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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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13 Deploying Provisioning-Integrated Applications

This chapter explains how to deploy provisioning-integrated applications with the Oracle Provisioning Service. It contains these topics:

Deployment Overview for Provisioning-Integrated Applications

To deploy provisioning-integrated applications with the Oracle Provisioning Service, you perform these general steps:

  1. Install Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

  2. Load user information into Oracle Internet Directory.

    See Also:

    Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory

  3. Start the Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

  4. Install the applications and use the oidprovtool to create a provisioning profile for each application. Refer to "Managing Provisioning Profiles Using oidprovtool" for more information.

  5. Configure application registration by following the procedures described in "Registering Applications for Provisioning".

  6. Configure application provisioning by following the procedures described in "Configuring Application Provisioning Properties".

  7. Periodically monitor the status of the provisioning event propagation for each application. You can do this by using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

    See Also:

    The chapter on logging, auditing, and monitoring the directory in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory

Managing Provisioning Profiles Using oidprovtool

Provisioning enables you to ensure that an application is notified of directory changes, such as changes to user or group information. Such changes can affect whether the application allows a user access to its processes and resources.

When you install an application that you want to provision, you must create a provisioning integration profile using the oidprovtool command located in the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

You can use the oidprovtool to:

The oidprovtool utility shields the location and schema details of the provisioning profile entries from the callers of the tool. From the callers' perspective, the combination of an application and a realm uniquely identify a provisioning profile. The constraint in the system is that there can be only one provisioning profile for each application for each realm.

Once a profile is created, its mode—that is, INBOUND, OUTBOUND, or BOTH—cannot be changed by using the modify operation. To change the mode, you must delete, then re-create, the profile.

The Oracle directory integration platform server automatically monitors provisioning profile configuration changes in Oracle Internet Directory, including the creation, modification, and deletion of provisioning profiles. For this reason, you do not need to manually enable or disable a provisioning profile.


For improved security, do not enter a password with the oidprovtool command unless prompted for one.

Syntax for oidprovtool


oidprovtool operation=[create|modify] ldap_host=oid_hostname ldap_port=port 
ldap_user_dn="bindDN" ldap_user_password=password 
application_dn="DN" application_type=type [application_name=name] 
[application_display_name=display name] organization_dn=DN 
[application_isdasvisible=TRUE|FALSE] [manage_application_defaults=TRUE|FALSE] 
[enable_bootstrap=TRUE|FALSE]  [user_data_location=DN] 
interface_name=SCHEMA.PACKAGE [interface_type=PLSQL|JAVA] 
interface_version=1.1|2.0|3.0] interface_connect_info=connection_string 
schedule=number_seconds lastchangenumber=number 
max_events_per_schedule=number max_events_per_invocation=number 
max_events_per_schedule=number max_retries=number profile_group=number
profile_status=ENABLED | DISABLED profile_debug=debug_level 

oidprovtool {operation=enable|disable|delete|status|reset} 
application_dn=DN [organization_dn=DN] [ldap_host=oid_hostname] [ldap_port=port]
[ldap_user_dn=bindDN] [ldap_user_password=password] [profile_debug=debug_level]

Arguments for oidprovtool

operation=create | modify | enable | disable | delete | status | reset

Required. The operation to perform using oidprovtool. You can only perform one operation at a time. The operations are:

  • create—Creates a new provisioning profile.

  • modify—Modifies the given properties of an existing provisioning profile.

  • enable—Enables a provisioning profile.

  • disable—Disables a provisioning profile.

  • delete—Deletes a provisioning profile.

  • status—Shows the current status of a given provisioning profile.

  • reset—Clears all errors for a provisioning profile.


Optional. The host name of the Oracle Internet Directory server. If not provided then the name of the local host is used.


Optional. The LDAP listening port of Oracle Internet Directory. The default is 389.


Required. The DN of the superuser or a user that has sufficient permissions to perform provisioning subscription operations. The default is cn=orcladmin.


Optional.The user password used to bind to the directory. If you do not specify the password on the command line, you will be prompted for it. Best security practice is to provide the password in response to a prompt.

profile_mode=OUTBOUND | INBOUND | BOTH

Optional for the create operation only. The direction of the provisioning events. The default is OUTBOUND (data is provisioned from Oracle Internet Directory to the application).


Required. The distinguished name of the application to which the provisioning subscription belongs. The combination of the application DN and organization DN uniquely identifies a provisioning profile. For example, here is the application DN for Portal:



Required. The type of application being provisioned.


Optional. The name of the application being provisioned. If not provided, defaults to the distinguished name assigned to application_dn.


Optional. The display name of the application being provisioned. If not provided, defaults to the value assigned to application_name.


Optional. If not provided, defaults to the default identity management realm. The distinguished name of the organization to which the provisioning subscription belongs, for example "dc=company,dc=com". The combination of the application DN and organization DN uniquely identifies a provisioning profile.

application_isdasvisible=TRUE | FALSE

Optional. Determines whether the application is visible as a provisioning-integrated application in the Oracle Internet Directory Provisioning Console. The default value is TRUE.

manage_application_default=TRUE | FALSE

Optional. Determines whether the Oracle Internet Directory Provisioning Console manages the application's default values. The default value is TRUE.

enable_bootstrap=TRUE | FALSE

Optional. Indicates whether the application should receive provisioning events for users that existed in Oracle Internet Directory before creating the application's provisioning integration profile. The default value is FALSE.


Optional. Identifies the DN of the container in which to store application-specific user information.


Optional. Specifies the application's default provisioning policy. The default value is PROVISIONING_REQUIRED.


Required for create or modify operations. The database schema name for the PLSQL package. The format of the value is schema.package_name, for example here is the schema and PLSQL package information for Portal:


interface_version=1.1 | 2.0 | 3.0

The version of the interface protocol. Allowed values are 1.1, 2.0, or 3.0. The default value is 2.0.

interface_type=PLSQL | JAVA

Optional. The type of interface to which events will be propagated. The default is PLSQL.


Required for create or modify operations. To connect to an Oracle database and propagate events, use one of the following formats for the connection string:

  • DBURL=ldap://ldaphost:ldapport/service:username:password (recommended)

  • host:port:sid:username:password

  • DBSVC=service:username:password


Optional for create and modify operations only. The number of seconds between executions of this profile. The default is 3600, which means the profile is scheduled to be executed every hour.


Optional for create and modify operations on OUTBOUND events only. The last change number in Oracle Internet Directory after which all qualifying events should be provisioned to the application. Defaults to the latest current change number.


Optional. Determines the number of times the Oracle Provisioning System attempts to provision a user. The default is 1.


Optional for create and modify operations only. The maximum number of events that the Oracle directory integration platform server sends to an application during one execution of a provisioning profile. The default is 100.


Optional for create and modify operations only. The maximum number of events that can be packaged and sent to a target in one invocation of the interface.


Required for create and modify operations on INBOUND events only. This rule maps the object type received from the application (using an optional filter condition) to a domain in Oracle Internet Directory A provisioning profile can have multiple mapping rules defined.

The following example shows two mapping rules. The first rule shows that an employee object (EMP) whose locality attribute equals America (l=AMERICA) should be mapped to the domain l=AMER,cn=users,dc=company,dc=com. The second rule shows that an employee object (EMP) should be mapped to the domain cn=users,dc=company,dc=com (no filter conditions).



Required for create and modify operations on INBOUND events only. This property is used to define the types of events that the application is allowed to send to the Oracle Directory Integration Platform service. A provisioning profile can have multiple permitted operations defined.

For example, if you wanted to permit the application to send events whenever a user object was added or deleted, or when certain attributes were modified, you would have three permitted operations such as this:


event_subscription="USER | GROUP:DOMAIN:OPERATION(attributes,...)"

Required for create and modify operations on OUTBOUND events only. This property is used to define the types of events that the Oracle Directory Integration Platform service should send to the application. A provisioning profile can have multiple event subscriptions defined.

For example, if you wanted the directory integration server to send events to the application whenever a user or group object was added or deleted, you would have four event subscriptions such as this:



Optional for create and modify operations only. The maximum number of events to be provisioned in one schedule. The default is 100.


Optional for create and modify operations only. The number of times a failed event should be retried. The default is 5.


Required for create and modify operations only. The group number of the profile. Default is "DEFAULT". This is required to address scalability issues when different Oracle Directory Integration Platform server instances will be used to execute different selected groups.

profile_status=ENABLED | DISABLED

Required for the create operation only. Determines whether the profile is enabled or disabled. The default is ENABLED.


Required. The debug level for the profile.

Tasks and Examples for oidprovtool

You can perform the following tasks using oidprovtool:

Creating a Provisioning Profile

The following example creates a new provisioning profile that makes Portal aware of updates to the user and group information that is maintained in Oracle Internet Directory.


oidprovtool operation=create ldap_port=389 \
ldap_user_dn="cn=orcladmin" application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=PORTAL,cn=Portal,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" \
organization_dn="dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com" interface_name=PORTAL.WWSEC_OID_SYNC \
interface_type=PLSQL interface_connect_info=myhost:1521:iasdb:PORTAL:password \
schedule=360 event_subscription="USER:dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com:DELETE" \
event_subscription="GROUP:dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com:DELETE" \
event_subscription="USER:dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com:MODIFY(orclDefaultProfileGroup,userpassword)" \
event_subscription="GROUP:dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com:MODIFY(uniqueMember)" \

Modifying a Provisioning Profile

The following example modifies an existing provisioning profile for the Portal application. It changes the event subscription for the attributes that are provisioned when a user entry is modified.


oidprovtool operation=modify ldap_port=389 \
ldap_user_dn="cn=orcladmin" application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=PORTAL,cn=Portal,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" \
organization_dn="dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com" \

Deleting a Provisioning Profile

The following example disables a provisioning profile for the Portal application.


oidprovtool operation=delete ldap_port=389 \
ldap_user_dn="cn=orcladmin" application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=PORTAL,cn=Portal,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" \

Disabling a Provisioning Profile

The following example disables a provisioning profile for the Portal application.


oidprovtool operation=disable ldap_port=389 \
ldap_user_dn="cn=orcladmin" application_dn="orclApplicationCommonName=PORTAL,cn=Portal,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" \

Registering Applications for Provisioning

After you install an application and use the oidprovtool to create a provisioning profile for it, you must perform the following steps to register the application for provisioning:

  1. Perform the initial provisioning registration and create a provisioning-integration profile. The Oracle Directory Integration Platform Service uses the provisioning-integration profiles to identify provisioning-integrated applications.

  2. Provide the Oracle Directory Integration Platform Service with application- specific attributes, default values, and whether an attribute is mandatory when provisioning users for the application.

  3. Register any plug-ins that are required by the provisioning-integrated application. This can include application-specific plug-ins that the application uses to enforce business policies.


The Oracle Directory Integration Platform Service does not support instance-level provisioning of applications that support a multiple instance architecture. If you install multiple instances of the same application, the Oracle Directory Integration Platform Service treats each instance as a separate provisioning-integrated application.

When creating users with the Provisioning Console, an administrator can assign user attributes for a specific provisioning-integrated application. Because ­Oracle Internet Directory is the primary directory for attributes that the Provisioning Console manages, application-specific attributes are stored in Oracle Internet Directory for each user that is provisioned for an application. For better performance, provisioning-integrated applications usually cache a local copy of user attributes instead of retrieving them from Oracle Internet Directory. Applications are notified of user creations, user deletions, and attribute modifications either synchronously with the Data Access Java plug-in or asynchronously with a PL/SQL plug-in.

Registration creates a unique identity for an application in Oracle Internet Directory. Oracle applications typically register themselves for provisioning by using the repository APIs located in the repository.jar file, which Oracle Application Server installs by default in the $ORACLE_HOME/jlib directory. In addition to creating an application entry in Oracle Internet Directory, the repository APIs can be used to add applications to privileged groups.

For non-Oracle applications that are not capable of using the registration APIs, you can use LDAP commands and LDIF templates to create identities for the applications in Oracle Internet Directory. You create a container for the application under cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" or cn=Products, cn=OracleContext, Realm DN. The container where you create an application identity depends on whether the application will be available to users in a single realm or multiple realms. In most cases, you should create an application identity in the cn=Products, cn=OracleContext container so the application is not bound by the identity management policies of a specific Oracle Internet Directory identity management realm.

You can install multiple instances of the same application. Installing a new instance of a provisioning-integrated application creates a separate entry for the new instance under the application identity container. Although some configuration settings are instance-specific, other settings are shared across multiple instances of the same application. As an example, consider an application that is similar to Oracle Files. You can deploy multiple instances of Oracle Files in an environment where each instance is independent of other instances. You define each instance as a separate provisioning-integrated application. You can also provision users in multiple instances of the application.

When you install the first instance of an application, you must create in Oracle Internet Directory the entries shown in the following example. The example creates the application identity in the cn=Products, cn=OracleContext container, and assumes the application name and type are Files-App1 and FILES.

dn: cn=FILES,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
changetype: add
objectclass: orclContainer
dn: orclApplicationCommonName=Files-App1,cn=FILES,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
changetype: add
objectclass: orclApplicationEntityorclappfullname: Files Application Instance 1
userpassword: password
description: This is a test application instance.
protocolInformation: protocol information
orclVersion: 1.0
orclaci: access to entry by group="cn=odisgroup,cn=DIPAdmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" (browse,proxy) by group="cn=User Provisioning Admins,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext" (browse,proxy)
orclaci: access to attr=(*) by group="cn=odisgroup,cn=DIPAdmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" (search,read,write,compare) by group="cn=User Provisioning Admins,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext" (search,read,write,compare)

When you install the second instance of an application, you must create in Oracle Internet Directory the entries shown in the following example. The example also creates the application identity in the cn=Products, cn=OracleContext container, and assumes the application name is Files-App2.

dn: orclApplicationCommonName=Files-App2,cn=FILES,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
changetype: add
objectclass: orclApplicationEntityorclappfullname: Files Application Instance 2
userpassword: password
description: This is a test Appliction instance.
protocolInformation: protocol information
orclVersion: 1.0
orclaci: access to entry by group="cn=odisgroup,cn=DIPAdmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" (browse,proxy) by group="cn=User Provisioning Admins,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext" (browse,proxy)
orclaci: access to attr=(*) by group="cn=odisgroup,cn=DIPAdmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" (search,read,write,compare) by group="cn=User Provisioning Admins,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext" (search,read,write,compare)

After you successfully register a provisioned-integrated application with Oracle Internet Directory, you may need to add the application to various privileged groups. Table 13-1 lists common privileged groups in Oracle Internet Directory.

Table 13-1 Common Privileged Groups in Oracle Internet Directory

Group Description


Create users


Edit users


Delete users


Create groups


Edit groups


Delete groups

The following LDIF file demonstrates how to grant create user privileges in all realms to the Files-App1 application:

changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: orclApplicationCommonName=Files-App1,cn=FILES,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext

Configuring Application Provisioning Properties

After you register a provisioning-integrated application, you must configure its properties. Each application's provisioning profile maintains its own provisioning configuration properties. Provisioning-integrated applications use properties to store the following types of metadata:

Oracle Directory Integration Platform Provisioning supports three versions of provisioning profiles: 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0. Version 3.0 provisioning profiles are only available with Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). Different applications support different provisioning profile versions. For example, many Oracle applications only support version 2.0. However, Oracle Collaboration Suite supports provisioning profile version 3.0. The primary differences between the provisioning profile versions are as follows: