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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator and Manager's Guide for Site Studio
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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B Miscellaneous Administration Tasks and Considerations

This section covers the following miscellaneous administration tasks and considerations:

B.1 Changing the Default Contributor Keystroke Combination

The default keystroke combination for entering contribution mode on a web page is Ctrl+Shift+F5, but you can change this. To do so, you need access to the "custom" directory on the content server where Site Studio is installed. You should inform the designers and contributors of the site if you change this value.

To change the default keystroke combination, perform these tasks:

  1. Browse to the following directory (where [CS-Dir] is the installation location of your content server):


  2. Open wcm.toggle.js in a text editor.

  3. Locate the function OnKeyDown.

  4. Change the implementation of this function to use a different keystroke combination that will call WCM.CONTRIBUTOR.Toggle.

    This function uses virtual key codes to determine the key combination entered by the user. The default value is Ctrl+Shift+F5. The F5 key has a virtual key code of 116 (or 0x74 in hexadecimal). The codes for the other typical function keys, F1 through F12 are 112 (0x70) through 123 (0x7B), respectively.

  5. Save and close wcm.toggle.js.


The next time you upgrade Site Studio or install a patch, you may need to perform these steps again to retain your keystroke combination.


The key codes used to determine the keystrokes should be given special consideration in instances where contributors may use different operating systems, since the virtual key codes may vary among operating systems.

B.2 Blocking Access to the Consumption Server

A contributor gains access to the content of a Web site by using a keystroke combination to enter contribution mode and then clicking a contribution icon to launch the Contributor application.

While such access is necessary on the server used for building the Web site, it is not desirable for the consumption server; that is, the server used to run the live Web site. To block contributor access to the consumption server, create the following server configuration variable in config.cfg:


If the variable is not present or is set to false, contributor access is allowed.

Make sure that you restart the content server.

B.3 Changing the Default Contributor Editor

The default editor used for the Contributor application is FCKeditor, but this can be changed to Ephox. Both editors have been optimized for the Site Studio contribution editing environment.

If you want to use Ephox as the contribution editor, include the following server configuration variable in config.cfg:


If you want to change the default editor back to FCKeditor, remove this variable or change it to:


Make sure that you restart the content server.

B.4 Updating Custom Elements

Any custom element forms created using a Site Studio release before 10gR3 ( are not compatible with Site Studio 10gR4. They must be manually upgraded and re-authored. The primary reason for not maintaining backward compatibility is Site Studio's prior dependency on Internet Explorer's proprietary 'window.external' functionality (due to the ActiveX control used for the Contributor application). This functionality was removed from Site Studio as a result of the browser-independent, JavaScript-based Contributor application that is used in Site Studio 10gR3 ( and higher. See the Technical Reference Guide for Site Studio for more information.

B.5 Using the Certificate Validation Applet

If you set up Site Studio to use Ephox as the contributor editor, the Contributor application uses a signed Java applet that has one or more signed plug-ins packaged with it. The first time that these applets are loaded on any given system, the user is prompted to accept the security certificates. Some Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) have a problem when multiple signed applets attempt to load at the same time, which may cause the browser to hang. If you encounter this problem on any client computers, there are two solutions. One is to have the security certificates pushed out to the client computers by your IT department. The other solution is to manually accept the certificates one at a time. Site Studio provides a Site Studio Certificate Validation page on the content server, where users can accept the certificates. This page is accessed from the user profile page (under "My Profile").

Since it is possible to build custom plug-ins for Site Studio Contributor, this page has been made extensible to allow the certificates to be accepted in the same way for any custom signed plug-ins. The following server configuration variables are used in this context:


This entry appends customer-specific entries to the list of classes loaded by the certificate validation applet. The value is a space-separated list of classes to load during the certificate validation process, for example:

SSExtraCertificateClasses=com.xalco.XalcoEphoxPlugin com.zeng.TextGenerator



This entry appends customer-specific labels to the list of certificates checked by the certificate validation applet. The value is a caret-separated list of certificate descriptions to display during the certificate validation process, for example:

SSExtraCertificateLabels=Xalco Certificate^Ravenna Certificate



This entry appends customer-specific entries to the classpath used by the certificate validation applet. This allows the JVM to find the classes listed in the SSExtraCertificateClasses entry. The value is a comma-delimited list of certificate descriptions to display during the certificate validation process, for example:

SSExtraCertificateJars=<$HttpWebRoot$>resources/xalco/XalcoEphoxPlugin.jar, <$HttpWebRoot$>groups/public/documents/adacct/HelloWorldPlugin.jar



This entry allows the use of the "Sun" or default HttpLayer manager inside the Ephox Editor. Changing to the Sun layer may provide better results when running in an SSL environment. The possible values are:

This corresponds to Ephox's setHttpLayerManager configuration entry. See for more information.

B.6 Configuring a Single Sign-On (SSO) Environment

Site Studio 10gR4 can be used in forms-based authentication and single sign-on (SSO) environments. The following HTML comment must be added to the login page that prompts the user for credentials:


This token must be used verbatim, without any spaces or case changes. Please note that if the login form does not contain this HTML comment, Site Studio Designer cannot connect successfully when attempting to connect to a Web site protected by a forms-based login. Site Studio Designer then displays a "200 OK" message, but fails to connect.

The form's HEAD section may contain a lot of code; for example, many META tags or JavaScript code. The delivered page must have the HTML comment (or token) in the first 5,000 characters of the response, otherwise the server connection may fail. The software on the client computer sniffs the response for the <!--IdcClientLoginForm=1--> token (using a strict string search) and route through the prompting code if it is found. It is encoded as an HTML comment so that regular browsers do not show the token when they attempt to log in. If it is Idoc Script, then the parser removes that bit of code from the delivered page, and the client-side browser will not see anything in the page.

In addition, if the forms-based login solution delivers the login form to the client without using a redirect, as is the case with Oracle Content Server's ExtranetLook component, the following server configuration variables must be added to the config.cfg file:


Do not forget to restart the content server after modifying the config.cfg file. If you do not add this configuration variable, the browser shows a CGI-based URL after entering contribution mode in a Web site instead of a path-based URL.

B.7 Using Pre-10gR4 Site Studio Projects

Site Studio 10gR4 is backward compatible with earlier releases. This means that you can use Site Studio Designer 10gR4 to work with projects created in earlier Site Studio releases. You do not need to upgrade them per se. It is important to note, though, that these projects will continue to work in "legacy" mode; that is, they will use the pre-10gR4 architecture and they will not take advantage of the new architecture and features introduced in Site Studio 10gR4.

If you want to use Site Studio projects created in Designer releases before 7.5, you must upgrade them first. Please note that, after upgrading, these projects will work as "legacy" projects.

For more information on upgrading pre-10gR4 projects, see the Technical Reference Guide for Site Studio.