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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Setup Guide for Universal Records Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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11 Setting up Triggers

A trigger starts the processing of a disposition instruction upon the occurrence of a triggering event. Triggers are associated with a disposition rule for a retention category. A triggering event can be a change in content item state, completed processing of a preceding disposition action, retention period cutoff, and custom triggers.

This chapter covers the following topics:




11.1 Trigger Overview

Two types of triggers are provided which can be used to initiate disposition processing. System derived triggers are built-in triggers based on defined events. Custom triggers can be created by administrators to define specific events.

To work with triggers, the following rights are required:

Security groups can be used to block access to triggers. For example, if you do not want users with the Admin.Triggers right to be able to edit and delete triggers, you can use security groups to restrict access to these functions. Only users with access privileges to the security group assigned to a trigger can edit and delete the trigger.

This section covers the following topics:

11.1.1 System-Derived Triggering

System-derived triggering uses the following built-in events or actions:

  • Retention period cutoff

  • Preceding (disposition) action

  • Different content states Retention Period Cutoff

Retention period cutoff causes a cutoff action to occur at the end of the time unit specified in the retention period. After cutoff, the content item is retained for the retention period specified in the disposition rule. For instance, when retention period cutoff is used as a triggering event and a retention period of three calendar years is specified, the cutoff takes place at the end of the current year and the affected content is retained for three years after the end-of-year cutoff.

Retention periods for triggers can only be specified if the AllowRetentionPeriodWithCutoff flag is enabled. This is enabled by default.

In previous versions of this product, a negative retention schedule could be supplied for a preceding action. This has now been changed so negative retention periods are available only if the following variables are enabled in the records_management_environments.cfg file:

  • AllowRetentionPeriodWithoutCutoff=1. When this is enabled, retention periods are allowed with other triggering events in addition to the default ones of Cutoff and Preceding Action.

  • When these are enabled, a negative retention period can be supplied for any trigger except for Cutoff and Preceding Action.

    For example:

    Triggering Event = Contract Ended
    Retention Period = -1 month
    Disposition Action = Notify Authors
    Triggering Event = Preceding Action
    Retention Period = 3 months
    Disposition Action = Archive Preceding (Disposition) Action

When a preceding action in a disposition instruction sequence completes processing, the next subsequent rule begins. The system tracks when a preceding action completes, and automatically triggers the next step in a disposition sequence. Content or Folder States

System-derived global triggers based on an item or folder state can be affected by an implicit or explicit change in an item or a record folder. An example of an implicit change is when an item has an activation date set in the future. The system is aware of the future activation date and it activates the item at the indicated date. Oracle URM automatically changes the state of the item to active. The Records Administrator does not have to perform any explicit action other than indicating the future activation date. An example of an explicit change in state is when an administrator manually cancels or expires a specific item. When content assumes another trigger-dependent state, the associated disposition rule operates on the item.

11.1.2 Custom Triggers

Custom triggers are defined explicitly by a Records Administrator. Custom triggers are more inclusive and less granular than a system-derived trigger based on content state. A custom trigger can affect all eligible content within a given retention category; whereas a system-derived trigger may only affect one content item within a retention category, because it may be the only item in a given state.

Three types of custom triggers can be defined:

  • Global triggers, which happen at a time defined by an administrator

  • Custom direct triggers, which use metadata fields as triggering events

  • Custom indirect triggers, which occur on a regular schedule based on audit events

The triggers appear in the Triggering Events list of the Disposition Rules screen. For further information, see Chapter 14, "Defining Disposition Instructions".

Access to creating, editing, and viewing information about triggers can be controlled by security settings. If access control list (ACL) security is enabled, access to triggers by group and user permissions can be restricted. If default security is used, then the trigger can be assigned to a security group and the filer be designated.

11.1.3 Global Triggers

Global triggers have an activation date. The activation date can be a past, present, or future date. A user can create a trigger and delay the activation of a trigger for an indefinite amount of time until activation is required. In essence this is a "dormant" trigger, which does not contain an activation date.

A user can create a trigger that activates immediately, activate a trigger on a certain date and time, or delay the activation of a trigger for an indefinite amount of time until activation is required.

11.1.4 Custom Direct Triggers

Use custom direct triggers to create customized trigger functionality in addition to the global triggers built into the product and operating behind the scenes.

Custom direct triggers are system-derived triggers based on a content state, on content, or record folder date fields only. These triggers are not global triggers. They only affect an item meeting a given state. Unlike regular (global) or event (indirect) triggers, an activation date is not set explicitly for the custom direct trigger and it is not enabled. When created, the custom direct trigger is always active and ready to be used.

Custom direct triggers can be created with a date field, folder date field, or both. There is no logical AND relationship between the content and folder date fields. There is a logical AND relationship between content fields or between folder fields if more than one field is specified. The fields are used to activate the trigger for content and the folder fields are used to activate the trigger for folders.

11.1.5 Indirect Triggers

Unlike a regular (global) trigger, an indirect trigger has a life cycle. Audit Approval is the built-in indirect trigger. This trigger is based on an audit event. It requires the Subject to Audit box to be selected when checking in a content item, and an audit period selected from the Audit list on the check-in page. For more information about checking in content, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Universal Records Management.

The indirect trigger feature saves time in setting up and maintaining triggers that repeat on a regular basis. The Records Administrator must populate the annual triggers list. For information about populating an option list, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.

11.2 Managing Triggers

Several tasks are involved in managing triggers:

11.2.1 Creating or Editing a Trigger

Use this procedure to create a new trigger. To assign more granular security settings on triggers than the default roles, be sure that access control list (ACL) security settings are enabled and users are assigned to roles and to an alias for any group permissions.

When creating an indirect trigger, make sure the content field on which the indirect trigger is based has already been created in the Configuration Manager utility. Also make sure the period option list for the indirect trigger periods has been populated.


The Admin.Triggers right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer roles.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Select the type of trigger to create (Global, Custom Direct, or Indirect). Click Add.

    The Create or Edit Trigger Type Page is displayed.

  3. (Optional) If the default security is enabled, select a Security Group and Author from the lists. Otherwise, the default Security Group is always "RecordsGroup" and the author defaults to the user with the Records Administrator or Records Officer role who created the trigger, even if these fields are not displayed at the time the trigger was created.

  4. (Optional) If the organization uses the accounts security model, indicate the Account for the trigger.

  5. Enter a name up to 100 characters in the Trigger Name text box.

  6. Enter specific Trigger Information:

    Global Triggers Only: Enter an Activation Date. If not entered it is considered a dormant trigger, which can be activated later.

    Custom Direct Triggers only: Optional, but at least one Content or Folder Date Field should be selected. Select a Content Date field or fields for the trigger from the Content Date Field(s) list. The field is subject to an ACL character limitation of 100 characters, although the database can be changed to accept more characters into this field.

    Custom Indirect Trigger: Select a content field on which the indirect trigger is based. The list contains all available content fields. Select a folders field on which the indirect trigger is based. The list contains all available fields.

  7. (Optional) If ACL-based security is enabled, click Group and User Permissions for the trigger. This limits who can edit the trigger. See "Setting ACLs During Software Use" for details.

  8. Click Create.

    A message is displayed saying the trigger was created successfully.

  9. Click OK.

    Custom Indirect Triggers: Enter the date periods for the trigger.

Use this procedure to modify the properties of an existing trigger. For example, you may need to change the activation date of a trigger, or change its security access. It is best practice not to use more than two fields at a time for a custom direct trigger, for processing and simplicity.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Select the type of trigger to edit (Global, Custom Direct, or Indirect).

  3. Click Edit then Edit Trigger from the item's Action menu for the trigger to edit.

    The Create or Edit Trigger Type Page is displayed.

  4. Make the changes to the applicable fields.

  5. Click Submit Update.

    A message is displayed saying the trigger was updated successfully.

  6. Click OK.

11.2.2 Viewing Trigger Information


Either the Admin.Triggers or Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this action. The Admin.Triggers right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer role, and the Admin.RecordManager right to the Records Administrator role.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Select the type of trigger to view (Global, Custom Direct, or Indirect).

  3. Click the trigger name to view.

    The Trigger Information Page is displayed.

  4. When done, click OK.

11.2.3 Viewing Trigger References

Use this procedure to view references to a trigger (those disposition rules using the trigger in their definitions).


Either the Admin.Triggers or Admin.RecordManager right is required to view references to a trigger. The Admin.Triggers right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer role, and the Admin.RecordManager right to the Records Administrator role.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Select the type of trigger to view (Global, Custom Direct, or Indirect).

  3. Click the trigger name to view.

    The Trigger Information Page is displayed.

  4. From the Page menu, click References.

    The Trigger References Page is displayed. This page shows all category dispositions the current trigger is referenced by, with a link to each of the referencing category disposition. If the link is clicked, the Disposition Information Page of the referencing disposition is displayed.

  5. When done, click OK.

11.2.4 Deleting a Trigger

Use this procedure to delete a trigger. If a trigger is already in use, all references to the trigger must be removed before it can be deleted. Triggers are referenced by triggering events in disposition rules. For more information, see "Creating or Editing a Disposition Rule".


The Admin.Triggers right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer role. In addition, you must have delete permission (D) for the trigger's security group. The Records Officer roles does not have this permission by default.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Select the type of trigger to view (Global, Custom Direct, or Indirect). Navigate to the trigger to delete.

  3. Click Delete Trigger on the trigger's Actions menu.

    A message is displayed saying the trigger was deleted successfully.

  4. Click OK.

To delete multiple triggers, click the trigger checkboxes and click Delete on the Table menu.

11.2.5 Setting Up Indirect Triggers

Use this procedure to specify the dates required for the Audit Approval periods. The "Audit Approval" indirect trigger is the only built-in indirect trigger available.

Use the same procedure for any other indirect triggers to be created. Select the trigger name and follow the same steps to populate those triggers.


The Admin.Triggers right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Officer and Records Administrator roles.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Click the Indirect tab. Click Trigger Dates Info from the Actions menu for the Audit Approval trigger.

  3. Click Trigger Dates Info on the Page menu.

    The Indirect Trigger Date Entries Page) is displayed.

  4. Click Add. The Create or Edit Indirect Trigger Date Entries Page is displayed.

  5. Select the trigger period which needs an activation date. If the defaults will not be used, make sure to populate the Trigger Period list in the Configuration Manager utility before performing this action.

  6. Enter an activation date for the trigger period. Select the date from the Calendar icon. The time can be edited directly in the Activation Date text box. Be sure to use the time format configured by the system defaults.

  7. Click Create. The Trigger Date Entry information is added to the Indirect Trigger Date Entries for 'Audit Approval' page:

  8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to define dates for each indirect trigger period.

11.2.6 Deleting an Indirect Trigger Date Entry


The Admin.Triggers right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer roles.

To delete a date entry (trigger period) for an indirect trigger, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Click Delete from the trigger's Action menu.

11.2.7 Disabling an Indirect Trigger Period

Use this procedure to disable, or "disarm," an indirect trigger period at the date entry level. Disabling an indirect trigger period inactivates the trigger, but retains the trigger for archival purposes. The trigger period can be disabled for both built-in and custom indirect triggers.


The Admin.Triggers right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer roles.

  1. Click Records then Configure from the Top menu. Click Retention then Triggers from the Page menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. Click Edit then Edit Trigger from the trigger's Actions menu.

    The Create or Edit Trigger Type Page is displayed.

  3. Select the trigger period to disable from the trigger period list, and click Info. The Create or Edit Indirect Trigger Date Entries Page is displayed.

  4. Clear the Enabled box, and click Submit Update. The Enabled field for the Trigger Period that was edited now displays "No." Click the Configure Retention Schedule Components bread crumb link at the top of the page to return to the Configure Retention Schedule Components page.

11.3 Trigger Examples

This section provides several examples of the following different triggers:

11.3.1 Global Triggers

This example creates a global trigger. An active trigger is one that is activated and enabled immediately with no delay in the activation date. In this example, an event trigger with a known activation date is created.

  1. Click Records then Configure then Triggers from the Top menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. In the Global Triggers area, click Add. The Create or Edit Trigger Type Page is displayed.

  3. Enter a name up to 30 characters in the Trigger Name text box. For this example, type Case 123 Closed.

  4. Enter an Activation Date, either the current date or an earlier date. The activation time is midnight (12:00 AM) by default.

  5. Click Create. A message is displayed saying the trigger was created successfully. The Enabled label indicates "Yes," and the Activation Date is displayed. Delayed Global Trigger

Global triggers can be created with a future activation date. The activation of the trigger is delayed until the date and time specified. A user can backdate trigger activation. To do so, use a future activation date when creating the global trigger. Dormant Global Trigger

Triggers can be created with an activation date that is delayed until an activation date is entered. This is a dormant, inactive trigger. A dormant trigger is useful for event triggers when it is known that an event is going to occur, but the exact date is unknown. To avoid system processing overhead, do not enable the trigger. To view an example procedure on activating a trigger at a later date, see "Activating a Dormant Global Trigger".

To create a dormant global trigger, do not enter an activation date when creating the trigger, but enter it at a later time. Activating a Dormant Global Trigger

A disabled, dormant trigger can be activated without an activation date set for the future. To do so, edit the trigger and enter the activation date.

11.3.2 Custom Direct Trigger

This example creates a custom direct trigger for a custom field based on the termination date of an employee. After the employee termination date is entered on the Content Info Update form, the direct triggers and the item begins its disposition processing. There are three parts to this example:

  1. We create the custom field for the Employee Termination Date using the Configuration Manager utility.

  2. In Oracle URM, we then create a custom direct trigger keyed off a date field.

  3. As part of this example, we will also set up the disposition instruction activated by this custom trigger. The disposition instruction performs the cutoff when the employee termination date is entered, retains the item for 3 years, and then destroys the record. For more information about dispositions, see Chapter 14, "Defining Disposition Instructions".

  4. As a last step, we test the trigger to verify it is working correctly. Creating the Record Field

To create the field, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Admin Applets from the Administration menu.

    The Administration Applets are displayed.

  2. Click Configuration Manager.

    The Configuration Manager utility starts.

  3. Click the Information Fields tabs, and click Add.

    The Add Custom Info Field page is displayed.

  4. Enter EETermDate in the Field Name box, and click OK.

    The Edit Page for the field is displayed.

  5. In the Field Caption box, enter "Employee Termination Date."

  6. In the Field Type list, click Date.

  7. Make sure Required is not enabled; User Interface and Search Index are Enabled (typical defaults).

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Update Database Design. Creating the Custom Direct Trigger

Now we have a custom field so we can use it to build an example trigger.

  1. Click Records then Configure then Triggers from the Top menu.

    The Configure Triggers Page is displayed.

  2. In the Custom Direct Trigger area, click Add.

    The Create or Edit Trigger Type Page is displayed.

  3. Enter a name in the Trigger Name text box. For this example, type "EE Term Date."

  4. In the Brief Description box, enter "Employee Termination Date."

  5. In the Content Date Field(s) list, click EETermDate. The field is populated with "xEETermDate."

  6. Click Create.

    A message is displayed saying the custom direct trigger was created successfully. Setting Up the Disposition Instructions

This example creates disposition rules for a category named "Employees." To create the category and disposition instruction, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Browse Content then Retention Schedules. The Exploring Series "Retention Schedule" Page is displayed.

  2. Click Create then click Create Retention Category on the Page menu.

    The Create or Edit Retention Category Page is displayed.

  3. Enter EE-RC-1 in the Retention Category Identifier box.

  4. Enter Employees in the Retention Category Name box.

  5. Enter a description in the Retention Category Description box. For this example, type Employee Retention Category.

  6. (Required for U.S. Government Agencies) Enter the code of the authority for the disposition in the Disposition Authority box. For this example, type EE-RC-1.

  7. Click Create. The Disposition Instructions Page is displayed.

  8. Create the first rule:

    1. Click Add. The Disposition Rule Page is displayed.

    2. In the Triggering Event list select the new custom direct trigger called "EE Term Date."

    3. In the Disposition Action list, click Cutoff.

    4. Click OK.

  9. Create the second rule:

    1. Click Add. The Disposition Rule Page is displayed.

    2. In the Triggering Event list, click Preceding Action.

    3. In the Retention Period fields, enter 3 and click Calendar Years.

    4. In the Disposition Action list, click Destroy.

    5. Click OK.

    6. Click Submit Update. The successfully updated disposition message is displayed with a summary of the disposition.

  10. Click OK. Verifying the Custom Direct Trigger

To test the trigger enter an expiration date for a test employee content item in the Info Update Form, accessed from the Update option in the Actions list of the content information page. The content item begins disposition processing on the cutoff date. If you check the life cycle for the content item, you can see the dates are already set for the processing.