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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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32 EPMFR-00001 to EPMFR-00292

EPMFR-00001: Duplicate Arc exists in the linkbase. from: ({0}) to: ({1})
Cause: Duplicate arc nodes were provided for a linkbase.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy does not use duplicate arc nodes.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00002: Error while trying to get content at URL: ({0}). Trying path: ({1}) instead
Cause: The taxonomy's relative path was used instead of the URL location
Action: Make sure the taxonomy's URL location is properly formed.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00003: URL: ({0}) not found.
Cause: The URL for the taxonomy was not found.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy exists at the given location, also make sure given taxonomy's URL is properly formed

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00004: {0} <element> attribute: {1} will not be processed. It is not recognized by the parser
Cause: An unrecognized taxonomy element attribute was found by the taxonomy parser. It will be ignored.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy being parsed does not use unrecognized element attributes.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00005: {0} <schema> attribute: {1} will not be processed. It is not recognized by the parser
Cause: An unrecognized schema attribute was found by the taxonomy parser. It will be ignored.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy being parsed does not use unrecognized schema attributes.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00006: Linkbase:{0} <linkbaseRef> attribute: {1} will not be processed. It is not recognized by the parser
Cause: An unrecognized linkbase attribute was found by the taxonomy parser. It will be ignored.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy being parsed does not use unrecognized linkbase attributes.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00007: processImportAttributes:{0} <import> attribute: {1} will not be processed. It is not recognized by the parser
Cause: An unrecognized import attribute was found by the taxonomy parser. It will be ignored.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy being parsed does not use unrecognized import attributes.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00008: {0} <include> attribute: {1} will not be processed. It is not recognized by the parser
Cause: An unrecognized include attribute was found by the taxonomy parser. It will be ignored.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy being parsed does not use unrecognized include attributes.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00009: Error writing binary data to file: ({0})
Cause: Write permissions to file may be denied due to user permission settings or disk space limitations.
Action: Verify that the user has write permissions to the file and make sure there is enough disk space.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00010: Error reading binary data from file: ({0})
Cause: File is missing or not accessable at this time.
Action: Verify that the file exists, is available, or try later.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00011: Could not load bursting file: {0}. Internal unique identifier of this file is: [{1}]
Cause: The file being accessed does not exist
Action: Select a file that does exist and re-run

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00012: Could not load bursting file: {0}. Internal unique identifier of this file is: [{1}]
Cause: The file being accessed does not exist
Action: Select a file that does exist and re-run

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00013: GIF no longer supported
Cause: Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) files are no longer supported as report images.
Action: Convert the GIF file to a Bitmap (BMP) file and reload.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00014: GIF no longer supported
Cause: Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) files are no longer supported as report images.
Action: Convert the GIF file to a Bitmap (BMP) file and reload.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00015: GIF no longer supported
Cause: Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) files are no longer supported as report images.
Action: Convert the GIF file to a Bitmap (BMP) file and reload.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00016: Batches that have successfully run will be cleaned up after {0} milliseconds
Cause: This is a status message stating the batches have run successfully and will be cleaned up.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00017: The thread which cleans up scheduled Batches will wake up every {0} milliseconds
Cause: This is a status message informing how often the thread that cleans scheduled batches will occur.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00018: Could not find Binary File: {0}
Cause: The reported file could not be found and may result in missing data, text, or images.
Action: Make sure the selected .BES file is correct and corresponds to the loaded .DES file.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00019: Could not find Binary File: {0}
Cause: The reported file could not be found and may result in missing data, text, or images.
Action: Make sure the selected .BES file is correct and corresponds to the loaded .DES file.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00020: Error while loading binary file: {0}
Cause: The reported file was found but may be in an invalid format.
Action: Verify the file was not modified from the original version and reload.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00021: Attempted to Cancel Job, but could not find JobId: {0}
Cause: The selected job no longer exists.
Action: Check if the job already completed or was removed by another user.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00022: Unable to open connection to Datasource Failed with result: {0}
Cause: Either could not establish a connection to the datasource or the user credentials for the datasource are incorrect.
Action: Verify the connectivity to the datasource and verify the user credentials for the datasource are accurate.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00023: Could not find job definition {0}. Deleting it.
Cause: The selected batch job was not found
Action: Refresh the display and verify the requested batch exists and try again.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00024: Could not get ESS url property (specified as EssUrl).
Cause: The Scheduler Server was not configured properly
Action: Verify the configuration process was performed correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00025: Obtained the EssUrl: {0}
Cause: This is a status message that states the ESS url was retrieved successfully
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00026: Key '{0}' already exists for {1}
Cause: Unable to add the given extended link to the given element because it already exists.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy does not attempt to add duplicate extended links to the same element.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00027: Unable to load error message for key: {0}
Cause: The resource for the error message could not be found.
Action: An error message or translated message is missing from the resource file. Contact technical support.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00028: Unable to load error message for key: {0}
Cause: The resource for the error message could not be found.
Action: An error message or translated message is missing from the resource file. Contact technical support.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00029: Unable to load error message for key: {0}
Cause: The resource for the error message could not be found.
Action: An error message or translated message is missing from the resource file. Contact technical support.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00030: Unable to load error message for key: {0}
Cause: The resource for the error message could not be found.
Action: An error message or translated message is missing from the resource file. Contact technical support.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00031: The specified class '{0}' must extend from the ReportAddOn class.
Cause: This is custom code in which the AddOn class does not extend the ReportAddOn class
Action: The Java class in the Reports AddOn needs to extend the ReportAddOn class.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00032: An error occurred executing batch: {0}
Cause: Executing a batch depends on the following: Availability of Reports Web Server, Unable to locate the report to run, and correct user credentials for the batch routine.
Action: Verify: the availability of the Reports Web Server, the report in the batch exists, the user credentials for the batch routine are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00033: Type {0} of a service on {1} is shutting down...
Cause: A status message that states what service is shutting down and on what server. The status is being removed from the registry.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00034: Type {0} of a service on {1} is started ...
Cause: A status message that states what service is started and on what server. The status is being added to the registry.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00035: Initializing Financial Reporting Analytic Data Model Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Analytic Data Model Service is about to initialize.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00036: Failed to initialize Financial Reporting Analytic Data Model Service
Cause: Most likely cause for the initialization error is due to an installation or configuration error.
Action: Check the install and configuration logs for more information.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00037: Stopping Financial Reporting Analytic Data Model Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Analytic Data Model Service is stopping.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00038: Failed to stop Financial Reporting Analytic Data Model service
Cause: If this error were to occur it is likely there is a memory issue on the system
Action: Check the system hardware for memory usage issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00039: Initializing Financial Reporting Printing Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Printing Service is initializing.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00040: Failed to start Financial Reporting Printing Service
Cause: The Financial Reporting Printing Service failed to initialize due to one of a few possible reasons
Action: Look at the installation and configuration logs for possible errors; check the system for memory errors, disk space, or other system related issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00041: Stopping Financial Reporting Printing Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Printing Service Service is stopping.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00042: Failed to stop Financial Reporting Printing Service
Cause: The Financial Reporting Printing Service failed to stop due to one of a few possible reasons
Action: Check the logs for print jobs running. Also, check the system for memory errors or other system related issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00043: Initializing and starting Financial Reporting Reporting Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Reporting Service is initializing.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00044: Failed to start Financial Reporting Reporting Service
Cause: The Financial Reporting Reporting Service failed to initialize due to one of a few possible reasons
Action: Look at the installation and configuration logs for possible errors; check the system for memory errors, disk space, or other system related issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00045: Stopping Financial Reporting Reporting Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Reporting Service is stopping.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00046: Failed to stop Financial Reporting Reporting Service
Cause: The Financial Reporting Reporting Service failed to stop due to one of a few possible reasons
Action: Check the logs for running reports, batch jobs, or any other running report process. Also, check the system for memory errors or other system related issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00047: Initializing Financial Reporting Scheduler Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Scheduler Service is initializing.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00048: Failed to start Financial Reporting Scheduler Service
Cause: The Financial Reporting Scheduler Service failed to initialize due to one of a few possible reasons
Action: Look at the installation and configuration logs for possible errors; check the system for memory errors, disk space, or other system related issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00049: Stopping Financial Reporting Scheduler Service
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Financial Reporting Scheduler Service is stopping.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00050: Failed to stop Financial Reporting Scheduler Service
Cause: The Financial Reporting Scheduler Service failed to initialize due to one of a few possible reasons
Action: Check the logs for scheduled jobs that may have failed. Also, check the system for memory errors or other system related issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00051: Returning HsServer from machine {0}
Cause: A status message indicating Reports server was successfully selected from the registry.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00052: Could not get report server object.
Cause: Failed to get the report server object from the registry. There may be an access or connectivity issue.
Action: Verify the registry, RMI, and Reports Servers are all operational and that there are no network issues. Also verify all user credentials. Contact technical support if unable to resolve the issue.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00053: Unable to find print server.
Cause: Failed to get the print server object from the registry. There may be an access or connectivity issue.
Action: Verify the registry, RMI, and Reports Servers are all operational and that there are no network issues. Also verify all user credentials. Contact technical support if unable to resolve the issue.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00054: Could not connect to server on {0}
Cause: Failed to connect to the specified server most likely due to an RMI issue.
Action: Verify the RMI service is running without errors. Also look for possible network issues. Contact technical support if additional assistance is needed.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00055: Could not connect to server on {0}
Cause: Failed to connect to the specified server most likely due to an RMI issue.
Action: Verify the RMI service is running without errors. Also look for possible network issues. Contact technical support if additional assistance is needed.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00056: Could not obtain report server list from server.
Cause: Failed to get a report server list because the Hyperion Registry is not accessible.
Action: Verify the Hyperion Registry is running without errors. Also look for possible network issues. Contact technical support if additional assistance is needed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00057: Could not obtain print server list from server.
Cause: Failed to get a print server list because the Hyperion Registry is not accessible.
Action: Verify the Hyperion Registry is running without errors. Also look for possible network issues. Contact technical support if additional assistance is needed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00058: Could not obtain scheduler server from server.
Cause: Failed to get a scheduler server list because the Hyperion Registry is not accessible.
Action: Verify the Hyperion Registry is running without errors. Also look for possible network issues. Contact technical support if additional assistance is needed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00059: Invalid login: ({0})
Cause: Unable to use current security credentials for login for a given datasource.
Action: Provide datasource credentials to view the portlet content.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00060: Invalid report: ({0})
Cause: The specified Financial Reports report failed to be generated by the portlet.
Action: Make sure the specified report exists or can be run via the Financial Reports web preview.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00061: Cannot retrieve Row & Column Template [{0}] into Grid '{1}'. The template may have been moved, renamed or deleted from the repository.
Cause: A reference to a Row and Column template was not found in the repository.
Action: Make sure the template exists in the expected folder within the repository. It could have been renamed, moved, or deleted. But it needs to exist in the specified path.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00062: Error adding incompatible Row & Column template [{0}] to Grid '{1}'. The template and/or grid may have been modified such that they are no longer compatible. The insert error code is {2}
Cause: Dimensions on row or column have changed making the Row & Column template invalid for the Grid.
Action: No action required. The invalid Row & Column template was removed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00063: \rThe maximum calculation limit of {0} was reached. Update the 'MaximumCalculationIterations' setting. Please refer to the documentation for instructions.
Cause: The report contains unevaluated cells due to reaching the maximum calculations limit
Action: Update the 'MaximumCalculationIterations' setting and refer to the documentation to do so.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00064: Error while opening connection for user: {0} to the Datasource: {1}:{2}
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to establish a connection with a selected datasource.
Action: Ensure the datasource exists and is available. Also, verify user credentials to selected datasource are accurate.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00065: Financial Management server {0} is not responding
Cause: A connection could not be made to the Financial Management server. The Financial Management server is either offline or has been reconfigured.
Action: Verify the Financial Management connection information and ensure that the server/cluster is online.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00066: Attempting to cancel essbase report script for id: {0}
Cause: User issued a cancel request for the essbase report script
Action: No action required. The essbase report script will be canceled if possible.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00067: Canceling run for job with instanceId: {0}
Cause: This is a status message stating the job with the associated ID is cancelled.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00068: Illegal Attempt to access controlled File: {0}
Cause: The file path was incorrect.
Action: Enter the correct file location and try again.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00069: START: JobId: {0}; User: {1}; Name: {2}
Cause: A status message used to mark the START time of Job with a given ID.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00070: END: JobId: {0}
Cause: A status message used to mark the END time of Job with a given ID.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00071: Custom Socket Factories loaded successfully
Cause: A status message stating that the sockets connecting to the RMI Server has successfully been established.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00072: Unable to establish port within established range
Cause: The established range of ports selected to access the RMI server are all unavailable.
Action: Either reestablish a different range with available ports, or, stop nonessencial processes that are occupying the port range and then retry.

Level: 32

Type: fatal


EPMFR-00073: User preferences or ReportServer object nor properly initialized. Unable to save User Preferences
Cause: Possible connection to the server has been disrupted.
Action: Log-out and try again.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00074: User preferences or ReportServer object nor properly initialized. Unable to save User Preferences
Cause: Possible connection to the server has been disrupted.
Action: Log-out and try again.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00075: Could not connect to Related Content destination. status = {0}
Cause: The Related Content destination was not available.
Action: Verify if the Related Content destination exists and that the calling object has it set correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00076: Substituting Related Content Attributes. Reference String is: [{0}]
Cause: This is a status message stating the reference of the related content attributes substitution.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00077: Error occurred exporting file: {0}
Cause: File could have potentially be deleted and may not exist
Action: Refresh browser and try operation again

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00078: Error occurred exporting file: {0}
Cause: File could have potentially be deleted and may not exist
Action: Refresh browser and try operation again

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00079: Error getting folder: {0}
Cause: Folder could have potentially be deleted and may not exist
Action: Refresh browser and try operation again

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00080: Error retrieving report or snapshot: {0}
Cause: Book contains report or snapshot that could not be found
Action: Ensure that the contained report or snapshot exists.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00081: Connected to server: {0}
Cause: A status message stating a successfull connection was made to the Reports Server.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00082: Unable to stop job {0}
Cause: The selected datasource is not responding to the cancel request
Action: Verify the selected datasource is accessible and operating. Check the logs of the datasource for any other issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00083: Unable to delete job: {0}
Cause: Unable to access the Reports server.
Action: Verify reports server is running and verify the user has permissions to delete the scheduled job.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00084: Error executing member selection: [{0}]
Cause: Cannot connect to the datasource or member selection is not valid.
Action: Check connection to the datasource.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00085: Error executing member selection: [{0}]
Cause: Cannot connect to the datasource or member selection is not valid.
Action: Check connection to the datasource.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00086: HFM indicates that either Data or Metada has changed. The current connection will need to be discarded and a new connection acquired.
Cause: HFM indicates that either Data or Metada has changed.
Action: Re-run the book or report again.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00087: Error in setting up the 'Org By Period Filter'.
Cause: Cannot connect to the datasource or member selection is not valid.
Action: Check connection to the datasource.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00088: External authentication succeeded for user: [{0}] succeeded in {1} ms
Cause: A status message stating the success of a user logon and it's time in milliseconds
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00089: user [{0}] has no access to Financial Reporting.
Cause: A user without any Financial Reporting roles has tried to access Financial Reporting
Action: Review the user's credentials for security purposes.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00090: Failed to initialize ADM. Make sure ADM is on classpath/path.
Cause: The Financial Reporting Server could not initialize ADM component for datasource communication.
Action: A configuration issue is the likely cause so verify that the ADM is specified within the classpath or path.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00091: Starting Report Server and modules...
Cause: This is a status message stating the Report Server and associated modules are starting.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00092: Error starting report server
Cause: The report server could not start
Action: Check a variety of possible failures including: Port conflicts or other configuration issues, system hostname incorrectly configured, and that the RMI registry is available.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00093: Financial Reporting Authentication, Repository and Reports modules started successfully.
Cause: This is a status message stating the Financial Reporting Authentication, Repository and Reports modules started successfully.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00094: Error during datasource connection cleanup
Cause: Another request to close the datasource connections may have been issued previous to the current request.
Action: Check the list of active sessions and retry closing if sessions still exist.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00095: Invalid command line parameters passed
Cause: This is a status message stating the number of command line parameters was incorrect.
Action: Make sure the correct number of parameters are entered when starting from the command line.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00096: Error while writing the binary data of the report object to file: ({0})
Cause: An error occurred while writing the binary data of the report object to the specified file.
Action: Verify that the user has write permissions to the file and make sure there is enough disk space.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00097: Removing annotation on existing snapshot as duplicate annotation is generated: {0}
Cause: Removing annotation on existing snapshot as duplicate annotation is generated: {0}
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00098: Retrieving annotations from repository: {0}
Cause: Retrieving annotations from repository: {0}
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00099: In method Instance.createDuplicateAnnotationsForSnapshot() annotation count: {0}
Cause: In method Instance.createDuplicateAnnotationsForSnapshot() annotation count: {0}
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00100: Create duplicate annotations for snapshot completed: {0}
Cause: Create duplicate annotations for snapshot completed: {0}
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00101: Context Value was not as expected; Found: {0}; Expected: {1}
Cause: An invalid Context Value was recieved and may not exist in the repository.
Action: Verify that the instance exists in the repository.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00102: Error in sending E-Mail: {0}
Cause: An error occured while sending an e-mail and can be caused by network issues or invalid information.
Action: Verify the e-mail address and check if mail server is available.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00103: Error while getting dimension: {0}
Cause: The datasource connection was either lost or not established. Otherwise an internal error in the datasource occured.
Action: Validate the datasource is running and accisible and retry. Otherwise check the datasource logs for any data access issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00104: Error while getting dimension: {0}
Cause: The datasource connection was either lost or not established. Otherwise an internal error in the datasource occured.
Action: Validate the datasource is running and accisible and retry. Otherwise check the datasource logs for any data access issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00105: Error while getting member selections
Cause: The datasource connection was either lost or not established. Otherwise an internal error in the datasource occured.
Action: Validate the datasource is running and accisible and retry. Otherwise check the datasource logs for any data access issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00106: Failure in exporting user session for use in Static HTML generation.
Cause: Access to the Reports Server connection may have been lost.
Action: Verify the RMI service is operational and the same with the Reports Server. Make sure all communication routes between the services are also available. Contact technical support if all services and comunication routes are operational

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00107: An error occurred while storing PDF with the Instance: {0}
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00108: An error occurred while storing PDF with the Instance: {0}
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00109: An error occurred while storing PDF with the Instance: {0}
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00110: An error occurred while storing PDF with the Instance: {0}
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00111: An error occurred while storing PDF with the Instance: {0}
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00112: An error occurred while storing PDF with the Instance: {0}
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00113: Can not find the static book template root directory, please check if you have SchedulerTemplate defined.
Cause: Unable to find the static book template root directory within the schedular properties.
Action: Check if there were any product configuration issues within the config logs. Check if the SchedulerTemplate is defined in

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00114: Error creating zip file. File does not exist: {0}
Cause: The specified file and path does not exist.
Action: Verify the file and path specified exists.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00115: Datasource Names to validate: {0}
Cause: A status message that lists the datasources that will be validated.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00116: Datasource Names to validate: {0}
Cause: A status message that lists the datasources that will be validated.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00117: Connecting to Report Server: {0}
Cause: A status message that states the Report Server being connected to for validation.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00118: Users to validate: {0}
Cause: A status message that states the user being validated.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00119: Users to validate: {0}
Cause: A status message that states the user being validated.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00120: {0} match(es) found.
Cause: A status message that states the datasource information from the user's point of view.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00121: This action will delete {0} POV's
Cause: A status message that states the number of POV's that will be deleted.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00122: No POV's were found
Cause: A status message stating that no POV's were found.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00123: User POV import LoginID = {0}
Cause: A status message that lists the user ID during the import of a user POV.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00124: User not found: {0}
Cause: If there is an unforseen condition where user information cannot be extracted from security this warning will be generated.
Action: Generally this error should not happen. An extreme condition where this may occur is if security were to intermittently fail. Check the foundation services and the network for possible issues. Contact technical support if unable to be resolved.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00125: Member not found: {0}
Cause: The member name was not found within the datasource because it either does not exist or cannot be seen by the current user. It will not be imported.
Action: By default the member name will be skipped. However if needed the member name must be made available either by adjusting the datasource security access for the user or by entering the member name into the datasource.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00126: No DATASOURCE_NAME specified in XML file.
Cause: The XML file being imported for User POV information is missing a datasource name.
Action: Supply a valid datasource name in the XML file.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00127: Error loading config file: {0}
Cause: The specified config file either does not exist or not accessible.
Action: Supply a valid and accessible file name as a parameter.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00128: No AdminUser specified. Please specify a user with Administrator access.
Cause: The configuration file does not have an administrative user (AdminUser) specified.
Action: In the configuration file specify a user (AdminUser) with Administrator access.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00129: No AdminPassword specified. Please provide an administrator password.
Cause: The configuration file does not have an administrator password (AdminPassword) specified.
Action: In the configuration file specify a password for administrator user (AdminPassword).

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00130: No ImportFileName specified. Please specify a file to import from.
Cause: The configuration file does not have a user POV import file name (ImportFileName) specified
Action: If running in import mode a valid import file name (ImportFileName) must be specified.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00131: ImportFileName not found: {0}
Cause: The user POV import file name (ImportFileName) specified is invalid.
Action: If running in import mode a valid import file name (ImportFileName) must be specified.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00132: An error occured while reading the ImportFile
Cause: An error occured while reading the import file. This could be caused by a file access issue or any other error while processing the import file.
Action: Verify the file is still accessible and readable to the user. Look for other issues within both the Report Server and connecting Datasources for other possible causes. Contact technical support for additional assistance.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00133: An error occured while reading the ImportFile
Cause: An error occured while reading the import file. This could be caused by a file access issue or any other error while processing the import file.
Action: Verify the file is still accessible and readable to the user. Look for other issues within both the Report Server and connecting Datasources for other possible causes. Contact technical support for additional assistance.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00134: No ExportFileName specified. Please specify a file to export to.
Cause: The user POV export file name (ExportFileName) was not specified.
Action: Specify a valid user POV export file name (ExportFileName).

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00135: No ReportServer specified
Cause: A valid and working Report Server (ReportServer) was not specified.
Action: Specify a valid and working Report Server (ReportServer).

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00136: Starting Hyperion Financial Reporting ManageUserPOV Utility at: {0}
Cause: A status message indicating the ManageUserPOV utility has started and accompanied by a timestamp to monitor the time lapse.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00137: Ending Hyperion Financial Reporting ManageUserPOV Utility at: {0}
Cause: A status message indicating the ManageUserPOV utility has ended and accompanied by a timestamp to mark the end of the time lapse.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00138: Usage: ManageUserPov Mode ConfigFile\tMode = import | export | delete\tConfigFile = configuration filename such as
Cause: A status message that instructs how to use the ManageUserPov utility.
Action: Follow the instructions of the message.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00139: DataSource does not exist: {0}, A new one will be created.
Cause: The datasource was not previously configured but the utility will attempt to create a connection with the specified datasource automatically.
Action: No action is required unless a new datasource cannot be created automatically.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00140: Created DataSource: {0}
Cause: The datasource was created successfully.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00141: Exception: {0} in loading locale strings for locale: {1}
Cause: The file that contains the translated messages can not be found or the file contains errors.
Action: Look at the installation and configuration logs for possible errors. Contact technical support for additional assistance.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00142: An error occurred while storing PDF.
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00143: An error occurred while storing PDF.
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00144: An error occurred while storing PDF.
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00145: An error occurred while storing PDF.
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00146: An error occurred while storing PDF.
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00147: An error occurred while storing PDF.
Cause: The PDF file was unable to be stored and is likely due to: The central repository is not available or access was revoked, An invalid file name was specified, The print server is not available,
Action: Verify the central repository is accessible and that everything is configured with the correct credentials. Also, ensure the print server is available and that the file name to be saved has a valid file name.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00148: Start of print server Job like printing of report or book
Cause: Start of print server Job like printing of report or book
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00149: Printing of Book or Report job finished.
Cause: Printing of Book or Report job finished.
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00150: Could not get page number count for instance '{0}'. Continuous page numbers may not be applied correctly.
Cause: Could not get page number count for instance '{0}'. Continuous page numbers may not be applied correctly.
Action: Verify that the print server is installed correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00151: Could not print instance: '{0}'. The print file was not produced.
Cause: Could not print the specified instance. The print file was not produced.
Action: Verify that the print server is installed correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00152: Could not find BookTOCPrintTemplate {0} entry in properties file. Cannot generate Book TOC.
Cause: Could not find the specified BookTOCPrintTemplate entry in properties file. Cannot generate Book TOC.
Action: Verify that the print server is installed correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00153: Cannot print report '{0}' within Book '{1}'. Make sure the report exists in the repository.
Cause: Cannot print the specified report within the specified Book. Make sure the report exists in the repository.
Action: Verify that all external object links in book are correct and book is valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00154: Cannot print report '{0}' within Book '{1}'. Make sure the report exists in the repository.
Cause: Cannot print the specified report within the specified Book. Make sure the report exists in the repository.
Action: Verify that all external object links in book are correct and book is valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00155: Cannot print report '{0}' within Book '{1}'. Make sure the report exists in the repository.
Cause: Cannot print the specified report within the specified Book. Make sure the report exists in the repository.
Action: Verify that all external object links in book are correct and book is valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00156: Could not print document file: '{0}'
Cause: Could not print the specified document file.
Action: Verify that all external object links in book are correct and book is valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00157: Cannot obtain page count from file '{0}'. The file type is not supported for printing.
Cause: Cannot obtain page count from the specified file. The file type is not supported for printing.
Action: Verify all the external links are satisfied and instance runs in html fine.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00158: Error writing external file '{0}'. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Cause: Error writing the specified external file. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Action: Verify that the external file link is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00159: Error reading external PDF file '{0}'. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Cause: Error reading the specified external PDF file. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Action: Verify that the PDF output directory path is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00160: Could not retrieve the document file: '{0}'
Cause: Could not retrieve the specified document file.
Action: Verify that the pdf output location is correct in property file.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00161: Error generating print for report instance '{0}'. Return code: {1}
Cause: Error generating print for the specified report instance.
Action: Verify that the instance runs fine in HTML and if it has attachments then links are valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00162: Start of run for {0} Job {1}
Cause: A status message Start of run for the specified print Job.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00163: End of run for {0} end
Cause: A status message stating the End of the specified print job.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00164: Cannot print using printer '{0}'. The printer is either not available to the Print Server or not configured for the host computer's services.
Cause: Cannot print using the specified printer. The printer is either not available to the Print Server or not configured for the host computer's services.
Action: Make sure Print Server is installed correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00165: Error generated when printing an instance.
Cause: Error generated when printing an instance.
Action: Verify that the instance runs fine in HTML and if it has attachments then links are valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00166: The page count for the table of contents in book '{0}' was not obtained.
Cause: The page count for the table of contents in the specified book was not obtained.
Action: Verify that all external object links in book are correct and book is valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00167: The table of contents in book '{0}' was not produced.
Cause: The table of contents in book was not produced.
Action: Verify that all external object links in book are correct and book is valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00168: Could not merge PDF file '{0}'. The file does not exist.
Cause: Could not merge the specified PDF file. The file does not exist.
Action: Verify that print server is installed correctly and Ghostscript is there.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00169: Error in Merging PDF File ({0})
Cause: Error in Merging the specified PDF File.
Action: Verify that print server is installed correctly and Ghostscript is there.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00170: Could not get page number count for instance '{0}'. Continuous page numbers may not applied correctly.
Cause: Could not get page number count for the specified instance. Continuous page numbers may not applied correctly.
Action: Verify that all external object links in book are correct and book is valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00171: Could not print instance: '{0}'. The postscript file for the instance does not exist.
Cause: Could not print the specified instance. The postscript file for the instance does not exist.
Action: Make sure Ghostscript is installed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00172: Could not print instance: '{0}'. The postscript file for the instance does not exist.
Cause: Could not print the specified instance. The postscript file for the instance does not exist.
Action: Make sure Ghostscript is installed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00173: Error generating the bookmark outline for '{0}'.
Cause: Error generating the bookmark outline for the specified PDF file.
Action: Make sure iText version is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00174: Error generating the book table of contents for '{0}'.
Cause: Error generating the book table of contents for the specified PDF file.
Action: Verify iText version is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00175: Could not print document file: '{0}' \tError code: {1}, Last Error was: {2}
Cause: Could not print the specified document file.
Action: Verify that external document link is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00176: Could not print document file: '{0}' \tError code: {1}, Last Error was: {2}
Cause: Could not print the specified document file.
Action: Verify that external document link is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00177: Cannot obtain page count from file '{0}'. The file type is not supported for printing.
Cause: Cannot obtain page count from the specified file. The file type is not supported for printing.
Action: Make sure file type is supported by print server.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00178: Error writing external file '{0}'. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Cause: Error writing the specified external file. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Action: Verify that the pdf output location is correct in property file.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00179: Error reading external PDF file '{0}'. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Cause: Error reading the specified external PDF file. It will not be included in the PDF output.
Action: Verify that iText has correct version.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00180: Could not retrieve the document file: '{0}' The returned error code is: {1}, Last Error was: {2}
Cause: Could not retrieve the specified document file.
Action: Verify that the external object's link is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00181: Could not produce PDF output for external document '{0}'
Cause: Could not produce PDF output for the specified external document.
Action: Verify that external link in the print object is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00182: Could not produce PDF output for book or instance '{0}'. The returned error code is: {1}, Last Error was: {2}
Cause: Could not produce PDF output for the specified book or instance.
Action: Make sure HRDocumentPrinting.dll is installed correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00183: Could not print instance or book: '{0}'. The print file was not produced.
Cause: Could not print the specified instance or book. The print file was not produced.
Action: Verify Ghostscript is installed correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00184: Cannot send output to system printer. No printer was specified.
Cause: Cannot send output to system printer. No printer was specified.
Action: Verify the physical printer is correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00185: Cannot send instance output to system printer ('{0}'). The instance was not retrieved.
Cause: Cannot send instance output to the specified system printer. The instance was not retrieved.
Action: Make sure server which has repository is up and object is running.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00186: Cannot send book output to system printer ('{0}'). The book was not retrieved.
Cause: Cannot send book output to the specified system printer. The book was not retrieved.
Action: Make sure server which has repository is up and book is running.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00187: Invalid object type '{0}'. Cannot send output to system printer('{1}')
Cause: Unable to send output to the specified system printer due to an invalid file type.
Action: Verify that file type is supported by print server.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00188: Successfully printed '{0}' on system printer '{1}'
Cause: Successfully printed the specified document on the specified system printer.
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00189: FRExecute has invalid cell reference '{0}'
Cause: FRExecute has invalid cell reference
Action: Verify that the FRExecute function's parameters are valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00190: FRExecute could not generate image for component '{0}'
Cause: FRExecute could not generate image for the specified component.
Action: Verify that the FRExecute function's parameters are valid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00191: Could not replace FRExecute function with the result.
Cause: Could not replace FRExecute function with the result.
Action: Verify that MS Word is installed on the m/c where print server is.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00192: Could not load Ghostscript or Distiller. Please ensure that a supported version of Ghostscript or Distiller is properly installed
Cause: Could not load Ghostscript or Distiller. Please ensure that a supported version of Ghostscript or Distiller is properly installed
Action: Ensure that a supported version of Ghostscript or Distiller is installed on the print server

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00193: Error reported by Ghostscript in converting to Postscript.
Cause: Error reported by Ghostscript in converting to Postscript.
Action: Ensure that a supported version of Ghostscript is installed on the print server. If the problem persists, please contact Oracle Support

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00194: PDF root directory is {0}
Cause: A status message indicating the root directory of the PDF.
Action: No Action required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00195: The report: [{0}] failed to cancel
Cause: The specified report failed to cancel
Action: Verify that the Print Server or Network is not down.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00196: Printer {0} was not accessible on print server: {1}
Cause: Printer {{0}} was not accessible on print server: {1}
Action: Verify that print server is running and printer is available.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00197: JVM does not support algorithm required to select a random print server. First print server will be used always.
Cause: JVM does not support algorithm required to select a random print server. First print server will be used always.
Action: Verify JDK version is correct. Contact technical services.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00198: ERROR: duplicate member found in a Prompt. Duplicate member will be removed!
Cause: A duplicate member was found during member selection from the datasource.
Action: No action required. A duplicate member was removed from the member selection display.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00199: Over 50 dimensions found in datasource. Removing the following dimensions which are set to the default member:
Cause: An SAP Datasource with more then 50 dimensions was found. The SAP BAPI driver does not support accessing a datasource with more then 50 dimensions.
Action: Reduce the number of dimensions in the datasource or use a different datasource.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00200: Error occurred while setting POV:
Cause: Error while setting POV is likely due to a connection error with the datasource.
Action: Verify the selected datasource is available, access credentials are correct, or review the logs from the datasource for other possible issues.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00201: Exception occurred while getting dimension {0}
Cause: Unable to get the dimension due to datasource access issues or an internal error in the datasource.
Action: Verify the selected datasource is available, access credentials are correct, or review the logs from the datasource for other possible issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00202: Exception occurred while getting dimension {0}
Cause: Unable to get the dimension due to datasource access issues or an internal error in the datasource.
Action: Verify the selected datasource is available, access credentials are correct, or review the logs from the datasource for other possible issues.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00203: Using Enterprise Scheduling Services for scheduling.
Cause: This is a status message stating the Scheduling Service is being used.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00204: Error while starting Scheduler Server.
Cause: Unable to access the Global Service Manager
Action: Verify the GSM is configured, running and available. Contact technical support for additional assistance.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00205: Scheduler is not ready to publish itself. This could be because none of the Report servers are running. Please make sure Report server is running. Retry in {0} minutes.
Cause: This could be because none of the Report servers are running.
Action: Please make sure Report server is running. Retry in the specified minutes

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00206: Scheduler Server started successfully
Cause: This is a status message stating the Scheduler Server started successfully.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00207: Scheduler could not contact any Report Server. Exiting
Cause: This is a status message stating the Scheduler did not start because it could not contact any Report Server.
Action: Check on the availablilty of configured Reports Servers

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00208: Could not start scheduler service:
Cause: An unexpected error occured while the Scheduler Service was binding to the Report Server.
Action: Contact technical support for assistance.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00209: Could not get local machine's InetAddress:
Cause: The Scheduler Server was unable to obtain the localhost name of the host server.
Action: Examine the host server for the correct host and IP configuration. Contact technical support if neccessary.

Level: 32

Type: fatal


EPMFR-00210: Scheduler Server was stopped successfully
Cause: This is a status message stating the Scheduler Server has stopped.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00211: Deleting Scheduled Batch {0}
Cause: This is a status message stating the scheduled batch job is being deleted.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00212: Deleting Scheduled Batch {0}
Cause: This is a status message stating the scheduled batch job is being deleted.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00213: Batch Job file: {0} was not found. Error reported:
Cause: The specified scheduled batch job file was not found. The file may have been previously deleted or moved to a different location.
Action: Verify the specified file exists in the expected location and re-run.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00214: Error while deleting File: {0}
Cause: An error while deleting the file may be due to a file access issue.
Action: Verify that the intended file exists and is not set to read only.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00215: Schema '{0}' was not found. Attempting to create a new one.
Cause: The given schema was not previously loaded. An attempt to load it will occur.
Action: Make sure the given schema is valid and can be loaded. Look for additional subsequent warnings.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00216: The following error was found while parsing a new schema:{0}
Cause: The given error was produced while attempting to parse a schema.
Action: Make sure the schema is valid and complies to the XBRL 2.1 specification.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00217: Schema: '{0}' was not found when attempting to delete it
Cause: Could not find the given schema during the schema deletion process
Action: Make sure the given schema exists and can be removed from the file system.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00218: Schema: '{0}' was not found when attempting to delete it
Cause: Could not find the given schema during the schema deletion process
Action: Make sure the given schema exists and can be removed from the file system.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00219: The following error was found during the Auto-update of Schemas:{0}
Cause: The given error was produced while attempting to auto-update the schemas in the file system.
Action: Make sure the schema exists, is valid and complies to the XBRL 2.1 specification.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00220: Error attempting to create a row and column template.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to add a row and column template into a grid.
Action: Review the Report Server log file for details on the error.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00221: Error attempting to add a row or column from a template.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while attempting to add a row or column from a template into a grid.
Action: Review the Report Server log file for details on the error.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00222: Port number of 1099 is assumed due to error
Cause: The Start Registry utility was unable to determine the RMI port number automatically or through an incorrect user passed parameter and has defaulted to port number 1099.
Action: If the port number was passed as a parameter make sure the port number is within the range above 1024 and below 32767. Otherwise make sure the RMI server has been configured correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00223: Port number of 1099 is assumed due to error
Cause: The Start Registry utility was unable to determine the RMI port number automatically or through an incorrect user passed parameter and has defaulted to port number 1099.
Action: If the port number was passed as a parameter make sure the port number is within the range above 1024 and below 32767. Otherwise make sure the RMI server has been configured correctly.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00224: RMI registry already running on port: {0}. Cannot start a new registry!
Cause: The RMI registry was found to already be running on the port number specified in the error message.
Action: If the registry is already running then no action is required. Otherwise, shutdown the current RMI registry session and re-run.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00225: Could not create an RMI registry on port: {0}
Cause: The RMI registry could not be created on the specified port number.
Action: Retry using an available valid port number.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00226: Created an RMI registry on port: {0}
Cause: Status message informing the RMI registry was successfully created.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00227: Bound to RMI registry
Cause: Status message informing the RMI registry was successfully bound.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00228: Financial Reporting Communication Server initialization complete.
Cause: Status message informing the Financial Reporting Communication Server starting and binding with the RMI registry was successfully completed.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00229: Already bound to RMI registry - cannot continue
Cause: The Financial Reporting Communication Server is already bound with the RMI registry.
Action: Verify the Financial Reporting Communication service is running normally with the RMI registry on the intended port. Otherwise restart the Financial Reporting Communication Server service and the RMI service and retry.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00230: Report Server is now bound to the RMI Registry
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Report Server has established a connection to the RMI Registry.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00231: Report Server started successfully
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Report Server has started successfully.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00232: Report Server stopped successfully
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Report Server has stopped successfully.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00233: Error while getting content at: ({0}). Trying ({1}/{2}) instead
Cause: The path for the taxonomy was not found.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy exists at the given path.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00234: Unknown linkbase role: {0} was found. Linkbase will not be included
Cause: The given linkbase was could not be added as a reference from a taxonomy.
Action: Make sure the given linkbase is valid and can be added as a reference to a taxonomy.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00235: The presentation link base '{0}' is empty. This might cause a flat tree to be displayed.
Cause: The taxonomy's presentation link base is empty, this typically causes a flat taxonomy tree to be rendered.
Action: Provide a presentation link base for the given taxonomy.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00236: TaxonomyElement: {0} not found
Cause: The presentation link base has a reference to a taxonomy element that could not be found.
Action: Make sure the presentation link base has references to valid taxonomy elements.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00237: Taxonomy Element Node: {0} not found
Cause: Could not obtain a taxonomy element node referenced by the given element ID.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy element exists with the taxonomy.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00238: Taxonomy element '{0}' already exists
Cause: The given taxonomy element has already been processed. The taxonomy seems to have a duplicate element declaration.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy does not contain duplicate taxonomy element declarations.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00239: The taxonomy element {0} was not mapped as it is an abstract type.
Cause: The given element cannot exist within an instance document. Typically this is cause because an abstract element was mapped.
Action: Make sure only mappable taxonomy elements are mapped within a report. Do not map abstract elements.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00240: Element specified in the locator: {0} {1} not found.
Cause: The given taxonomy element could not be located from the given locator.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy's locators have valid references to taxonomy elements.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00241: Element specified in the locator: {0} {1} not found.
Cause: The given taxonomy element could not be located from the given locator.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy's locators have valid references to taxonomy elements.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00242: Error in TextCell {0} Col {1} Row {2} Formula: '{3}'\t Error: {4}
Cause: There is a syntax error in the function.
Action: Fix the syntax error that as described in the error message.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00243: Error in TextObject Formula: '{0}'\t Error: {1}
Cause: There is a syntax error in the function.
Action: Fix the syntax error that as described in the error message.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00244: Financial Reporting
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Report Server is about to initialize.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00245: Report Server started successfully
Cause: This is a status message stating that the Report Server initialized and started successfully.
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00246: Error while starting the Report Server
Cause: The Report Server failed to initialize
Action: Check a variety of possible failures including: Port conflicts or other configuration issues, system hostname incorrectly configured, and that the RMI registry is available.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00247: Hyperion Financial Management reports that either Metadata or Data has changed. Discarding the current connection and reconnecting
Cause: Possible metadata or data load has been performed on the HFM server.
Action: Run the book or report again.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00248: Book contains reports which could not be found: {0}
Cause: Book contains reports which could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the contained report(s) exists.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00249: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Attempting to find datasource with same name
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00250: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Creating a new Datasource
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source name.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00251: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}, and failed to create a new data source for it.
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id or name, and failed to create a new data source automatically for it.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00252: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Attempting to find datasource with same name
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00253: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Attempting to find datasource with same name
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00254: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Creating a new Datasource
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source name.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00255: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Creating a new Datasource
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source name.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00256: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}, and failed to create a new data source for it.
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id or name, and failed to create a new data source automatically for it.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00257: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Attempting to find datasource with same name.
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00258: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Attempting to find datasource with same name.
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00259: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Creating a new Datasource.
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00260: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}. Creating a new Datasource.
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00261: Could not find DatasourceID: {0} {1}, and failed to create a new data source for it.
Cause: Could not make a connection to the data source by using the stored data source id or name, and failed to create a new data source automatically for it.
Action: Verify the datasource is started or restored, and the credentials are correct.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00262: Schema '{0}' was not found - attempting to create a new one
Cause: The given schema was not previously loaded. An attempt to load it will occur.
Action: Make sure the given schema is valid and can be loaded. Look for additional subsequent warnings.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00263: XBRL Schema Manager not properly initialized
Cause: XBRL Schema Manager is not properly configured
Action: Reconfigure the XBRL Schema Manager

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00264: XBRL Schema Manager not properly initialized
Cause: XBRL Schema Manager is not properly configured
Action: Reconfigure the XBRL Schema Manager

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00265: {0} was not found attempting to create a new one
Cause: The given schema was not previously loaded. An attempt to load it will occur.
Action: Make sure the given schema is valid and can be loaded. Look for additional subsequent warnings.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00266: Taxonomy '{0}' does not have any namespace
Cause: The given taxonomy does not declare a namespace, it cannot be processed.
Action: Make sure the given taxonomy declares a valid namespace.

Level: 32

Type: warn


EPMFR-00267: Taxonomy '{0}' does not have any namespace
Cause: The given taxonomy does not declare a namespace, it cannot be processed.
Action: Make sure the given taxonomy declares a valid namespace.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00268: Error while creating directories for emails:
Cause: The Schedule Server attempted to create a directory for emails but failed most likely due to a system disk access issue
Action: Verify the disk is not full and that the user has both read and write access to the drive.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00269: XBRL Footnote - error retrieving report value. Report: {0}. Invalid Row ({1}) and Column ({2})
Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the report value. Invalid row and/or column reference were given.
Action: Make sure the mapped footnote has valid row and column references to a grid.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00270: XBRL Footnote does not have a language definition
Cause: A footnote in the report does not provide a valid language definition.
Action: Assign a language to every footnote.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00271: Report is using unsupported version of XBRL. XBRL data is ignored.
Cause: The report has embedded XBRL data, however the version was unrecognized and cannot be processed.
Action: Make sure the XBRL data in the report definition was saved with the proper Financial Reports version.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00272: Instance generation failed, file name specified: {0} is invalid
Cause: The specified filename for the instance report was null or invalid. The instance document cannot be generated.
Action: Provide a valid file name for the instance document.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00273: XBRL Footnote for '{0}' is not properly setup.
Cause: The XBRL footnote has a reference to an invalid report object.
Action: Make sure all XBRL footnotes have valid references to a report object (grid or text).

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00274: Taxonomy element '{0}' is linked to an unregistered taxonomy '{1}'
Cause: The given taxonomy element belongs to a taxonomy that is unregistered.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy used within a report is registered in the taxonomy repository.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00275: Taxonomy element '{0}' has no context defined. It will not be persisted in the instance document
Cause: A taxonomy element has been mapped to data in a report, but there is no XBRL context associated to it. The element is ignored and will not be added to the instance document
Action: All mapped taxonomy elements in a report should have a corresponding mapped context.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00276: Taxonomy element '{0}' has no associated report object. It will not be persisted in the instance document
Cause: A mapped taxonomy element was mapped to an invalid report object (grid or text).
Action: Make sure that all taxonomy elements are mapped to a valid report object.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00277: Taxonomy element '{0}' has an unregistered taxonomy ('{1}'). It will not be persisted in the instance document.
Cause: A mapped taxonomy element belongs to a taxonomy that is unregistered. The element is ignored and will not be added to the instance document
Action: All mapped taxonomy elements in a report must belong to a taxonomy that is registered in the Financial Reports system.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00278: Could not connect to server on {0}
Cause: Failed to connect to the specified server most likely due to an RMI issue.
Action: Verify the RMI service is running without errors. Also look for possible network issues. Contact technical support if additional assistance is needed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00279: Unable to find the appropriate Service at {0}
Cause: Failed to connect to the specified server most likely due to an RMI issue.
Action: Verify the RMI service is running without errors. Also look for possible network issues. Contact technical support if additional assistance is needed.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00280: A large file is being imported and denied by the annotation UI
Cause: A file exceeding the 'AttachedFileMaxSize' property limit was loaded.
Action: Reduce the file size or increase the 'AttachedFileMaxSize' property.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00281: Could not create an RMI registry on port: {0}
Cause: Another RMI registry is running at the specified port number
Action: Verify the configuration for the RMI registry to avoid conflicts

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00282: Created an RMI registry on port: {0}
Cause: A status message informing that the RMI regsitry was created on the specified port
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00283: Unable to create the Registry.
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to establish a connection with the RMI registry
Action: Verify the configuration of the RMI registry and make sure it is running without errors.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00284: Financial Reporting Print Server started successfully.
Cause: A status message stating the print server started successfully
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00285: Unable to start the print server
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to establish a connection with the RMI registry
Action: Verify the configuration of the RMI registry and make sure it is running without errors.

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00289: Could not create an RMI registry on port: {0}
Cause: Another RMI registry is running at the specified port number
Action: Verify the configuration for the RMI registry to avoid conflicts

Level: 32

Type: error


EPMFR-00290: Created an RMI registry on port: {0}
Cause: A status message informing that the RMI regsitry was created on the specified port
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00291: Rebinding to the RMI Registry.
Cause: This is a status message stating the Scheduler Server is rebinding to the RMI Registry
Action: No action is required

Level: 32

Type: info


EPMFR-00292: Element specified in the locator: {0} {1} not found.
Cause: The given taxonomy element could not be located from the given locator.
Action: Make sure the taxonomy's locators have valid references to taxonomy elements.

Level: 32

Type: warn
