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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Linux x86-64
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17 Oracle B2B

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle B2B. It includes the following topics:

17.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

17.1.2 Using Oracle B2B Online Help

Allow pop-ups (disable the browser pop-up blocker) to use the Oracle B2B online help.

17.1.3 Non-administrator Users Can Perform Certain Administrative Tasks

Although the Save button is not displayed on the Agreement page for remote partner administrators, these users can update and save agreements by editing the agreement name on non-deployed agreements, and then updating and saving the agreements. Oracle B2B does not check the user authorization in this case.

17.1.4 replyToAppMessageId Incorrectly Set in Ack Notifications

Oracle B2B offers a notification of an Ack (AS2-MDN or EDI-FA) that is sent back to a composite or AQ (IP_IN_QUEUE) if configured using the Oracle B2B interface (Administration > Configuration page). The received Ack notification appears similar to the following:

<Acknowledgment xmlns=""

Note, however, that the replyToAppMessageId is always incorrectly set to be the same as the replyToB2BMessageId.

17.1.5 Batch Messages and Batch Schedules

Note the following:

  • If an exception occurs during an outbound batch, the batch is not cleared from the repository. This is true even if a trigger has been fired. In this case, you must manually delete the scheduled batch entry using the Administration > Manage Batch page in the Oracle B2B interface.

  • If you disable a single time invocation batch schedule, any messages set in WAIT_BATCH mode remain in this mode if the schedule is not re-enabled before the expiry time. Furthermore, a new batch schedule created for the same document will not process these messages. The workaround is to resend the message using the resubmit application message option.

17.1.6 Notification Is Not Available for an Ack Received for an EDI FA

Receipt notification does not occur for an Ack (AS2-MDN) received back for an EDI FA document that was sent.

17.1.7 FileNotFoundException Message After Saving an EDI Document Definition

After creating an EDI document definition, accessing and saving the document definition (when no updates have been made to the ecs file) can cause a FileNotFoundException message to be generated.

17.1.8 Incorrect User Information for Receipt Notification (AS2 MDN) to AQ

When delivering a receipt notification (AS2 MDN) to AQ, Oracle B2B incorrectly sets the user information to the document routing ID (if the outbound document has a document routing ID set) instead of b2backuser.

17.1.9 Application Message Report Displays Incorrect Document Type

The application message report in the Oracle B2B interface incorrectly displays document types. Specifically, the application message report displays the following:

  • For receipt messages, the displayed document type is for the outbound message. If you want to collect metric data on the number of inbound application messages for a specific document type, the issue can cause queries to report incorrect data.

  • For FA messages, the displayed document type is the same as the FA message type.

17.1.10 Generated MDN Incorrectly Uses Name Identifier in Inbound Agreement

In synchronous AS2 mode, the generated MDN uses the AS2 Identifier set in the inbound agreement. If no AS2 Identifier is defined in the agreement, then the generated MDN incorrectly uses the name identifier. The workaround is to set the expected AS2 Identifier in the inbound agreement.

17.1.11 Oracle B2B Signs MDN Using the Algorithm Set in the Agreement Delivery Channel

In AS2, a request for a signed MDN from the recipient can specify the algorithm to use for signing. Oracle B2B, however, incorrectly signs the MDN with the algorithm set in the agreement delivery channel. This algorithm may be different from the requested algorithm.

17.1.12 Sending an Unknown AS2 From-Header Is Not Recognized as an Error

When receiving an EDI document over an AS2 exchange, if Oracle B2B fails to identify the trading partner using the AS2 From Identifier, Oracle B2B tries to identify the partner using the EDI Interchange and Group ID. The failure to identify the partner by the AS2 Identifier is ignored.

17.1.13 Incorrect URL in the Wire Message for a Received Synchronous MDN

The synchronous MDN received by the host server in response to an AS2 message sent over SSL shows an incorrect URL in the wire message. Specifically, the URL indicates the HTTPS protocol while the port information is for the HTTP listen port.

17.1.14 Invalid EDI Interchange ID Qualifier or Function Group Identifier Is Not Recognized as an Error

Setting an invalid EDI Interchange ID Qualifier or an invalid Function Group Identifier (not part of the default ecs Qualifier Standard Code List_105 or Function Identifier Code Standard Code List_479 respectively) is not signalled as a MSG_ERROR in the outbound case. Oracle B2B instead delivers the message to the configured endpoint without error.

17.1.15 Oracle Enterprise Manager Shows Incorrect Error Count Following Successful Resubmit

When a B2B channel is configured to retry following an error (such as a transport channel being unavailable) and the message is subsequently successfully delivered, Oracle Enterprise Manager fails to adjust the corresponding error count.

17.1.16 XEngine Is Not Installed on the Second Node in a Clustered Environment

In a clustered environment, the XEngine is not installed on the second node when the node is on another computer. This is because the XEngine extraction occurs only when you run the Configuration Wizard (which is not run automatically on the second node). The workaround is to perform the XEngine extraction manually and then restart the server.

17.1.17 EDI Batching Results in Incorrect Average Message Size on Metrics Page

When Oracle B2B batches multiple messages into a single message, the native message size for each business message is recorded as the size of all messages in the batch. This results in Oracle B2B reporting an incorrect average message size on the Metrics pages of the Oracle B2B interface.

17.1.18 User Deleted Using Oracle WebLogic Console Continues to Appear in Oracle B2B Interface for Several Minutes

After deleting a user using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, the user continues to appear in the Oracle B2B interface for approximately five minutes. This is because the user information remains cached in the managed server (Oracle B2B) for a user-configurable period of time. Performing certain operations, such as provisioning this user, can generate an error.

The workaround is to wait for longer than five minutes after deleting a user using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Alternatively, you can specify the following system property in the file to disable the cache:

17.1.19 Do Not Purge Instance Metadata When Messages Are Being Processed

Do not purge instance metadata (using the Purge Instance Metadata button on the Administration > Purge tab) when messages are being processed. Doing so can result in messages in progress being lost. Instead, use the b2bpurge command-line utility, which accepts a date range and message state as arguments. When using the b2bpurge command, remove messages in the Completed state only (unless you have a specific reason for doing otherwise).

17.1.20 Test Page for B2BMetadataWSPort Is Not Found

The test page for B2BMetadataWSPort results in a "404 Not Found" error. The workaround is to change the port number in the URL for the link from the managed server port to the admin server port (7001) and try again.

17.1.21 Use the Oracle B2B Interface Instead of Command-Line Utilities in a Clustered Environment

In a clustered environment, do not use the B2B command-line utilities for purging data, importing data, and exporting data. Use the Oracle B2B interface for these functions.

17.1.22 ebMS Negative Acknowledgments for Decryption and Signature Failures

For ebMS documents, negative acknowledgments for decryption and signature failures are sent as security severity errors. For all other negative ebMS acknowledgments, the error is set as UnknownError.

17.1.23 Issues When Resubmitting Messages Using the AS2 Exchange

Under certain circumstances, resubmitting an asynchronous AS2 inbound wire message does not work as expected. For example, change the state of an inbound agreement to inactive. On receiving a message, a negative acknowledgment is generated and sent back. The sender sees the message state as MSG_ERROR on receipt of the negative acknowledgment. Resolve the issue on the inbound side by changing the agreement state from inactive to active. Now two scenarios for resubmitting the asynchronous message exist:

Scenario A: Resubmit the wire message at the sender's side. Because the message was already processed at the receiver's end, this results in a duplicate error message.

Scenario B: Resubmit the wire message at the receiver's end. This passes at the receiver's end and pushes back a positive acknowledgment message. However, the state of the message on the sender's side is not changed. Although scenario A can be expected, scenario B should have worked. However, because the state of the message is MSG_ERROR, the incoming positive acknowledgment is ignored. This results in inconsistency in reporting at the two ends. The inbound side passes the message to the back-end successfully, whereas the outbound side has the message in the MSG_ERROR state.

17.1.24 Instance Data Access Java API Is Not Available

The Oracle B2B Instance Data Access Java API is not available in this release. The API will be available in a future release.

17.1.25 XSLTCallout Is Not Available

The predefined callout, XSLTCallout, is not available in this release.

17.1.26 JTA Settings Based on Loads

Based on the database load and the application server load, tune the transaction timeout setting in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. Select JTA from the home page and increase the default setting of 30 to a higher value.

17.1.27 Settings for Large Payloads When Using Enqueue Scripts

Set the following properties in the file when enqueuing large payloads:


Because the full directory path must be provided, use the local computer for this operation.

17.1.28 FTPS Connection Times Out with Implicit SSL Encryption

Implicit SSL encryption is not supported in the transport layer.

17.1.29 %ACTIONNAME% Filename Format Is Not Recognized

The %ACTIONNAME% filename format is not recognized when used with the File, FTP, and SFTP transport protocols.

17.1.30 RosettaNet Message Encoded in UTF-16 Fails at the Receiver's End

Oracle B2B is unable to process an inbound RosettaNet message encoded as UTF-16. A document protocol identification error is returned.

17.1.31 Save Autogenerated Agreements Before Deployment

Save autogenerated agreements at least once before the agreements are deployed. The agreement parameter settings for translation/validation and FA are generated in the agreement only when you save an agreement and not when it is autogenerated. Although the interface may show the default values, they are not captured in the agreement metadata and are ignored at run time; that is, the inbound EDI message may not be translated.

17.1.32 Some Listening Channel Details Are Not Relevant for the Selected Protocol

On the Listening Channel tab, some parameter fields that are displayed in the Channel Details area based on your protocol selection are not relevant to that protocol. Entering a value for these parameters has no effect. Table 17-1 lists the parameter fields that are not relevant.

Table 17-1 Fields That Display but Are Not Relevant for the Selected Protocol

If you select this protocol... Then you can ignore these parameter fields...


Subject, Send as attachment, Ack Mode, Response Mode, Retry Count, Retry Interval, all fields on the Security tab

Generic File-1.0

Retry Count, Retry Interval

Generic AQ-1.0

Retry Count, Retry Interval

Generic FTP-1.0

Use Proxy, Retry Count, Retry Interval

Generic SFTP-1.0

Retry Count, Retry Interval

Generic JMS-1.0

Retry Count, Retry Interval

Generic Email-1.0

Subject, Send as attachment, Retry Count, Retry Interval

17.1.33 FTP Listening Channel Does Not Have Proxy Support

The Generic FTP-1.0 protocol for a listening channel does not have proxy support.

17.1.34 b2bpurge Command-Line Utility May Not Terminate Listening Threads for Inactive Channels

When using the b2bpurge command-line utility, if inactive channels exist, then those listening threads are not terminated. The workaround is to repeat the b2bpurge call two or three times until the listening threads for the inactive channels are terminated.

17.1.35 Exporting Multiple Agreements That Include Agreement Names That Use a Multibyte Character Language

If you select multiple agreements to export (from Administration > Import/Export), and any of those agreement names are in a multibyte character language, then in the export ZIP file, which contains a separate ZIP file for each agreement, the ZIP file names for the agreement names with the multibyte characters are garbled. The ZIP files with the garbled names are corrupted and cannot be successfully imported. However, a single agreement name (or repository name) in a multibyte character language is exported correctly.

17.1.36 ebMS Delivery Channel Is Required for ebMS Inbound Agreements with Asynchronous Ack Mode

For an inbound agreement that uses an ebMS exchange with the Ack Mode parameter set to asynchronous, an ebMS delivery channel is required.

17.1.37 Even with the Log Level Set to Default, Details Are Written to the Log File

Normally the default log level suppresses details in the log file. However, for RosettaNet deployments, log details are not suppressed even with the default log level setting.

17.1.38 Enabling Multibyte Support for EDIFACT and HL7 Documents

For documents using the XEngine, such as EDIFACT and HL7 documents, when you have a payload with multibyte characters that are not in the EDIFACT and HL7 document character set registry, you may see the error, "A data element contains characters not listed in the allowed character set."

To avoid this error, create a custom character set (CS) file in Oracle B2B Document Editor called user.cs:

  1. In Oracle B2B Document Editor, click Tools > Character Set Registry.

  2. In the Character Set Registry window, select the character set you want to override.

    For example, you may want to override EDIFACT UNOB CS or HL7 CS.

  3. Click the Duplicate icon.

  4. In the Duplicate Character Set Properties window, accept the defaults and add the specific multibyte characters at the end of the Charset blank; then click OK.

  5. With the duplicated file still selected, click the Export icon.

  6. Name the file user.cs and save it.

  7. Copy user.cs to


Now documents such as EDIFACT and HL7 will use the user.cs file instead of the default CS file to verify the payload file.

17.1.39 Using Document Definition Names with Multibyte Characters in JDeveloper

When working with document definition names with multibyte characters (MBCS-named document definitions) in the B2B Configuration Wizard in JDeveloper, you may see the error " Invalid UTF8 encoding" at the step where the document definitions are loading for you to select the document definition for the service. This occurs when JDeveloper is running in a non-UTF-8 environment (for example, in Windows, using Simplified Chinese Win2k3, or in a native encoding Linux OS, using zh_CN.gb18030). However, in a Linux environment with UTF-8 encoding, such as zh_CN.utf8, MBCS-named document definitions load correctly. After loading, the MBCS-named document definition becomes the name of the document XSD folder in JDeveloper.

To ensure that MBCS-named document definitions load and display correctly in the B2B Configuration Wizard, do the following:

  • When using JDeveloper in a Linux environment, first set the LANG and LC_All environment variables to a locale with the UTF-8 character set. This enables the operating system to process any characters in Unicode. Then start JDeveloper.

  • When using JDeveloper in a Windows environment, start JDeveloper using UTF-8 encoding with jdev -J-Dfile.encoding=utf-8.

17.1.40 NULL May Be Displayed in the Document Definition Names for Cloned Partners

Exports from an 11g R1 SOA - Oracle B2B installation that contain cloned trading partners will show null for document definition names for the definitions in the cloned trading partner. (This issue is not seen with partners cloned using the 11g PS1 SOA - Oracle B2B installation.) For example, the definition will appear as EDI_X12-4010-850-null.

When this occurs, recreate the document definition as follows:

  1. Delete agreements associated with the document definition. (If you do not delete the agreement, trying to delete the definition produces an error.)

  2. Delete the document definition.

  3. Create the document definition and add it to the trading partner.

  4. Create new agreements containing the document definition.

17.1.41 Suppressing Validation Errors on Extra Elements in HL7 Messages

For HL7 messages, set HL7.AllowExtraData to false in XERegistry.xml to suppress validation errors on extra elements.

The XERegistry.xml file is located in the following directory:


17.1.42 Oracle B2B in High Availability Environments

See Section 6.2.11, "Message Sequencing and MLLP Not Supported in Oracle B2B HA Environments," for more information.

17.1.43 Methods for Recovering Messages in High-Stress Environments

Use the following solutions to recover messages that would otherwise be lost in high-stress environments involving outbound messages with multiple instances of Oracle B2B running, each with multiple threads.

Situation 1: Duplicate File Names

In situations where all message file names, TPname_timestamp, are sent to the same directory, the timestamps include milliseconds; thus, in normal situations, all file names are unique. However, in high-stress environments, duplicate file names can occur, resulting in files being overwritten by a later file with the same name.

The solution is to append the unique MSG_ID value to file names. In the B2B interface, go to the Partners link and select a remote trading partner. Go to Channels > Transport Protocol Parameters. For channels where the Filename format parameter is applicable, add %MSG_ID% as a filename format macro. All file names will then be unique.

Situation 2: Exhausted Message Redelivery Attempts

If you see the message java.lang.RuntimeException: AppMessage is null:msg_id, a race condition may be indicated. A race condition occurs when a JMS event has been enqueued and dequeued for processing, but the corresponding message is not committed in the run-time repository. The B2B engine will retry the transaction, but it may fail if retry occurs immediately. If all retry attempts are exhausted, the event delivery transaction is rolled back and an exception message is sent to the configured exception queue, if an exception queue is configured.

To configure the exception queue and to resubmit exhausted redelivered messages from the exception queue to B2BEventQueue, use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Do the following:

  1. Create a queue and name it something like B2BEventException.

  2. In the console, go to the settings for B2BEventQueue (Home > JMSModules > SOAJMSModule) and click the Configuration > Delivery Failure tab.

  3. For Expiration Policy, select Redirect.

  4. For Error Destination, select the queue you created in step 1 (for example, B2BEventException).

    The messages that cannot be processed by B2B for the given redelivery count are forwarded to this error destination queue.

  5. Move the messages from the configured error destination queue to B2BEventQueue to resubmit the messages for processing.

    See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help topic, "Manage queue messages," for how to move messages.

17.1.44 Inbound ebMS Messages Checked Irrespective of Duplicate Elimination Setting

According to ebMS standards, Oracle B2B must check for duplicate inbound ebMS messages only if the DuplicateElimination tag is present in the ebMS message. However, currently, B2B tries to detect duplicate inbound ebMS messages irrespective of whether the DuplicateElimination tag is present or not in the ebMS message.

17.1.45 Resubmitting Outbound Complete ebMS Message Errors Out When @ Is Present in b2bmsgid

The @ symbol is not supported in Msgid.

17.1.46 SOA Infrastructure Schema Prevents the Use of Edition-Based Redefinition

Edition-based redefinitions are not supported for SOA B2B in the current release.

17.1.47 Transport Callouts Are Not Available for Listening Channels

Transport callouts are not available for listening channels.

17.1.48 B2B User/Role Provisioning

In a multiple-node SOA server domain, the JMX framework propagates local changes to a file-based policy to each run-time environment, so that the data is refreshed based on caching policies and configuration.

In a multiple-node server environment, it is recommended that the domain policy and credential stores be centralized in an LDAP-based store. Otherwise, if they are file-based, then local changes to user privileges made in the B2B UI will not be properly propagated and can end up in error situations.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for more information.

17.1.49 Fault Repair and Resubmission From Oracle Enterprise Manager Facility Is Not Available

In Oracle Enterprise Manager, there is no fault repair for Binding Components such as Oracle B2B. It is only available for service engines such as BPEL and Mediator.

17.1.50 Create Separate Batch Criteria For Document Type With Varying Application References

Different EDIEL document types (DELFOR and MSCONS) having different interchange APPLICATION REFERENCE settings, when batched together within a single interchange, used the setting for APPLICATION REFERENCE field from only the first document to be batched.

To avoid this issue it is suggested that if documents have varying interchange Application References, then users should create separate batching criteria for these documents, that is do not batch them together.

17.1.51 Limitation Using BOM-based XSD Schema in Oracle B2B

XSD with BOM is not fetched from Oracle JDeveloper when modeling an Oracle B2B Composite. The issue is due to the BOM occurring at the start of the file.

17.1.52 Multiple Sender ID Support Required Redeployment After Addition of New ID

The current Oracle B2B implementation to support multiple sender interchange ID requires users to redeploy the agreements after the addition of the new interchange ID. If deployment of agreements is not done, then the interchange IDs that were present at the time of the initial deployment are the only ones that are considered during validation check.

17.1.53 Outbound Average Message Calculation Incorrect

For the message that goes into error, the message count is increased; however, the message size is (of the message in error) is not taken into account. This causes the reported average to be lower the than expected.

17.1.54 FTP Listening Channel Does Not Support Proxy

FTP listening channel does not support proxy.

17.1.55 Clicking on Reports Displays Spurious Warnings in the Managed Server Console Log

Clicking on the Reports tab (defaults to Business Message Report) results in several instances of the following warning in the Managed Server Console log (from where the managed Server is started):

Could not find selected item matching value "" ...

17.1.56 Duplicated GUID in EDI Batched Outbound Messages Causes All to Error

If there are two messages with same GUID value in a set of batched outbound EDI messages, then the XEngine will error out all the messages in that batch. In earlier releases, the behavior was to error out only the duplicate message, the other messages would pass through.

17.1.57 CPP/CPA Conversion to B2B Metadata With BPSS Document Has Limitations

The CPP/CPA cpaimport command line utility option, when executed with -Dstandard=true has some known limitation in converting to B2B metadata. It is not supported if CPP/CPA contains references to BPSS documents.

17.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

17.2.1 Functional Ack Internal Properties Setting Ignored for HL7

For HL7, setting the Functional Ack internal property (FAInternalProperty) to false using the Administration > Configuration page in the Oracle B2B interface causes Oracle B2B to nevertheless use the payload header FA internal properties instead of the design-time parameters.

When the FAInternalProperty is set to true and there are different payload and design-time parameter values, you may see an error in the Ack message. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not set the FAInternalProperty to true for HL7.

17.2.2 Unable To Specify Separate Parameters for Remote Trading Partner Sender and Receiver

Although the metadata for a remote trading partner stores separate information for the sender and the receiver for the same document definition, you cannot specify these differences using the Oracle B2B interface.

The workaround is to create a new document definition and use the two definitions to specify the parameters for the sender and receiver separately.

17.2.3 Unable To Set Ack Requested Field for Interchange

The Oracle B2B interface does not offer the ability to set the Ack Requested field for Interchange.

17.2.4 Overriding Defaults in a Host Document Not Carried to the Remote Trading Partner

When creating a host document, including specifying the version, type, and definition, Oracle B2B assigns default values to certain fields that can be overridden by the user. If you override one or more nonmandatory fields by making them blank and then add the definition to the remote trading partner, the default values that you intentionally left blank reappear for the remote trading partner.

To resolve this issue, manually make the nonmandatory fields blank again for the remote trading partner.

17.2.5 "Query Sent to an Unactivated UnitOfWork" Exception

When using any document protocol, the following exception appears in the seller's soa.log file:

Exception Description: Query sent to an unactivated UnitOfWork.

The workaround is to increase the JTA timeout from 30 to a higher value using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

17.2.6 Tablespace Configuration Recommendation for Production Environments

Increase the default tablespace configuration in production environments to prevent error conditions that can occur when processing a large number of messages.

17.2.7 Limitation of b2b.addcorrelatedfainfoinexceptionxml Property

When enabled, the property b2b.addCorrelatedFAInfoInExceptionXML sets exception message with detail of the Correlated FA message that indicated error for the outbound EDI document. This additional information is passed only to the AQ exception message and not to the Fabric exception message.

17.2.8 Enable Auto Search Feature Does Not Function

In the Oracle B2B interface, the Enable Auto Search parameter (on the Administration > Configuration page) does not function in this release.

17.2.9 Document Information Extraction Property Does Not Work With JMS Option

Setting the property b2b.HL7DocIdentification=true in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Console works for the AQ and composite default options, but this feature does not work with JMS.

See Section 17.3.9, "Use b2b.hl7docidentification To Extract Document Information" for usage.

17.3 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topics:

17.3.1 Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B Has More Information Than Online Help

See Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B for more complete information than what is available from the Help link in Oracle B2B. In particular, the guide includes descriptions of the Active Document Types fields and Active Trading Partners fields (Table 17-1) and the Summary fields (Table 17-2) that are not found in the online help.

17.3.2 Default Value for the b2b.r1ps1 Property Is True

In Figure 30-3, "Configuring B2B Attributes," in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite, the value displayed for the b2b.r1ps1 property in the Element_1 node is incorrect. The default value for this property is true, not false.

17.3.3 B2B Configuration Wizard Tooltip in JDeveloper Incorrectly Refers to OC4J

The descriptive text (tooltip) that pops up when you move the cursor over the Test B2B button on the Application Server Connection page of the B2B Configuration Wizard in Oracle JDeveloper incorrectly refers to the SOA OC4J HTTP port. Clicking this button tests the B2B server connection.

17.3.4 Outbound File/FTP/SFTP Changes to Default File Name Format

The outbound File/FTP/SFTP channel has the file name format changed in 11gR1 PS2 as follows,


For example,

GlobalChips_850_4010_2009FEB23_03_22_07_321_238_245 .dat

Threadhashvalue - executing threads value.

VMID - virtual machines unique identifier.

Note: the original format is ToParty_<timestamp>.dat.

17.3.5 New Section: Monitoring Oracle B2B Faults and Rejected Messages

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Recent Faults area lists the faults, including details such as the error message, time of the fault, and the associated composite instance ID. Faults can be logged on the incoming messages processed by a service binding component, or on the outgoing messages processed by a reference binding component.

Note that while all errors will appear in the Oracle B2B console, only a subset of faults will appear in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. This subset includes all inbound messages containing an error after trading partner identification in Oracle B2B.

See Chapter 4, "Monitoring the SOA Infrastructure,"and Chapter 38, "Monitoring Service and Reference Binding Components," in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite for more information.

Note the following:

1) Oracle B2B faults and rejected messages can be monitored from the composite home or domain home page.

2) Oracle B2B error messages can be seen in the Error Message column, and you can use the error link to see the error details and Oracle B2B message payload (if authorized).

3) Recovery details indicates that these faults are not recoverable from Oracle Enterprise Manager, however you can see the error details and payload (if authorized) to identify the problem. And in the Oracle B2B console, you can resubmit these rejected messages if necessary.

4) Composite instance IDs are not are shown for Oracle B2B faults (Unavailable), because in these cases no SOA composite instance was created.

5) Click on Logs to see the correlated Oracle B2B log messages.

17.3.6 FA for Batched EDIEL Documents With Some Errors Indicates Accepted

In EDIEL, because the UCM segment is not used in the CONTRL messages, the error for individual messages (received as part of a complete batched inbound message) do not get reported back. The interchange level acknowledgment will indicate status as 7, which is the accepted status message.

17.3.7 New Property b2b.addCorrelatedFAInfoInExceptionXML

If the property b2b.addCorrelatedFAInfoInExceptionXML is set to true, then Oracle B2B will add the Business Message ID of the Functional Ack message which holds error information for the outbound EDI message.

Without this information, because the error contains only information of the outbound message that went to error state, the user is unable to quickly correlate the outbound message to the Functional Ack message.

17.3.8 Additional Fabric Application Interface Parameter Details

In the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B, Appendix C "Back-End Applications Interface," the following B2B Fabric application interface parameter details are to be added:

In Oracle Fusion Middleware 10g, Oracle B2B utilizes ACTION_NAME in IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to provide some special and dynamic features for the back end application to communicate with Oracle B2B. In Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, Oracle B2B users can also use normalized message properties to achieve the same functionality as described in Table 17-2.

Table 17-2 Oracle B2B 10g IP_MESSAGE_TYPE Mappings to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g SCA/Fabric Normalized Message Properties

Feature Description ACTION_NAME (IP_MESSAGE_TYPE) SCA/Fabric Protocol

Dynamic IP

Value of IP address to be dynamically overridden.








Dynamic EMail

Email address to be dynamically overridden.

DynamicEmail:<email address>




Generic Email

Email Subject

Email subject to be dynamically overridden.







Generic Email

File Name

File Name of the message. This is used typically for File name Preserve.

filename:<file name>







Content Type

Content Type of the message.

contentType:<content type>








Group Name of the trading partner for which the message to be broadcast.

Grouping:<group name>








sequenceTarget associated with the message.








Large Payload


payload field in NM

All protocols


EBMS Action name associated with the message.

ACTION:<Action name>







Generic File




EBMS Service associated with the message.

SERVICE:<Service name>







Service Type

EBMS Service Type associated with the message.

SERVICETYPE:<Service Type>







From Role

EBMS From Role associated with the message.

FROMROLE:<From Role>







To Role

EBMS To Role associated with the message.

TOROLE:<To Role>







Overriding ConnectionMode

Connection Mode associated with the message.








Custom Header

CUSTOM HEADER associated with the message.








17.3.9 Use b2b.hl7docidentification To Extract Document Information

If you enqueue an HL7 document without specifying a document type name and revision, it should be able to extract that information from the HL7 payload. To retrieve the document type name and version if it is not specified in the out queue by the application, set the following property in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Console.


Note: This property works for the AQ and composite default options, but does not work with JMS. See Section 17.2.9, "Document Information Extraction Property Does Not Work With JMS Option."

17.3.10 New Apps Tab in Document Definition Configuration

The new Apps tab is added to the Oracle B2B console to provide a few parameters for Oracle Fusion Applications and AIA integration with Oracle B2B.

17.3.11 Additional Information About Translation Web Service Request Attribute @type

The following information belongs in Table 19-4 "Translation Web Service Request" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B.


This attribute is applicable for both from and to. The value expected for from and to are the name of the Trading Partner. If you want to use different identifiers instead of Name you can supply a value against attribute @type.

The following example holds the name of the trading partner:


The following example holds the DUNS ID of the trading partner. Note that because the example uses DUNS ID, it is mentioned explicitly against type. (This example applies also applies to the to element.)

<from type="DUNS">11111111</from>

17.3.12 Transport Protocol Parameter Timestamp Format Specification

The following information belongs in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B, Table 5-3 "Transport Protocol Parameters," in the Filename Format row.

For outbound and inbound processing using generic exchange, the generated file name contains a time stamp of the default format (that is, YYYYMMMdd_HH_mm_ss_SSS).

In 11gR1 PS2, Filename Format provides the ability to provide a different timestamp format in the Transport Protocol Parameter: Filename Format, by entering the desired time stamp format in between square brackets ([]).

For example:


would generate a file name like this:


17.3.13 Name Identifier Removed at ebMS Run Time; Use b2b.ebmsname=true Property

In PS2, the name identifier that is always present in an ebMS agreement is not sent as part of PartyId at runtime. You must add an ebMS Identifier for every ebMS agreement using the property b2b.ebMSName=true. This property can be set using the configmbeanutil utility.

17.3.14 CPP/CPA Import and Export Performance Optimization

The following information belongs in sections 18.9 "CPP/CPA Import" and 18.10 "CPP/CPA Export" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B.

In 11gR1 PS2, the Oracle B2B command line utility for CPP/CPA import and export, a new command line argument was added to optimize performance. The new property is


When CPP/CPA import is performed using -Dstandard=true, then CPP/CPA export must be performed with -Dstandard=true.

For example:

 ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaimport -Dpropfile="<property-file>"
 ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcpaexport -Dpropfile="<property-file>"

If CPP/CPA import is performed using the -Dstandard=true flag, then for runtime to utilize this you must set b2b.useCPAid=true.

Outbound enqueue example:



Similarly, for the inbound Trading Partner side, set b2b.useCPAid=true if CPP/CPA import is performed using -Dstandard=true.

17.3.15 System Validates Saved Data

When validating an agreement, Oracle B2B validates the saved data. Oracle B2B does not validate any unsaved changes that you make to an agreement.

17.3.17 Oracle B2B Document Editor MapBuilder Component Not Supported

The MapBuilder component of Oracle B2B Document Editor is neither certified nor supported.

17.3.18 Supported MIME Types

The list of MIME types in the documentation for the Additional MIME Types configuration property in Table 16-1 is incorrect. The correct list for version is application/xml : application/octet-stream : application/EDIFACT : application/EDI-X12 : application/jpg : application/gzip : application/x-gzip : application/pkcs7-signature.