succeeded should appear. If instead, the word failed appears, inspect the log file for details.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Summary

Click Upgrade.


Upgrading Components

The upgrade process begins, and is completed when the status bar reaches 100 percent.

For an illustration of what gets upgraded, see Section 3.6, "What Gets Upgraded?."

If there are errors during the upgrade, inspect the log file for details. The log files are located in the following directory:


For Windows Operating Systems:


Where <timestamp> is the current date and time.

You can also check the component log files, in directories organized by component under ORACLE_INSTANCE\diagnostics\logs

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Complete

Click Close.


Review the log for any errors or warnings. Resolve any errors or warnings in 10g files and resolve them manually in the upgraded 11g RPDs and Web Catalogs.

4.6 Task 6: Upgrade the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Scheduler Schema

Oracle BI EE 10g iBots are made up partly of xml files in the Web Catalog, and partly of scheduling information in the Scheduler schema. In order to complete the upgrade process, you must upgrade the Scheduler schema.

Use the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Scheduler schema to the new BIPLATFORM schema.

Upgrade Assistant is installed automatically into the bin directory of your Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle home.


The following sections describe how to use the Upgrade Assistant in graphical user interface mode. You can also use the Upgrade Assistant command line to perform these tasks.

To see an online description of the Upgrade Assistant command line options type the following command:

ua -help

For more information, see "Using the Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Interface" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide.

Upgrade Assistant performs the Scheduler schema upgrade by upgrading source schema content into the destination Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler schema content.

Table 4-2 Running the Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Oracle BIEE Scheduler Schema

Step Screen Description and Action Required



To start the Upgrade Assistant using the graphical user interface:

Change the directory to the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory of the Oracle Fusion Middleware installation:



On a Windows operating system:




Click Next to continue.


Specify Operation

Select Upgrade Oracle BI Scheduler Schema.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Source Database

Enter the details for the database that hosts the Oracle BI EE 10g Scheduler schema:

Database Types: Select the database type from the drop-down list.

Connect String: Enter the second portion of the connection string. Examples of the appropriate syntax for this field appear immediately below the field.

Source Schema: Enter the name of the existing 10g schema/database/user.

Password: Enter the password associated with the specified source schema.

DBA Username: To log in as the Oracle SYS database account specify SYS AS SYSDBA in this field.

DBA Password: Enter the password associated with the specified DBA Username.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Target Database

Enter the details for the database that hosts the Oracle BI EE 11g BI Scheduler target database:

Target Database Types: The target database type is based on the source database type.

Connect String: Enter the second portion of the JdbcConnectionString. Examples of the appropriate syntax for this field appear immediately below the field.

Password: Enter the password associated with the specified source schema.

DBA Username: To log in as the Oracle SYS database account specify SYS AS SYSDBA in this field.

DBA Password: Enter the password associated with the specified DBA Username.

Click Next to continue.


Specify Schema Name

Enter the 11g BI schema name for the target database.

Schema Name: Select BIPLATFORM schema from the drop-down list, which has a prefix that is defined when you create the schema with RCU.

Password: Enter the password associated with the specified schema.

Click Next to continue.


Examining Components

The Upgrade Assistant examines the components and checks that the source and target schemas contain the expected columns.

Under the Status column, the word succeeded should appear. If instead, the word failed appears, inspect the log file for details.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Summary

Click Upgrade.


Upgrading Components

The upgrade process begins, and is completed when the status bar reaches 100 percent.

If there are errors during the upgrade, inspect the log file for details. The log files are located in the following directory:


For Windows Operating Systems:


Where <timestamp> is the current date and time.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Complete

Click Close.


Review the log for any errors or warnings. Resolve any errors or warnings in 10g files and resolve them manually in the upgraded 11g RPDs and Web Catalogs.

4.7 Task 7: Perform Any Required Post-Upgrade Configuration Tasks

Refer to Post-Upgrade Tasks and Considerations for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for a description of the post-upgrade tasks you might need to perform for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition components.


Check the final Upgrade Assistant screen for suggested manual upgrade steps.

4.8 Task 8: Verify the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Upgrade

You can verify that Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition has been upgraded successfully by logging into the 11g system to confirm that the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition components are up and running.

You can also verify the upgrade using either of the following methods:

  1. Run the Upgrade Assistant again and select Verify Instance on the Specify Operation page.

    Follow the instructions on the screen for information on how to verify that specific Oracle Fusion Middleware components are up and running.

  2. Use the Fusion Middleware Control to verify that the Oracle Business Intelligence components are up and running.

    For more information, see "Getting Started Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.