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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit)
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48 Oracle Imaging and Process Management

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Imaging and Process Management. It includes the following topics:

48.1 General Issues

This section describes general issues. It includes the following topics:

48.1.1 I/PM Session Time Out When Using OSSO Requires Browser Refresh

When using Oracle Single Sign On and an I/PM session expires, WebLogic Server will return an internal server error. Refreshing the page returns to the I/PM log in page for reauthentication to start a new session.

48.1.2 Mixed Translations On Page

Oracle products support 10 standard languages for administrative tasks and 27 standard languages for user tasks. This means that in instances when a selected language is supported for user but not administrative tasks and an administrative task is performed, multiple languages may be displayed in the user interface.

48.1.3 Deleting More Than 100 Documents Can Cause Http 404 Errors

There is a known issue with Microsoft Internet Explorer if attempting to delete more than 100 documents using a search results table. Doing so can cause Internet Explorer to return a 404 Page Not Found error or potentially lock. This is due to Internet Explorer limiting URL strings to a maximum of 2083 characters. If it is necessary to delete over 100 documents using a search results table, Mozilla Firefox supports URLs up to 65,000 characters.

48.1.4 Time Zone Based on Time Zone of I/PM Server

All time information is now based on the time zone of the I/PM server. This means that any date metadata generated by the Oracle I/PM system, such as document creation date, modify date, or other audit events, is governed by the time zone of the I/PM server, and not the user time zone. This can cause date data to be displayed differently to what may be expected on some documents because the time zone may cross midnight.

For example, if the I/PM server is in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone and a document is created in the GMT+6 time zone on January 10th at 2:00 AM local time, the creation date that will be displayed in the user interface will be January 9th at 8:00 PM. This can have implications when searching for content based on creation and modification dates of documents.

48.1.5 I/PM Documents May Be Visible Natively Within WebCenter

If an I/PM is viewed through WebCenter, then the document is cached in WebCenter. This means that if a document is viewed in WebCenter prior to being annotated, the non-annotated document is viewable until such time as the WebCenter cache is refreshed. Redacting a document after it has been cached in WebCenter does not cause the original document to be purged from the WebCenter cache, and so redacted content may be compromised. To help protect redacted content when I/PM is integrated with WebCenter, use the Viewer on the Upload page to redact documents prior to uploading to I/PM.

48.1.6 Removing Full-Text Search Capabilities From Defined Applications

Removing full-text search capabilities from a defined application can cause an error in any defined search against that application if the Document Content condition is not also removed from the search. When modifying an existing application to remove full-text indexing capabilities, ensure that you also remove all Document Content conditions from any defined searches against that application.

48.1.7 Application Field Limitations When Using Oracle Text Search

When Oracle I/PM is configured to use OracleTextSearch and an application is defined to do full-text indexing, a maximum limit of 20 SDATA fields for the Content Server repository is imposed on I/PM. SDATA fields are defined as optimized fields by the Oracle Text Search component and are typically non-text, non-memo fields, although other criteria can exist to define text fields as optimized SDATA fields.

When defining an application, Oracle I/PM queries the repository DOCMETA table for the number of available SDATA fields and does not allow the creation of any non-text fields within the application beyond the available number. However, additional components installed on the Content Server repository, such as Folders or Discussions, may reduce the total number of available SDATA fields. Because other configurations may consume SDATA outside of the DOCMETA table, you may be able to add fields to an application but get an error when trying to rebuild the search index in Content Server. If this occurs, you must redefine the application using a different Oracle Content Server connection with available SDATA fields. If no additional Content Server connection is defined, you can install and configure an additional Oracle Content Server and create a new connection to it in Oracle I/PM. Alternately, you can redefine the application using the original Content Server connection but with fewer non-text fields until you are able to successfully rebuild the search index.

48.1.8 Oracle URM Records Missing from Oracle I/PM Searches

Care should be taken when integrating Oracle I/PM with Oracle Universal Records Management. If a document is uploaded into an Oracle I/PM application that has been configured to use a Records-only Retention Category and the user who uploaded the document does not have rights on the Oracle Content Server repository to see records, they will not be able to see any of the uploaded documents in an I/PM search. Rights to retention categories are determined in Oracle URM. If integrating Oracle I/PM and Oracle URM, ensure that all users needing rights to view records have the correct security, that Retention Categories are set correctly in all Oracle I/PM applications, and that users understand what can happen if the Records-only Retention Categories are used.

48.1.9 WebLogic Server Listening Address and AXF Driver Page URL Must Reference the Same Domain

If leveraging AXF functionality with Oracle I/PM, the Listen Address base domain configured in the WebLogic Server console must match how the domain is specified in the URL used to access AXF. Otherwise content may not load properly and users may not have access to AXF. To configure the Listen address in AXF, do the following:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server administration console.

  2. Under the Environment section of the ecm_domain, select Servers. The Summary of Servers page is displayed with the Configuration tab active.

  3. Click IPM_server<number>. The Setting for IPM_server<number> page is displayed for the selected Oracle I/PM server with the Configuration and General tabs active.

  4. Set the Listen Address to the preferred URL. The Listen Address specified should be the base domain without the protocol.


    The Listen Address base domain and the URL base domain used to access AXF must be identical. If the fully qualified domain name is used for the Listen Address setting, then it must also be used for the access URL, even when inside the domain. For example, if the base domain is used in the Listen Address configuration setting, the access URL would be<port>/.

48.1.10 /imaging/faces Directory Must Be Protected When Using Oracle Access Manager With I/PM

When configuring Oracle I/PM for use with Oracle Access Manager, the /imaging/faces directory must be protected. Failure to do so prevents access to the I/PM Viewer.

48.1.11 WebLogic Scripting Tool Doesn't Recognize Multibyte Characters in Export File Path

When using WLST commands importIPMSearch, importIPMInput, importIPMApplication, the first parameter is the file path to the export file. WebLogic Scripting Tool does not recognize multibyte characters in the file path, and so multibyte characters should not be used in the path.

48.1.12 Invalid Skin Preference Displays Generic User Interface

If an invalid value is set in the DefaultColorSet MBean, or if a user has specified a UI skin in their preferences that has been deprecated when Oracle I/PM is upgraded, then a generic user interface is displayed when the user logs in. The generic interface has a larger font and does not display a logo. Correcting the invalid value of the DefaultColorSet MBean or applying a current skin from the User Preference page corrects the problem.

48.1.13 Problem Displaying Second Page of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Document

There is a known issue with the Oracle Outside In Technology libraries that causes a memory error when attempting to display the second page of a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 .pptx file. If such an error occurs when attempting to view a PowerPoint file, download the original document to view the file. Note that if the file has been redacted and you do not have rights to view content under the redactions, you will not be able to download the file.

48.2 Browser Compatibility Issues

This section describes browser compatibility issues. It includes the following topics:

48.2.1 Safari: Unexpected Tab Order In Search Results Toolbar and Viewer Menus

When using the keyboard tab button to select functions on the Toolbar of a Search results page, the expected behavior is to focus on the first option (View) and then move to the next (Email). Instead, the tab button causes focus to move through the hidden View submenus before moving the focus to Email. Similarly, when using the tab button to select menus on the Viewer, the expected behavior is to move focus from the first Viewer menu (File) to the next (View). Instead, the tab button causes the focus to move through the hidden submenus of each top-level menu before moving focus to the next menu.

48.2.2 Safari: Unable to Use Keyboard to Select Panels In Viewer

When using the keyboard tab button to select items on the Viewer, none of the panels (History, Sticky Notes, or Properties) can be selected. This is a known issue with Safari. If you need to use the keyboard to select a panel in the Viewer, you must use either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to view documents.

48.2.3 IE: Non-ASCII Characters Not Supported in Internet Explorer for ExecuteSearch

The Search URL Tool (ExecuteSearch) does not work in Microsoft Internet Explorer if non-ascii characters are used in the search name. If it is necessary for your search name to have non-ascii characters, you must use Mozilla Firefox version 3.5 or higher and set the following parameters:

  • prefs.converted-to-utf8=true

  • network.standard-url.escape-utf8=true

  • network.standard-url.encode-utf8=true

  • network.standard-url.encode-query-utf8=true

48.2.4 Firefox 3.6: Version and Download Dialog Boxes Appear Behind Viewer in Advanced Mode

There is a problem with how Firefox 3.6 handles layer order of page items in the advanced mode of the Viewer. This causes the main page region where documents are displayed to hide the Version and Download dialog boxes when a document is viewed using Firefox 3.6. To work around this issue, expand the Properties, History, or Sticky Notes panel into the main page region enough to allow the obscured items to be displayed prior to accessing dialog boxes. This is not an issue when using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox 3.5.x and a workaround would be to use either of these browsers to view documents when using the advanced Viewer mode.

48.2.5 Firefox 3.5.9 and 3.6.3: JRE 1.6.0_18 and Above Can Cause Errors When Updating Document

When using a combination of J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6.0_18 or above and Firefox 3.5.9 or 3.6.3, attempting to update a document viewed in the advanced Viewer mode can cause multiple errors. Using J2SE Runtime Environment version 1.6.0_17 should solve the problem. J2SE Runtime Environment is available at

48.3 Accessibility Issues

This section describes accessibility issues. It includes the following topics:

48.3.1 Button Activation Behavior Different Depending on Viewer Mode

The keyboard command to activate a button that has focus is different between basic and advanced viewer modes. The enter key is used to activate a focused button when using the basic viewer mode. The space key is used to activate a focused button when using the advanced viewer mode.

48.3.2 Limitations of Sticky Note Contents

The contents of sticky notes are not downloaded or printed with the document, nor are they viewable through the REST Viewer. The contents of a sticky note can be printed, with limitations, by expanding the sticky note in the Sticky Notes Panel and printing the web page.

48.3.3 Skip to Content Link Added for Keyboard Navigation

The first link encountered on a page when using keyboard navigation in the I/PM user interface is a Skip to Content link at the top of the page. Selecting this link and pressing Enter takes the focus to the first item in the content region of the page. For example, if on the home page, the first content item is the help links. If a search has been executed and the results are displayed in the content region, then the Skip to Content link takes you to the first search tab.

48.3.4 Firefox: Skip to Applet Link Added for Keyboard Navigation in Advanced Viewer Mode

When viewing a document in the advanced viewer mode, keyboard focus starts in the viewer toolbar. However, in Firefox, if focus moves out of the toolbar, it will not return when cycling through the elements using the keyboard. To work around this, a Skip to Applet link is at the top of the page. To return keyboard focus to the viewer toolbar, tab to the Skip to Applet link and press Enter.

48.3.5 Internet Explorer 7: Focus Issue on Upload Document and Preferences Pages

When using Internet Explorer 7, the keyboard appears not to focus on any command buttons on the Upload Document page (Open Viewer, Create, Reset, Close) or Preferences page (Apply, Revert, Close). Focus is achieved, however there is no indication which button is active. This issue does not occur in Internet Explorer 8.

48.3.6 Name of File Selected For Import Not Displayed in Screen Reader Mode

When in screen reader mode and selecting a file to import, the file is loaded and the Next button becomes available, but the name of the file to be imported is not displayed.

48.3.7 Issues Selecting From Calendar Using Keyboard

In Internet Explorer 7, when selecting dates from a calendar using the keyboard, you cannot select a day. This is not an issue in Firefox, Internet Explorer 8 or Safari 4. In addition, the following buttons are skipped when tabbing: Previous month, Previous year, Month increase/decrease, and Year increase/decrease. An alternative to selecting the date with the keyboard is to manually enter the date with the number keys.

48.3.8 Focus Issue in Create Searches Wizard Using Keyboard

After completing fields in the Create New Search Wizard, the keyboard focus changes to the browser URL and you must tab through the banner and navigation before you can edit the current page.

48.3.9 Annotations Not Recognized By JAWS

When viewing a document with annotations while running JAWS, you can tab to an annotation, but no description is read by JAWS.

48.3.10 403 Link Error Returned For Collapse Pane Link

When viewing a document using screen reader mode and Advanced Viewer mode, JAWS reaches the Close Tab options in the Viewer and reads a collapse pane link that is not visible after More options. If you click when JAWS reads link, a 403 Forbidden Page error is returned.

48.3.11 Internet Explorer: Focus Issue During Search Using Keyboard

When searching using Internet Explorer, expanding and collapsing the instructions tree using the keyboard incorrectly changes the focus to the Skip to Content link instead of the next row.

48.3.12 Date Selected From Calendar Lost Using Keyboard

When using the keyboard to select a date from a calendar control, the selected date is not retained. The workaround is to enter the date into the date field using the number keys on the keyboard.

48.3.13 Some Annotation Buttons Incorrectly Read by JAWS

When you first open a document in Advanced Viewer mode using screen reader mode, JAWS incorrectly adds the phrase Insert F1 Help Text after each button name.

48.3.14 Internet Explorer: Long Panels Not Visible In Screen Reader

When using Microsoft Internet Explorer and I use a screen reader is enabled on the user preferences page, some panels in the Navigation pane may not display, although the text of the panel title is still read. This is caused when the panel name is too long. Depending on the user interface language, this could happen to one or multiple panels. If you expand the panel above the hidden panel, the hidden panel is then displayed.

48.3.15 Keyboard Keys To Open and Navigate Sticky Notes In Panel

When a document contains multiple sticky notes, the following keys are used to navigate and control the sticky notes in the sticky note panel:

Key Description
Up Arrow Moves focus to the previous sticky note.
Down Arrow Moves focus to the next sticky note
Right Arrow Expands a sticky note
Left Arrow Collapses a sticky note

There is a known issue with keyboard navigation in the sticky note panel. When a sticky note is expanded, the up and down arrow keys do not change focus to a different note. The left arrow key must first collapse the expanded sticky note, then the up and down arrow keys can be used to navigate from one note to another.

48.3.16 Keyboard Keys To The Close Options In Search Form

The following keys are used to control search tabs in the Oracle I/PM content areal:

Key Description
Shift+F10 Opens a contextual menu when the search tab has focus.
Ctl+Alt+F4 Closes the tab that has focus.

There are known issues with these keyboard commands in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3.6: Ctr+Alt+F4 does not close the focused search tab.

  • Internet Explorer 8: Ctr+Alt+F4 does not close the focused search tab and Shift+F10 causes menus to display for both the search tab contextual menu and the browser file menu. Pressing the Esc key closes the browser file menu and puts focus on the search tab contextual menu.

  • Safari 4: Shift+F10 does not open a contextual menu.

48.3.17 Disable UI Animation Preference Does Not Disable Busy Indicator

There is a known issue in all browsers that after checking the Disable UI Animations on the Preferences page, the busy indicator in the top banner continues to spin when performing a task that keeps the system busy.

48.3.18 Using JAWS and Selecting Expansion Arrow Causes Error

When using JAWS and viewing a multipage document in the Viewer basic mode on screen resolutions less than 1280 pixels wide, focusing on the toolbar expansion arrows and pressing Enter causes an error. This prevents access to tools necessary to navigate to the document. To workaround this issue, view the multi-page document in the Viewer advanced mode. Alternately, set your screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 pixels if your monitor supports it. The higher resolution setting allows for access to all buttons in the Viewer basic mode except the Go to Next Page, Go to Last Page, and Help buttons. However, the functionality these buttons provide is accessible by other means.

48.4 Documentation Errata

This section details know errors in the online help or library documentation. It includes the following topics:

48.4.1 Inaccurate Online Help for Application Document Security Page

The online help system incorrectly details the available options on the Application Document Security page.

Modify is listed in the help as a security option but is identified in the user interface as Write. Also, Grant Access is not listed in the online help but is an available option in the user interface. The two options are detailed in the following table.

Element Description
Write Grants a user group rights to upload, update, and copy documents and document metadata within a specific application. Until a user has Write security rights to documents in at least one application, the Upload tool is not visible in the Tools panel of the Navigator Pane.
Grant Access Grants a user group rights to assign document rights to other user groups. Note that users with Grant Access rights are automatically assigned Delete and Write security rights.

The correct documentation is available in PDF and HTML formats from the documentation library on Oracle Technology Network.