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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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B Example Properties File for Synchronization Profiles

This appendix provides an example of a profile properties file that can be used with the manageSyncProfiles command and its -f option. The appendix contains the following topics:

Example Properties File for Synchronization Profiles

The manageSyncProfiles command and its -f option allows you to specify the full path to a profile properties file that contains properties for a synchronization profile. For example:

manageSyncProfiles register -h -p 7005 -D login_ID \
  -f /opt/ldap/odip/iPlImport.profile 


"Managing Synchronization Profiles Using manageSyncProfiles" for more information about manageSyncProfiles.

The following is an example of a profile properties file. Be sure to modify your properties file so that it is specific to your environment and configuration.

## This file contains information required to create a profile in ##
## OID.                                                           ##
# Profile Name : Name of the profile
# NOTE - This should be a unique name
# = ActiveImport
# Profile Status : Can be either DISABLE or ENABLE
# NOTE - Default is DISABLE. When it is in the disable mode you can also test the
# profile using the 'testprofile' option.
odip.profile.status = DISABLE
# Synchronization Mode : Specifies the direction of synchronization i.e when the 
# changes are required to be propagated from the 3rd party to OID then the 
# synchronization mode is IMPORT. On the other hand when the changes needs ot be
# propagated to the 3rd party directory then the synchronization mode is EXPORT.
odip.profile.syncmode = IMPORT
# Retry Count : Maximum number of times this profile should be executed
# in case of an error before the integration server gives up
# NOTE - the default value is 4
odip.profile.retry = 5
# Schedule Interval: The time interval between successive execution of this
# profile by the integration server.
# NOTE - the default value is 60 sec. If the previous execution has not 
# compeleted then the next execution will not resume util it completes.
odip.profile.schedinterval = 60
# Agent Execution Command : In case of a NON-LDAP interface the command 
# that needs to be executed that would produce the information in LDIF/Tagged 
# format. By default this property is commented out for LDAP directories.
odip.profile.agentexecommand = 
# Connected Directory Url : The 3rd party directory location
# The property is of teh format  "host:port:sslmode"
# Host : Connected directory/repository Host 
# port : connected Directory/repository Port
# sslMode: can have valid values 0,1,2,3
#  0: Non -ssl
#  1: ssl mode 1 ( no certificate )
#  2: One way SSL ) Server only Auth - Trust Point Certificate )
odip.profile.condirurl = host:port:sslmode
# Connected Directory/repository Account : The Dn or user name used to connect to 
# the target repository
odip.profile.condiraccount =  
# Connected Directory Account : The password used to connect to the 3rd party 
# directory
# When you create a profile using the properties file you'll be prompted for the 
# password even if you specify the password in this file. For security reasons it 
# is recommended that you specify the password in the commandline.
# odip.profile.condirpassword = ********
# Interface Type : Whether the LDAP or LDIF or DB or TAGGED format is 
# to be used for data exchange
# NOTE - Default value is LDAP
odip.profile.interface = LDAP
# Config Info : Additional information required for execution of this 
# profile by the integration server.
# NOTE - The value for this property is the name of the file that contains
# the additional profile specific information to be used for execution
# Specify the absolute pathname of the file here. If the absolute pathname
# contains a `\`, use the escape sequence and specify it as `\\`
odip.profile.configfile = /scratch/americas/product/oracle/wls/Oracle_
# Mapping Rules : Specifies the Mapping Rules to be used for execution
# profile by the integration server.
# NOTE - The value for this property is the name of the file that contains
# the domain and attribute mapping rules
# Specify the absolute pathname of the file here. If the absolute pathname
# contains a `\`, use the escape sequence and specify it as `\\`
odip.profile.mapfile = /scratch/americas/product/oracle/wls/Oracle_
# Matching filter Con Dir : Specifies the filter that needs to be 
# applied to the changes that are read from the connected directory 
# before importing to OID
# NOTE - There are certain defaults available for different directories.
# You can look at the $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/odi/conf directory for sample 
# files and filters.
# odip.profile.condirfilter = "searchfilter=(|(objectclass=group)(objectclass=organizationalunit)(&(objectclass=user)(!(objectclass=computer))))"
# Matching OID attribute : Specifies the matching attribute 
# on OID for import from the connected directory
odip.profile.oidfilter = orclObjectGUID
# Change Number : Specifies the last applied change number. In case of 
# an export profile this number refer's to OID's last applied change number.
# However, in case of the import profile this number refers to the last
# applied change number in the connected directory.
odip.profile.lastchgnum = 0
# Profile Version : Value is 4.0. Only version 4.0 profiles are supported. 
# NOTE - Default is 4.0
odip.profile.version = 4.0
# Debug Level : Specifies the debug level of the profile. A value of 63 logs all
# information, including entries that are synchronized.
odip.profile.debuglevel = 0

# Specify the directory type here.  Supported values are , ACTIVEDIRECTORY,ADAM,
# associated Profile name. Specify the profile you would like to associate with
# the current profile. This is applicable only for LDAP directories and is
# required only if you are using bi-directional
# synchronization with a connected directory. If you have only one direction of
# synchronization you can leave this field empty.
odip.profile.associatedProfile =
# updateChangeNumberatCreate: if the field is set to false,
# Last Change Number(lastchgnum) will be set to
# current time stamp or value at the time of profile creation.
# Instead you can set it true to retain its deafult value.
odip.profile.updateChangeNumberatCreate = TRUE