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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Oracle Universal Content Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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3.2 Custom Application Example

This example application calls five services and defines six private functions:

3.2.1 Services Called

These services are called and a serialized HDA string is built for each:





These parameters for CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL are defined:

  • doFileCopy

  • dDocName

  • dDocTitle

  • dDocType

  • dSecurityGroup

  • dDocAuthor

  • dDocAccount

  • primaryFile

The GET_TABLE service is called and this parameter is defined:

  • tableName Private Functions

These private functions are defined:

  • getNativeFilePath

  • checkOutByName

  • checkinUniversal

  • getDocInfo

  • getFile

  • parseResultSet Sample Code

This sample is in Visual Basic.

' Defines a private function.
Private Function getNativeFilePath() As String
Dim idccmd As IdcCommandX
Dim str As String
Dim res
Dim dID As String, dExtension As String, dDocType As String, dDocAccount As String

dID = "2"
dExtension = "pdf"
dDocType = "acc"
dDocAccount = ""

' Builds a serialized HDA string.
str = "@Properties LocalData" + vbCrLf
str = str + "dID=" + dID + vbCrLf
str = str + "dExtension=" + dExtension + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocType=" + dDocType + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocAccount=" + dDocAccount + vbCrLf
str = str + "@end" + vbCrLf

Set idccmd = New IdcCommandX
res = idccmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\st ellent\bin")
res = idccmd.computeNativeFilePath(str)

Open "c:\newdoc.txt" For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1, , str
Put #1, , res
Close #1
MsgBox (res)
End Function

' Defines a private function.
Private Function checkOutByName(ByVal dDocName As String) As String
Dim idccmd As IdcCommandX
Dim idcService As String, str As String
Dim res

' Calls a service and builds a serialized HDA string.
idcService = "CHECKOUT_BY_NAME"
str = "@Properties LocalData" + vbCrLf
str = str + "IdcService=" + idcService + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocName=" + dDocName + vbCrLf
str = str + "@end" + vbCrLf

' In an actual application the return codes need to be handled. For this example, the service is called while there is no content with that specific dDocName.
Set idccmd = New IdcCommandX
res = idccmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\stellent\bin")
res = idccmd.executeCommand(str)
End Function

' Defines a private function.
Private Function checkinUniversal(ByVal doFileCopy As String, ByVal dDocName As String, ByVal dDocTitle As String, ByVal dDocType As String, ByVal dSecurityGroup As String, ByVal dDocAuthor As String, ByVal dDocAccount As String, ByVal primaryFile As String) As String

' Builds a serialized HDA string.
Dim idccmd As IdcCommandX
Dim idcService, res, str As String

' Calls a service and builds a serialized HDA string.
str = "@Properties LocalData" + vbCrLf
str = str + "IdcService=" + idcService + vbCrLf
str = str + "doFileCopy=" + doFileCopy + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocName=" + dDocName + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocTitle=" + dDocTitle + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocType=" + dDocType + vbCrLf
str = str + "dSecurityGroup=" + dSecurityGroup + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocAuthor=" + dDocAuthor + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocAccount=" + dDocAccount + vbCrLf
str = str + "primaryFile=" + primaryFile + vbCrLf
str = str + "@end" + vbCrLf

' exec hda...
Set idccmd = New IdcCommandX
res = idccmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\stellent\bin")
res = idccmd.executeCommand(str)
MsgBox (CStr(res))
End Function

' Defines a private function.
Private Function getDocInfo(ByVal dID As String) As String
Dim idccmd As IdcCommandX
Dim idcService As String, str As String
Dim res

' Calls a service and builds a serialized HDA string.
idcService = "DOC_INFO"
str = "@Properties LocalData" + vbCrLf
str = str + "IdcService=" + idcService + vbCrLf
str = str + "dID=" + dID + vbCrLf
str = str + "@end" + vbCrLf

' exec hda....
Set idccmd = New IdcCommandX
res = idccmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\stellent\bin")
res = idccmd.executeCommand(str)
MsgBox (res)
End Function

' Defines a private function.
Private Function getFile(ByVal dID As String, ByVal dDocName As String, ByVal RevisionSelectionMethod As String, ByVal Rendition As String)
Dim idccmd As IdcCommandX
Dim idcService, str As String

Dim res As Variant
Dim fileName As String
Dim fileSize As Long
Dim indexStop As Integer

' Calls a service and builds a serialized HDA string.
idcService = "GET_FILE"
str = "@Properties LocalData" + vbCrLf
str = str + "IdcService=" + idcService + vbCrLf
str = str + "dDocName=" + dDocName + vbCrLf
str = str + "dID=" + dID + vbCrLf
If (RevisionSelectionMethod = "Specific" Or RevisionSelectionMethod = "Latest" Or RevisionSelectionMethod = "LatestReleased") Then

' Ignore dDocName and use dID instead.
str = str + "RevisionSelectionMethod=" + RevisionSelectionMethod + vbCrLf
End If
If (Revision = "Primary" Or Revision = "Web" Or Revision = "Alternate") Then
str = str + "Revision=" + Revision + vbCrLf
End If
str = str + "@end" + vbCrLf

' exec hda...
Set idccmd = New IdcCommandX
res = idccmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\stellent\bin")
res = idccmd.executeCommand(str)

Open "c:\newdoc.txt" For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1, , res
Close #1
MsgBox (Len(res))

' chop at filename= and store fileName
indexStop = InStr(res, "filename=")
tmpStr = (Mid(res, indexStop))
indexStop = InStr(tmpStr, Chr(13))
fileName = Mid(tmpStr, 10, indexStop - 10)
MsgBox (fileName)
' MsgBox (CStr(Asc(Mid(tmpStr, 2, 1))))

' chop at Content-length: and store fileSize
tmpStr = Mid(tmpStr, indexStop)
indexStop = InStr(tmpStr, "Content-Length: ")
tmpStr = (Mid(tmpStr, indexStop))
indexStop = InStr(tmpStr, Chr(10))
fileSize = CLng(Mid(tmpStr, 17, indexStop - 17))
MsgBox (CStr(fileSize))
MsgBox (Len(res))
End Function

Private Sub cmdAddUser_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCheckin_Click()
Dim idcService As String, doFileCopy As String, dDocName As String
Dim dDocTitle As String, dDocType As String, dSecurityGroup As String
Dim dDocAuthor As String, dDocAccount As String, primayFile As String

' Calls a service and defined parameters.
doFileCopy = "1"
dDocName = "myDocNameNewh"
dDocTitle = "myDocTitleb"
dDocType = "ADACCT"
dSecurityGroup = "Public"
dDocAuthor = "Jennifer"
dDocAccount = ""
primaryFile = "c:/junk_b.doc"

' In an actual application check for errors.
' Lock the file in order to upload a new revision.
Call checkOutByName(CStr(dDocName))
' If the dDocName is not in the system, it gets added as first revision
' by the CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL call.
Call checkinUniversal(doFileCopy, dDocName, dDocTitle, dDocType, dSecurityGroup, dDocAuthor, dDocAccount, primaryFile)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDocInfo_Click()
Call getDocInfo("269")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDownload_Click()
Call ba
End Sub

Private Sub cmdGetFile_Click()
Call getFile("14", "", "", "")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdGetNativeFile_Click()
Call getNativeFilePath
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim idccmd As IdcCommandX
Dim res, str
Open "c:\adduser.txt" For Append As #1
Set idccmd = New IdcCommandX
res = idccmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\stellent\bin")
str = "@Properties LocalData" + vbCrLf + "IdcService=ADD_USER" + vbCrLf + "dName=Jennifer" + vbCrLf + "dFullName=Jennifer Smith" + vbCrLf + "dPassword=password" + vbCrLf + "" + vbCrLf + "dUserAuthType=LOCAL" + vbCrLf + "@end" + vbCrLf + "@ResultSet UserAttribInfo" + vbCrLf + "2" + vbCrLf + "dUserName" + vbCrLf + "AttributeInfo" + vbCrLf + "Jennifer" + vbCrLf + "role,admin,15" + vbCrLf + "@end" + vbCrLf
res = idccmd.executeCommand(str)
Print #1, res
Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim idccmd As IdcCommandX
Dim res, str

Dim myRS As String
Dim idcService, tableName As String

idcService = "GET_TABLE"
tableName = "Accounts"

Open "c:\a_getsec.txt" For Append As #1
Set idccmd = New IdcCommandX
res = idccmd.init("sysadmin", "c:\stellent\bin")
str = "@Properties LocalData" + vbCrLf + "IdcService=" + idcService + vbCrLf + "tableName=" + tableName + vbCrLf + "@end" + vbCrLf
myRS = idccmd.executeCommand(str)

' Parse out the results set.
Call parseResultSet(myRS, tableName)
Print #1, res
Close #1
End Sub

' Calls a private function.
Private Function parseResultSet(strResultsSet As String, strSearchString As String) As String
Dim indexStop As Integer
Dim tmpStr As String

Dim numberOfRows As Integer
Dim numberOfElementsInSet As Integer
Dim resultElement()
MsgBox (strResultsSet)

' Start of results set.
indexStop = InStr(strResultsSet, "@ResultSet " & strSearchString)

' Check for error (0 index) before moving on.
tmpStr = (Mid(strResultsSet, indexStop))
MsgBox (tmpStr)

' Determine how many data lines are in the HTA file.
indexStop = InStr(tmpStr, "@end")
For i = 1 To indexStop
If (Mid(tmpStr, i, 1) = Chr(10)) Then
numberOfRows = numberOfRows + 1
End If
Next i
numberOfRows = numberOfRows - 2 ' Remove the first line of data.

' Find first line that identifies the ResultsSet
indexStop = InStr(tmpStr, Chr(10))
tmpStr = (Mid(tmpStr, indexStop + 1))

' Get number of elements in record set, chop the line off the record set...
indexStop = InStr(tmpStr, Chr(10))
numberOfElementsInSet = CInt((Mid(tmpStr, 1, indexStop)))
tmpStr = (Mid(tmpStr, indexStop + 1))

' Set storage array.
ReDim resultElement((numberOfRows / numberOfElementsInSet), numberOfElementsInSet)
Dim junk As String
' Populate array from HTA dataset
For i = 1 To (numberOfRows / numberOfElementsInSet)
For j = 1 To numberOfElementsInSet
indexStop = InStr(tmpStr, Chr(10))
resultElement(i, j) = Mid(tmpStr, 1, indexStop - 1)
tmpStr = (Mid(tmpStr, indexStop + 1))
junk = junk + resultElement(i, j)
Next j
Next i
MsgBox (junk)
parseResultSet = "je"
End Function

' Set storage array.
Sub ba()
Dim b() As Byte 'This byte array will capture the file
Dim strURL As String ' URL string
Dim strDest As String ' Destination File

' Set the strURL to a valid address.
'strURL = "http://localhost/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dID=14"
'strDest = "C:\myjunk.html"
strURL = "localhost"
b() = Inet1.OpenURL(strURL, icByteArray)
'Open strDest For Binary Access Write As #1
'Put #1, , b()
'Close #1
End Sub