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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit)
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26 Oracle Technology Adapters

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Technology Adapters and the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters. It includes the following topics:

26.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

26.1.1 Oracle JCA Adapters Issues and Workarounds

This section describes issues and workarounds that are applicable to all adapters: Oracle AQ Adapter, Oracle JMS Adapter, Oracle Files/FTP Adapter, Oracle MQ Series Adapter, Oracle Database Adapter, and Oracle Socket Adapter.

This section includes the following issue: ECID Propagation Is Not Supported by Oracle Technology Adapters

ECID (Execution Context Identifier) propagation is not supported by Oracle Technology adapters. The ECID is used to keep track of message flow in Oracle Enterprise Manager, and hence this feature is not available in Oracle Technology adapters. Outbound Adapter Does Not Perform an Outbound Retry If the Outbound Adapter Throws an Exception with GLOBAL_RETRY

If an outbound adapter throws an exception with GLOBAL_RETRY, then the retry configured at the outbound adapter level will not take effect. The retry falls back to the caller which could be a BPEL process. It is observed that the retry happens from the inbound to the BPEL process (caller of BPEL process) in either of the following transaction semantics in Oracle BPEL process:

Scenario 1:

<property name="bpel.config.transaction">requiresNew</property>
<property name="bpel.config.oneWayDeliveryPolicy">sync</property>

Scenario 2:

<property  name="bpel.config.transaction">required</property>
<property name="bpel.config.oneWayDeliveryPolicy">sync</property>

If the adapter throws a LOCAL_RETRY, then the retry configured at the outbound adapter level will take effect.

Note that for the inbound retry to work, Oracle BPEL process must not have any dehydration points. JCA Binding Component Error Messages During Forceful Shutdown

During forceful shutdown of Oracle WebLogic Server, if the severs are processing data, then you may see JCA Binding Component error messages. These messages are benign. Manual Edits to WSDL Lost When Re-running the Adapter Configuration Wizard

Every time you use the Adapter Configuration Wizard to edit an adapter, the wizard uses the data you enter to recreate the adapter WSDL. If you made manual edits to the WSDL before, the Adapter Configuration Wizard will discard those changes the next time you edit the adapter.

The workaround for this issue is to make the same manual edits each time you use the Adapter Configuration Wizard. Setting the Payload Threshold in MBean for DB Adapter Outbound Operations

You can set the payload threshold in MBeans for DB Adapter Outbound operations such as Select, Pure SQL, and the Stored Procedure Adapter's Select Operations. However, values you set in the MBean might not take effect dynamically; when you change the value in the Mbean, you need to redeploy the SOA composite. This release note is specific to both Windows and Linux operating system platforms.

You can use the following procedure to set the payload threshold in Mbeans:

  1. Deploy a composite with a threshold value in the composite.xml file.This value in the composite.xml overrides the value in MBean defined in EM Console..

  2. If the value in the Mbean is changed, and if that value is the value that is to take effect, you must redeploy the composite application. Value for MBean in Enterprise Manager is Not Consistent with Expected Behavior

When configuring a DataBase Adapter Inbound operation, do not provide a value in the SOA composite application. Provide a data size of about 70 bytes for the DB Inbound Adapter.

Refer to the following scenario for setting the value in the Enterprise Manager for DefaultPayloadSizeThreshold:

  1. Change the default value for the threshold from -1 to 2 bytes. Data is rejected (this is expected behavior).

  2. Change the default value for the threshold from 2 bytes to -1 bytes. Data is rejected (this is not expected behavior).

  3. Change the default value for the threshold from -1 byte to 50000 bytes. Data is processed (this is expected behavior).

  4. Change the default value for the threshold from 50000 bytes to -1 byte. Data is processed (this is expected behavior).

The results in Steps 2 and 4 should be the same, but are currently not so.

The exception occurs when you perform a step similar to Step 2 with a sequence of steps and occurs on any operating system platform..

26.1.2 Oracle JCA Adapter for Files/FTP Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds related to Oracle File and FTP Adapters:

It includes the following sections: Files Lost During an SOA Server Failover

The Oracle File Adapter picks up a file from an inbound directory, processes the file, and sends the processed file to an output directory. However, during this process if a failover occurs in an SOA managed server, then the file may be lost because of the nontransactional nature of Oracle File Adapter. As a result, some files read by the inbound adapter may not be sent to the output directory. You must configure the Oracle File Adapter for high availability, to ensure that files are not lost during a failover. DOM Parsing Exception at Run Time

When Oracle File and FTP Adapters read a Unicode XML file with byte order mark (BOM), a DOM parsing exception is thrown at runtime. If the Unicode XML file does not use BOM, then an exception is not thrown. Rejection Handling Not Working Properly for XML-Debatching Scenarios

In case of debatching scenarios with XML payloads that have errors such as extra tags and spurious data, output files are created along with the rejected messages. JCA Property Updates from Enterprise Manager Console Are Not Applied If a Logical Directory Is Used

If Oracle File and FTP Adapters use logical directories for inbound or outbound operations, then JCA property updates from Oracle Enterprise Manager Console are not applied. Prerequisite for Oracle FTP Adapter Debatching Scenarios on FTPS

You must use a synchronous process in case of Oracle FTP Adapter debatching scenarios on FTP over SSL (FTPS) for large payloads. If a synchronous process is not used, then the FTP server throws the error code, 421. Chunked Read Feature Not Supported for Secure FTP

The Chunked Read feature of Oracle FTP Adapter is not supported for SFTP (Secure FTP) using SSH transport. Editable Append Property With Dynamic File Name

When a dynamic file name is specified for an output file, the Append property must not be edited. However, the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console allows you to edit the Append property even when you specify a dynamic file name for an output file. Ensure that you do not edit the Append property when you specify a dynamic file name for an output file.

When using a dynamic file name the value of the Append property must be false. By default, the value of the Append property is false and this must not be edited while using a dynamic file name. Data Lost During Read Operation from an Input File with Errors

When an Oracle File Adapter processes a file with some invalid records, the invalid records are sent to the rejected messages directory, whereas, the valid records are lost. To ensure that no data is lost, input files with invalid data must be sent to the error archive queue. You must set the following properties in the WSDL file for the Read file operation to ensure that input files with errors are sent to the error archive queue:

  • PhysicalErrorArchiveDirectory="physical_directory_ path"
  • LogicalErrorArchiveDirectory="logical_directory_path" Attachments and Payload Validation are Incompatible

If you enable payload validation when using attachments, the Oracle FTP Adapter fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException and logs an error like: "FtpIn FtpInAdapter Service FtpIn was unable to perform delivery of inbound message to the composite".

When using attachments, disable payload validation. For Attachments, payload validation is unnecessary.

26.1.3 Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issue and workaround related to Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ:

It includes the following section: Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ Reading Field from Object Type Depends on Server Locale Encoding

In an SOA project that contains outbound Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ, Mediator or BPEL, and an inbound Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ, when you select the business payload option as Field within the Object, the national characters are garbled. This issue depends on server locale encoding and exists only on native locale. However, when the server is running on UTF-8 encoding, this issue does not exist. Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ Does Not Dequeue Messages from Queues in Oracle E-Business Suite Applications

It is recommended that you use Oracle Adapter for Oracle Applications to dequeue from queues in E-Business Suite Applications and not Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ. AQ_INVALID_PAYLOAD_HEADERS_OUTBOUND Error When Payload Field is Selected

When using the Adapter Configuration Wizard to configure the object payload, you may configure the Business Payload as either:

  • Whole Object

  • Field within the Object

If you select Field within the Object, and you do not check the Access to non-payload fields also needed option, your composite may fail at run time with an AQ_INVALID_PAYLOAD_HEADERS_OUTBOUND error.

The workaround for this issue is to always select the Access to non-payload fields also needed option when you configure the Business Payload by selecting the Field within the Object option.

For more information, see "The Adapter Configuration Wizard Object Payload Page" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters. Enabling Payload Validation Using XSD

If you use Oracle Enterprise Manager Console to enable payload validation at the SOA-INFRA level, then for inbound Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ (including B2B adapters or Oracle Adapter for Oracle Applications that use Oracle JCA Adapter for AQ), then Oracle recommends that you use the following block in your payload XSD:


The following exception is observed when JMS or AQ adapter samples are run on the WebSphere Application Server. It is because of a known WebSphere Bug which is tracked via APAR PM 12735, which has been fixed but for which a patch is not available. The exception is seen with AQ and JMS adapter samples but is not only confined to those types of adapters; it does occur with scenarios that involve JMS and AQ adapters, as a result of the IBM WebSphere bug.As a workaround, you can restart the WebSphere server when the exception occurs. You can use this workaround until the patch is available and can be applied to your environment.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: setManagedConnection: illegal state 
exception. State = STATE_TRAN_WRAPPER_INUSE MCW = 1f571f57 

26.1.4 Oracle JCA Adapter for JMS Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds related to Oracle JMS Adapter: Example of Flow Control Settings for Oracle JMS Adapter

Anytime the exception weblogic.messaging.kernel.QuotaException: Quota blocking time exceeded and no quota available is encountered, WLS JMS provider allows flow control settings that you can tweak to control the number of messages that are produced/consumed.

For more information about tweaking the control settings, see

The following is an example of the flow control settings used and the various thresholds for a message carrying a payload size of 5k:

Config JMSServer:
    Message Buffer Size:5000
Config JMSConnectionFactory:
    Flow Control:
    Flow Maximum: 30
    Flow Minimum: 1
    Flow Interval: 10
    Flow Step: 10
check Flow Control Enabled
    Default Delivery: Send Timeout: 3000000
Config JMS Destinations:
       Bytes Threshold High: 50000
       Bytes Threshold Low:  50
       Messages Threshold High: 100
       Messages Threshold Low: 1
       Set Quota Oracle JMS Adapter Re-entrant Wizard Displays a Warning Message When the Destination and JNDI Names Are Invalid

While migrating a project from one environment to another, Oracle JMS Adapter Wizard populates the Destination and JNDI name fields in edit mode in the following pages:

  • Consume Operation Parameters page

  • Produce Operation Parameters page

  • Request Operation Parameters page

  • Reply Operation Parameters page

  • Request/Reply Operation Parameters page

However, if you click Next, the Adapter Configuration Wizard validates whether this is a valid destination, and accordingly, displays a warning message if found to be invalid. You have the option to proceed or enter a valid destination. Distributed Topic in Clustered Environment Creates Extra Messages

When you use Oracle JMS adapter with a distributed topic deployed in a cluster, the scenario would result in more messages processed than the actual number of messages passed to the topic.

Each subscriber to the topic is handed a copy of the message to be processed by WLS JMS. So, the number of processed messages will be equal to the number of active subscribers on the distributed topic. This is a known behavior of Oracle WebLogic JMS in Oracle WebLogic Application Server 10.3. Old Queue is Still Polled After Changing Queue Name

When using the Oracle JMS Adapter in an Enqueue-Dequeue Request-Reply scenario, if you change the Queue name (Inbound Queue and Reply Queue) to a new value, the old queue is still polled.

The workaround for this issue is to configure the new Queue name and redeploy the composite.

26.1.5 Oracle JCA Adapter for Database Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds related to Oracle Database Adapter: The Value Of the Active Unit Of Work Property Is Not Saved for Outbound SELECT Operation

While configuring an outbound Oracle Database Adapter to perform a SELECT operation, if you select Get Active Unit of Work in the Adapter Configuration Wizard - Advanced Option page, then the value of the GetActiveUnitofWork property is not saved in the .jca file.

The workaround for this issue is to manually add this property in the .jca file of the Oracle Database Adapter, as shown in the following example:

<property name="GetActiveUnitOfWork" value="true"/> The Binding Fault Retries During Remote Fault Is Not Captured in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

Consider a scenario in which the Oracle Database Adapter retries the transaction at remote fault (that is, when the database is down) in a condition where the binding fault retry is specified in the composite.xml file, and there is no fault policy defined. In such a scenario, the binding fault retry performed by the Oracle Database Adapter is not captured in the Audit Trail in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console. Invalid Datatype Exception After Re-Creating Schema Object

If you re-create an Oracle Database PL/SQL statement or other schema object (such as a data type), or recompile a package body, and re-deploy a SOA composite that uses the Oracle Database Adapter, then the Oracle Database Adapter runtime will throw an ORA-00902: invalid datatype exception.

The workaround for this issue is to set the following Oracle WebLogic Server properties:

  • Data Source:

    • Initial Capacity: 0

    • Statement Cache Size: 0

  • Adapter Connection Pool:

    • Initial Capacity: 0

If your SOA composite is incompatible with these property settings, the workaround for this issue is to stop and start the Oracle WebLogic Server.

For more information, see:

  • "Configuring JDBC Data Sources" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC for Oracle WebLogic Server

  • "Connection Management" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Resource Adapters for Oracle WebLogic Server. Distributed Polling Using MarkReservedValue Disabled by Default

In this release, Oracle recommends that you use the new distributed polling approach based on skip locking. When editing an Oracle Database Adapter service which has a MarkReservedValue set, that value will be removed to enable the new best practice.

To use the old distributed polling approach based on a reserved value, select the value from the drop down menu. Stored Procedure Limitations in SQL Server 2008

The Oracle Database Adapter stored procedure interface does not support the following data types in SQL Server 2008:

  • TIME

  • DATE




26.1.6 Oracle JCA Adapter for MQ Series Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds related to Oracle MQ Series Adapter: Oracle MQ Series Adapter Does Not Support Asynchronous Request-Response Pattern for Mediator

Oracle MQ Series Adapter does not support asynchronous request-response pattern (where Mediator is the server). Oracle MQ Series Adapter Does Not Perform an Outbound Retry If the Outbound Resource Is XA

If you select the outbound resource as XA, then the Oracle MQ Series Adapter throws an exception and does not retry because it does not support an outbound retry with outbound resource as XA. On the other hand, if the outbound resource is non-XA, then the retry happens correctly. Oracle MQ Series Hangs If the Channel Is Brought Down in a Cluster Environment

When working with more than one managed server, if you try to bring down the channel, then Oracle MQ Series hangs. This occurs in both Windows and UNIX operating systems. Adding Additional Encoding Not Supported

Standard Java encodings and their mappings are provided with the MQ Series Adapter but the Adapter Configuration Wizard does not support addition of additional Java encodings that you may require.

To add support for the standard Java encodings that are not provided in the list, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the MQSeriesAdapter.jar file from the MQSeriesAdapter.rar file.

  2. Extract the file from the MQSeriesAdapter.jar file.

  3. Add the entry in the file. This file has two entries for a mapping between MQ Series encoding and Java encoding. For each new encoding that you require, you must make two entries to the file. Make an entry for the MQ Series encoding to the corresponding Java encoding and the other entry for the Java encoding to the corresponding MQ Series encoding. Using MQ Series version and XA Transactions

Oracle JCA Adapter for MQ Series is certified with MQ Series version If you are using XA transactions, then you must configure the server connection channel with a level of conversation sharing set to 0. Old Queue is Still Polled After Changing Queue Name

When using the Oracle MQ Series Adapter in an Enqueue-Dequeue Request-Reply or Dequeue-Enqueue Request-Reply scenario, if you change the Queue name (Inbound Queue and Reply Queue) to a new value, the old queue is still polled.

The workaround for this issue is to configure the new Queue name and redeploy the composite. Oracle MQ Series Adapter Reconnect Failure After Forceful Queue Manager Shutdown

If you forcefully shutdown the Inbound Queue Manger using the -i option (such as endmqm -i QUEUE-MANAGER), and then bring it up again, the Oracle MQ Series Adapter does not reconnect properly:

  • The Open Input count of the Inbound Queue is reduced from the default value 2 to 1 and the Inbound message is delivered to the Outbound Queue and then put back to the Inbound queue. The Oracle MQ Series Adapter repeats this infinitely.

  • In some cases, the Open Input count is reduced from the default value 2 to 1 and the messages are just delivered to the Outbound Queue.

The workarounds for this issue are:

  • Configure the SOA instances in non-blocking mode.

  • Restart the inbound partner link.

  • Stop and start the managed instance.

26.1.7 Oracle JCA Adapter for Socket Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issue and workaround related to Oracle Socket Adapter: Oracle Socket Adapter Not Supported On a Cluster-Based Environment

Oracle Socket Adapter is not supported on a cluster-based environment. If you try to deploy an inbound Oracle Socket Adapter in a clustered environment, then one of the managed servers throws an error message that the server's port is already in use. Inbound Operation Hostname Should Be an IP Address for a Multiple-NIC Host

When configuring the Oracle Socket Adapter using the Adapter Configuration Wizard, at step 4 of 7, if you select either of:

  • Inbound Synchronous Request/Reply

  • Inbound Receive

Then, at Adapter Configuration Wizard step 5 of 7, note the following:

  • If you want to override the default port for the given socket connection JNDI name, check Specify Host and Port.

  • If you check Specify Host and Port, you must enter a value for Host Name. Note the following:

    • If your host is associated with only one IP address, that is, if it has only one Network Interface Card (NIC), enter localhost.

    • If your host is associated with more than one IP address, that is, has more than one NIC, enter the one IP address you want the Oracle Socket Adapter to listen on.

      The Oracle Socket Adapter can listen on only one specific IP address. The Oracle Socket Adapter cannot listen on multiple IP addresses. Workaround for Exception with EncByteOrderCheckBox

When you design a Socket adapter project (both Inbound and Outbound) or edit an save the existing project, the following property is added to the JCA file:

<property name="EncByteOrderCheckBox" value="false"/>

This property, EncByteOrderCheckBox will not be recognized by the adapter and throws the following exception:

Error while performing
Endpoint Activation: BINDING.JCA-12532
Cannot set JCA WSDL Property
Property setEncByteOrderCheckBox is not defined for

There is a workaround: remove the EncByteOrderCheckBox from the .jca file. That is, remove the following property from the .jca file as the property itself is not recognized by the Adapter.

<property name="EncByteOrderCheckBox" value="false"/>

26.1.8 Native Format Builder Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds related to the Native Format Builder: Delimited by White Space Option Not Supported in NXSD

In the Specify Delimiter's page of the Native Format Builder wizard, the White space (any number of tab, space) option in the Delimited by list is not supported. Payload Validation Fails for Payloads Greater Than 10 MB in Size

When payload validation is enabled, it may fail with a java.lang.ClassCastException for payloads greater than 10 MB in size.

For more information, see "Payload Validation" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters.

26.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

There are no known configuration issues at this time.