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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Site Studio Contributor
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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The following terms are frequently used in the Site Studio suite of applications. They are listed here in alphabetical order.


See site address.


An individual who uses the performs the administrative Site Studio tasks on the content server. This would include tasks such as assigning web addresses to the site, backing up the site, replicating the site, and so on.

See also: designer, contributor, manager.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

A file that provides control over how page content is displayed. More specifically, how different HTML elements, such as headers and links, appear on the page. A means of separating structure from presentation to control the formatting and layout of content in one place. Style sheets can be included in an HTML document by linking to an outside style sheet, embedding a document-wide style in the <HEAD> tag of the document, or embedding inline styles where needed.

content server

The central repository of all files associated with a Site Studio Web site. The server provides advanced content management features such as library services (check-in, check-out, and the like), versioning, workflow, content conversion, and more.

Content Tracker report

A detailed report that shows how many times a piece of content was viewed. The report is made available through the integration between Site Studio and Content Tracker (an add-on to Oracle Content Server).

contribution graphic

The graphic that displays beside each contribution region on the web page, when the page is viewed in contribution mode. Clicking the edit icon opens Contributor (or a third-party application for a native document), enabling contributors to edit the region content assigned to the region. Clicking the menu icon provides more options, such as switching the file assigned to the region and approving or rejecting a document for workflow.

contribution mode

A way of viewing a web page in a web browser whereby you can see and edit the contribution regions (and perhaps instances of Manager) on the page.

When the page is viewed in contribution mode, you see a contribution graphic beside each editable region. Click the graphic to edit the contents of the region (a data file or native document), approve it or reject the contents (when workflow is used), update its metadata, and so on. You enter contribution mode using a combination of keystrokes (the default is Ctrl+Shift+F5).

contribution region

An area where contributors can add and edit content on a web page, as defined by the site designer. When the web page is viewed in contribution mode, contributors can edit the content in the region using either Contributor (for contributor data files) or the application associated with the content (for native documents).

See also: placeholder, replaceable region.


One of three applications in Site Studio. Contributor is used to edit contributor data files associated with a contribution region. The way you set up a contribution region and contribution elements in Designer affects the appearance and behavior of the Contributor application. Typically, you have many different contributors using the Contributor application.

See also: Designer, Manager.


An individual who edits the content on a Site Studio Web site, using either Contributor or a third-party application. The contributor can be anyone familiar with the content on the Web site (a manager, a member of the sales or marketing team, a member of human resources, and so on). Using Site Studio, you often have multiple contributors working with a handful of managers and one designer.

See also: designer, administrator, manager.

contributor data file

An XML file created by Site Studio and designed to be opened and edited using the Contributor application. A contributor data file stores site content, and can be assigned to a contribution region, where it appears on the Web site. The file itself, however, is stored as a managed content item in the content server, separate from the page templates, region templates, subtemplates, and other managed site assets. This enables content (created by contributors) to be separate from presentation (created by site designers).

See also: native document.

contributor-only section

A section in the site hierarchy that only appears on the site when it is viewed in contribution mode. Contributor-only sections can be useful to convey information, like instructions for contributing to the site, from designers to managers, managers to contributors, and so on.

conversion definition

A file that specifies the conversion rules for native documents on a Web site. Each conversion definition is a rule, template, or combination that defines how a native document is converted to HTML and displayed in the page.

conversion template

A part of Dynamic Converter used in Site Studio to define how native documents are converted to HTML for viewing in a web browser. Native documents on the content server are converted based on their metadata and file type.


See Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).

custom element

A type of element that uses a custom element form. A custom element is quite different from the other elements (WYSIWYG, plain text, dynamic list, static list, and image) in that it is used to create a custom interface (web-based form) in the Contributor application. Contributors use the interface to add various types of content and perform actions that cannot be performed in the other elements.

See also: WYSIWYG element, plain text element, image element, static list element, custom element form.


One of three applications in Site Studio. Designer provides the development environment where designers can create the site and site assets, add fragments and construct contribution regions, and more. The Designer application is used with Manager and Contributor to build and maintain a site.

See also: Manager, Contributor.


An individual who uses the Designer application to build Web sites. This individual might be a web master, web developer, or member of the web team. The designer focuses on how the Web site looks: the structure of the pages, the way the pages are laid out, the imagery, and the corporate identity. The actual site content is typically created and maintained by contributors.

See also: contributor, manager, administrator.

dynamic content

Content that is displayed in an area defined by a placeholder based on where the page template is used.

See also: static content.

dynamic list

A list of files (contributor data files or native documents) that is based on a query performed in the content server. You can have, for example, a dynamic list that queries the content server for files with the document type "Press Releases" and displays those items on the page. The list can be simple, such as a list of links, or it can be complex, such as a list showing the title, an excerpt, and a link for each file.

See also: static list.

editing area

Part of the Contributor editor workspace where contributors make changes to contributor data files associated with a contribution region on a Web page. Each editing area has its own toolbar and its own field for entering the data. In some cases, such as with an image or custom element, the editing area does not have any place to enter text. In many cases, there are more editing areas for data than appears on the screen. This could be because the contributor data file contains data not displayed on the web page, or that the designer has included areas meant to display only when Contributor is open.

See also: element toolbar, contributor-only section.


The smallest chunks of reusable information in a Site Studio Web site. When using contributor data files on your site, you must create one or more elements in each contribution region. Each defined element is of a particular type: WYSIWYG, text only, image only, static list, dynamic list, or custom. These types characterize what the element content consists of, and, through element definitions, what editing options are available. Elements are not used with native documents, only contributor data files.

See also: WYSIWYG element, plain text element, image element, static list element, dynamic list element, custom element.

element toolbar

Each editing area in the Contributor editor has a toolbar specific to the type of area. Some toolbars have WYSIWYG items, or text-only, or image-only. Static lists and dynamic lists also have their own toolbars.

See also: editing area.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

A widely used programming language (and standard by the W3C) that facilitates the interchange of data between computer applications. XML is similar to HTML (the language used for web pages) in that both use markup tags. However, as opposed to HTML, XML tags say nothing about the presentation of the data contained in the tags, only their structure. Computer programs automatically extract data from an XML document using its associated DTD as a guide.

home page

A page that serves as an entry point to the Web site. It generally contains links to the main sections of the site.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

A formatting language used for documents on the World Wide Web (WWW). HTML files are plain-text files with formatting code that tells a web browser (or web-capable device) how to display text, position graphics and objects, and display links to other web pages.


See Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

HTML table

A way of presenting content in a tabular format. On a Web site, HTML tables can be used to position content and therefore, design web pages. In Site Studio, you can use HTML tables to design your page templates (such as placing fragments and contribution regions in each table cell).

image element

A type of element that allows only one or more images. An image element offers options specific to adding images for a contributor (such as browsing the content server for an image, replacing an existing image, and applying a CSS class to an image).

See also: WYSIWYG element, plain text element, static list element, custom element.


A cross-platform scripting language that can be added to existing HTML code on a web page to create basic online functions and interactivity.

legacy site

Sites which are made with the functionality of the pre-10gR4 architecture. You can continue to use legacy sites in Site Studio 10gR4 and higher, but they do not take advantage of the new architecture and features introduced in Site Studio 10gR4 and higher.


An item on a web page that takes the user from one web page to another, or to a different position within a web page. Links enable visitors to navigate your Web site. You can add more links yourself, usually to cross-reference another part of your site or perhaps another site.

Link wizard

A feature in Site Studio (Designer and Contributor) that enables you to quickly and easily creates links to other sections, to other files, and to other sites in the content server. The multi-step wizard walks you through the necessary steps to create the link, choose a target section or file for the link, and choose a format for the link.


One of three applications in Site Studio. Manager is a web-based site management console that can be used by one or more site managers to maintain the structure of the site. Site designers can add the Manager application to a site in Designer. The look and feel and behavior can be changed for each instance of Manager.

See also: Designer, Contributor.


An individual who uses the Manager application to reorganize the site navigation and hierarchy. Site managers can add or remove sections to the site without using Site Studio Designer by using a web-based tool that the site designer makes available to them. A manager typically works with one designer and multiple contributors.


"Data about data." In other words, information that describes the characteristics and properties of an item (such as title, author, content ID, and so on).

native document

A content file created using familiar third-party applications such as Microsoft Word. Native documents are converted to HTML format using Dynamic Converter, and they are edited using their associated application.

See also: contributor data file.


The way visitors make their way around a Web site. The navigation on your Web site is usually a collection of links that point to each main category, or section, on the site.

plain-text element

A type of element that allows only text, without modifying the font or other formatting modification. A plain-text element typically offers only the minimum editing options for a contributor (such as cut, copy, paste, and spell checker). .

See also: WYSIWYG element, image element, static list element, custom element.


The process of deploying a completed Web site to a location so that it can be viewed by visitors. Web sites can be deployed in Site Studio using Site Studio Publisher. This involves gathering all of the files associated with a Web site, building a static copy of the Web site, and then copying the completed site to a "live" location.

region content

The data assigned to display in an editable area (contribution region) on a web page. This can be a contributor data file or a native document. Contributors are generally responsible for the region content (in the same way that designers are responsible for page templates and fragments). Once you assign region content to a contribution region, contributors can edit the content using Contributor (if using contributor data files) or a third-party application (if using native documents).

region definition

A file that defines the type of content that elements of a particular type consists of. It also specifies the content creation and switching options available to contributors for contribution regions, and sets default metadata for content files associated with these regions.


An individual who approves content on the site. A reviewer can use the workflow options on the contribution icon to approve and reject content. A reviewer might have the sole responsibility of reviewing content, or the reviewer might be a contributor acting in both roles.


A category or specific area in your site hierarchy. You generally create sections in your site hierarchy that represent common parts of a Web site, such as Products, Services, and About Us. The sections in your site hierarchy display in the navigation menus on your Web site. As such, you may use the sections to organize your site, while visitors use the sections to navigate the site.

site address

A name associated with a Web site that allows visitors to locate the site with a web browser.

site asset

A file associated with a Site Studio Web site and used to build a web page in some way (including a fragment or region definition in the page template as well). Graphics, cascading style sheets, and custom scripts are all frequently used site assets.

Site Studio

A powerful, flexible web development application suite that offers a comprehensive approach to designing, building, and maintaining enterprise-scale Web sites. It goes beyond conventional Web site development solutions by offering Web site creation and content management all in one. Everything associated with the Web site, including all site assets (such as templates, graphics, CSS files, and the like) and all site content, is stored and managed in the content server.

static list

A fixed number of rows and columns, each containing a contribution element (WYSIWYG, plain text, or image). Static lists can be used to bundle several elements in a table-like layout. Contributors can, therefore, add, edit, and delete the rows and columns of information, even rearrange them. Within each element, contributors have the same editing capabilities that they have in a standalone element. A static list can be implemented as an element, or as a fragment.

See also: dynamic list.

static list element

In Site Studio releases prior to 10gR4, static lists were created using a fragment. Starting with the 10gR4 release, static lists can be created either by using a fragment or by creating a static list element definition. The static lists function similarly, but implementing static lists as elements maximizes the reusability that all site assets have.

See also: list fragment, plain text element, image element, static list element, dynamic list element, custom element.


A partial HTML file (that is, without head and body sections) that can be inserted into a placeholder on a page template to divide the placeholder into further smaller, reusable areas with their own placeholders and contribution regions. Subtemplates may contain very simple HTML code, but they may also be quite complex, with their own scripts and the like.

Switch Content wizard

A feature in Site Studio (Designer and Contributor) that enables you to quickly and easily change the content of a contribution region. The multi-step wizard walks you through the necessary steps to change the contributor data file, native document, or even subtemplate (if the site designer has enabled changing the subtemplate).

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

The address that defines the route to a file on an internet server (web server, FTP server, mail server, and so on).


See Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

validation script

A JavaScript file that defines the validation rules for element data in order to determine that the data meets the requirements (for example, it does not exceed a certain maximum length or contain some illegal characters).

web page

A file containing HTML and possibly scripts, intended for viewing in a web browser. In Site Studio, a page template is combined with contribution regions, contributor data files, native documents, images, and other site assets to form a web page that the user sees in a web browser.

Web site

A collection of HTML or script-based web pages that are linked and stored on a server. In Site Studio, a Web site is defined by its site hierarchy, navigation scheme, and page templates. It is stored, managed, and served up by Oracle Content Server (which means you can take advantage of the many built-in content management features on the server).


A feature in Oracle Content Server that can be used in Site Studio to review the content of a Web site before it is released for publication. A single workflow can address a portion of a single web page or all of the content on the site. Typically, multiple workflows might be used to review different portions of a Web site. Designated reviewers have the authority to approve or reject content during the workflow process.

WYSIWYG element

A type of element that allows full formatting and editing of the content. A WYSIWYG element typically offers all possible formatting and editing options, such as changing the font, centering text, and creating links to new and existing files.

See also: plain text element, image element, static list element, dynamic list element, custom element.


See eXtensible Markup Language (XML).