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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Idoc Script Reference Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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2.6 Metadata Fields

This section includes these topics:

2.6.1 Metadata Field Naming

Each metadata field has an internal field name, which is used in code. In addition, many fields have descriptive captions which are shown on web pages.

  • Use field captions when displaying metadata to the user.

  • Use internal field names when batch loading files or scripting dynamic server pages (.hcst,.hcsp, and .hcsf pages).

  • All internal metadata field names begin with either a d or an x:

    • Predefined field names begin with a d. For example, dDocAuthor.

    • Custom field names begin with an x. For example, xDepartment.

  • When you create a custom metadata field in the Configuration Manager, the x is automatically added to the beginning of your field name.


    In all cases, internal metadata field names are case sensitive.

2.6.2 Standard Metadata Fields

This section describes the standard metadata fields that Content Server stores for each content item. The fields are grouped as follows: Common Metadata Fields

The following metadata fields are the most commonly used in customizing the interface. These fields appear by default on checkin and search pages.

Do not confuse the Content ID (dDocName) with the dID. The dID is an internally generated integer that refers to a specific revision of a content item.

Internal Field Name Standard Field Caption Description
dDocAccount Account Security account.
dDocAuthor Author User who checked in the revision.
xComments Comments Explanatory comments.
dDocName Content ID Unique content item identifier.
dOutDate Expiration Date Date the revision becomes unavailable for searching or viewing.
dInDate Release Date Date the revision is scheduled to become available for searching and viewing (see also dCreateDate and dReleaseDate).
dRevLabel Revision Revision label (see also dRevisionID).
dSecurityGroup Security Group Security group.
dDocTitle Title Descriptive title.
dDocType Type Content type. Other Fields

In addition to the Common Metadata Fields, the following metadata is stored for content items:

Internal Field Name Standard Field Caption Description
dCheckoutUser Checked Out By (Content Information page) User who checked out the revision.
dCreateDate None Date the revision was checked in.
dDocFormats Formats (Content Information page) File formats of the primary and alternate files.
dDocID None Unique rendition identifier.
dExtension None File extension of the primary file.
dFileSize None File size of the primary file (in kilobytes).
dFlag1 None Not used.
dFormat Format (checkin page, Allow override format on checkin enabled) File format of the primary file.
dID None Unique revision identifier.
dIndexerState None State of the revision in an Indexer cycle. Possible values are:

X: The revision has been processed by the rebuild cycle.

Y: The revision has been processed by the rebuild cycle.

A, B, C, or D : Values generated at run time that can be assigned to any of the following states:

  • Loading the revision for the active update cycle.

  • Indexing the revision for the active update cycle.

  • Loading the revision for the rebuild cycle.

  • Indexing the revision for the rebuild cycle.

The specific definitions of these values are stored in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/search/cyclesymbols.hda file.

dIsCheckedOut None Indicates whether the revision is checked out.

0: Not checked out

1: Checked out

dIsPrimary None Indicates the type of file, primary or alternate.

0: Alternate file

1: Primary file

dIsWebFormat None Indicates whether the file is the web-viewable file in the weblayout directory.

0: Not web-viewable file

1: Web-viewable file

dLocation None Not used.
dMessage None (Content Information page) Indicates the success or reason for failure for indexing or conversion.
dOriginalName Get Native File (Content Information page)

Original File (revision checkin page)

Original file name of the native file.
dProcessingState None Conversion status of the revision. Possible values are:

I: Incomplete Conversion; an error occurred in the conversion after a valid web-viewable file was produced and the file was full-text indexed.

Y: Converted; the revision was converted successfully and the web-viewable file is available.

P: Refinery PassThru; Inbound Refinery failed to convert the revision and passed the native file through to the web.

F: Failed; the revision is deleted, locked, or corrupted, or an indexing error occurred.

C : Processing; the revision is being converted by the Inbound Refinery.

M : MetaData Only; full-text indexing was bypassed and only the revision's metadata was indexed.

dPublishState None Publish state of a revision that is used with Content Publisher. Possible values are:

P: Published

S: Staged

W: Workflow

null: Not staged, published, or in a workflow

dPublishType None Content type for a revision that is used with Content Publisher. Possible values are:

H: Home

N: Navigation

S: Query results pages

P: Pages

G: Gallery Graphics

C: Contributor embedded graphics

O: All others

dReleaseDate None Date that the revision was actually released.
dReleaseState None Release status of a revision.

N: New, not yet indexed

E: In a workflow

R: Processing, preparing for indexing

I: Currently being indexed; the file has been renamed to the released name

Y: Released

U: Released, but needs to be updated in the index

O: Old revision

dRendition1 None Indicates whether the file is a thumbnail rendition. Possible values are:

null: File is not a thumbnail rendition

T: File is a thumbnail rendition

dRendition2 None Not used.
dRevClassID None Internal integer that corresponds to the Content ID (dDocName). Used to enhance query response times.
dRevisionID None Internal revision number that increments by 1 for each revision of a content item, regardless of the value of dRevLabel.
dStatus Status (Content Information page) State of a revision in the system. Possible values are:

GENWWW: The file is being converted to web-viewable format or is being indexed, or has failed conversion or indexing.

DONE: The file is waiting to be released on its specified Release Date.

RELEASED: The revision is available.

REVIEW: The revision is in a workflow and is being reviewed.

EDIT: The revision is at the initial contribution step of a workflow.

PENDING: The revision is in a Basic workflow and is waiting for approval of all revisions in the workflow.

EXPIRED: The revision is no longer available for viewing. The revision was not deleted, but it can be accessed only by an administrator.

DELETED: The revision has been deleted and is waiting to be completely removed during the next indexing cycle.

dWebExtension None File extension of the web-viewable file.

2.6.3 Option Lists

An option list is a set of values that can be selected for a metadata field. The following topics describe the use of option lists: Internal Option Lists

Content Server maintains the following internal option lists by default:

Metadata Field Option List
Author (dDocAuthor) docAuthors
Security Group (dSecurityGroup) securityGroups
Type (dDocType) docTypes
Account (dDocAccount) docAccounts
Role (dRole) roles

The securityGroups and docAccounts option lists are filtered according to the current user's permissions. Option List Script

The following Idoc Script variables and functions are used to generate and enable option lists:

Variable or Function Description
optList function Generates the option list for a metadata field.
optionListName variable Specifies the name of an option list.
fieldIsOptionList variable Specifies that a metadata field has an option list.
fieldOptionListType variable Specifies the type of option list (strict, combo, multi, or access).
hasOptionList variable Set to the value of the fieldIsOptionList variable. This variable is used in conditional statements.
defaultOptionListScript variable Defines a piece of Idoc Script that displays a standard option list field.
optionListScript variable Overrides the standard implementation of option list fields (as defined by the defaultOptionListScript variable).
optionsAllowPreselect variable Specifies that a metadata field option list can be prefilled with its last value.
addEmptyOption variable Specifies that the first value in the option list is blank.
optionListResultSet variable Specifies a ResultSet that contains option list values.
optionListKey variable Specifies the name of a ResultSet column that contains option list values.
optionListValueInclude variable Specifies an include that defines the values for an option list. Creating an Option List

To create an option list, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Use the optList function to generate a basic option list. Note that this only produces output when used with a service that calls "loadMetaOptionsList".

    For example, this code displays a list of possible authors as an HTML option list:

    <select name="dDocAuthors">
        <$optList docAuthors$>
  • Use the rsMakeFromList function to turn the option list into a ResultSet, and then loop over the ResultSet.

    For example, this code creates a ResultSet called Authors from the docAuthors option list, and loops over the ResultSet to create an HTML option list. (Because the column name is not specified as a parameter for rsMakeFromList, the column name defaults to row.)

    <select name="dDocAuthors">
        <$loop Authors$>

    These code samples are equivalent. Typically, you would use the rsMakeFromList function when you want to parse or evaluate the list options.

2.6.4 Referencing Metadata in Dynamic Server Pages

For dynamic server pages, several metadata values are stored with a ref: prefix, which makes them available to the page but does not replace ResultSet values. (This prevents pollution of ResultSets by dynamic server pages.)

When you reference any of the following metadata values on a dynamic server page, you must include the ref: prefix:

  • hasDocInfo

  • dDocName

  • dExtension

  • dSecurityGroup

  • isLatestRevision

  • dDocType

  • dID

For example, the following statement determines if the document type is Page:

<$if strEquals(ref:dDocType,"Page"))$>

See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Content Server for more information.