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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Integration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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16 Categorization Types and Categorizations API

This chapter provides an overview of Categorization Types and Categorizations API and describes the use cases using this API.

This chapter contains the following sections:

16.1 Overview

It is important to understand the difference between Categorizations and Categorization Types.

Categorization Types provide the means to define custom taxonomies. Categorizations are subsets of Categorization Types, and are assigned to assets. For example, a Categorization Type called Technology might contain Java, .NET and COBOL as its assignable Categorizations. Additionally, sub-categorizations under Java might include Servlet and Applet. So an asset in Oracle Enterprise Repository might be assigned to the Java Categorization, or it might be more specifically assigned to the Servlet Sub-categorization.

The Categorizations to which a particular asset may be assigned are determined by the Categorization Types defined for that asset's Type. As in the example above, if the Technology Categorization Type is defined for Asset Type XYZ, assets of type XYZ may be assigned to the Java, .NET, or COBOL, Categorizations, or to the Sub-categorizations Servlet or Applet. This taxonomy structure allows assets to be grouped and viewed in a variety of ways within Oracle Enterprise Repository.

Categorization types can also be associated with projects (if Oracle Enterprise Repository is configured for that feature). Any project-assignable Categorization Type is available to all projects. As with assets, a project can be associated with any of the Categorizations available within its assigned Categorization Type(s).

Rules for Categorization Types and Categorizations include:

The following methods provide the ability to create, update, list, query, and delete categorization types.

16.2 Use Cases

This section describes the use cases using the Categorization Types and Categorizations API. It contains the following topics:

16.2.1 Use Case: Create a Categorization Type


The element name given to a newly created Categorization Type cannot contain special characters or spaces. There are no restrictions on the characters used for singular and plural display names. The pExclusiveAssign Boolean determines whether one or multiple Categorizations can be assigned within the Categorization Type. The pExclusiveAssign Boolean determines if the Categorization Type is project-assigned. The method prevents duplication of existing Categorizations, and returns the created Categorization Type.

Sample code is as follows:

package com.flashline.sample.categorizationtypesandapi;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.CategorizationType;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class CreateCategorizationType {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
      OpenAPIException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(pArgs[1],
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create the categorization type
      // //////////////////////////////
      String pName = "Name";
      String pSingularDisplay = "SingularDisplay";
      String pPluralDisplay = "PluralDisplay";
      boolean pExclusiveAssign = true;
      boolean pProjectAssign = true;
      CategorizationType lCategorizationType =
 repository.categorizationTypeCreate(authToken, pName,
          pSingularDisplay, pPluralDisplay, pExclusiveAssign, pProjectAssign);
      // ----------------------------------------
      // clean up
      repository.categorizationTypeDelete(authToken, lCategorizationType);
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {

16.2.2 Use Case: Manipulate Categorization Types


The following operations are demonstrated in the example below:

  • Retrieve Categorization Types by ID

  • Update a Categorization Type

  • Delete a Categorization Type

  • Excercise Caution! This method deletes the entire Categorization Type and all Categorizations contained therein.

  • Query a Categorization Type

  • Use various terms, including name, type, and if a Categorization Type is assigned to projects.

  • Retrieve all Categorization Types

Sample code is as follows:

package com.flashline.sample.categorizationtypesandapi;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Categorization;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.CategorizationType;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.query.CategorizationTypeCriteria;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class CategorizationExamples {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws ServiceException,
      OpenAPIException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(pArgs[1],
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create a Categorization Type
      // //////////////////////////////
      CategorizationType categorizationType = repository
          .categorizationTypeCreate(authToken, "exampleType", "Example Type",
              "Example Types", false, true);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Find and update a categorization type
      // //////////////////////////////
      CategorizationTypeCriteria categorizationTypeCriteria = new
      boolean projectAssign = true;
      categorizationTypeCriteria.setProjectAssignCriteria(projectAssign + "");
      CategorizationType[] categorizationTypes = repository
          .categorizationTypeQuery(authToken, categorizationTypeCriteria);
      // Set plural display name
      categorizationType.setDisplayPlural("Updated Example Types");
      // Set singular display name
      categorizationType.setDisplaySingular("Updated Example Type");
      // Set Categorization Type name
      // Set Categorization Type exclusive assign
      // Set Categorization Type project Assignable
      // Update Categorization Type
      categorizationType = repository.categorizationTypeUpdate(
          authToken, categorizationType);
      // Read a Categorization Type
      CategorizationType categorizationTypeRead = repository
          .categorizationTypeRead(authToken, categorizationType.getID());
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create a Categorization within a Categorization Type
      // //////////////////////////////
      Categorization categorization = repository.categorizationCreate(
          authToken, "Example Categorization", categorizationType);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create a Categorization within a Categorization (a.k.a. a
      // sub-categorization or child categorization)
      // method validates that:
      //   - no child categorization with the same name exists within the
      //     parent categorization.
      //   - the categorization type is valid
      //   - the parent categorization is valid.
      // //////////////////////////////
      Categorization childCategorization = repository
          .categorizationChildCreate(authToken, "Example Child Categorization",
              categorizationType, categorization);
      childCategorization.setName("Updated Example Child Categorization");
      childCategorization = repository.categorizationUpdate(authToken,
          childCategorization, categorizationType);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Observe various properties of a categorization. Note that the
      // properties are not being assigned to local variables in
      // the interest of brevity...
      // //////////////////////////////
      Categorization categorizationRead = repository.categorizationRead(
          authToken, childCategorization.getID());
      // Get Categorization parent id
      // Get Categorization active status
      // Get Categorization ID
      // Get Categorization name
      // Get Categorization recursive name
      // Get Categorization Categorization Type ID
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Retrieve the full tree of categorizations for a Categorization Type.
      // This means that the Categorization entity returned has children
      // which contain their children (if any), and so on.
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Get active Categorizations full tree
      boolean active = true;
      boolean fullTree = true;
      Categorization[] categorizationArray = repository.categorizationReadByType(
          authToken, categorizationType, active, fullTree);
      // Get children categorizations for categorization
      Categorization[] childCategorizations =
          categorizationType, categorization, active);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Deactivate a Categorization
      // //////////////////////////////
      categorization = repository.categorizationDeactivate(authToken,
          categorization, categorizationType);
      // pActive is set to "true" so that the method returns
      // only active categorizations
      Categorization[] activeCategorizations = repository
          .categorizationChildRead(authToken, categorizationType,
              categorization, true);
      // Get inactive child Categorizations
      Categorization[] inactiveCategorizations =
          categorizationType, categorization, false);
      // /////////////////////////////
      // Reactivate Categorizations
      // /////////////////////////////
      for(int i=0; i<inactiveCategorizations.length; i++){
        categorization = repository.categorizationReactivate(authToken,
            inactiveCategorizations[i], categorizationType);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Delete a Categorization Type
      // //////////////////////////////
      repository.categorizationTypeDelete(authToken, categorizationType);
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {

Methods to Avoid

The methods listed below are for internal Oracle Enterprise Repository use only. Incorrect use of these methods may disrupt the functionality of Categorization Types (though permanent damage is unlikely) . The functionality provided by these methods is incorporated in the Oracle Enterprise Repository CategorizationType methods.

  • getActiveStatus() int - CategorizationType

  • getCategorizations() Categorizations[] - CategorizationType

  • GetEntityType() String - CategorizationType

  • getKey() String - CategorizationType

  • getTypeDesc() TypeDesc - CategorizationType

  • hashCode() int - CategorizationType

  • isCustom() boolean - CategorizationType

  • isFlat() boolean - CategorizationType

  • isSystemOnly() boolean - CategorizationType

  • setActiveStatus(int activeStatus) void - CategorizationType

  • setAssetAssignable(boolean assetAssignable) void - CategorizationType

  • setCategorizations(Categorizations[] categorizations) void - CategorizationType

  • setCustom(boolean custom) void - CategorizationType

  • setEntityType(String entityType) void - CategorizationType

  • setFlat(boolean flat) void - CategorizationType

  • setID(long ID) void - CategorizationType

  • setKey(String key) void - CategorizationType

  • setSystemOnly(boolean systemOnly) void - CategorizationType

16.2.3 Use Case: Manipulate Categorizations


The following code sample illustrates creation, updating, listing, and deactivation/reactivation of Categorizations. As stated above, Categorizations are subordinate to Categorization Types. That is, a Categorization belongs to a Categorization Type.

Sample Code is as follows:

package com.flashline.sample.categorizationtypesandapi;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Categorization;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.CategorizationType;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.query.CategorizationTypeCriteria;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class CategorizationExamples {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws ServiceException,
      OpenAPIException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(pArgs[1],
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create a Categorization Type
      // //////////////////////////////
      CategorizationType categorizationType = repository
          .categorizationTypeCreate(authToken, "exampleType", "Example Type",
              "Example Types", false, true);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Find and update a categorization type
      // //////////////////////////////
      CategorizationTypeCriteria categorizationTypeCriteria = new
      boolean projectAssign = true;
      categorizationTypeCriteria.setProjectAssignCriteria(projectAssign + "");
      CategorizationType[] categorizationTypes = repository
          .categorizationTypeQuery(authToken, categorizationTypeCriteria);
      // Set plural display name
      categorizationType.setDisplayPlural("Updated Example Types");
      // Set singular display name
      categorizationType.setDisplaySingular("Updated Example Type");
      // Set Categorization Type name
      // Set Categorization Type exclusive assign
      // Set Categorization Type project Assignable
      // Update Categorization Type
      categorizationType = repository.categorizationTypeUpdate(
          authToken, categorizationType);
      // Read a Categorization Type
      CategorizationType categorizationTypeRead = repository
          .categorizationTypeRead(authToken, categorizationType.getID());
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create a Categorization within a Categorization Type
      // //////////////////////////////
      Categorization categorization = repository.categorizationCreate(
          authToken, "Example Categorization", categorizationType);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create a Categorization within a Categorization (a.k.a. a
      // sub-categorization or child categorization)
      // method validates that:
      //   - no child categorization with the same name exists within the
      //     parent categorization.
      //   - the categorization type is valid
      //   - the parent categorization is valid.
      // //////////////////////////////
      Categorization childCategorization = repository
          .categorizationChildCreate(authToken, "Example Child Categorization",
              categorizationType, categorization);
      childCategorization.setName("Updated Example Child Categorization");
      childCategorization = repository.categorizationUpdate(authToken,
          childCategorization, categorizationType);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Observe various properties of a categorization. Note that the
      // properties are not being assigned to local variables in
      // the interest of brevity...
      // //////////////////////////////
      Categorization categorizationRead = repository.categorizationRead(
          authToken, childCategorization.getID());
      // Get Categorization parent id
      // Get Categorization active status
      // Get Categorization ID
      // Get Categorization name
      // Get Categorization recursive name
      // Get Categorization Categorization Type ID
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Retrieve the full tree of categorizations for a Categorization Type.
      // This means that the Categorization entity returned has children
      // which contain their children (if any), and so on.
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Get active Categorizations full tree
      boolean active = true;
      boolean fullTree = true;
      Categorization[] categorizationArray = repository.categorizationReadByType(
          authToken, categorizationType, active, fullTree);
      // Get children categorizations for categorization
      Categorization[] childCategorizations =
          categorizationType, categorization, active);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Deactivate a Categorization
      // //////////////////////////////
      categorization = repository.categorizationDeactivate(authToken,
          categorization, categorizationType);
      // pActive is set to "true" so that the method returns
      // only active categorizations
      Categorization[] activeCategorizations = repository
          .categorizationChildRead(authToken, categorizationType,
              categorization, true);
      // Get inactive child Categorizations
      Categorization[] inactiveCategorizations =
          categorizationType, categorization, false);
      // /////////////////////////////
      // Reactivate Categorizations
      // /////////////////////////////
      for(int i=0; i<inactiveCategorizations.length; i++){
        categorization = repository.categorizationReactivate(authToken,
            inactiveCategorizations[i], categorizationType);
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Delete a Categorization Type
      // //////////////////////////////
      repository.categorizationTypeDelete(authToken, categorizationType);
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {

Methods to Avoid:

The methods listed below are for internal Oracle Enterprise Repository use only and should not be used. Incorrect use of these methods could cause improper functioning of categorizations. The functions provided by these methods provide are incorporated in the Oracle Enterprise Repository categorization methods.

  • getDescription() String - Categorization

  • GetEntityType() String - Categorization

  • getKey() String - Categorization

  • getLevel() long - Categorization

  • getType() CategorizationType - Categorization

  • getTypeDesc() TypeDesc - Categorization

  • hashCode() int - Categorization

  • set_super(Categorization _super) void - Categorization

  • setActiveStatus(int activeStatus) void - Categorization

  • setDeleted(boolean deleted) void - Categorization

  • setDescription(String description) void - Categorization

  • setEntityType(String entityType) void - Categorization

  • setID(long ID) void - Categorization

  • setKey(String key) void - Categorization

  • setRecursiveName(String recursiveName) void - Categorization

  • setType(CategorizationType type) void - Categorization

  • setTypeID(long ID) void - Categorization