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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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2 Post Installation Tasks

This chapter provides an overview of the upgrade process tasks and requirements when upgrading from Oracle Enterprise Repository 10.3 to Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Migrating Custom Reports

You must edit the CustomReports.xml file, as mentioned in the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the ./WEB-INF/config/reports/ directory on the application server.

  2. Open the customreports.xml file in a text editor.

  3. Edit the meta-tags for report name, display name, description, and external to reference a custom report.

2.2 Configuring Oracle Enterprise Repository Reports

This section describes an overview of Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher and the process of installing it.

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is required by Oracle Enterprise Repository to run the reports, which are available on the Oracle Enterprise Repository reports page.

You can install the BI Publisher Enterprise Server with the default installation option, which installs a OC4J server. You can also deploy the BI Publisher Enterprise Server on your other application servers, such as WebLogic, WebSphere, etc. The recommended BI Publisher version is

If BI Publisher is used only with Oracle Enterprise Repository, then the Oracle Enterprise Repository pre-configured BI Publisher content is used. The Basic type of BI Publisher installation is recommended. For information about installing BI Publisher, see


The patch 9021224 is also required and must be applied to the BI Publisher server.

Oracle Enterprise Repository includes a collection of pre-configured BI Publisher content. This content needs to be deployed and configured prior to running any Oracle Enterprise Repository reports.

For more information about deploying Oracle Enterprise Repository pre-configured BI Publisher content, see the "Configuring BI Publisher Enterprise Server" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

2.3 Customizations

An installation of Oracle Enterprise Repository 10.3 may have several customizations that are unique to that installation. These are not limited to, but may include:

2.3.1 General Instructions

For all of the customizations mentioned in the Overview section, the customization should be repeated on Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g, following the successful upgrade.

2.3.2 Move Settings to Database

As part of clustering configuration and some other customizations, the Move Settings to Database option in Oracle Enterprise Repository copies the System Settings out of the property files in to the Database. During the Upgrade process some property files have been restored to their default configuration. These should be removed from the upgraded Oracle Enterprise Repository instance again.

The Oracle Enterprise Repository System Settings section contains all of the configuration options for the application deployment. When the Oracle Enterprise Repository application starts, the file is loaded and a connection to the database configured is established, allowing the application to load additional configuration settings. Oracle Enterprise Repository then opens a specific set of properties files found within the application's classpath. The system settings found within the files overwrite those that had been loaded from the database. The changes to system settings, when saved through the Oracle Enterprise Repository Web interface, are stored in the location from which the property had been loaded upon startup. Those properties that had been loaded from the database and not subsequently loaded from a properties file are again stored to the database.

Oracle Enterprise Repository supports and provides the option of moving settings to the database. This option is performed for the following purposes:

  • Configuration of Oracle Enterprise Repository for deployment into a clustered application server configuration. For more information, see "Configuring and Clustering Oracle Enterprise Repository" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository.

  • A heightened security environment where an application EAR file is used for the deployment of Oracle Enterprise Repository. If the Oracle Enterprise Repository properties files are included within the EAR file upon deployment and the EAR is not exploded during deployment, then the Oracle Enterprise Repository properties are set in a read-only state since the Oracle Enterprise Repository application is unable to write to files located within the application EAR file

In the en-exploded EAR deployment option, the best practice instructions to configure Oracle Enterprise Repository and allow system settings to be modifiable are as follows:

  1. Explode the application EAR file and the oer-app.war file contained within the EAR.

  2. Add the correctly configured Oracle Enterprise Repository properties files into the oer-app/WEB-INF/classes directory.

  3. (Optional) You may also add the JDBC Driver jar file(s) to the oer-app/WEB-INF/lib directory.

  4. Use a ZIP or JAR program to re-create the oer-app.war file.

  5. Use a ZIP or JAR program to re-create the oer.ear file (containing the oer-app.war and oer-web.war files).

  6. Deploy the oer.ear file into your application server.

  7. Start the Oracle Enterprise Repository application/server.

  8. Access the Oracle Enterprise Repository application's Web interface, select Admin and System Settings. The Move Settings to Database link appears at the bottom of the System Settings page. Click the Move Settings to Database link.

  9. Stop the Oracle Enterprise Repository application and undeploy the application EAR file.

  10. Explode the Oracle Enterprise Repository EAR file and the oer-app.war file contained within the EAR.

  11. Remove all properties files (except from the oer-app/WEB-INF/classes directory.

  12. Use a ZIP or JAR program to re-create the oer-app.war file.

  13. Use a ZIP or JAR program to re-create the oer.ear file (containing the oer-app.war and oer-web.war files).

  14. Deploy the oer.ear file into your application server.

  15. Start the Oracle Enterprise Repository application/server.

  16. Access the Oracle Enterprise Repository application's Web interface, select Admin, System Settings.

  17. Change a setting within the system settings, for example, enterprise.defaults.displayname.field = emailaddress.

  18. Save the change and confirm that the setting has been retained when the System Settings page reloads.

  19. Change the setting, which had been change tested to its previous value and save the settings again.

  20. Make any additional system settings changes as necessary within the Oracle Enterprise Repository Admin Web interface.

    The application is now configured to be utilized within the secure EAR deployed environment.


If these files listed in the Clustering Guide exist in the backup of the WEB-INF/classes directory, then do not remove the file. You must remove those files that do not exist in the backup and were delivered by the upgrade process.

2.4 Oracle Enterprise Repository Legacy Eclipse Plug-in Uninstallation

To uninstall Oracle Enterprise Repository eclipse plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. In Eclipse, click Help.

  2. Click Software Updates.

  3. Click Manage Configuration.

  4. Select Show Disabled Features.

  5. Select the Oracle Enterprise Repository feature.

  6. Click Disable Feature.


    Unless the feature is properly disabled prior to uninstallation, some Oracle Enterprise Repository files may remain in the Eclipse plugins directory. These files must be manually deleted.

  7. Follow the prompts to restart Eclipse.

  8. After restart, select Manage Configuration in the Help menu.

  9. Select the Oracle Enterprise Repository feature.

  10. Select Uninstall.

  11. Follow the prompts to restart Eclipse.

2.5 Install Oracle Enterprise Repository Eclipse Plug-in on Client Workstations

You can install Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) from the standard Eclipse download site. The Oracle Enterprise Repository plugin included the necessary Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE) plug-in dependencies with it. You can find the OEPE package at

To install workspace studio on client workstations, see

2.6 Utilizing the Diagnostic Testing Tool

The Diagnostics tool allows testing and troubleshooting of certain aspects of Oracle Enterprise Repository application. This section contains the following topics:

2.6.1 Launching the Diagnostic Tool

To launch the Oracle Enterprise Repository Diagnostics tool, navigate to


2.6.2 Navigating the Diagnostics Tool

In addition to the Diagnostics Home and Oracle Enterprise Repository links, the left sidebar of the Diagnostics tool (the gray area in the image above) includes links to several tests that can be run to check your installation of Oracle Enterprise Repository. Click any of these links to display the available tests in the main pane of the Diagnostics tool.

  • Generic Web App

    • Installation Tests

      • Product Version Information

        Provides information on the installed version of the Oracle Enterprise Repository, the version of the installed Oracle Enterprise Repository database, upgrade dates, and the maintenance mode setting for the database.

      • Snoop Servlet

        Provides an output listing of all cookies, headers, CGI-Variables, Servlet Context Attributes, Session information and Session values set as a part of the request to the application server.

      • Test Required Libraries

        Provides information about the application server's configuration regarding required JAR library files, installed XML parsers, and the presence of the minimally required Oracle Enterprise Repository properties files.

      • Run Active Diagnostic Test

        Runs a JUnit test against the installed Oracle Enterprise Repository application. Many of these tests are required to allow Oracle Enterprise Repository to build and parse XML data.

      • Test Database

        Provides insight into the JDBC driver functionality, including the number of database side functions that are expected to be supported. Also tests the connection string set in the file, provides additional information regarding the version of the JDBC driver, and may also indicate deficiencies within the database tables.

      • List System Paths

        Lists the pathways (local and absolute URL's) configured within the file as well as those stored within the database. Also helps to indicate why some parts of the application deployment function while others do not (such as images not loading).

    • Tools

      • JSP Precompiler

        Forces the application server to perform an immediate JIT compile of JSP pages within the Oracle Enterprise Repository application. This process greatly improves the performance of page loads if performed after each application server restart

      • Encrypt Strings for Passwords

        Performs a Hash on a clear-text password string supplied in the text field. This feature is used for encrypting passwords to be stored within application properties files. This tool should not be used to encrypt user passwords. Please contact Oracle Support for the proper procedure to update a password in the database.

  • Oracle Enterprise Repository Repository Tests

    • Runtime - Configuration

      • List Enabled System Settings

        Lists all values set in the Oracle Enterprise Repository database as well as those set in properties files.

      • Edit System Paths

        Allows an administrator to make permanent changes to the file on the application server.

    • Runtime - Assets

      • List Types

        Produces XML output that describes all Asset Types stored within the Oracle Enterprise Repository database.

      • Edit Asset Custom Data

        Allows a registrar to modify XML data contained within an asset in the event that an asset's metadata is otherwise uneditable. Do not use this tool unless specifically directed by Oracle Support personnel.

      • Get XML: Show Type ID

        Produces the XML description of a specific Asset Type based on the unique ID of the Asset Type record.

      • Get XML: Type ID As String

        Produces the XML description of a specific Asset Type based on the unique ID of the Asset Type record as one continuous string.

      • Get XML: Type XML Schema

        This tool produces the XML schema of a specific Asset Type based on the unique ID of the Asset Type record.

      • Get XML: Type XML Schema as String

        This tool produces the XML schema of a specific Asset Type based on the unique ID of the Asset Type record as one continuous string.

      • Get XML: Asset ID

        - Produces the XML data of an Asset based on the unique ID of the Asset.

        - The include extended metadata option produces additional information related to Policies and other data.

      • Get XML: Asset ID as String

        Produces the XML data of an Asset based on the unique ID of the Asset as one continuous string.

    • Runtime - Security

  • Optional Tests

    • SOAP Services

      Test the SOAP URL for Rex API service using


      This process produces the Oracle Enterprise Repository Web Service WSDL file.

    • Logging Options

  • To access the Oracle Enterprise Repository login page, click the Oracle Enterprise Repository link in the sidebar of the Diagnostics page.

  • To activate the debugging mode for the current session, click the turning logging on link in the main pane.

2.6.3 Enable the Oracle Enterprise Repository Diagnostics Tool

Starting with Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), the diagnostics pages are disabled, by default. To enable this feature, you must pass a JVM parameter, during the application server startup.

If you are using WebLogic, then the parameter is provided as a part of the Oracle_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/bin/ or *.cmd file. Uncomment the OER_DIAG_OPTION environment variable and restart the oer_server.

If you are using WebSphere, then you must add the following JVM Parameter to the server(s) running Oracle Enterprise Repository:


This parameter should be appended to any existing values within the WebSphere administration server path of:

Application servers > server1 > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine -> Generic JVM Arguments field

2.6.4 Creating Encrypted Passwords

Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) requires that all cleartext passwords are encrypted. The existing ALER/Oracle Enterprise Repository installations support but do not mandate encrypted passwords in property files.

Oracle Enterprise Repository is now distributed with a password encryption command-line tool, which is useful in encrypting passwords for the Oracle Enterprise Repository REX OpenAPI processes as well as for updating properties files.

This utility can be found in BEA_HOME/repostioryXXX/core/tools/solutions/

This zip file has two scripts (for windows and unix/linux):

  • encrypt.bat(.sh) - encrypt an xml configuration file's password elements

  • encryptpassword.bat(.sh) - encrypt a single password from the command line

An example xml file for use with the encrypt.bat/.sh file is:

<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- activemq.xml -->
<!-- EndPointEventSubscription.xml -->

The output of either of these utilities must be used within the appropriate properties or xml configuration file instead of the clear-text password that are present currently. This restriction is applicable to the Oracle Enterprise Repository server-side application deployment as well as Oracle Enterprise Repository included in client-side packages such as the Harvester and Exchange Utility.

There is a utility included within the ALER/Oracle Enterprise Repository diagnostics page that allows you to encrypt existing passwords to allow the upgrade process to proceed without issues when this utility is unavailable.

To create encrypted passwords, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Diagnostics page using

    http://host_name:port_number/application_name/diag/index.jsp. The Oracle Enterprise Repository Diagnostics page is displayed.

  2. Click Tools, Encrypt Strings for Passwords. The Oracle Enterprise Repository Diagnostics Password Encryption page is displayed.

  3. Open the Oracle Enterprise Repository file within your existing Oracle Enterprise Repository deployment and enter the db.password property value into the diagnostics page, and click the Submit Query button.

The resulting string should replace the db.password field value. You must escape the '=' symbols within the encrypted password value. This is accomplished by using the backslash character immediately before the equals character. For example,





Repeat these steps for the file for the ldap.bindPassword property, if this property contains a value.

2.6.5 Checking Product Version Information

To check the product version information, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Installation Tests under Generic Web App.

  2. Click Product Version Information in the main pane.

    A new browser window opens to display information on the internal product version, database schema version, and information about the most recent upgrade/install.

2.6.6 Test Servlet Functionality

To test the servlet functionality in Oracle Enterprise Repository, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Installation Tests under Generic Web App.

  2. Click Snoop Servlet in the main pane.

    A new browser window opens to display information on the parameters passed from the Web client to server.

2.6.7 Test Required Libraries

To test the required libraries, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Installation Tests under Generic Web App.

  2. Click Test Required Libraries in the main pane.

    A new browser window opens to display information on the property files and system properties essential to proper functionality.

2.6.8 Test Database Connectivity

To test the database connectivity in Oracle Enterprise Repository, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Installation Tests under Generic Web App.

  2. Click Test Database in the main pane.

    A new browser window opens to display information on container access, the availability of JDBC drivers and the presence of important Oracle Enterprise Repository data tables.

2.6.9 List System Paths

To list the system paths in Oracle Enterprise Repository, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Installation Tests under Generic Web App.

  2. Click List System Paths in the main pane.

    A new browser window opens to display all Oracle Enterprise Repository paths.

2.6.10 Run Pre-Compile Servlet

To run the pre-compiler servlet, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Tools under Generic Web App.

  2. Click JSP Precompiler in the main pane..

    A new browser window opens to display a list of system JSPs that have been pre-compiled for speedier first time access.


    This servlet produces errors within the error log; please reset logs before starting the application server.

2.6.11 Additional Functionalities

The additional Diagnostics testing tool functionality includes:

  • Testing browser redirection compatibility to both a standard URL or local file.

  • Listing all enabled Oracle Enterprise Repository Settings.

  • Listing all Types in the system.

  • Displaying XML for a specific Type (both editor and viewer).

  • Displaying xml for a specific asset.

  • Clustering Status shows a list of all nodes in the cluster.

Ensure that client browser and JRE installations have appropriately supported versions for Oracle Enterprise Repository.


According to Sun Microsystems, the Firefox 3.6 browser requires Java SE 6 Update 10 or later. Otherwise, Java-based web applications do not work. For more information, see