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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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20 Using Reporting Features

This chapter includes the following sections:


  • Oracle Identity Management Reports enables you to use Oracle BI Publisher as the reporting solution for Oracle Identity Management products.

  • Oracle Identity Management Reports are classified based on the functional areas. For instance, Access Policy Reports, Attestation, Request and Approval Reports, Password Policy Reports and so on. It is no longer named Operational and Historical.

  • Oracle Identity Management Reports provides a restricted-use license for Oracle BI Publisher and easy-to-use reporting packages for multiple Oracle Identity Management products.

  • For large-scale deployments, especially those taking advantage of the extensive auditing capabilities of Oracle Identity Manager, it is highly recommended that you deploy a dedicated enterprise-class reporting solution. A solution based on tools such as Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition can provide the flexibility, automation, and performance required for a large-scale organizations.

20.1 Reporting Features

The following are Oracle Identity Manager reporting features:

20.2 Starting Oracle Identity Management Reports

To start BI Publisher:

  1. Navigate to Start, Oracle BI Publisher Desktop, Oracle - BIPHome10134, and then click Start BI Publisher.

    The Oracle BI Publisher Home page appears.

  2. Enter the user name and password.

  3. Click Sign In.

20.3 Running Oracle Identity Management Reports

To run a report:

  1. Start Oracle Identity Management Reports. See Section 20.2, "Starting Oracle Identity Management Reports" for more information.

  2. Click the more... link under Shared Folders.

  3. Do one of the following to access the reports.

    • Click Oracle Identity Management Reports.

    • Click the more... link under Oracle Identity Management Reports.

    The resulting page displays Oracle Identity Management Reports classified according to their functional areas.

  4. Select a report by clicking its name.

    The resulting page displays all the reports with its description under the selected report role.

  5. Do one of the following to view the report.

    • Select a report by clicking its name.

    • Click View.

    The Report Input Parameters page is displayed. This page displays the input parameters that must be provided to run a report. The report input parameters act as a filter criterion.

    In some cases, at least one or more parameter fields are required fields. Some reports do not require any input parameter. If this is not the case, then you must populate at least one of the fields to run a report.


    If you leave the input parameter field blank, and then click View, all the information associated with the report is displayed.

  6. Enter the information required to identify what information the report contains.

  7. Click View to run the report.

    The report is displayed.

20.4 Supported Output Formats

BI Publisher supports multiple report output formats. All reports are generated in a native XML format which can be transformed into different other output formats. The following formats are supported:

20.5 Reports for Oracle Identity Manager

All the reports containing Date type input parameters, have the following default date range in the date type input parameters:

Date Range is : Sysdate-30 To Sysdate.

If you want to run the reports for different date range, then please change the date type input parameters with your date ranges.

Oracle Identity Management Reports are now classified based on the functional areas. For instance, Access Policy Reports, Attestation, Request and Approval Reports, Password Policy Reports, and so on. It is no longer named Operational and Historical.

Oracle Identity Management Reports are classified into the following roles based on their functional areas:

20.5.1 Access Policy Reports

Oracle Identity Management BI Publisher Reports provides the following access policy reports for Oracle Identity Manager: Access Policy Details

It provides administrators or auditors the ability to view a current snapshot of all the policies defined in Oracle Identity Manager system, along with key information about each policy, and the number of instances in which each policy has been activated.

Input Parameters

The following table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Access Policy Name Name of the Access Policy


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Description Description of the policy
Approval Required Approval required for the policy
Creation Date Date when the policy is created
Retrofit Access Policy Retrofit of the access policy
Created By Name of the person who created the policy
Priority Priority of the policy


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Resource Name Name of the resource Access Policy List by Role

It lists all policies defined in Oracle Identity Manager system by role. This report can be used for operational and compliance purposes.

Input Parameters

The following table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Role Name Name of the role


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Description Description of the policy
Approval Required Approval required for the policy
Creation Date Date when the policy is created
Retrofit Access Policy Retrofit of the access policy
Created By Name of the person who created the policy
Priority Priority of the policy


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Role Name Name of the role

20.5.2 Attestation, Request, and Approval Reports

Oracle Identity Management BI Publisher Reports provides the following attestation, request, and approval reports for Oracle Identity Manager: Approval Activity

This report provides the administrators the ability to view the approval activity including requests that are approved, rejected, or pending.Z

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Approver's First Name First name of the approver
Approver's Last Name Last name of the approver
Approver's User ID User ID of the approver
Organization Name of the organization




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Approver's First Name First name of the approver
Approver's Last Name Last name of the approver
Approver's User ID User ID of the approver
Organization Organization of the approver
Approval Accepted Count of the accepted approval
Approval Rejected Count of the rejected approval
Approvals Pending Count of the pending approval
Approval Requests Total Total number of approval requests Attestation Process List

This report displays details of all the attestation process. The security model is implemented in this report.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Attestation Process Name Name of the attestation process
Attestation Process Owner Owner of the attestation process




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Attestation Process Name Name of the attestation process
Owner User ID ID of the owner of attestation process
Date of Current Request Data on which the request was made
Date of Last Completion Data on which the request was completed
Certified Attestation process certified
Rejected Attestation process rejected
Declined Attestation process declined
Delegated Attestation process delegated
Total Sum of certified, rejected, and declined Attestation Request Details

It lists details of selected Oracle Identity Manager attestation requests.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Attestation Process Name Name of the attestation process
Attestation Request ID ID of the attestation process
Request Initiation Date Range From Start date of the attestation request
Request Initiation Date Range To End date of the attestation request


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Attestation Process Name Name of the attestation process
Attestation Request ID ID of the attestation request
Request Initiation Date Date on which the request is initiated
Completion Date on which the request is completed
Certified Attestation process certified
Rejected Attestation process rejected
Delegated Attestation process delegated
No Action Number of attestation processes on which no action is taken


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user who initiated the attestation request
Last Name Last name of the user who initiated the attestation request
User ID ID of the user who initiated the attestation request
Resource Name of the resource
Descriptive Data Date on which the request is completed
Reviewer's First Name First name of the reviewer
Reviewer's Last Name Last name of the reviewer
Reviewer's User ID ID of the reviewer
Action Action taken by the reviewer Attestation Requests by Process

This report displays details of all the attestation process and the request for each process, where the logged in user is a member of the administrator or the owner role of the attestation process.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Attestation Process Name Name of the attestation process
Attestation Process Owner Owner of the attestation process


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Attestation Owner Name of the attestation process owner
Total Number of Requests Total number of requests
Last Completion Date Date by which attestation should be completed
Current Request Initiation Date Date on which attestation is initiated


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Request ID ID of the attestation request
Initiation Date Date on which attestation is initiated
Completion Date Date by which attestation should be completed
Certified Attestation process certified
Rejected Attestation process rejected
Declined Attestation process declined
Delegated Attestation process delegated
Total Attested Sum of certified records, rejected records and declined records Attestation Requests by Reviewer

It displays list of attestation requests by reviewer. The report includes the number of requests associated with each reviewer and information about each request. In addition, it displays the time at which the request is created and completed.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Reviewer First Name First name of the reviewer
Reviewer Last Name Last name of the reviewer
Reviewer User ID User ID of the reviewer


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Reviewer 's First Name First name of the reviewer
Reviewer 's Last Name Last name of the reviewer
Reviewer 's User ID User ID of the reviewer
Total Number of Requests Count of requests to review


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Request ID ID of the attestation request
Process Name Name of the process
Initiation Date Date on which attestation is initiated
Completion Date Date by which attestation should be completed
Certified Attestation process certified
Rejected Attestation process rejected
Declined Attestation process declined
Delegated Attestation process delegated
Total Attested Count of requests to attest Request Details

This report provides administrators the ability to view the details (requestor, current approver and so on) of all requests with the input current status. Additionally, this report displays the details of all users (user name, organization, manager details, user status and so on) that will be provisioned as a result of the request approval. This helps administrators in planning and prioritizing operational activities so that they may expedite the closure of pending requests.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Requestor User First Name First name of the requestor
Requestor User Last Name Last name of the requestor
Request User ID ID of the requestor
Request ID Request ID
Request Parent ID Parent ID of the request
Request Status Status of the request
Request Type Type of the request
Request Date From Start date of the request
Request Date To End date of the request
Beneficiary User First Name First name of the beneficiary
Beneficiary User Last Name Last name of the beneficiary
Beneficiary User ID ID of the beneficiary


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Request ID Request ID
Request Type Type of the request
Requester User ID ID of the requester
Request Date Date on which request is initiated
Approver User ID ID of the approver
Current Status Status of the request
Parent Request ID ID of the parent Requester


The following table lists the columns of the report, if a beneficiary is present:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the beneficiary
Last Name Last name of the beneficiary
User ID ID of the beneficiary
User Type Type of user
User Status Status of the beneficiary
Organization Organization of the beneficiary
Request Value Request value of the resource

The following table lists the columns of the report, if a beneficiary is not present:

Report Column Description
Request Name Name of the request
Request Value Value of the request Request Summary

This report provides administrators the ability to view the current status of all requests raised in the specified time interval. This helps administrators in planning and prioritizing operational activities so that they may expedite the closure of pending requests.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Request Type Type of request
Request Date From Start date of the request
Request Date To End date of the request
Organization Details of the organization




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Request ID Request ID
Parent Request ID ID of the parent Requester
Request Type Type of request
Request Status Status of request
Requestor User ID ID of the requestor
Beneficiary User ID ID of the beneficiary
Request Details Details of the request
Approver User ID ID of the approver
Request Date Date of request Task Assignment History

It lists the history of all task assignments.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
User ID ID of the beneficiary
Assignee First Name First name of the assignee
Assignee Last Name Last name of the assignee
Assignee User ID ID of the assignee
Assignee Role Name Role name of the assignee
Assignee User Name User name of the assignee
Employee Type Type of employee

20.5.3 Role and Organization Reports

Oracle Identity Management BI Publisher Reports provides the following role and organization reports for Oracle Identity Manager: Role Membership History

This report displays membership history of all the roles. The report will not show indirect memberships.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Role Name Name of the role
Role Category Category of the role
Employee Type Type of the employee: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor
Employee Status Status of the employee: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
Membership Status Status of membership: Revoked, Active
Effective From Role membership effective from date
Effective To Role membership effective to date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Created By Name of the person who created the role
Creation Date Date on which the role was created


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Employee Status Status of the employee
Membership Status Membership date of the user
Effective From Membership start date of the user
Effective To Membership end date of the user
Manager's First Name First name of the manager
Manager's Last Name Last name of the manager
Manager's User ID ID of the manager Role Membership Profile

This report shows number of users present for number of roles and the details of users belonging to count number of roles.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Organization Organization of the user


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Membership in Number of Roles Number of members in number of roles
Number of Users Number of users in the role


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Employee Type Type of the employee: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor Role Membership

This report displays membership details of all roles.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Role Name Name of the role
Role Category Category of the role
Organization Name of the organization
Employee Type Type of the employee: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor
Employee Status Status of the employee: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Created By Name of the person who created the user
Creation Date Date on which the user is created


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of user
Employee Status Status of the user
Employee Type Type of the employee: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor
Member Since Joining date of the user
Manager's First Name First name of the manager
Manager's Last Name Last name of the manager
Manager's User ID ID of the manager Organization Details

It lists the hierarchical organization structure and details about users in the organization.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Organization Name Name of the organization


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Parent Organization Name Name of the parent organization


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Role Name of Administrator User roles
First Name First name of the user in the organization
Last Name Last name of the user in the organization
User ID ID of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of user
Start Date Joining date of the user
End Date Leaving date of the user User Membership History

This report lists the logged in users with their membership history.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Last Name First name of the user
First Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of the employee: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
Employee Type Type of the employee: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
User ID ID of the user
User First Name First name of the user
User Last Name Last name of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of the employee: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
Employee Type Type of the employee: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
User Role Name of the user role
Membership Status Status of membership
Effective From Date from which the membership is effective

20.5.4 Password Reports

Oracle Identity Management BI Publisher Reports provides the following password reports for Oracle Identity Manager: Password Expiration Summary

This report shows the list of all active users whose Oracle Identity Manager passwords are about to expire within a specified period.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Last Name Last name of the user
First Name First name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Expiration Date Range From Start date of the expiration date
Expiration Date Range To End date of the expiration date




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Field Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Employee Type Type of the employee: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor
Employee Status Status of the employee: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
Organization Organization of the user
Password Expiration Date Date on which the password expires Password Reset Summary

This report provides the ability to view the aggregated metrics around password change attempts done by users themselves or on behalf of them. The metrics include all password change attempts, successful or failure outcome of password change attempt, users locked due to multiple concurrent unsuccessful password change attempts.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Aggregation Frequency The frequency of the report generated
Date Range From Start date of the report generated
Date Range To End date of the report generated
Organization Name of the organization


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Aggregation Frequency The frequency of the report generated


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Time Period Date and time of reset attempts performed
Reset Attempts Number of reset attempts
Failed Reset Attempts Number of failed reset attempts
Locked Users due to Failed Reset Attempts Number of users locked due to a failed reset attempt
Resets by non-beneficiary Number of resets by non-beneficiary Resource Password Expiration

It lists users whose resource passwords will expire in a specified time period.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
User Status Status of the user
Password Expiration Date From The password expiry starting date
Password Expiration Date To The password expiry ending date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Field Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
User Status Status of the user: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
User Type Type of the user: Full-Time, Part-Time, Temp, Intern, Consultant, Contractor
Password Expiration Date Date on which the password expires

20.5.5 Resource and Entitlement Reports

Oracle Identity Management BI Publisher Reports provides the following resource and entitlement reports for Oracle Identity Manager: Account Activity In Resource

It lists all account activities in each resource. It also provides information on how each user is associated with a specific activity of that resource.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Date Range From Date from which reports are displayed
Date Range To Date to which reports are displayed


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Activity Type The type of activity
Resource Authorizer User Role(s) Name of the role which authorize the role
Resource Administrator User Role(s) Name of the role which authorize the resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
User Status Status of the user: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
Organization Organization of the user
Manager's User ID ID of the manager
Timestamp Date when the report is created Delegated Admins and Permissions by Resource

This report displays the list of user roles with write and delete access that are administrators of the resource.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Administrator Role Name Name of the Administrator role
Administrator Role Information Information about the Administrator role
Read Access Indicates whether the resource has read access
Write Access Indicates whether the resource has write access
Delete Access Indicates whether the resource has delete access
Authorizer Role Authorizer role name
Name Priority Priority of the resource
Created By Name of the person who created the resource
Creation Date Resource creation date Delegated Admins by Resource

The report displays the list of user roles that are the administrators or authorizers of the resource and members of those roles.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Resource Type Type of resource
Resource Audit Objective Objective to carry out the audit for the resource


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource
Target Indicates whether the resource is a target for organization or user
Write Access Indicates whether the resource has write access
Delete Access Indicates whether the resource has delete access
Creation By Resource creation source
Creation Date Date on which resource is created


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
User Status Status of the user
Member Since Joining date of the user
Manager's First Name First name of the manager
Manager's Last Name Last name of the manager
Manager's User ID ID of the manager Entitlement Access List

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to query all existing users, who have a specified entitlement. This report can be used for operational and compliance purposes.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Entitlement Code Code of the entitlement
Resource Name Name of the resource
Organization Organization of the user
Role Name Name of the role
User Status Status of the user: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
User Type Type of user
Provisioning Date From Date from which the resource is provisioned to the user
Provisioning Date To Date to which the resource is provisioned to the user


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Entitlement Code Code of the entitlement
Entitlement Name Name of the entitlement
Entitlement status Status of the entitlement.
Resource Name Name of the resource
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
User Id ID of the user
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User Status User Status
User Type Type of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Valid To Date Entitlement valid from date
Valid From Date Entitlement valid to date Entitlement Access List History

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to query all existing users provisioned to a entitlement over its lifecycle. This is a lifetime report showing entire history of resource's access list or entitlements.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Entitlement Code Code of the entitlement
Resource Name Name of the resource
Organization Organization of the user
Role Name Name of the role
User Status Status of the user: Active, Disabled, Deleted, Disabled Until Start Date
User Type Type of user
Effective From Date Entitlement effective from date
Effective To Date Entitlement effective to date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Entitlement Code Code of the entitlement
Entitlement Name Name of the entitlement
Resource Name Name of the resource
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
User Id ID of the user
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of user
Effective From Entitlement effective from date
Effective To Entitlement effective to date Financially Significant Resource Details

This report provides Administrators to get a list of financially significant resources to prioritize various administrative and cleanup activities. It also helps Compliance or Privacy and Security officers assessing effectiveness of preventive and detective controls in financial significant resources and Auditors to understand the IT resources that host financial data.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
User Roles Lists the resource administrator user roles Fine Grained Entitlement Exceptions By Resource

This report enables administrators, signing officers, internal and external auditors to analyze discrepancies in various process forms and related child tables of various resources and mitigate material weaknesses in the resources through remediation activities.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Employee Type Type of the employee such as fulltime, part time
Organization Name Name of the organization
Role Name Name of the role


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
User ID ID of the user


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Form Name Name of the form
Form Type Type of the form


Before running this report, you must populate data for account audit and reconciliation exceptions.

To populate the data for account audit and reconciliation exceptions:

  1. Set the value of the system property, XL.EnableExceptionReports, to True.

  2. Provision an user to any target.

  3. Modify any of the user's attribute in the target and reconcile the user.

  4. Find data in UPA_UD_FORMFIELDS and UPA_UD_FORMS tables.

  5. Go to Oracle Identity Manger server and run RefreshMaterializedViewScheduler Task.

  6. Log in to BIP and view the report. Offline Resource Provisioning Messages

Offline provisioning enhancement enables Oracle Identity Manager to do offline provisioning, enable, disable and revoke on resource instances that will improve the performance by parallel execution and also overcome transaction time-outs. This is achieved by submitting the JMS message when a specific action happens, the actual execution happens as a part of message processing. Such JMS message might be failed while processing due to some reasons. This report lists all the details of such failed off-line messages.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
User's First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Resource Name Name of the resource
Action Action taken by the resource
Date Range From Start date
Date Range To End date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
User's First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Resource Name Name of the resource
Resource Description Description of the resource
Action Action taken by the resource
Request Key Key of the request
Create Date Provisioning creation date


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Reason Reason of the offline resource provisioning
Exception Exception in the offline resource provisioning Orphaned Account Summary

It lists the rogue accounts for the input resource for which a user existed in the target system, but the associated user to whom the account is provisioned never existed in Oracle Identity Manager.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Reconciliation Date Range From Start date of reconciliation
Reconciliation Date Range To End date of reconciliation




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Resource Name of the resource
Account Information Information of the orphaned account
Reconciliation Date Date of reconciliation Resource Access List History

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to query all existing users provisioned to a resource over its lifecycle. This is a lifetime report showing entire history of resource's access list or entitlements.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user
Snapshot Date From Effective start date of resource access to the user
Snapshot Date To Effective end date of resource access to the user
Changes Date From Resource changed from date to user
Changes Date To Resource changed to date to user


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Resource Descriptive data Description of the resource
User Status Status of the user
Resource Status Status of the resource
Effective From Effective start date
Effective To Effective end date Resource Access List

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to query all existing users provisioned to a specified resource. This report can be used for operational and compliance purposes.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user
Provisioning Date From Resource provision start date
Provisioning Date To Resource provision end date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
User Type Type of the user
User Status Status of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Provisioning Date Date on which the resource is provisioned Resource Account Summary

This report lists the number of users for each status within each resource.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Resource Type Type of resource
Account Status Status of the account


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource
Total Number of Users Total number of users associated with the account


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Account Status Status of the account
Number of Users Number of users with that account status Resource Activity Summary

It lists the history of all provisioning and approval activities for a resource.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Date Range From Start date
Date Range To End date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Accounts Provisioned Number of accounts provisioned
Accounts De-Provisioned Number of accounts de-provisioned
Approval Requests Number of approval requests
Approval Accepted Number of approved requests
Approval Rejected Number of rejected requests Rogue Accounts By Resource

This report includes all rogue accounts for the input resource. This report also includes the corresponding attestation data to analyze if the rogue accounts represent outstanding or accepted exceptions in the system. This enables administrators, signing officers, internal and external auditors to identify material weaknesses in the resources and plan their mitigation through remediation activities.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Name Organization of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
Resource Type Type of resource


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user
Exception Type Type of exception
Exception Approved in Attestation Indicates whether the exception is approved or not
Reviewer First Name First name of the reviewer
Reviewer Last Name Last name of the reviewer
Reviewer User ID User ID of the reviewer User Resource Access History

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to view user's resource access history over user's lifecycle. This report can be used for compliance and forensic auditing purposes. This is not a user access profile snapshot report. This is a lifetime report showing entire history of user's entitlements.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Status Status of the user
Employee Type Type of employee


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
User ID ID of the user
User First Name First name of the user
User Last Name Last name of the user
Manager User ID ID of the reporting Manager
Manager First Name First name of the reporting Manager
Manager Last Name Last name of the reporting Manager
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of employee
Employee Type Type of employee
Identity Creation Date User creation date


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Resource Descriptive Data Description of the resource
Provisioned Date Date on which the resource is provisioned
Provisioned By Name of the person who provisioned the resource
Effective From Effective start date of resource access to the user
Effective To Effective end date of resource access to the user User Resource Access

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to query all existing users provisioned to a specified resource. This report can be used for operational and compliance purposes.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of employee
Employee Type Type of employee


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
User ID ID of the user
User First Name First name of the user
User Last Name Last name of the user
Manager User ID ID of the reporting Manager
Manager First Name First name of the reporting Manager
Manager Last Name Last name of the reporting Manager
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of employee
Employee Type Type of employee
Identity Creation Date User creation date


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Resource Name Name of the resource
Resource Descriptive Data Description of the resource
Resource Status Status of the resource
Provisioned Date Date on which the resource is provisioned User Resource Entitlement

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to query all existing entitlements provisioned to specific users. This report can be used for operational and compliance purposes.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
User ID ID of the user
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
Email Email of the user
Resource Name Name of the resource
Organization Organization of the user
Role Name Name of the role
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
User ID ID of the user
First Name First name of the user
Middle Name Middle name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
Email Email of the user
Organization Organization of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user
Manager First Name First name of the manager
Manager Last Name Last name of the manager
Start Date Entitlement of resource start date
End Date Entitlement of resource end date


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Entitlement Code Code of the entitlement
Entitlement Name Name of the entitlement
Entitlement Status Status of the entitlement
Resource Type of the resource
Provisioning Start Date from which the resource is provisioned to the user
Valid From Date Entitlement of resource valid start date User Resource Entitlement History

This report provides administrators or auditors the ability to view user's resource entitlement history over user's lifecycle. This report can be used for compliance and forensic auditing purposes. This is not a user access profile snapshot report. This is a lifetime report showing entire history of user's entitlements.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
User ID ID of the user
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
Email Email of the user
Resource Name Name of the resource
Organization Organization of the user
Role Name Name of the role
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user
Effective From Date Resource entitlement effective start date
Effective To Date Resource entitlement effective end date


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
User ID ID of the user
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User Status Status of the user
User Type Type of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Email Email of the user
Start Date Start date of resource entitlement
End Date End date of resource entitlement
Identity Creation Date Date of identity creation
Manager First Name First name of the manager
Manager Last Name Last name of the manager


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Entitlement Code Code of the entitlement
Entitlement Name Name of the entitlement
Resource Type of the resource
Effective From Date Resource entitlement effective start date
Effective To Date Resource entitlement effective end date

20.5.6 User Reports

Oracle Identity Management BI Publisher Reports provides the following user reports for Oracle Identity Manager: User Profile History

This report shows all the users and their details based on the input parameters.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Role Name Role of the user
Manager User ID ID of the Manager to whom the user reports
Employee Status Status of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Changes Date Range From Effective start date of the changes
Changes Date Range To Effective end date of the changes
Snapshot Date Range From Effective start date of resource access to the user
Snapshot Date Range To Effective end date of resource access to the user


The following table lists the fields of the report:

Report Field Description
User ID ID of the user
User First Name First name of the user
User Last Name Last name of the user
Manager User ID ID of the reporting Manager
Manager First Name First name of the reporting Manager
Manager Last Name Last name of the reporting Manager
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of employee
Employee Type Type of employee
Identity Creation Date User creation date


The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
Profile Parameter Name of user profile
Value Value of user profile
Date Effective From Effective from date
Time Effective From Effective from time User Summary

It lists all Oracle Identity Manager users created in a specified time period. In addition, it provides information on whether the users were created manually or through trusted reconciliation.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Employee Status Status of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Creation Date From Start date of user summary
Creation Date To End date of user summary




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Manager ID ID of the Manager to whom the user reports
Source User creation source
Creation Date Date at which the user is created Users Deleted

This report shows all the deleted users and their details based on input parameters.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Deletion Date From Start date of summary of deleted users
Deletion Date To End date of summary of deleted users




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Manager ID ID of the Manager to whom the user reports
Source User creation source
Deletion Date Date at which the user is deleted Users Disabled

This report provides the ability to view the details of users whose accounts are disabled. The account may be disabled for various reasons. For example, rejection in attestation, unsuccessful login or password reset attempts failure and so on.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Disabled Date From Start date of user disabled
Disabled Date To End date of user disabled




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Current status of the employee
Employee Type Type of employee
Manager ID ID of the Manager to whom the user reports
Source User creation source
Disabled Date Date at which the user is disabled Users Unlocked

This report provides the ability to view the details of users whose disabled accounts are unlocked by administrators. Delegated administrators of the organizations to whom the user belongs may enable the accounts.

Input Parameters

The table lists the report input parameters used to specify a criterion for subsetting data:

Report Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Unlocked Date From Start date of user unlocked
Unlocked Date To End date of user unlocked




The following table lists the columns of the report:

Report Column Description
First Name First name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
User ID ID of the user
Organization Organization of the user
Employee Status Status of the user
Employee Type Type of employee
Manager ID ID of the Manager to whom the user reports
Source User creation source
Unlocked Date Date at which the user is unlocked

20.6 Exception Reports

In Oracle Identity Manager, exception refers to the difference between accounts that a user is entitled to and the accounts that are actually assigned to a user. The user is assigned these accounts as a result of access policies, provisioning of resources, approval requests, and reconciliation events. Any difference of these accounts assigned to a user in the target system and the ones assigned to the user in Oracle Identity Manager comprises an exception.

The following exception reports have been introduced in this release:

20.7 Creating Reports Using Third-Party Software

Oracle Identity Manager supports the creation of reports by using third-party tools such as Crystal Reports. You can use a third-party tool to create the reports listed in Section 20.5, "Reports for Oracle Identity Manager".


To learn how to create reports by using third-party software, see the third-party software documentation.