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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Universal Records Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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9 Scheduled Tasks

It is possible to set up a schedule to perform retention-related tasks at times that are more convenient for your environment. This chapter discusses scheduling tasks which can be performed at a later time. It covers the following topics:




If jobs were scheduled in previous versions of this product, those jobs must be rescheduled. Schedule times and frequency are not automatically assigned when the product is updated.

9.1 Using Scheduled Tasks

Some of the tasks performed may involve large sets of content. Tasks such as processing retention assignments, performing archives, or customizing metadata may interfere with normal daily operations or put a heavy load on the system, which is undesirable during regular business hours.

With the scheduling feature tasks can be set to be performed at a later time, during off-peak times on the system. Freezes can also be scheduled to be performed at specific times. For details about creating and using freezes, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Setup Guide for Universal Records Management.

See "Updating Information" for details about viewing scheduled updates and searches.

9.1.1 Changes in Scheduling From Previous Product Versions

The following changes have been made to scheduling from previous versions of this product:

  • Dispositions can no longer be scheduled and will be removed from any schedule after upgrading. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Setup Guide for Universal Records Management for details about dispositions.

  • Scheduled freezes are migrated but they are not functional if the search engine type was changed (for example, from database to Oracle Text Search).

  • Scheduled screening reports are migrated but they must be modified to use the correct query and the correct report template. If a template is not chosen a default template is used.

  • Scheduled freeze notifications are not rescheduled after upgrading. The notifications should be resubmitted.

9.2 Managing Scheduling

This section discusses the following scheduling tasks:

9.2.1 Scheduling Screening Reports

The scheduling functionality is discussed in detail in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Universal Records Management. This section provides an abbreviated overview of the process.

To schedule a screening report, first screen for information using the screening function. Click the Schedule button in the Screen for Topic Page. Choose the scheduling criteria such as name for the report, start date, indication if it will recur, and the recurrence frequency for the report. You can also subscribe to the report and be notified when the report is generated. Click OK when done.

The screening report is then put in the queue of actions to be performed. All scheduled screening reports are generated daily at midnight by default.

9.2.2 Editing Recurring Screening Reports

To edit a recurring scheduled screening report, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Scheduled then Screening Reports from the Top menu.

    The Scheduled Screening Reports Page is displayed.

  2. Choose Edit in the Actions menu of the screening report to modify and select the Edit option to use:Modify the schedule or the criteria or the subscription to the report.

    • Edit schedule: used to change the scheduling criteria for the job. After clicking, the Edit Recurring Report Schedule Page is displayed. Change any schedule details and click Submit Update when done.

    • Edit criteria: used to change the criteria used for screening. After clicking, the Screen for Topic Page is displayed. Choose the new criteria for screening and click Submit Update.

    • Edit subscription: if the user is subscribed to the report, that subscription can be changed to include other users or a group of users. Choose the new users and click OK when done.

9.2.3 Viewing Recurring Screening Report History

To view the history of recurring scheduled screening reports, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Records then Scheduled then Scheduled Screening Reports from the Top menu.

    The Scheduled Screening Reports Page is displayed.

  2. Choose Report History in the Actions menu of the recurring screening report whose history will be viewed.

    The View History Page is displayed.

  3. To view a report, click its link in the Name column.

9.2.4 Scheduling Freezes

Use this procedure to schedule a recurring freeze of selected items.

  1. Search for the items to include in the scheduled recurring freeze.

  2. On the Search Results page, click Edit then Freeze All Search Results from the Table menu.

  3. A dialog is displayed. Select the freeze reason from the list.

  4. Enter a freeze reason (optional).

  5. Check the box next to Schedule Recurring Freeze Inclusion then click OK.

  6. The Scheduled Freezes Page is displayed.

9.2.5 Viewing Scheduled Job Information

Follow this procedure to view a list of all scheduled jobs (reports, freezes, and any other Oracle UCM scheduled jobs).

  1. Click Administration then Scheduled Jobs Administration from the Main menu. Click Active Scheduled Jobs.

  2. The Scheduled Jobs Listing Page is displayed, showing all scheduled jobs.

  3. To view details about a particular job, click the Info icon for that job. To edit details about the scheduled job, select Edit from the Actions menu for a particular item.

  4. The Job Information Page/Edit Job Information Page is displayed. This page can be used to edit job details such as priority, the type of job, and so forth. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Content Server for more details.