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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Site Studio Designer
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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C Sample Fragments

Site Studio includes numerous sample fragments that you can begin using right away without knowing the code that was used to create them. You can use the sample fragments as they are, edit their source code, or create fragments based on existing ones. Starting off with the sample fragments is a great way to learn the structure and the practical use of a fragment.

Many of the sample fragments include parameter that you can use to customize each fragment when you add it to your page template.

The sample fragments are grouped into four categories in the Toolbox. A description of each fragment, along with its available parameters, follows:

C.1 Navigation Fragments

These are the navigation-related fragments:

C.1.1 Breadcrumb Plain

Adds navigational links that represent a hierarchical path, also called a breadcrumb. Breadcrumbs are frequently placed at the top or the bottom of a web page, and they help users orient themselves on a Web site.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the links. The default is ">".

C.1.2 Explorer Menu Bar

Adds a navigation menu that emulates a hierarchical menu bar, similar to that of a Windows-based application. (This fragment uses DHTML.)


ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

C.1.3 Login Example

Adds a Web site login button and a login script that illustrates how you can take users from a public site to a secure site based on their login credentials.


ssButtonText: The text for the "login" button. The default is "Login."

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: CSS Class

ssTargetSiteId: The SiteID of the target (secure) site.

C.1.4 Nav Home Logo

Adds an image that serves as a hyperlink to the home page of the Web site.


ssLogo: Specifies the URL of the graphic to use in the content server. If this setting is left blank, a placeholder image called "logo.gif" from the fragment assets directory is used.

ssWidth: The width of the image (in pixels). If left blank, no width attribute is used.

ssHeight: The height of the image (in pixels). If left blank, no height attribute is used.

C.1.5 Nav Multi Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment can display a customized range of levels.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page as part of the top level navigation. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, essentially above the "top" level, but it is perceived as a sibling.)

ssStartLevel: The display level to start displaying the menu.

ssNumLevels: The number of (section) levels to display.

Special Instruction

The Nav Plain Horizontal fragment offers a simpler version of this menu.

C.1.6 Nav Multi Vertical

Adds a side navigation bar that can go anywhere on the page template, but is generally placed on the left side where it indents from left to right. This fragment can display a customized range of levels (unlike the Nav Plain Vertical fragment, which displays only the second-level). It displays at the current focus level, so if your site does not have the sub-level sections that you specify in this fragment, then nothing displays.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page as part of the top-level navigation. The default is "false."

ssStartLevel: The display level to start displaying the menu.

ssNumLevels: The number of (section) levels to display.

Special Instruction

The Nav Plain Vertical fragment offers a simpler version of this menu.

C.1.7 Nav Plain Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment displays only the top level of your site navigation; that is, the sections in the root of the site.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, above the "top" level, but it may be perceived as a sibling here.)

Special Instruction

The Nav Multi Horizontal fragment offers a more complex version of this menu.

C.1.8 Nav Plain Vertical

Adds a side navigation bar that can go anywhere on the page template, but is generally placed on the left side where it indents from left to right. This fragment displays only the second level of the site navigation, so if your site has no second-level sections, nothing displays. The site hierarchy displays in its expanded state.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Special Instruction

The Nav Multi Vertical fragment offers a more complex version of this menu.

C.1.9 Nav Tabs Top

Adds a tabular style navigation bar that displays up to two levels of navigation. The tabs use individual images with rendered text (DHTML is not used in this fragment). You can choose a different theme, using different images, if you like.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

ssShowNext: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the second level of the navigation. The default is "false." If enabled, the second level of navigation displays below the tabs as text links, much like the Nav Plain Horizontal fragment.

ssTheme: Specifies the name of the theme. Specifically, it references a theme directory in the assets of this fragment.

C.1.10 Nav Wrap Horizontal

Adds a top-level navigation that can be split onto two lines, where the top line is given greater emphasis.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "false."

ssLineWrap: Specifies to break the display after the top-level heading. This is an integer value that defaults to 4. The Home link (if used) is not factored into this equation.

C.1.11 Search Box Plain

Adds a search box to the page template, using an HTML form to submit the search keywords. The search box must link to another page that executes the search and display the results.


ssResultsPage: Specifies the page template that displays the search results (see the Search Result Plain fragment).

ssButtonText: The text for the "search" button, defaults to "Search."

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Special Instruction

This fragment is intended for use with the Search Result Plain fragment or a similar, custom-built page that performs the search and display the results.

C.1.12 Search Result Paged

Adds a search results area to the page template. This fragment is designed for use with the Search Box Plain fragment. It takes a URL parameter "ssUserText" supplied by the search box. It combines that value with a restricting clause supplied as a parameter to this fragment. It executes the search and displays a batch of results as a paged list (instead of the "more…" button used in the Search Result Plain fragment) if needed.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssQueryText: This is used as a query restriction clause. It is combined with the ssUserText value received from the search box. If both components of the query are specified, the final query becomes: "(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText)".

If combined also with ssLimitScope, the query becomes:

"(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText) AND (ssLimitScope)"

If any component is blank/false, it is excluded from assembly.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

ssSortField: The name of the metadata field to sort the results. The default is "dInDate".

ssSortOrder: The order to sort the results. Default is "desc".

ssResultCount: The number of results to show per page. The default is 25.

ssDisplayField: The name of the metadata field to be used to form the "label" of the link in the result.

ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

Special Instruction

This fragment should be added to a section in your site hierarchy that is not included in your site navigation. It creates a placeholder page for the search results.

C.1.13 Search Result Plain

Adds a search results area to the page template. This fragment is designed for use with the Search Box Plain fragment. It takes a url parameter "ssUserText" supplied by the search box. It combines that value with a restricting clause supplied as a parameter to this fragment. It executes the search and displays a batch of results with a "more…" button if needed.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssQueryText: This is used as a query restriction clause. It is combined with the ssUserText value received from the search box. If both components of the query are specified, the final query becomes: "(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText)".

If combined also with ssLimitScope, the query becomes:

"(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText) AND (ssLimitScope)"

If any component is blank/false, it is excluded from assembly.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

ssSortField: The name of the metadata field to sort the results. The default is "dInDate".

ssSortOrder: The order to sort the results. Default is "desc".

ssResultCount: The number of results to show per page. The default is 25.

ssDisplayField: The name of the metadata field to be used to form the "label" of the link in the result.

ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

Special Instruction

This fragment should be added to a section in your site hierarchy that is not included in your site navigation. It creates a placeholder page for the search results.

C.1.14 Site Map Plain

Adds a site map that shows every section on the Web site and displays it in a hierarchical fashion. The hierarchy is shown in its expanded state. This type of navigation can be especially useful as a navigation aid for visitors looking for information in a hurry.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "false."

ssShowFocus: Boolean flag that specifies whether to highlight the focus point, or current location in the site hierarchy. The default is "false."

C.1.15 Site Map Tree

Adds an expandable "tree view" of the complete site hierarchy. The tree view auto-expands to show the current location in the site hierarchy. You can then browse to other sections from there. (This fragment uses DHTML.)


ssTheme: Specifies the name of the theme. Specifically, it references a theme directory in the assets of the fragment. The default is "explorer1."

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

Special Instruction

The icons in the hierarchy use images stored in the assets of this fragment. You can choose a different theme, using different images, if you like.

C.1.16 Vertical Menu Bar

Adds a navigation menu that emulates a hierarchical menu bar that displays the complete site hierarchy. (This fragment uses DHTML.)


ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

C.1.17 ASP Bread Crumb Plain

Adds navigational links that represent a hierarchical path, also called a breadcrumb. Breadcrumbs are frequently placed at the top or the bottom of a web page, and they help users orient themselves on a Web site.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the links. The default is ">".

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.18 ASP Bread Crumb Plain (server)

Adds navigational links that represent a hierarchical path. This fragment is very similar to the ASP Bread Crumb Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses server-side script.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the links. The default is ">".

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.19 ASP Explorer Menu Bar

Adds a navigation menu that emulates a hierarchical menu bar, similar to that of a Windows-based application. (This fragment uses DHTML.)


ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.20 ASP Nav Multi Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment can display a customized range of levels.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page as part of the top level navigation. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, essentially above the "top" level, but it is perceived as a sibling.)

ssStartLevel: The display level to start displaying the menu.

ssNumLevels: The number of (section) levels to display.

Special Instruction

  • The ASP Nav Plain Horizontal fragment offers a simpler version of this menu.

  • This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.21 ASP Nav Multi Vertical

Adds a side navigation bar that can go anywhere on the page template, but is generally placed on the left side where it indents from left to right. This fragment can display a customized range of levels (unlike the Nav Plain Vertical fragment, which displays only the second-level). It displays at the current focus level, so if your site does not have the sub-level sections that you specify in this fragment, then nothing displays.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page as part of the top-level navigation. The default is "false."

ssStartLevel: The display level to start displaying the menu.

ssNumLevels: The number of (section) levels to display.

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.22 ASP Search Box Plain

Adds a search box to the page template, using an HTML form to submit the search keywords. The search box must link to another page that executes the search and display the results.


ssResultsPage: Specifies the page template that displays the search results (see the ASP Search Result Plain fragment).

ssButtonText: The text for the "search" button, defaults to "Search."

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Special Instruction

  • This fragment is intended for use with the ASP Search Result Plain fragment or a similar, custom-built page that performs the search and display the results.

  • This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.23 ASP Search Box Plain (server)

Adds a search box to the page template. The search box must link to another page that executes the search and display the results.This fragment is very similar to the ASP Search Box Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses server-side script.


ssResultsPage: Specifies the page template that displays the search results (see the Search Result Plain fragment).

ssButtonText: The text for the "search" button, defaults to "Search."

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Special Instruction

  • This fragment is intended for use with the ASP Search Result Plain fragment or a similar, custom-built page that performs the search and display the results.

  • This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.24 ASP Search Result Plain

Adds a search results area to the page template. This fragment is designed for use with the ASP Search Box Plain fragment. It takes a url parameter "ssUserText" supplied by the search box. It combines that value with a restricting clause supplied as a parameter to this fragment. It executes the search and displays a batch of results with a "more…" button if needed.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssQueryText: This is used as a query restriction clause. It is combined with the ssUserText value received from the search box. If both components of the query are specified, the final query becomes: "(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText)".

If combined also with ssLimitScope, the query becomes:

"(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText) AND (ssLimitScope)"

If any component is blank/false, it is excluded from assembly.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

ssSortField: The name of the metadata field to sort the results. The default is "dInDate".

ssSortOrder: The order to sort the results. Default is "desc".

ssResultCount: The number of results to show per page. The default is 25.

ssDisplayField: The name of the metadata field to be used to form the "label" of the link in the result.

ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

Special Instruction

  • This fragment should be added to a section in your site hierarchy that is not included in your site navigation. It creates a placeholder page for the search results.

  • This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.25 ASP Site Map Plain

Adds a site map that shows every section on the Web site and displays it in a hierarchical fashion. The hierarchy is shown in its expanded state. This type of navigation can be especially useful as a navigation aid for visitors looking for information in a hurry.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "false."

ssShowFocus: Boolean flag that specifies whether to highlight the focus point, or current location in the site hierarchy. The default is "false."

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for ASP pages.

C.1.26 CSP Sample Navigation (client)

A sample navigation that shows how to access custom section properties using client-side script. This sample provides only top-level links for the hierarchy, and does not link to child sections. Each link can be customized.

This adds customizable navigation options so you can tailor the site navigation display. For example, you can display different colors for each section, replace the text that displays, or replace text with an image.

Special Instruction

This assumes the existence of the following four custom section properties:

Name: cspNavInclude

Type: boolean

Description: This shows an example of how to override the default "Include Section in Navigation" behavior. True or false value, to decide if this section should be shown in navigation.

Name: cspNavLabel

Type: Text

Description: An optional label to override the default behavior of displaying the section name in the navigation presentation.

Name: cspNavImage

Type: managedurl

Description: An optional url of an image file to be used in the navigation, instead of the text label.

Name: cspNavColor

Type: Color

Description: An optional override to specify the lead color of the left-hand table cell in the navigation fragment for each section.


When using CSP (custom section property) fragments, you must define the properties, and then set the values for each custom section property in every section that contains the fragment.

C.1.27 CSP Sample Navigation (server)

A sample navigation that determines how to access custom section properties using server-side script. This sample provides only top-level links for the hierarchy, and does not link to child sections. Each link can be customized.

This adds customizable navigation options so you can tailor the site navigation display. For example, you can display different colors for each section, replace the text that displays, or replace text with an image.

Special Instruction

Same as CSP Sample Navigation (client). For more information, see "CSP Sample Navigation (client)"


When using CSP (custom section property) fragments, you must define the properties, and then set the values for each custom section property in every section that contains the fragment.

C.1.28 JSP Nav Home Logo

Adds an image that serves as a hyperlink to the home page of the Web site.


ssLogo: Specifies the URL of the graphic to use in the content server. If this setting is left blank, a placeholder image called "logo.gif" from the fragment assets directory is used.

ssWidth: The width of the image (in pixels). If left blank, no width attribute is used.

ssHeight: The height of the image (in pixels). If left blank, no height attribute is used.

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for JSP page templates.

C.1.29 JSP Nav Plain Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment displays only the top level of your site navigation; that is, the sections in the root of the site.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, above the "top" level, but it may be perceived as a sibling here.)

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for JSP page templates.

C.1.30 JSP Nav Plain Vertical

Adds a side navigation bar that can go anywhere on the page template, but is generally placed on the left side where it indents from left to right. This fragment displays only the second-level of the site navigation, so if your site has no second-level sections then nothing displays. The site hierarchy displays in its expanded state.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for JSP page templates.

C.1.31 JSP Search Box Plain

Adds a search box to the page template. The search box must link to another page that executes the search and displays the results.


ssResultsPage: Specifies the page template that displays the search results (see the Search Result Plain fragment).

ssButtonText: The text for the "search" button, defaults to "Search."

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Special Instruction

This fragment is intended for use with the JSP Search Result Plain fragment or a similar, custom-built page that performs the search and displays the results

This fragment is designed for JSP page templates.

C.1.32 JSP Search Results Paged

Adds a search results area to the page template. This fragment is designed for use with the Search Box Plain fragment. It takes a url parameter "ssUserText" supplied by the search box. It combines that value with a restricting clause supplied as a parameter to this fragment. It executes the search and displays a batch of results as a paged list (instead of the "more…" button used in the Search Result Plain fragment) if needed.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssQueryText: This is used as a query restriction clause. It is combined with the ssUserText value received from the search box. If both components of the query are specified, the final query becomes:

"(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText)"

If combined also with ssLimitScope, the query becomes:

"(ssQueryText) AND (ssUserText) AND (ssLimitScope)"

If any component is blank/false, it is excluded from assembly.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

ssSortField: The name of the metadata field to sort the results. The default is "dInDate".

ssSortOrder: The order to sort the results. Default is "desc".

ssResultCount: The number of results to show per page. The default is 25.

ssDisplayField: The name of the metadata field to be used to form the "label" of the link in the result.

ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

Special Instruction

  • This fragment should be added to a section in your site hierarchy that is not included in your site navigation. It creates a placeholder page for the search results.

  • This fragment is designed for JSP page templates.

C.1.33 JSP Site Map Plain

Adds a site map that shows every section on the Web site and displays it in a hierarchical fashion. The hierarchy is shown in its expanded state. This type of navigation can be especially useful as a navigation aid for visitors looking for information in a hurry.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "false."

ssShowFocus: Boolean flag that specifies whether to highlight the focus point, or current location in the site hierarchy. The default is "false."

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for JSP page templates.

C.1.34 IDOC Breadcrumb Plain

Adds navigational links that represent a hierarchical path, also called a breadcrumb. Breadcrumbs are frequently placed at the top or the bottom of a web page, and they help users orient themselves on a Web site. This fragment is very similar to the Breadcrumb Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the links. The default is ">".

C.1.35 IDOC Nav Home Logo

Adds an image that serves as a hyperlink to the home page of the Web site. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Home Logo fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssLogo: Specifies the URL of the graphic to use in the content server. If this setting is left blank, a placeholder image called "logo.gif" from the fragment assets directory is used.

ssWidth: The width of the image (in pixels). If left blank, no width attribute is used.

ssHeight: The height of the image (in pixels). If left blank, no height attribute is used.

C.1.36 IDOC Search Box Plain

Adds a search box to the page template, using an HTML form to submit the search keywords. The search box must link to another page that executes the search and displays the results. This fragment is very similar to the Search Box Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssResultsPage: Specifies the page template that displays the search results (see the Search Result Plain fragment).

ssButtonText: The text for the "search" button, defaults to "Search."

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Special Instruction

This fragment is intended for use with the IDOC Search Result Plain fragment or a similar, custom-built page that performs the search and displays the results.

C.1.37 RSET Breadcrumb Plain

Adds navigational links that represent a hierarchical path. This fragment is very similar to the Breadcrumb Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and uses values from a result set. Compare IDOC Breadcrumb Plain.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the links. The default is ">".

C.1.38 RSET Nav Multi Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Multi Horizontal fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and uses values from a result set. Compare IDOC Nav Multi Horizontal.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page as part of the top level navigation. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, essentially above the "top" level, but it is perceived as a sibling.)

ssStartLevel: The display level to start displaying the menu.

ssNumLevels: The number of (section) levels to display.

Special Instruction

The RSET Nav Plain Horizontal fragment offers a simpler version of this menu.

C.1.39 RSET Nav Plain Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Plain Horizontal fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and uses values from a result set. Compare IDOC Nav Plain Horizontal.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, above the "top" level, but it may be perceived as a sibling here.)

Special Instruction

The RSET Nav Multi Horizontal fragment offers a more complex version of this menu.

C.1.40 RSET Site Map Plain

Adds a site map that shows every section on the Web site and displays it in a hierarchical fashion. The hierarchy is shown in its expanded state. This fragment is very similar to the Site Map Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and uses values from a result set. Compare IDOC Site Map Plain.


ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

C.1.41 Additional IDOC Fragments

There are some IDOC fragments from Site Studio releases before 10gR4 that have some functions that could be useful. However, it is important to note that these fragments do not scale for large applications, and as such are not recommended for use.

These IDOC fragments are installed with Site Studio, but are not checked in:

C.1.41.1 IDOC Nav Multi Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment can display a customized range of levels. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Multi Horizontal fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page as part of the top level navigation. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, essentially above the "top" level, but it is perceived as a sibling.)

ssStartLevel: The display level to start displaying the menu.

ssNumLevels: The number of (section) levels to display.

Special Instruction

The IDOC Nav Plain Horizontal fragment offers a simpler version of this menu.

C.1.41.2 IDOC Nav Plain Horizontal

Adds a top navigation bar that can be placed anywhere on the page. This fragment displays only the top level of your site navigation; that is, the sections in the root of the site. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Plain Horizontal fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssSeparator: Text used to separate the parts of the bar. Default is "|".

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true." (The home page is actually located in the root of the Web site, above the "top" level, but it may be perceived as a sibling here.)

Special Instruction

The IDOC Nav Multi Horizontal fragment offers a more complex version of this menu.

C.1.41.3 IDOC Nav Tabs Top

Adds a tabular style navigation bar that displays up to two levels of navigation. The tabs use individual images with rendered text (DHTML is not used in this fragment). You can choose a different theme, using different images, if you like. This fragment is very similar to the Nav Tabs Top fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssFocusColor: Changes the color of the text when the link is selected.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssShowHome: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display a link to the home page. The default is "true."

ssShowNext: Boolean flag that specifies whether to display the second level of the navigation. The default is "false." If enabled, the second level of navigation displays below the tabs as text links, much like the Nav Plain Horizontal fragment.

ssTheme: Specifies the name of the theme. Specifically, it references a theme directory in the assets of this fragment.

C.1.41.4 IDOC Site Map Plain

Adds a site map that shows every section on the Web site and displays it in a hierarchical fashion. The hierarchy is shown in its expanded state. This fragment is very similar to the Site Map Plain fragment: the difference being this one uses Idoc Script and relies heavily on service calls in the content server.


ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

C.2 Dynamic List Fragments

These are the dynamic list fragments:

C.2.1 Dynamic List Generic

Adds a dynamic list in a contribution region on the page template. A dynamic list performs a search in the content server and displays everything matching particular criteria. Contributors can add to the list by checking in new content items with metadata matching the search criteria.


Many of the parameters in this fragment are the same as those found in the Dynamic List Plain fragment (see "Dynamic List Plain").

C.2.2 Dynamic List Paged

Similar to Dynamic List Plain, but offers a "results page list" like:

[prev] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 [next]

The above example shows what the user would see on the second page of the results.


The same as Dynamic List Plain, except for the following differences:

ssWantMore: Boolean flag that specifies whether to include a "results page list" when necessary. The default is "true." (Set this false if you want to limit one batch of results.)

ssMoreText: Not used.

ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

C.2.3 Dynamic List Plain

Adds a dynamic list in a contribution region on the page template. A dynamic list performs a search in the content server and displays everything matching particular criteria. Contributors can add to the list by checking in new content items with metadata matching the search criteria.

This dynamic list sample divides the search results page into several sections, presenting each of them in a separated <div> tag and allowing parameters to specify plain text (or elaborate HTML) to display in each section.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssQueryText: Specifies the query that is performed in the content server.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

ssSortField: The name of the metadata field to sort the results. The default is "dInDate".

ssSortOrder: The order to sort the results. The default is "desc".

ssResultCount: The number of results to show per page. The default is 25.

ssCaptionText: Caption text to appear in the head of the results display. The default is "List Results".

ssReportText: Report text that displays below the caption and summarizes the results. The default is the following, where "TotalRows" is an Idoc variable standard for executing a search, and the "ssFirstHit" and "ssLastHit" variables are calculated in the fragment code to make the display easier:

Total: <$TotalRows$>
Items: <$ssFirstHit$> - <$ssLastHit$>

ssDisplayStart: Text to display at the start of the core list. The default is "".

ssRowStart: Text to display at the start of each row. The default is "".

ssRowLink: Text to display as the label of the "link" in each row. The default is "<$dDocTitle$>".

ssRowEnd: Text to display at the end of each row. The default is "".

ssDisplayEnd: Text to display at the end of the core list. The default is "".

ssWantMore: Boolean flag that specifies whether to include a "more..." button when necessary. The default is "true." (To limit the search to one batch of results, set this to "false.")

ssMoreText: Text to display as the label of the "more…" link when necessary. The default is "more…"

ssNoResults: Text to display when the search produces no results. The default is "No items match your search criteria".

ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

C.2.4 ASP Dynamic List Paged

Similar to Dynamic List Plain, but offers a "results page list" like:

[prev] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 [next]

The above example shows what the user would see on the second page of the results.


The same as for the Dynamic List Plain fragment (see "Dynamic List Plain"), except for the following differences:

ssWantMore: Boolean flag that specifies whether to include a "results page list" when necessary. The default is "true." (Set this false if you want to limit one batch of results.)

C.2.5 ASP Dynamic List Simple

Similar to Dynamic List Simple, but used for ASP.


ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

C.2.6 CSP Sample Dynamic List

A sample dynamic list fragment used with custom section properties. Adds a dynamic list that gives you the ability to use a different query in each section, instead of using one query in all of the sections that use the page.


ssQueryText: Specifies the query that is performed in the content server.

ssSortField: The name of the metadata field to sort the results. The default is "dInDate".

ssSortOrder: The order to sort the results. The default is "desc".

ssResultCount: The number of results to show per page. The default is 25.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

Special Instruction

This sample assumes the existence of the following custom section property:

Name: cspQueryText

Type: managedquery

Description: An optional query text string which is appended to the regular query text parameter, if any, so each section can define a unique query text.


When using CSP (custom section property) fragments, you must define the properties, and then set the values for each custom section property in every section that contains the fragment.

C.2.7 JSP Dynamic List Plain

Adds a dynamic list in a contribution region on the page template. A dynamic list performs a search in the content server and displays everything matching particular criteria. Contributors can add to the list by checking in new content items with metadata matching the search criteria.

This dynamic list sample divides the search results page into several sections, presenting each of them in a separated <div> tag and allowing parameters to specify plain text (or elaborate HTML) to display in each section.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

ssQueryText: Specifies the query that is performed in the content server.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

ssSortField: The name of the metadata field to sort the results. The default is "dInDate".

ssSortOrder: The order to sort the results. The default is "desc".

ssResultCount: The number of results to show per page. The default is 25.

ssDisplayField: The name of the metadata field to be used to form the "label" of the link in the result.

ssTargetNodeID: Forces the target of a link so the contents display at a particular node, in the replaceable region of a secondary page. This is typically used for sharing content, where you include the same content item in multiple Web sites.

Special Instruction

This fragment is designed for JSP page templates.

C.3 Static List Fragments

These are the static list fragments:

C.3.1 Static List Example

Adds a static list with four columns in a contribution region on the page template. A static list comprises a fixed number of columns, each containing text or graphics, which can be edited in Contributor.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

C.3.2 Static List Generic

Adds a static list in a contribution region on the page template. A static list comprises a fixed number of columns, each containing text or graphics, which can be edited in Contributor.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

Column1_Name (1-6): Specifies the name of the column. This should be concise and should not contain spaces or special characters.

Column1_Label (1-6): Specifies the label of the column. This should be concise and should not contain spaces or special characters.

ssCaptionText: Displays the caption for the page.

ssDisplayStart: Specifies the start of the display loop.

ssDisplayRow: Displays a single row.

ssDisplayEnd: Specifies the end of the display loop.

ssBottomText: Specifies the button on the page.

C.3.3 ASP Static List Example

Adds a static list with four columns in a contribution region on the page template. A static list comprises a fixed number of columns, each containing text or graphics, which can be edited in Contributor.


ssTextColor: Changes the color of the text.

ssHoverColor: Changes the color of the mouseover text.

ssClassName: Specifies a CSS class name.

C.4 Other Fragments

These fragments provide various additional functionality or examples:

C.4.1 Copyright Example

Inserts a copyright into the page template, similar to the Logo Example fragment.


No parameters.

C.4.2 Dynamic Conversion

Adds a dynamically converted native document to your page template using Dynamic Converter. When you select a native document, you can specify a GUI Template or a Layout Template for the conversion. If you do not specify either, a special conversion is used with an empty conversion template and layout template.


ssDocName: The dDocName of the document to be converted.

ssTemplate: The dDocName of the Dynamic Converter GUI Template.

ssLayout: The dDocName of the Dynamic Converter Layout Template.

Special Instruction

You can also add native documents to your site by assigning one to a region, creating links to them, and allowing contributors to add and edit them.

C.4.3 Dynamic Conversion IFrame

Similar to the Dynamic Conversion fragment (see "Dynamic Conversion"), but adds an IFrame allowing you to scroll through the document.


ssDocument: The dDocName of the document to be converted.

ssTemplate: The dDocName of the Dynamic Converter GUI Template.

ssLayout: The dDocName of the Dynamic Converter Layout Template.

ssHeight: The height of the IFrame in pixels or percent.

ssWidth: The width of the IFrame in pixels or percent.

ssBorder: Select '1' for border or '0' for no border.

ssScrolling: Scroll bars can be set to 'yes', 'no', or 'auto' (when required).

Special Instruction

You can also add native documents to your site by assigning one to a region, creating links to them, and allowing contributors to add and edit them.

C.4.4 Error Handler Message

Adds the ability to display content server error messages (Idoc message variables) in a section of your Web site.


No parameters.

Special Instruction

This fragment can be used when you select a Web site section to display content server errors (see "Designating a Section as an Error Handler").

C.4.5 Flash Example

Adds a Flash presentation to your page template.


ssAnimation: Use to locate the Flash presentation in the content server.

sswidth: Use to specify the width of the Flash animation.

ssheight: Use to specify the height of the Flash animation.

C.4.6 Logo Example

Adds a logo to your page template as a referenced object to illustrate how you can manage content separate from the page template.


No parameters.

C.4.7 Random Conversion

Adds a randomly converted native document to your page template; especially useful for web banners. The conversion requires Dynamic Converter. When you select a native document, you can specify a GUI Template or a Layout Template for the conversion. If you do not specify either, a special conversion takes place using a blank conversion template and an empty layout template.


ssQueryText: Specifies the complete query clause.

ssLimitScope: Limits the scope of a search to within a Web site.

ssTemplate: The dDocName of the Dynamic Converter GUI Template.

ssLayout: The dDocName of the Dynamic Converter Layout Template.

C.4.8 ASP Error Handler Message

Adds the ability to display content server error messages (message variables) in a section of your Web site.


No parameters.

Special Instruction

This fragment can be used when you select a Web site section to display Web site errors (see "Designating a Section as an Error Handler").

C.4.9 CSP Sample Page Title

Adds the ability to change the <title> tag that each section displays on a Web site, for each section that uses that page template.

Special Instruction

This assumes the existence of the following custom section property:

Name: cspPageTitle

Type: Text

Description: Use this as the page title when viewing this section instead of the value of the <title> tag in the layout.


When using CSP (custom section property) fragments, you must define the properties, and then set the values for each custom section property in every section that contains the fragment.

C.4.10 PageHitCount

Fragment that demonstrates integration between Content Tracker and Site Studio.


contributorOnly: Boolean flag that specifies whether the hit count should be shown all the time or only in contribution mode. The default is "false" (show hit count all the time).


This feature works best on HCSP/Idoc Web sites using SQL Server.

C.4.11 Site Studio Manager

Allows users to manage the site hierarchy using a web-based application called Site Studio Manager. See Chapter 16, "Setting Up Manager" and the Administrator and Manager's Guide for Site Studio for more information.


theme: Look and feel themed CSS. The default is "blue."

settings: Site Studio Manager configuration settings file.