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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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49 MAPVIEWER-00001 to MAPVIEWER-03107

MAPVIEWER-00001: No 'xml_request' parameter found in the request.
Cause: The incoming HTTP request did not contain the mandatory parameter named 'xml_request'.
Action: Ensure the HTTP request for MapViewer contains the required parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00002: Could not get a free MapMaker. Server is busy?
Cause: MapViewer could not obtain the necessary resource to process an incoming request.
Action: Try increase the value of the "number_of_mappers" attribute in the definition of the involved data source.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00003: SQL error occurred while generating map.
Cause: MapViewer encountered an error while executing a SQL query.
Action: Check the MapViewer server logs for details about the SQL exception and take corresponding actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00004: Unable to add a predefined theme.
Cause: MapViewer could not add or load a pre-defined theme while processing the current map request.
Action: Ensure the pre-defined theme exists in the database or is accessible via the given data source.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00005: Error while compressing raw image data.
Cause: MapViewer could not sucessfully compress a generated map image into the requested file format.
Action: Check the MapViewer server logs for the actual stack trace and take corresponding actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00006: Location for saving map image files not specified.
Cause: MapViewer could not obtain the path information for saving generated map files.
Action: Check the MapViewer config file and make sure a path for saving image files are specified or the default path is a valid one.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00007: No map image generated.
Cause: MapViewer did not generate a map image.
Action: Check the MapViewer server logs for details/exceptions and take corresponding actions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00008: Unable to add local theme(s).
Cause: MapViewer could not create a new local theme for the current map request.
Action: Check the MapViewer server logs for details/exceptions and take corresponding actions. Make sure the individual Geo-Features are in proper format.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00009: Unable to add JDBC theme(s).
Cause: MapViewer could not create a new JDBC (dynamic) theme for the current map request.
Action: Check the MapViewer server logs for details/exceptions and take corresponding actions. Make sure the data source information is correct, and characters in the user supplied SQL query are properly escaped for XML.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00010: Error loading MapViewer configuration file.
Cause: MapViewer could not properly load its configuration file.
Action: Make sure the XML configuration file is in valid and well-formed format.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00011: Error creating a map data source.
Cause: MapViewer could not create a new data source.
Action: Make sure correct database connection info are supplied, including host name, database instance name/sid, listener port and login user/password. Also make sure the host name or IP address is reachable by the host running MapViewer server.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00012: Error obfuscating data source password in the config file.
Cause: MapViewer could not obfuscate the login password for a data source defined in its config file.
Action: Make sure the password is prefiexed with an exclaimnation point (!).

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00013: Clear-text passwords in the config file must be prefixed with a '!' (exclamation mark).
Cause: Clear text password in the MapViewer config file was not pre-fixed with '!'.
Action: Make sure the database login password for any data source defined in the config file is prefixed with an exclaimnation point (!).

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00014: Error adding a MARKER style from an image URL.
Cause: MapViewer could not create a dynamic MARKER style that is based on a URL.
Action: Make sure the URL of the image is reachable from the host running MapViewer server. If MapViewer is running behind a firewall, you may need to setup HTTP proxy information in MapViewer's config file, or via JVM run-time properties.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00015: Cannot fetch image from given URL
Cause: MapViewer could not fetch and load an image from a given URL.
Action: Make sure the URL of the image is reachable from the host running MapViewer server. If MapViewer is running behind a firewall, you may need to setup HTTP proxy information in MapViewer's config file, or via JVM run-time properties.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00016: Error while attempting to clear a mapping metadata cache.
Cause: MapViewer could not clear the cached mapping metadata (style/theme/basemap definitions) for a given data source from the memory.
Action: Make sure a correct data source name is specified. Also check MapViewer server logs for possible exceptions and stack traces.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00017: MapViewer is not ready. Please try again later.
Cause: MapViewer was still starting core services such as the mapping servlet. If this error still occurrs 30 seconds after starting MapViewer, it may have stuck trying to connect to certain database instance(s).
Action: Check and monitor MapViewer server logs to see which server has not been started yet. Check data source definitions in the config file and make sure all the database instances involved are up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00018: Error parsing XML map request.
Cause: MapViewer encountered error while parsing an XML map request.
Action: Make sure a well formed and valid XML map request is sent to the MapViewer server.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00019: Specified data source does not exist.
Cause: A specified data source did not exist or is known by this MapViewer server.
Action: Make sure a correct data source name is supplied.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00020: Invalid general-purpose or admin XML request.
Cause: The incoming admin or non-map request was invalid or not supported.
Action: Make sure only valid and supported requests are sent to the MapViewer

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00021: No data source specified in the XML request.
Cause: The incoming request did not specify any data source name, and the MapViewer server has no default data source.
Action: Make sure a valid data source is specified as part of the request.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00101: XML map request: invalid 'geoFeature' element found.
Cause: The incoming map request contained an invalid 'geoFeature' element.
Action: Make sure all the 'geoFeature' elements have valid syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00102: XML map request: invalid 'box' element found.
Cause: The incoming map request contained an invalid 'box' element.
Action: Make sure the 'box' element has valid syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00103: XML map request: 'geoFeature' element must have a geometry defined.
Cause: The incoming map request contained one or more 'geoFeature' elements that do not contain any geometry data.
Action: Make sure all 'geoFeature' elements contain a geometry.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00104: XML map request: invalid geometry definition found.
Cause: A 'geoFeature' element with invalid geometry data was found in the XML map request.
Action: Make sure all 'geoFeature' elements contain a valid geometry.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00105: XML map request: 'geoFeature' does not support postal address.
Cause: A 'geoFeature' element with postal/street address was found in the XML map request.
Action: Currently 'geoFeature' elements could not use street address string to specify the location.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00106: XML map request: invalid JDBC theme definition.
Cause: The incoming map request contained an invalid JDBC theme.
Action: Make sure the JDBC theme(s) have proper syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00107: XML map request: 'center' element does not contain a 'geoFeature' sub-element.
Cause: The 'center' element of the incoming map request did not contain a 'geoFeature' sub-element.
Action: The 'center' element must have a 'geoFeature' sub-element that specifies a point geometry for the map center.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00108: XML map request: 'center' element must define either a 'size' or 'scale' attribute.
Cause: The 'center' element of the incoming map request did not contain any size or map-scale information.
Action: The 'center' element must have either a 'size' or 'scale' attribute that defines the map data window.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00109: XML map request: invalid map size or scale value.
Cause: The 'center' element of the incoming map request contained an invalid size or scale value.
Action: Make sure a proper value is specified for the 'size' or 'scale' attribute of the 'center' element in the XML map request.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00110: XML map request: invalid map height/width.
Cause: The incoming map request specified an invalid image width or height value.
Action: Make sure a proper value (positive integer) is specified for both the width and height attributes of the root 'map_request' element.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00111: XML map request: invalid theme (min/max) scale range.
Cause: Some theme(s) in the incoming map request contained invalid min/max scale range sepcification.
Action: Make sure proper value scale ranges are set for all themes in the map request.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00112: XML map request: invalid WMS theme specified.
Cause: The incoming map request contained an invalid WMS theme.
Action: Make sure all WMS theme(s) are properly defined in the XML map request.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00113: Permission denied for this operation.
Cause: The requested operation was not permitted by the MapViewer server.
Action: Make sure your operation is permitted by MapViewer. For instance the server may disallow JDBC themes in the map request, or disable direct INFO requests. You will need to either avoid performing these operations or modify MapViewer configuration to allow these.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00114: Invalid type for dynamic binding parameter.
Cause: The incoming map request supplied invalid value(s) for a theme's binding variable.
Action: Make sure values for your theme's binding parameters are all of correct type.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00115: list_predefined_themes: No base map found for map tile layer.
Cause: The 'list_predefined_themes' request specified a map tile layer that is based on a non-existant base map.
Action: Make sure the base map for the specified map tile layer exists in the database view.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-00116: list_predefined_themes: Map tile layer not found.
Cause: The 'list_predefined_themes' request specified a map tile layer that is not found.
Action: Make sure the specified map tile layer exists in the database view.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06001: FOI width value is wrong.
Cause: MapViewer received an invalid width value for a FOI request.
Action: This typically indicates an application coding error, for instance, the JavaScript function MVMapView.display() may have been invoked before the map container DIV object is fully materialized by the browser.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06002: FOI height value is wrong.
Cause: MapViewer received an invalid height value for a FOI request.
Action: This typically indicates an application coding error, for instance, the JavaScript function MVMapView.display() may have been invoked before the map container DIV object is fully materialized by the browser.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06003: FOI ratX value is wrong.
Cause: MapViewer received an invalid ratX value for a FOI request.
Action: This typically indicates an application coding error, for instance, the JavaScript function MVMapView.display() may have been invoked before the map container DIV object is fully materialized by the browser.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06004: FOI ratY value is wrong.
Cause: MapViewer received an invalid ratY value for a FOI request.
Action: This typically indicates an application coding error, for instance, the JavaScript function MVMapView.display() may have been invoked before the map container DIV object is fully materialized by the browser.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06005: FOI bounding box value is wrong.
Cause: MapViewer received an invalid bounding box for a FOI request.
Action: This error should never happen. Contact Oracle Support if the issue persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06006: Error rendering an FOI.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06007: Error rendering a FIG.
Cause: MapViewer encountered an error while rendering a feature of interest (FOI) object.
Action: Check the MapViewer server side log files for the actual cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06008: Error rendering a POI.
Cause: MapViewer encountered an error while rendering a point of interest (POI) image.
Action: Check the MapViewer server side log files for the actual cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06009: Error processing an FOI request.
Cause: MapViewer encountered an error while processing a feature of interest (FOI) request.
Action: Check the MapViewer server side log files for the actual cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06010: Can not get style feature information from database.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06011: Unsupported FOI request type.
Cause: MapViewer encountered an unknown type of feature of interest (FOI) request.
Action: You should never see this error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06012: Incorrect FOI version number.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06013: Incorrect FIG 'gtype' number.
Cause: MapViewer encountered an invalid geometry type ('figgtype') in a FIG request.
Action: Contact Oracle Support if the issue persists.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06014: FOI style not found.
Cause: MapViewer could not find the style specified in the FOI request.
Action: Make sure the style specified in your individual FOI or theme-based FOI layer request exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06015: Map cache name is missing for bounding FOI theme.
Cause: MapViewer could not find the required map tile layer name in a bounding theme request.
Action: Make sure a map tile layer has been added to your map before issuing a bounding theme request.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06016: JDBC theme based FOI support is disabled for the given data source.
Cause: MapViewer is configured to disable JDBC theme based FOI on the given data source.
Action: Enable JDBC theme based FOI support in data source definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-06017: Create tile admin task: Map tile layer not found.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01000: No themes to render.
Cause: The Map request had no base map or themes defined.
Action: Add a base map that contains a list of themes or define individual themes on your request.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01001: Cannot load base map.
Cause: A database error may have happened while reading the base map definition from USER_SDO_MAPS view. Or the requested base map was not defined.
Action: Make sure the basemap exists in the database; also check MapViewer log for database error and additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01002: Cannot load theme.
Cause: A database error may have happened while reading the theme definition from USER_SDO_THEMES view. Or the requested theme was not defined.
Action: Make sure the theme exists in the database; also check log for database error and additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01003: Cannot load style.
Cause: A database error may have happened while reading the style definition from USER_SDO_STYLES view. Or the requested style was not defined.
Action: Make sure the style exists in the database; also check log for database error and additional details.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01004: Bounding Themes returned null MBR. Themes were not rendered.
Cause: Bounding themes may have been used to define the query window for the map request, but it produced no spatial feature. The map request was aborted due to this condition.
Action: Change the bounding theme or themes definition, so the definition defines a select statement that returns one or more features. In MapBuilder this message can happen when previewing base maps with full extent (no center and size defined). MapBuilder uses the first theme of the base map as the bounding theme when a full extent is applied. If this first theme returns no features for a full extent request, then you should remove it from the base map list of themes.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01005: No spatial data to render.
Cause: A full extent request (no center and size defined) returned no features.
Action: Change the theme or themes definition to select one or more features.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01006: Invalid style type for Point features.
Cause: The style type used could not be applied to render point features.
Action: Do not use AREA or LINE styles to render point features.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01007: Feature has no geometric representation.
Cause: The feature geometry was null.
Action: Check the feature geometry column in the database table.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01008: Cannot parse xml style string: missing closing "
Cause: XML string was not correct and could not be parsed.
Action: Check the missing closing character '"'.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01009: Invalid style class specified in xml style string.
Cause: Attribute class on the xml definition was undefined.
Action: Assign a valid value to attribute class (COLOR,LINE,TEXT,MARKER,AREA).

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01010: Style cannot be created from a xml string that does not define the style class.
Cause: Uknown style class type defined.
Action: Change the attrbiute class value to a known type (COLOR,LINE,TEXT,MARKER,AREA).

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01011: Cannot find a custom image renderer for format:
Cause: Image theme format was not supported and there was no custom image renderer defined for this format.
Action: Use a known image format (GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF) or implement a custom image renderer for this format.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01012: Cannot create image to render from byte array.
Cause: Image array of bytes may be null or corrupted.
Action: Check image data source. If it comes from a database column, verify if the column contents is not null. If image contents seems OK, then report error to Oracle.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01013: Invalid base map definition.
Cause: XML string for base map definition could not be parsed.
Action: Fix the XML string that defines the base map.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01014: Invalid styling rules definition.
Cause: XML string for theme styling rules could not be parsed.
Action: Fix the XML string that defines the theme styling rules.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01015: Unable to retrieve theme definition.
Cause: Theme did not exist in USER_SDO_THEMES view.
Action: Add a theme definition to user themes view.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01016: Theme with undefined styling rules.
Cause: Styling rules section of theme XML definition was null.
Action: Theme styling rules section must be defined on the theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01017: Undefined image column attribute in image theme definition.
Cause: Image theme definition did not contain the image column attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'image_column' on image theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01018: Undefined image format attribute in image theme definition.
Cause: Image theme definition did not contain the image format attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'image_format on image theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01019: One or more attributes missing in image theme definition.
Cause: Some mandatory attributes were missing from image theme definition.
Action: Attributes to defined image column ('image_column') and image format ('image_format') must be defined on image theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01020: Undefined network name attribute in network theme definition.
Cause: Network theme definition did not contain the network name attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'network_name' on network theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01021: Undefined topology name attribute in topology theme definition.
Cause: Topology theme definition did not contain the topology name attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'topology_name' on topology theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01022: Undefined WFS service URL attribute in WFS theme definition.
Cause: WFS theme definition did not contain the service URL attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'service_url' on WFS theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01023: Unable to find entry in ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table for theme:
Cause: Theme base table and spatial column have not been registered on user metadata view (USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA).
Action: Register the theme base table and spatial column on user metadata view, by inserting a row in USER_SDO_GEOM_METATADA view.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01024: Unable to convert query window SRID to theme SRID.
Cause: Conversion of map request query window projection to theme projection has failed. The database procedure sdo_cs.transform was used to convert coordinates from one SRID to another SRID.
Action: Check log for database errors.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01025: Cannot use ratio scale mode with theme that has unknown SRID.
Cause: Request with a ratio scale was attempted, but the data did not contain a valid Oracle SRID.
Action: Assign a valid SRID to the spatial data.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01026: Unable to get an instance of spatial provider.
Cause: Custom spatial provider was not be defined in MapViewer's configuration file, or provider class path was not accessible.
Action: Check spatial provider section on MapViewer's configuration file for the definition of the provider. If it is defined there, check the libary jar file path, and make sure it is part of the classpath application.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01027: Custom geometry theme must have a spatial data provider defined.
Cause: Custom geometry theme definition did not contain the spatial provider attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'provider_id' on custom theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01028: Custom spatial data provider is null.
Cause: Custom spatial data provider was not initialized and is null.
Action: Check if provider name is defined on theme definition, and also check if provider class library is defined on MapViewer's configuration file and is part of the application classpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01029: Undefined geometry column for dynamic geometry theme.
Cause: Dynamic geometry theme definition did not contain the spatial column attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'spatial_column' on dynamic geometry theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01030: A set of four question marks separated by commas is required to define a geometry theme with a dynamic SDO_FILTER.
Cause: A set of questions marks must be used in the SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY, for a dynamic geometry theme with a SQL expression that also includes the spatial filter operator (SDO_FILTER). These question marks will be replaced with values based on the map request center and size.
Action: Use the following pattern for the ordinate array on the SOD_FILTER expression: SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?,?,?,?).

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01031: Not enough binding parameters defined.
Cause: The theme definition contained binding parameters on its query expression, but the parameters were not provided inn the map request.
Action: Pass the theme binding parameters to your theme definition, using the methods provided by the javascript API (Oracle Maps), or by the java API, or if issuing a direct XML request define the binding parameters on the theme section.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01032: GeoRaster spatial extent is null.
Cause: The GeoRaster object contained a null geometry as its spatial extent.
Action: Update the GeoRaster spatial extent using the PLSQL procedure sdo_geor.generateSpatialExtent.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01033: Invalid image stretch low value.
Cause: Image stretch low value must be numeric and ranging from 0 to 256. The default value 0 is used if number is out of this range.
Action: Define a numeric value within the specified range.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01034: Invalid image stretch high value.
Cause: Image stretch high value must be numeric and ranging from 0 to 256. The default value 100 is used if number is out of this range.
Action: Define a numeric value within the specified range.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01035: Invalid brightness value.
Cause: Image brightness value must be numeric and ranging from 0 to 256. The default value 0 is used if number is out of this range
Action: Define a numeric value within the specified range.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01036: Undefined brightness value for image processing.
Cause: Image brightness value must be defined when brightness operation is to be applied on a GeoRaster object.
Action: Define parameter 'value' for brightness in the theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01037: Invalid contrast value.
Cause: Image contrast value must be numeric and ranging from 0 to 256. The default value 256 is used if number is out of this range
Action: Define a numeric value within the specified range.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01038: Undefined contrast value for image processing.
Cause: Image contrast value must defined when contrast operation is to be applied on a GeoRaster object.
Action: Define parameter 'value' for contrast in the theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01039: Invalid threshold value.
Cause: Image threshold value must be numeric and ranging from 0 to 256. The default value 0 is used if number is out of this range
Action: Define a numeric value within the specified range.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01040: Invalid low threshold value.
Cause: Image threshold low value must be numeric and ranging from 0 to 256. The default value 0 is used if number is out of this range
Action: Define a numeric value within the specified range.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01041: Invalid high threshold value.
Cause: Image threshold high value must be numeric and ranging from 0 to 256. The default value 0 is used if number is out of this range
Action: Define a numeric value within the specified range.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01042: Invalid image column type for image theme.
Cause: Image theme data must be stored in a column of type BLOB or ORDIMAGE.
Action: Assign a valid image column to the image theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01043: Network category is null.
Cause: Network model category information was null on the metadata view.
Action: Check the contents of column 'network_category' on the network metadata USER_SDO_NETWORK_METADATA.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01044: Network geometry type is null.
Cause: Network model geometry type information was null on the metadata view.
Action: Check the contents of column 'geometry_type' on the network metadata USER_SDO_NETWORK_METADATA.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01045: Undefined topology column for topology theme.
Cause: Topology theme definition did not contain the spatial column attribute.
Action: Define attribute 'spatial_column' on topology theme definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01046: WFS theme server URL is null.
Cause: WFS server URL was not been defined.
Action: Check if WFS theme definition has a value for attribute 'service_url'.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01047: WMS theme server URL is null.
Cause: WMS server URL was not been defined.
Action: Check if WMS theme definition has a value for attribute 'service_url'.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01048: Cannot load WMS map image.
Cause: Unable to retrieve image from WMS server.
Action: Check if WMS server URL defined on theme definition is accessible. Change timeout value on theme definition if timeout has happened.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-01049: X or Y column not found in SQL query.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02000: There is no database connection loaded.
Cause: Operation could not be performed unless a database connection has been added or loaded.
Action: Use MapBuilder interface options to create or to add (load) a connection.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02001: Connection test failed.
Cause: Connection parameters may be wrong, database may be down or listener may not be running.
Action: Check MapViewer log or console for database error, and change connection parameters if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02002: Unable to register data source connection.
Cause: Connection parameters may be wrong, database may be down or listener may not be running.
Action: Check MapViewer log or console for database error. If connection has been already added to MapBuilder, check connections parameters in MapBuilder preferences file (default file is oasmapbuilder.xml), and modify them if needed. Restart MapBuilder to load the current preferences file. If it is a new connection being added, change the connection parameters and test it before trying to add it.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02050: Unable to save base map definition.
Cause: Database error may have happened while saving base map in USER_SDO_MAPS view.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02051: Unable to save style definition.
Cause: Database error may have happened while saving style in USER_SDO_STYLES view.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02052: Unable to save theme definition.
Cause: Database error may have happened while saving theme in USER_SDO_THEMES view.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02053: Unable to save tile layer definition.
Cause: Database error may have happened while saving tile layer in USER_SDO_CACHED_MAPS view.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02054: Unable to duplicate metadata.
Cause: Database error may have happened while saving a duplicate metadata. Make sure the new metadata name does not exist on the target database.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02055: Unable to delete metadata.
Cause: Database error may have happened while removing metadata from database view.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02100: Invalid advanced style type.
Cause: Style XML definition contains an invalid or uknown advanced style type.
Action: Fix the style XML definition with an external tool, and refresh the connection in MapBuilder.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02101: Unable to build theme definition.
Cause: Database error may have happened while reading theme parameters.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database error.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02102: Unable to parse hexadecimal value.
Cause: String value is not recognized as a valid hexadecimal expression.
Action: Use pattern #xxxxxx to represent the hexadecimal color value. Character # must be first followed by six digits or letters. Each x may be a digit between 0 and 9, or one of the letters "a,b,c,d,e,f".

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02103: Unable to parse style definition.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while reading style parameters.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02104: System will not be able to save this file.
Cause: The file path is not accessible to the system.
Action: Define a file name with a valid system path.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02105: Unable to save HTML file.
Cause: IO error may have happened while saving file in disk.
Action: Check MapViewer log for error details, and change file name if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02200: Invalid raster block size.
Cause: Block size must be a positive even number and power of two.
Action: Define a value that is positive and power of two such as 64, 128 or other.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02201: Unable to create GeoRaster table.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while creating a GeoRaster table.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02202: Unable to create GeoRaster raster data table.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while creating a GeoRaster raster data table. A raster data table name can not be repeated over cross schemas.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02203: Unable to insert GeoRaster record.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while creating a new GeoRaster record.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02204: Unable to import image file.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while importing image into a GeoRaster record.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02205: Unable to georeference GeoRaster object.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while georeferencing the GeoRaster object.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions, and change georeferencing parameters if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02206: Unable to update spatial extent of GeoRaster object.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while updating the spatial extent of the GeoRaster object.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02207: Unable to generate pyramids for GeoRaster object.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while generating pyramids for the GeoRaster object. MapBuilder uses resampling mode NN.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02208: Unable to retrieve GeoRaster object size.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while retrieving GeoRaster size from metadata.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02209: Unable to save GeoRaster metadata.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while resgistering GeoRaster spatial extent on USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02210: Unable to create spatial indexes for GeoRaster table.
Cause: Database related errors or SQL exceptions may have happened while creating spatial indexes on GeoRaster SPATIALEXTENT attribute.
Action: Check MapViewer log for database related errors or SQL exceptions.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02300: Spatial data provider is not registered.
Cause: List of resgistered spatial data providers does not contain the provider name.
Action: Check MapBuilder preferences file (default file is oasmapbuilder.xml) to see if it defines the provider parameters. Spatial providers are registered at MapBuilder startup if they are defined on the preferences file.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02301: Unable to initialize spatial data provider.
Cause: Missing initialization parameters or they are not accepted by the spatila provider.
Action: Check spatial provider documentation for initialization parameters.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-02302: Unable to create an instance of spatial provider class.
Cause: Library jar file location may not be accessible to application.
Action: Check spatial provider parameters on the preferences file (default file is oasmapbuilder.xml), and modify the jar file location if needed.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03001: MapViewer cannot process your map request. Check MapViewer log for details.
Cause: MapViewer could not process a map request sent by your Java application.
Action: Check the MapViewer server logs written when the error occurred. Correct any mistakes accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03002: Cannot check the existance of
Cause: MapViewer could not find the specfied mapping metadata or spatial data table.
Action: Make sure the mentioned item (metadata such as style/theme/basemap or spatial data table) exists in the data base.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03003: Cannot add a datasource:
Cause: MapViewer could not add a new data source per your map request.
Action: Adding a data source on-the-fly using the Java client API is no longer allowed. Data sources should be defined in the config file or added using the admin web page.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03004: cannot list pre-defined themes in:
Cause: MapViewer could not get the list of themes in the specified base map.
Action: Make sure the base map exists in the database and that it contains pre-defined themes.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03005: invalid image format specified.
Cause: The image format (for the map response) specified is invalid or not supported.
Action: Make sure only image formats specified in the API are used in your code.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03006: Failed to establish HTTP connection to MapViewer service.
Cause: The client failed to connect to the MapViewer servlet.
Action: Make sure the networking configs (such as proxy settings) are correct in the client. Also make sure the correct MapViewer URL is supplied.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03007: Failed to locate image URL in the XML map response.
Cause: The XML map response from the server does not contain a map image URL.
Action: Check MapViewer server logs to see if there is any error when processing the map request.

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03101: Cannot obtain a client handle to the MapViewer service!
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03102: No query string found in the addJDBCTheme JSP tag.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03103: Missing datasource or JDBC connection information.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03104: Unknown parameter name specified in the getParam JSP tag.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03105: Must specify a location/point on the map to identify.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03106: Error while executing your current map request.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process

MAPVIEWER-03107: Failed to process map legend request/response.
Cause: N/A
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Process