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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Universal Records Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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13 Archiving and Transfering Information

If an environment is set up on one computer (including a retention schedule, security scheme, and so on), you may want to copy this configuration information to another computer, for example, from a development machine to a production machine or a mirrored site. This can be done using built-in archive import and export features.

You can also import and export records, folders, and metadata in XML format by creating a XML Standard Definition (XSD). XSD is a an XML schema language used to define the structure of an XML document. The XSD file is created to make the file usable in the Oracle URM system. This allows the content from the system to be imported into a third-party system using a different archive file format or to export data from another system and import it into Oracle URM.

This functionality is compliant with the DoD 5015.2 specification which requires the ability to create different XSD schemas.

This chapter discusses exporting archives and importing them into other instances to duplicate the retention schedule and a variety of other configuration settings. It also discusses importing and exporting XSD schema to transfer content.

This chapter covers the following topics:



13.1 About Archives

The archive process is use to back up or restore a retention schedule and other configuration settings. It is not used to archive copies of content. For details about archiving content, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.

The export feature copies a variety of configuration settings to a separate .hda file that can be imported into another instance or stored in a safe location for backup purposes. The .hda file is a plain text, serialized data file that can be opened in any text editor.

Retention Schedule objects should be imported before importing other content. Content server content should be imported before importing the content-related objects.


See "Archive Import/Export Rights and Permissions" for details.

The archive export and import features enable exporting and importing of the following items:

Note the following considerations when using imports and exports:


If your organization uses additional security (ACLs) on your retention schedule, the import and export only includes items that can be accessed by the user performing the import or export. For example, if the person does not have ACL access to a particular category, that category is not imported or exported. A message is displayed during the import or export process if any objects are not processed due to ACL access. Make sure you have ACL access to all items to export and import.

13.1.1 Exporting Auxiliary Metadata Sets


You must have administrative privileges to add tables to the list of schema tables used.

When exporting an auxiliary metadata set, add the AuxiliaryMetadataSets and AuxiliaryMetadataSetDefs table to the list of schema tables used. Follow this procedure to add those tables:

  1. Click Administration then Admin Applets from the Main menu.

  2. Click Configuration Manager. The Configuration Manager applet is displayed.

  3. Click the Tables tab. A Table List is displayed. Click Add Table.

  4. Highlight AuxiliaryMetadataSets and click OK. The Table list is redisplayed.

  5. Highlight AuxiliaryMetadataSetDefs and click OK. The Table list is redisplayed.

  6. Close the Configuration Manager.

After adding the MetadataSet tables to the list of tables, they become available in the list of tables that can be added from the Archiver.

13.1.2 The Export/Import Process

The process of importing and exporting content consists of three distinct parts.

  1. First import or export a retention schedule and any of the objects in that schedule. This corresponds to the Include Retention Schedules Plan portion of the Export and Import screens.

  2. Then import or export the content using the Oracle UCM Archiver. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Administrator's Guide for Content Server for details about using the Archiver.

  3. After content has been imported or exported using the Archiver, import or export the Disposition History of related objects. This corresponds to the Include Dispositions History portion of the Export and Import screens.

13.1.3 Archive Import/Export Rights and Permissions

The following export rights are needed for specific objects. These rights are included by default with the Records Administrator role:

  • Admin.RetentionSchedulesArchive right to export a Retention Schedule.

  • Admin.Triggers right to export triggers.

  • Admin.PerformActions right to export Disposition Histories.

  • Admin.RecordManager right to export objects other than those mentioned previously.

The following import rights are needed for specific objects:

  • Category.Edit, Folder.Edit, and Record.Edit rights to import a Retention Schedule (because these objects are part of a Retention Schedule).

  • Admin.Triggers right to import triggers.

  • Admin.PerformActions right to import Disposition Histories.

  • Admin.CustomDispositionActions to import Disposition Actions.

  • Admin.RecordManager right to import objects other than those mentioned previously.

  • If ACL security is enabled, make sure you have access to all retention schedule components and objects to import.

13.2 Managing Imports and Exports

The following tasks are performed when importing or exporting archives:

13.2.1 Exporting an Archive

Use this procedure to export an archive that can be imported into another instance (located on the same or a separate system) or for backup purposes. Choose which of the available items should be exported.


See "Archive Import/Export Rights and Permissions" for details.

  1. Click Records then Import/Export then Archives from the Top menu.

    The Import/Export Archive Page is displayed.

  2. Select all items to be included in the export.

  3. Click Export. A download dialog is displayed.

    To save the archive, click Save. Navigate to the location to save the file, and enter a filename.

  4. Click Save.

    The file is saved to the specified location, and the Import/Export Archive Page is redisplayed.

13.2.2 Importing an Archive

Use this procedure to import an archive that was exported on another instance (located on the same or a separate system). Choose which of the available items in the archive should be imported. The items to import must have been included in the export of the archive.


See "Archive Import/Export Rights and Permissions" for details.

  1. Click Records then Import/Export then Archives from the Top menu.

    The Import/Export Archive Page is displayed.

  2. Select all items to be included in the import. Click Attempt Update to specify whether to update existing items or leave them untouched. If you do not have update checked and the imported item(s) already exist, an error may occur. Read the error message to determine the best course of action to pursue.

  3. Click Browse next to the Archive File box to select the archive file (.hda) to import.

  4. After selecting the file, click Import. The import adds all new items and updates any existing ones, if applicable. The results of the imported archive are tracked in the audit trail for the enabled actions.

If an error occurs, the error message indicates the number of checkbox items which failed, not necessarily the number of individual errors for all retention schedule components. If classified markings are imported, they should be reordered after importation.

13.2.3 Importing a Batch-Created Storage Hierarchy


See "Archive Import/Export Rights and Permissions" for details.

Use this procedure to import a storage hierarchy definition file (StorageImport.hda) that was created using the batch storage creation feature.

  1. Click Records then Import/Export then Archives from the Top menu.

    The Import/Export Archive Page is displayed.

  2. Make sure the "Include Storage" checkbox is selected. You do not have to unselect all the other items; they will simply be ignored as none of them are included in the StorageImport.hda file.

  3. Click Browse next to the Archive File box to select the StorageImport.hda archive file that was created when you batch-created the storage hierarchy.

  4. After selecting the file, click Import. The import adds the storage hierarchy contained in the StorageImport.hda file to the existing storage space at the location specified in the hda file.

13.3 XSD Data Transfer

XSD schemas can be used to manage records, folders, and content to comply with the DoD 5015.2 specification. Exporting and importing data using a format defined as XSD format (XML Schema Definition) conforms with standard transfer schema defaults.

The information must be mapped before proceeding with exporting or importing. After the correct mapping is in the place, data can be imported and used in Oracle URM. It can then later be transferred as needed to NARA or another system using the XSD schema for that site.

13.3.1 Important Considerations Before Exporting

Two considerations should be evaluated before beginning the import and export process: Special Handling of <choice> Elements

The <choice> element type allows only one of the elements contained in the selected group to be present within a containing element. This differs from an option list in which one field can have multiple possible values.

A document whose data is being exported can only contain a value in one of the fields contained in the <xs:choice> group. This restriction determines which field to use when the XML file is generated for output. If more than one of the fields in the choice group contain a value, an error occurs and the export cannot finish because of ambiguity as to which field should be used.

The following example shows this type of <choice> list. In this example, an employee can be only one of the three types of employees (full-time, part-time, or contractor). So only one of the three corresponding fields can be contained in the <choice> element.

<xs:complexType name="employee">
     <xs:element ref="full-time" />
     <xs:element ref="part-time" />
     <xs:element ref="contractor" />
</xs:complexType> Required Fields on Import

If your server has required fields, all of those fields must have a value set in order to perform an import. Mapping the required fields to an XML node provides the value. However, if any of the required fields are not mapped, a profile must be created that sets these values on import. If this is not done, the import fails. Target Namespace and Qualified Locals

Explicitly declare a target namespace in the .xsd file and also specify that locally defined elements and locally defined attributes are qualified. The target namespace is specified by the targetNamespace attribute.

Local elements and attributes can be qualified globally by using the elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault attributes on the schema element. They can be specified separately for each local declaration using the form attribute. Attribute values can be set to unqualified or qualified, to indicate if locally declared elements and attributes must be unqualified.

13.3.2 Configuring XSD for Importing and Exporting

Use this procedure to configure the schema definition for the export.

  1. Click Records then Import/Export from the Top menu. Click Configure then Import/Export Schema.

  2. The Configure Import/Export Schema Page is displayed. Click Add to create a schema definition to use for the export. The Create Import/Export Schema Page is displayed.

  3. Enter the necessary information and click Browse to find an archive file for use. When done, click Create. The Upload Confirmation Page is displayed. Click Configure Top Level Nodes from the Page menu.

  4. The Configure Top Level Schema Nodes Page is displayed. Top level nodes are those that represent an entire object, such as a record or a folder. Highlight the nodes to include in the list, using the left or right arrows to move or remove the node. Choose mapping options in the mapping section, choosing the appropriate type from the menu lists. Click Save when done.

  5. Click Map Fields from the Page menu to map folder and content fields. The Configure Mappings Page is displayed. Use this page to map XSD fields to Oracle URM metadata fields for both records and folders. These mappings will be used for both exporting and importing. The custom mapping at the bottom of the screen is used to resolve ambiguity when two different objects that are defined inthe same XSD reference a common sub-object that must be mapped to different fields. To add fields, click Add at the bottom of the page and enter the new custom field. To delete custom fields, click the delete icon (a red X). Click Save when done.

13.3.3 Exporting and Importing XSD Data

After configuring the data to be exported, you can proceed with the import or export process.

  1. Click Records then Import/Export from the Top menu. Click Export with Schema.

  2. The Export with Schema Page is displayed.

  3. Choose a schema name from the list and assign an archive batch name by expanding the existing archive batch names and selecting one.

  4. Click Export.

Follow a similar procedure to import an archive using XSD mapping by choosing Import with Schema from the menu.

  1. Click Records then Import/Export from the Top menu. Click Import with Schema.

  2. The Import with Schema Page is displayed.

  3. Choose a schema name from the list. Select an archive file by clicking the Browse button and navigating to the location where archives are located.

  4. Click Import.