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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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5 Integration Solutions

Oracle Identity Manager has a three-tier integration solutions strategy to provide connectors to various heterogeneous identity-aware IT systems. This three-tier strategy is designed to minimize custom development, maximize the reuse of code, and reduce deployment time. The three tiers are:

Figure 5-1 illustrates the three-tier integration solutions strategy of Oracle Identity Manager.

Figure 5-1 Three-Tier Integration Solutions Strategy of Oracle Identity Manager

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 Three-Tier Integration Solutions Strategy of Oracle Identity Manager"

This chapter discusses the following topics:

5.1 Predefined Connectors

When a predefined connector is available for the target resource, this is the preferred integration method. Because a predefined connector is designed specifically for the target application, it offers the quickest integration method. These connectors support popular business applications such as Oracle eBusiness Suite, PeopleSoft, Siebel, JD Edward and SAP, as well as technology applications such as Active Directory, Java Directory Server, UNIX, databases, and RSA ClearTrust. Predefined connectors offer the quickest integration alternative because they are designed specifically for the target application. They use target recommended integration technologies and are preconfigured with application specific attributes.

See Also:

""Predefined Scheduled Tasks" for information about predefined connector installation in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.

5.2 Generic Technology Connectors

Similar to a predefined connector, a generic technology connector acts as the bridge for reconciliation and provisioning operations between Oracle Identity Manager and a target system. In terms of functionality, a generic technology connector can be divided into a reconciliation module and provisioning module. When you create a generic technology connector, you can specify whether you want to include both modules or only the reconciliation or provisioning module.

The GTC framework provides basic components that are used to rapidly assemble a custom connector. The reconciliation and provisioning modules of a generic technology connector are composed of these reusable components that you select. Each component performs a specific function during provisioning or reconciliation. The components are:

Figure 5-2 shows the functional architecture of a generic technology connector.

Figure 5-2 Functional Architecture of a Generic Technology Connector

Description of Figure 5-2 follows
Description of "Figure 5-2 Functional Architecture of a Generic Technology Connector"

See Also:

"Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager" for detailed information about the functional architecture, configuration, and functionalities of the generic technology connector

Generic technology connectors have the following features:

5.3 Custom Connectors

If the target resource has no technology interface or accessible user repository, then the customer can develop a custom connector. The Adapter Factory tool in Oracle Identity Manager Design Console provides a definitional user interface that facilitates such custom development efforts without coding or scripting.

See Also:

"Adapters" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for details about how to define adapters by using the Adapter Factory

5.4 Components Common to All Connectors

Table 5-1 lists the definitions of connector components contained in the connector XML file. These components are common to all connectors.

Table 5-1 Connector Components

Components Description

Resource Object

This is a virtual representation of the target application on which you want to provision accounts. It is the parent record with which the provisioning process and process form are associated.

Provisioning Process

This process definition is used to create, maintain, and delete accounts on the target system. It consists of definitions of the individual tasks that are used to perform automated functions on the target system. Each connector is packaged with a single provisioning process. You can manually create additional provisioning processes.

Note: For more information about provisioning process, see Table 5-2 and Table 5-3.

Process Form

This form is used to provide information about user accounts to be created, updated, or deleted on the target system. This form is also used to capture data that can be used by provisioning process tasks or to provide a mechanism for users to provide real-time data.

This form is used extensively when conducting reconciliation. The table structure associated with this form supports the archiving and auditing of user accounts on the target system.

Each process form consists of field definitions required by a standard connector. If you require additional fields, then you can create another version of the form and add the required fields.

Each connector is shipped with certain default process forms. You can manually create additional process forms.

IT Resource Type

This component is a template for all IT resource definitions associated with the connector. An IT resource type specifies the parameters that are common to all IT resource instances, such as host servers and computers, of that particular IT resource type.

The parameters specified in this definition are inherited by all IT resource definitions of that type. For example, the Solaris 8 IT resource type can have a parameter called IP Address. The value of that parameter for the Target_Solaris IT resource instance can be set to


This includes all adapters that are required to perform common functions on the target application. Each adapter is predefined with certain mappings and functionality. These adapters are capable of interacting with the tasks in the provisioning process and the fields of the process form.

Note: For more information about adapters, see Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference.

Scheduled Task (where applicable)

If the connector that you want to use is shipped with a predefined reconciliation module, then you are provided with a scheduled task definition. You use this component to control the frequency at which the target system is polled for changes to tracked data.

5.4.1 Provisioning Process Tasks

Table 5-2 lists the predefined tasks (or their equivalents) that the Provisioning Process component contains.

Table 5-2 Provisioning Process Tasks

Provisioning Process Task Purpose

Create User

Creates a new user account in the target application (provisions the user with an account)

Disable User

Temporarily disables a user account in the target application

Enable User

Re-enables a disabled user account in the target application

Delete User

Deletes a user account in the target application (revokes the user's account)

Update User

Modifies the privileges or profile of a user account in the target application

5.4.2 Reconciliation-Related Provisioning Process Tasks

In addition to the tasks listed in the previous section, the Provisioning Process component also contains the reconciliation-related tasks. Table 5-3 lists these tasks.


When Oracle Identity Manager receives a reconciliation event, all provisioning-related tasks within the provisioning process are suppressed and the relevant reconciliation-related task is inserted.

Table 5-3 Reconciliation-Related Provisioning Process Tasks

Provisioning Process Task (Reconciliation-Related) Purpose

Reconciliation Insert Received

This task is inserted into the Provisioning Process instance associated with the user or organization when Oracle Identity Manager determines that the reconciliation event received from the target system represents the creation of a user or organization account.

In addition, the information in the reconciliation event record is stored in the process form according to the mappings set on the provisioning process.

Reconciliation Update Received

This task is inserted into the Provisioning Process instance associated with the user or organization when Oracle Identity Manager determines that the reconciliation event received from the target system represents the update of an existing user or organization account.

In addition, the information in the reconciliation event record is stored in the process form according to the mappings set on the provisioning process.

Reconciliation Delete Received

This task is inserted into the Provisioning Process instance associated with the user or organization when Oracle Identity Manager determines that the reconciliation event received from the target system represents the deletion of an existing user or organization account.

5.5 Connector Installation

Oracle Identity Manager provides features to install connectors. The following are general considerations that you must address before installing connectors: