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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Reference for Oracle Identity Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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9 Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Database Schema

This document describes the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager tables.

9.1 Database/Application Objects

9.1.1 List of All Classes

9.1.2 Tables and Index in category 1

Class Name Table Name Table TS Index TS Table Initrans Index Initrans
VCryptQuestionGlobalValidation V_Q_GLOBAL_VALID BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VCryptQuestionGlobalValidationHist V_Q_GLOBAL_VALID_HIST BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VCryptQuestionAnswerHintMap V_Q_ANS_HINT_MAP BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VCryptQuestionAnswerHintMapHist V_Q_ANS_HINT_MAP_HIST BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VBharosaEnumElementAttribute V_B_ENUM_ELMNT_ATTR BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VBharosaEnumElementAttributeHist V_B_ENUM_ELMNT_ATTR_HIST BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VPatternEntityOperation V_PAT_ENT_OPER BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VPatternEntityOperationHist V_PAT_ENT_OPER_HIST BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2
VLocationUpdateSession V_LOC_UPD_SESS BRSATBS1 BRSAINDX1 2 2

9.1.3 Tables and Index in category 2

Class Name Table Name Table TS Index TS Table Initranss Index Initranss

9.1.4 Tables and Index in category 3

Class Name Table Name Table TS Index TS Table Initranss Index Initranss
VTUserDeviceMap VTUserDeviceMap BRSATBS3 BRSAINDX3 16 16

9.1.5 Tables and Index in category 4

Class Name Table Name Table TS Index TS Table Initranss Index Initranss

9.2 Details of each class

9.2.1 VCryptAccount

Description: These are the vcrypt accounts.

Database table name : VCRYPT_ACCOUNTS

Primary Keys : acctId (ACCT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
acctId ACCT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this account 16 -
acctName ACCT_NAME TEXT String Name of this account 4000 -
acctStatus ACCT_STATUS INT int Status of this account. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



acctType ACCT_TYPE INT int Type of this account. - -
groupId GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Group Id to which account belongs to 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this account was created - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
acctContact ACCT_CONTACT TEXT String Contact information for this account. 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this account 4000 -

9.2.2 VCryptAccountHist

Description: These are the vcrypt accounts shadow table.

Database table name : VCRYPT_ACCOUNTS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME BIGINT Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME BIGINT Date Active from time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
acctId ACCT_ID BIGINT Long Id for this account 16
acctName ACCT_NAME TEXT String Name of this account 4000
acctStatus ACCT_STATUS INT int Status of this account. 2
acctType ACCT_TYPE INT int Type of this account. -
groupId GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Group Id to which account belongs to 16
acctContact ACCT_CONTACT TEXT String Contact information for this account. 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this account 4000

9.2.3 VCryptUserGroup

Description: This contains the user group details.

Database table name : VCRYPT_USER_GROUPS

Primary Keys : userGroupId (GROUP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
userGroupId GROUP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the UserGroup 16 -
groupName GROUP_NAME TEXT String Name of the group 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description for this group. 4000 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time. - -
groupType USERGROUP_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the User group - -
status USERGROUP_STATUS_CODE INT int Status of the User group 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000 -

9.2.4 VCryptUserRole

Description: This contains the user role details.

Database table name : VCRYPT_USER_ROLES

Primary Keys : roleId (ROLE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
roleId ROLE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the UserRole 16 -
roleName ROLE_NAME TEXT String Name of the role 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description for this role. 4000 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time. - -
roleType ROLE_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the User role - -
status USERROLE_STATUS_CODE INT int Status of the role 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000 -

9.2.5 VCryptUserGroupRoleMap

Description: This contains mapping of roles to user groups.

Database table name : VCRYPT_USERGROUP_ROLE_MAPS

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
groupId GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Group Id. 16
roleId ROLE_ID BIGINT Long Role Id. 16

9.2.6 VCryptUser

Description: This contains the user details.

Database table name : VCRYPT_USERS

Primary Keys : userId (USER_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum value
userId USER_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the User 16 -
externalUserId EXT_USER_ID VARCHAR String User id used by the external system 255 -
loginId LOGIN_ID VARCHAR String Login id of the User 255 -
groupId GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Group Id. 16 -
acctId ACCT_ID BIGINT Long Account Id to which this user belongs to 16 -
userName USER_NAME VARCHAR String Name of the User 255 -
userEmail USER_EMAIL VARCHAR String Email address of the User. 255 -
password PASSWORD VARCHAR String Password for the User 255 -
pin PIN VARCHAR String Password for the User 255 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
statusUpdateTime STATUS_UPDATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when the status was updated. - -
userType USER_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the User 2 USER_USER
authMode AUTH_MODE_CODE INT int Mode of authorization 2 -
authType AUTH_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of authorization 2 AUTH_TYPE_NORMAL







isPinEnabled IS_PIN_ENABLED CHAR boolean Whether PIN is enabled for this user - -
isADA IS_ADA CHAR boolean Is ADA - -
isLocked IS_LOCKED CHAR boolean Is this user locked. - -
lockedTime LOCKED_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this user was locked. - -
passwordStatus PASSWORD_STATUS INT int Status of the password 2 -
passwordUpdateTime PASSWORD_UPDATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when the password was last updated. - -
passwordHistory PASSWORD_HISTORY TEXT String List of password which was used by this user. 4000 -
pinStatus PIN_STATUS INT int Status of the pin 2 -
pinUpdateTime PIN_UPDATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when the pin was last updated. - -
pinHistory PIN_HISTORY TEXT String List of pin which was used by this user. 4000 -
imagePath IMAGE_PATH VARCHAR String Path to the image file 255 -
personalNote PERSONAL_NOTE TEXT String Personalized note 4000 -
imageStatus IMAGE_STATUS INT int Status of the image 4 -
phraseStatus PHRASE_STATUS INT int Status of the phrase 4 -
questionStatus QUESTION_STATUS INT int Status of the question 4 -
currentQAId CURRENT_QA_ID BIGINT Long The Id of the current question given to the user - -
defaultLocaleId DEFAULT_LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Default locale for the user 16 -
phraseLocaleId PHRASE_LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Locale for the phrase 16 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000 -

9.2.7 VCryptUserHist

Description: This contains the user details.

Database table name : VCRYPT_USERS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id for the User 16
externalUserId EXT_USER_ID VARCHAR String User id used by the external system 255
loginId LOGIN_ID VARCHAR String Login id of the User 255
groupId GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Group Id. 16
acctId ACCT_ID BIGINT Long Account Id to which this user belongs to 16
userName USER_NAME VARCHAR String Name of the User 255
userEmail USER_EMAIL VARCHAR String Email address of the User. 255
password PASSWORD VARCHAR String Password for the User 255
pin PIN VARCHAR String Password for the User 255
statusUpdateTime STATUS_UPDATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when the status was updated. -
userType USER_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the User 2
authMode AUTH_MODE_CODE INT int Mode of authorization 2
authType AUTH_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of authorization 2
status USER_STATUS_CODE INT int Status of the User 2
isPinEnabled IS_PIN_ENABLED CHAR boolean Whether PIN is enabled for this user -
isADA IS_ADA CHAR boolean Is ADA -
isLocked IS_LOCKED CHAR boolean Is this user locked. -
lockedTime LOCKED_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this user was locked. -
passwordStatus PASSWORD_STATUS INT int Status of the password 2
passwordUpdateTime PASSWORD_UPDATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when the password was last updated. -
passwordHistory PASSWORD_HISTORY TEXT String List of password which was used by this user. 4000
pinStatus PIN_STATUS INT int Status of the pin 2
pinUpdateTime PIN_UPDATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when the pin was last updated. -
pinHistory PIN_HISTORY TEXT String List of pin which was used by this user. 4000
imagePath IMAGE_PATH VARCHAR String Path to the image file 255
personalNote PERSONAL_NOTE TEXT String Personalized note 4000
imageStatus IMAGE_STATUS INT int Status of the image 4
phraseStatus PHRASE_STATUS INT int Status of the phrase 4
questionStatus QUESTION_STATUS INT int Status of the question 4
currentQAId CURRENT_QA_ID BIGINT Long The Id of the current question given to the user -
defaultLocaleId DEFAULT_LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Default locale for the user 16
phraseLocaleId PHRASE_LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Locale for the phrase 16
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000

9.2.8 VQuestionCategory

Description: Question category

Database table name : V_Q_CATEGORY

Primary Keys : categoryId (CATEGORY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
categoryId CATEGORY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the category 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
name CATEGORY_NAME TEXT String Name of the category 4000 -
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000 -
categoryType CATEGORY_TYPE INT int The type for this category. 6 -
categoryStatus STATUS INT int The status for this category. 6 STATUS_ACTIVE



notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this question 4000 -

9.2.9 VQuestionCategoryHist

Description: User Question shadow table

Database table name : V_Q_CATEGORY_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
categoryId CATEGORY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the category 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
name CATEGORY_NAME TEXT String Name of the category 4000
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
categoryType CATEGORY_TYPE INT int The type for this category. 6
categoryStatus STATUS INT int The status for this category. 6
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this question 4000

9.2.10 VCryptUserQuestion

Description: User Question

Database table name : V_USER_QUESTIONS

Primary Keys : questionId (QUESTION_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
questionId QUESTION_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the question 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
questionType QUESTION_TYPE INT int The type for this question. 2 TYPE_SYSTEM


questionStatus QUESTION_STATUS INT int The status for this question. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



categoryId QUESTION_CATEGORY BIGINT Long Category of the question 16 -
localeId LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Locale for this question 16 -
question QUESTION TEXT String Question 4000 -
help HELP TEXT String Help for the validation 4000 -
errorText ERROR_TEXT TEXT String Error text for the validation 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this question 4000 -

9.2.11 VCryptUserQuestionHist

Description: User Question shadow table

Database table name : V_USER_QUESTIONS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
questionId QUESTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
questionType QUESTION_TYPE INT int The type for this question. 2
questionStatus QUESTION_STATUS INT int The status for this question. 2
question QUESTION TEXT String Question 4000
categoryId QUESTION_CATEGORY BIGINT Long Category of the question 16
localeId LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Locale for this question 16
help HELP TEXT String Help for the validation 4000
errorText ERROR_TEXT TEXT String Error text for the validation 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this question 4000

9.2.12 VCryptQuestionGlobalValidation

Description: Global question validation

Database table name : V_Q_GLOBAL_VALID

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
validationId VALIDATION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the validation 16 -
status STATUS INT int The status for this validation. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -

9.2.13 VCryptQuestionGlobalValidationHist

Description: Question validation map history

Database table name : V_Q_GLOBAL_VALID_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
validationId VALIDATION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the validation 16
status STATUS INT int The status for this validation. 2

9.2.14 VCryptQuestionValidationMap

Description: Question validation map

Database table name : V_Q_VALIDATION_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
questionId QUESTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question 16
validationId VALIDATION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the validation 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -

9.2.15 VCryptQuestionValidationMapHist

Description: Question validation map history

Database table name : V_Q_VALIDATION_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
questionId QUESTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question 16
validationId VALIDATION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the validation 16

9.2.16 VCryptValidation

Description: Validation

Database table name : V_VALIDATION

Primary Keys : validationId (VALIDATION_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
validationId VALIDATION_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the validation 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
validationScope VALID_SCOPE INT int What is the scope of the this validation. Whether it works on individual questions or on all the questions. E.g. to support validations like, no 2 answers can be the same. 4
help HELP TEXT String Help for the validation 4000
errorText ERROR_TEXT TEXT String Error text for the validation 4000
validationScheme VALIDATION_SCHEME INT int Validation scheme -
validationScript VALIDATION_SCRIPT TEXT String Validation script. This is interpretted based on the validation scheme 4000
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.17 VCryptValidationHist

Description: Validation map history

Database table name : V_VALIDATION_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
validationId VALIDATION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the validation 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
validationScope VALID_SCOPE INT int What is the scope of the this validation. Whether it works on individual questions or on all the questions. E.g. to support validations like, no 2 answers can be the same. 4
help HELP TEXT String Help for the validation 4000
errorText ERROR_TEXT TEXT String Error text for the validation 4000
validationScheme VALIDATION_SCHEME INT int Validation scheme -
validationScript VALIDATION_SCRIPT TEXT String Validation script. This is interpretted based on the validation scheme 4000
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.18 VCryptGlobalAnswerHint

Description: Global answer hint

Database table name :V_GLOBAL_ANS_HINT

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
answerHintId ANS_HINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the answer hint 16 -
status STATUS INT int The status for this validation. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE STATUS_DISABLED STATUS_DELETED
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this hint. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -

9.2.19 VCryptGlobalAnswerHintHist

Description: Global answer hint. Shadow table

Database table name :V_GLOBAL_ANS_HINT_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
answerHintId ANS_HINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the answer hint 16
status STATUS INT int The status for this validation. 2

9.2.20 VCryptQuestionAnswerHintMap

Description: Question answer hint map

Database table name :V_Q_ANS_HINT_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
questionId QUESTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question 16
answerHintId ANS_HINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the answer hint 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -

9.2.21 VCryptQuestionAnswerHintMapHist

Description: Question answer hint map history

Database table name :V_Q_ANS_HINT_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
questionId QUESTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question 16
answerHintId ANS_HINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the answer hint 16

9.2.22 VCryptAnswerHint

Description: Answer Hint

Database table name :V_ANS_HINT

Primary Keys : answerHintId (ANS_HINT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Descriptions Length
answerHintId ANS_HINT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the answer hint 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
answerHintScheme ANS_HINT_SCHEME INT int Answer Hint scheme -
answerHintScript ANS_HINT_SCRIPT TEXT String Answer Hint script. This is interpretted based on the answer hint scheme 4000
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.23 VCryptAnswerHintHist

Description: Answer Hint map history

Database table name :V_ANS_HINT_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
answerHintId ANS_HINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the answer hint 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
answerHintScheme ANS_HINT_SCHEME INT int Answer Hint scheme -
answerHintScript ANS_HINT_SCRIPT TEXT String Answer Hint script. This is interpretted based on the answer hint scheme 4000
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.24 VCryptUserQA

Description: User Question/Answer

Database table name: V_USER_QA

Primary Keys: qaId (QA_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
qaId QA_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the question/answer 16 -
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16 -
questionId QUESTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question 16 -
qaStatus QA_STATUS INT int The status for this question/answer. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
answer ANSWER TEXT String Answer to the question 4000 -
answerHint ANSWER_HINT TEXT String Hint for the answer 4000 -

9.2.25 VCryptUserQAHist

Description: User Question/Answer shadow table

Database table name :V_USER_QA_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
qaId QA_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question/answer 16
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
questionId QUESTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the question 16
qaStatus QA_STATUS INT int The status for this question/answer. 2
answer ANSWER TEXT String Answer to the question 4000
answerHint ANSWER_HINT TEXT String Hint for the answer 4000

9.2.26 VCryptScoringPolicy

Description: Scoring Policy

Database table name :V_SCORING_POLICY

Primary Keys : policyId (POLICY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
policyId POLICY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the policy 16
policyType POLICY_TYPE INT int Policy type -
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of runtime 6
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
minFinalScore MIN_FINAL_SCORE INT int Minimum final score to return success -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -

9.2.27 VCryptScoringPolicyHist

Description: Scoring Policy shadow table

Database table name :V_SCORING_POLICY_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
policyId POLICY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the policy 16
policyType POLICY_TYPE INT int Policy type -
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of runtime 6
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
minFinalScore MIN_FINAL_SCORE INT int Minimum final score to return success -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000

9.2.28 VCryptScoreAttributes

Description: Score attributes

Database table name :V_SCORE_ATTR

Primary Keys : attrId (ATTR_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
attrId ATTR_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the attribute 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
policyId POLICY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the policy to which this belongs to 16
attrType ATTR_TYPE INT int Attribute type -
score SCORE INT int Default score for this policy -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -

9.2.29 VCryptScoreAttributesHist

Description: Score Attributes for shadow table

Database table name :V_SCORE_ATTR_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
attrId ATTR_ID BIGINT Long Id for the attribute 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
policyId POLICY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the policy to which this belongs to 16
attrType ATTR_TYPE INT int Attribute type -
score SCORE INT int Default score for this policy -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000

9.2.30 VMonitorData

Description: This contains the monitor data.

Database table name :V_MONITOR_DATA

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for finger print 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this finger print. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -
monitorType MONITOR_TYPE INT int Monitor type 5
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the finger print 16
dataValue DATA_VALUE TEXT String Data value for the finger print 4000
count MONITOR_COUNT INT int Monitor count -
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
runningTime RUNNING_TIME BIGINT long Running time 20
elapsedTime ELAPLSED_TIME BIGINT long Elapsed time in micro seconds 20
minTime MIN_TIME BIGINT long Minimum time taken for processing in micro seconds 20
maxTime MAX_TIME BIGINT long Maximum time taken for processing in micro seconds 20
hour AGGR_HOUR DATETIME Date Hour for this aggregate -
day AGGR_DAY DATETIME Date Day for this aggregate -
week AGGR_WEEK DATETIME Date Week for this aggregate -
month AGGR_MONTH DATETIME Date Week for this aggregate -
quarter AGGR_QUARTER DATETIME Date Week for this aggregate -
year AGGR_YEAR DATETIME Date Year for this aggregate -
serverId SERVER_ID TEXT String Server Id 4000

9.2.31 VBharosaConfig

Description: Bharosa Config

Database table name :V_B_CONFIG

Primary Keys : configId (CONFIG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
configId CONFIG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the config 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name CONFIG_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute 4000
value CONFIG_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
configType CONFIG_TYPE INT int The type of this config. 5
isEncrypted IS_SECURE CHAR boolean Is this property encrypted -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.32 VBharosaConfigHist

Description: Bharosa Config shadow

Database table name :V_B_CONFIG_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id for the config 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name CONFIG_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute 4000
value CONFIG_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
configType CONFIG_TYPE INT int The type of this config. 5
isEncrypted IS_SECURE CHAR boolean Is this property encrypted -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.33 VBharosaEnum

Description: User Defined Enums

Database table name :V_B_ENUM

Primary Keys : enumId (ENUM_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Update Date/Time. -
enumId ENUM_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the enum 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the User Def Enum. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
propertyName PROP_NAME TEXT String Property name for this enum 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.34 VBharosaEnumHist

Description: Bharosa Config shadow

Database table name :V_B_ENUM_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Descriptions Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
enumId ENUM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the enum 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the User Def Enum. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
propertyName PROP_NAME TEXT String Property name for this enum 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.35 VBharosaEnumElement

Description: Element in User Defined Enums

Database table name :V_B_ENUM_ELMNT

Primary Keys : elementId (ELEMENT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Update Date/Time. -
elementId ELEMENT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the enum 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
enumId ENUM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Enum 16
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the Element. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
propertyName PROP_NAME TEXT String Property name for this enum 4000
numericValue NUM_VALUE INT int Numeric value of the element -
stringValue STR_VALUE TEXT String String value of the element 4000
isEnabled IS_ENABLED CHAR boolean Is this element enabled -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.36 VBharosaEnumElementHist

Description: Shadow object for BharosaEnumElement

Database table name :V_B_ENUM_ELMNT_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
elementId ELEMENT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the enum 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
enumId ENUM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Enum 16
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the Element. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
propertyName PROP_NAME TEXT String Property name for this enum 4000
numericValue NUM_VALUE INT int Numeric value of the element -
stringValue STR_VALUE TEXT String String value of the element 4000
isEnabled IS_ENABLED CHAR boolean Is this element enabled -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.37 VBharosaEnumElementAttribute

Description: Element attribute in User Defined Enums

Database table name :V_B_ENUM_ELMNT_ATTR

Primary Keys : attributeId (ATTR_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Update Date/Time. -
attributeId ATTR_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the enum 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
elementId ELEMENT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Enum 16
attributeName ATTR_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute. 4000
attributeValue ATTR_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
propertyName PROP_NAME TEXT String Property name for this attribute 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.38 VBharosaEnumElementAttributeHist

Description: Enum Element attribute shadow

Database table name :V_B_ENUM_ELMNT_ATTR_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
attributeId ATTR_ID BIGINT Long Id for the enum 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
elementId ELEMENT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Enum 16
attributeName ATTR_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute. 4000
attributeValue ATTR_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
propertyName PROP_NAME TEXT String Property name for this attribute 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.39 VBharosaLocale

Description: Bharosa Locale

Database table name :V_B_LOCALE

Primary Keys : localeId (LOCALE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
localeId LOCALE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the Locale 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time for this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LOCALE_NAME TEXT String Name of the Locale 4000
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
language LANGUAGE TEXT String Language of the Locale 4000
country COUNTRY TEXT String Country of the Locale 4000
variant VARIANT TEXT String Variant of the Locale 4000
localeKey LOCALE_KEY TEXT String This is the concatenation of all the elements 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.40 VBharosaLocaleHist

Description: Bharosa Locale shadow

Database table name :V_B_LOCALE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
localeId LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the locale 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LOCALE_NAME TEXT String Name of the Locale 4000
nameRBKey NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
language LANGUAGE TEXT String Language of the Locale 4000
country COUNTRY TEXT String Country of the Locale 4000
variant VARIANT TEXT String Variant of the Locale 4000
localeKey LOCALE_KEY TEXT String This is the concatenation of all the elements 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.41 VBharosaConfigRB

Description: Bharosa Config with resource bundle

Database table name :V_B_CONFIG_RB

Primary Keys : configId (CONFIG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
configId CONFIG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the config 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
name CONFIG_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute 4000
value CONFIG_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
localeId LOCALE_ID BIGINT Long Locale for this property 16

9.2.42 VPattern

Description: This represents a pattern

Database table name :V_PATTERN

Primary Keys : patternId (PATTERN_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time for this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
patternId PATTERN_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the pattern 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the pattern. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the pattern 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Transaction type id 16 -
evalRuntime EVAL_RUNTIME INT int Defines when the pattern will be evaluated. E.g real-time, batch-mode, asyn-mode, etc 6 -
status STATUS INT int The status for this pattern. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000 -

9.2.43 VPatternHist

Description: VPattern shadow class

Database table name :V_PATTERN_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
patternId PATTERN_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the pattern. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the pattern 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Transaction type 16
evalRuntime EVAL_RUNTIME INT int Defines when the pattern will be evaluated. E.g real-time, batch-mode, asyn-mode, etc 6
status STATUS INT int The status for this pattern. 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.44 VPatternEntity

Description: These are the entities which are associated with the Pattern.

Database table name :V_PATTERN_ENTITY

Primary Keys : patternEntityId (PAT_ENT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time for this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
patternEntityId PAT_ENT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this pattern and entity map 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the pattern and entity mapping 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the pattern and entity mapping 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
patternId PATTERN_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern this maps to. 16 -
trxEntityDefMapId TRX_ENT_DEF_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the transaction entity definition map 16 -
status STATUS INT int The status for this mapping. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000 -

9.2.45 VPatternEntityHist

Description: VPatternEntity shadow class

Database table name :V_PATTERN_ENTITY_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
patternEntityId PAT_ENT_ID BIGINT Long Id for this pattern and entity map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the pattern and entity mapping 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the pattern and entity mapping 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
patternId PATTERN_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern this maps to. 16
trxEntityDefMapId TRX_ENT_DEF_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the transaction entity definition map 16
status STATUS INT int The status for this mapping. 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.46 VPatternParam

Description: This contains the information about the pattern params and the comparison or math operations that can be applied to the parameters when calculating membership to patterns

Database table name :V_PATTERN_PARAM

Primary Keys : paramId (PARAM_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time for this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
paramId PARAM_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the param 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the pattern and entity mapping 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the pattern and entity mapping 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
patternId PATTERN_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern this maps to. 16 -
status STATUS INT int The status for this mapping. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order number. This is used to create the grammer for prompts - -
compareOperator COMPARE_OPER INT int Comparision operator - -
paramKey PARAM_KEY TEXT String Key to the parameter 4000 -
paramType PARAM_TYPE INT int Type of the parameter - -
paramValue PARAM_VALUE TEXT String Param value 4000 -
beginRange BEGIN_RANGE INT Integer Begin value for the range 10 -
endRange END_RANGE INT Integer End value for the range 10 -
maxRange MAX_RANGE INT Integer Max value for the range 10 -
rangeIncrementStep RANGE_INCR_STEP INT Integer Increment step for range 10 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000 -

9.2.47 VPatternParamHist

Description: VPatternParam shadow class

Database table name :V_PATTERN_PARAM_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
paramId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the param 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the pattern and entity mapping 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the pattern and entity mapping 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
patternId PATTERN_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern this maps to. 16
status STATUS INT int The status for this mapping. 2
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order number. This is used to create the grammer for prompts -
compareOperator COMPARE_OPER INT int Comparision operator -
paramKey PARAM_KEY TEXT String Key to the parameter 4000
paramType PARAM_TYPE INT int Type of the parameter -
paramValue PARAM_VALUE TEXT String Param value 4000
beginRange BEGIN_RANGE INT Integer Begin value for the range 10
endRange END_RANGE INT Integer End value for the range 10
maxRange MAX_RANGE INT Integer Max value for the range 10
rangeIncrementStep RANGE_INCR_STEP INT Integer Increment step for range 10
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.48 VPatternEntityOperation

Description: This table stores data about the operations that be applied to the entities (observables) in the pattern. This table essentially keeps data about the profiling that needs to be collected for the entity. So we can have one to many relationship between pattern_entity table and this table

Database table name :V_PAT_ENT_OPER

Primary Keys : operationId (OPER_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create Date/Time for this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
operationId OPER_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the operation 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the operation 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the operation 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
patternEntityId PAT_ENT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern entity map. 16 -
operationType OPER_TYPE INT int Type of the operation. 5 -
status STATUS INT int The status for this mapping. 2 STATUS_ACTIVE



notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000 -

9.2.49 VPatternEntityOperationHist

Description: VPatternEntityOperation shadow class

Database table name :V_PAT_ENT_OPER_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
operationId OPER_ID BIGINT Long Id for the operation 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name of the operation 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the operation 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
patternEntityId PAT_ENT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern entity map. 16
operationType OPER_TYPE INT int Type of the operation. 5
status STATUS INT int The status for this mapping. 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.50 VCryptFingerPrint

Description: This contains the finger prints.

Database table name :V_FPRINTS

Primary Keys : fingerPrintId (FPRINT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for finger print 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this finger print. -
fingerPrintType FPRINT_TYPE INT int Type of finger printing 6
patternId PATTERN_ID BIGINT Long Id for the pattern this maps to. 16
hashValue HASH_VALUE TEXT String Hash value for the finger print 512
dataValue DATA_VALUE TEXT String Data value for the finger print 4000

9.2.51 VCryptFPNameValue

Description: Name value pairs in the finger printDatabase table name :V_FP_NV

Database table name :V_FP_NV

Primary Keys : nameValueId (FP_NV_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
nameValueId FP_NV_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for name value 16
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the finger print 16
name ATTR_NAME VARCHAR String Name of the attribute 64
value ATTR_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 256

9.2.52 VCryptFPMap

Description: Map for finger print

Database table name :V_FP_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for map 16
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the finger print 16
fingerPrintType FPRINT_TYPE INT int Type of finger printing 6
name ATTR_NAME VARCHAR String Name of the attribute 64
value ATTR_VALUE TEXT String value of the attribute 256

9.2.53 VCryptUserLog

Description: User Log

Database table name :VCRYPT_USER_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the message 16 -
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user if available. 16 -
authSessionId SESSION_ID BIGINT Long Id to group discrete operations for a session. 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. - -
logType LOG_TYPE_CODE INT int The type for this log. 2 TYPE_OTHER




message MESSAGE TEXT String Message for this log. 4000 -
messageDetail MESSAGE_DETAIL TEXT String Message detail 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this message 4000 -

9.2.54 VCryptPinReset

Description: Pin reset log

Database table name :VCRYPT_PIN_RESETS

Primary Keys : resetId (RESET_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
resetId RESET_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the reset 16 -
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user if available. 16 -
newPin NEW_PIN VARCHAR String New pin for the user 255 -
requestTime REQUEST_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of the request. - -
resetStatus RESET_STATUS_CODE INT int Status of the reset 2 STATUS_NONE





magicKey MAGIC_KEY TEXT String Magic key sent to the client. 256 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000 -

9.2.55 VCryptPinRetrieval

Description: Pin retrieval

Database table name :VCRYPT_PIN_RETRIEVALS

Primary Keys : retrievalId (RETRIEVE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
retrievalId RETRIEVE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the retrieval 16 -
resetId RESET_ID BIGINT Long Id for the User 16 -
retrieveTime RETRIEVE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of the retrieval. - -
retrieveStatus RETRIEVE_STATUS_CODE INT int Status of this retrieval 2 STATUS_NONE



rejectReason REJECT_REASON_CODE INT int Reason of rejection 2 REJECT_NONE






notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000 -

9.2.56 VCryptAuthSessionGroup

Description: VCrypt Session


Primary Keys : sessionGroupId (SESSION_GROUP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
sessionGroupId SESSION_GROUP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the session group 16 -
sessionType SESSION_TYPE INT int Type of the authentication session. It could be for login, pin reset or on-demand in session authentication - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this session group. - -
authStatus AUTH_STATUS INT int Status of the this authentication session group. 3 AUTH_PENDING



9.2.57 VCryptAuthSession

Description: VCrypt Session

Database table name :VCRYPT_AUTH_SESSIONS

Primary Keys : sessionId (SESSION_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
sessionId SESSION_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the session 16
sessionGroupId SESSION_GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the session group. 16
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user if available. 16
clientType CLIENT_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the client used 2
clientVersion CLIENT_VERSION VARCHAR String Version of the client 64
authCount AUTH_COUNT INT int How many times the same session was used for authentication. -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this session. -
requestData REQUEST_DATA TEXT String Data sent by the user. 4000
sessionData SESSION_DATA TEXT String Data sent to the user. 4000
host HOST TEXT String IP or hostname of the user 4000
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this message 4000

9.2.58 VCryptAuthAttempt

Description: VCrypt statistics

Database table name :VCRYPT_AUTH_ATTEMPTS

Primary Keys : attemptId (ATTEMPT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
attemptId ATTEMPT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the message 16 -
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user if available. 16 -
loginId LOGIN_ID VARCHAR String Login Id provided by the user. 255 -
authSessionId SESSION_ID BIGINT Long Id to group discrete operations for a session. 16 -
authAttemptCount ATTEMPT_COUNT INT int Count of authentication attempts for this authentication session. - -
authStatus AUTH_STATUS INT int Status of the this authentication. 3 AUTH_PENDING, AUTH_SUCCESS, AUTH_FAILED
authReason AUTH_REASON INT int Reason for the status code. This code is dependent on the status code of the authStatus. - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. - -
startTime STARTTIME DATETIME Date Start time. - -
timer1 TIMER1 BIGINT long First timer. 16 -
timer2 TIMER2 BIGINT long Second timer. 16 -
timer3 TIMER3 BIGINT long Third timer. 16 -
timer4 TIMER4 BIGINT long Fourth timer. 16 -
timer5 TIMER5 BIGINT long Fifth timer. 16 -
total TOTAL BIGINT long Total of all timers. This is a redundant column, but useful in queries 16 -
requestData REQUEST_DATA TEXT String Data sent by the user. 4000 -
requestResult REQUEST_RESULT TEXT String Data sent to the user. 4000 -
remoteIPAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15 -
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this message 4000 -

9.2.59 VCryptSystemMessage

Description: SystemMessage

Database table name :VCRYPT_SYS_MESSAGES

Primary Keys : messageId (MESSAGE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
messageId MESSAGE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Message id 16
userName USER_NAME TEXT String User Name 4000
systemMessage SYSTEM_MESSAGE TEXT String System message 4000
messageTime MESSAGE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this message. -

9.2.60 VSystemLogs

Description: System log messages

Database table name :V_SYS_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the log 16
adminLoginId ADMIN_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -
logType LOG_TYPE INT int Log type 5
logSubType LOG_SUB_TYPE INT int Log sub type 5
logMessage LOG_MESSAGE TEXT String Log message 4000
logData LOG_DATA TEXT String Log data. This is a opaque object. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this rule 4000

9.2.61 VCryptDBPatch

Description: Class which has the list of db patches applied

Database table name :VCRYPT_DB_PATCHES

Primary Keys : patchId (PATCH_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
patchId PATCH_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Patch id 16 -
patchDescription PATCH_DESC TEXT String Description of the patch 4000 -
patchVersion PATCH_VERSION VARCHAR String Patch version 64 -
patchDate PATCH_DATE DATETIME Date Date/Time when the patch was applied. - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this patch 4000 -

9.2.62 VActionLogSession

Description: Session for the action logs

Database table name :V_ACTION_LOG_SESS

Primary Keys : sessionId (SESSION_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
sessionId SESSION_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this session 16
parentSessionId PARENT_SESSION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the parent session 16
sessionType SESSION_TYPE INT int Type of this session 3
adminLoginId ADMIN_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
adminUserRole ADMIN_USER_ROLE VARCHAR String Role of the administrator. 64
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.63 VActionLog

Description: Action logs

Database table name :V_ACTION_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this log 16
sessionId SESSION_ID BIGINT Long Id for this session 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -
category CATEGORY INT int Category of the action 3
action ACTION INT int Action performed 3
accessType ACCESS_TYPE INT int Access type 3
data DATA TEXT String Data for this action 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.64 VTUserSession

Description: This contains the user session

Database table name :VT_USER_SESS

Primary Keys : userSessionId (SESS_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
userSessionId SESS_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the session 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the external user session 256
extSessionId EXT_SESSION_ID TEXT String External session id 512
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
channelType CHANNEL_TYPE INT int Type of the channel used for this session. Channel could online, CC phone challenge, IVR, etc 5
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
executeTime EXEC_TIME TIMESTAMP Date The time when this request was processed. -
authClientType AUTH_CLIENT_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the client used by the user for authentication 5
authStatus AUTH_STATUS INT int Status of the authentication. 3
postProcessStatus POST_PROCESS_STATUS INT int Status of the post processing 5
postProcessResult POST_PROCESS_RESULT INT int Status of the post processing 5

9.2.65 VCryptTrackerUserNodeLog

Description: This logs all the activities for the nodes.


Primary Keys : userNodeLogId (USER_NODE_LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
userNodeLogId USER_NODE_LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log id of the user for a given node 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request. This is used to co-relate the post authentication request. 256
extSessionId EXT_SESSION_ID TEXT String External session id 512
clientDeviceId CLIENT_DEVICE_ID TEXT String Id of the device which is generated by the application. 256
remoteIPAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15
baseIPAddr BASE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String This is the base IP address for quick search 15
nodeId NODE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the nodeId. 16
nodeHistoryId TRACKER_NODE_HISTORY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the Tracker Node History (if available). 16
userId USER_ID TEXT String User Id of the user if available. 256
loginId USER_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Login Id of the user if available. 256
groupId USER_GROUP_ID TEXT String GroupId of the user if available. 256
subGroupId USER_SUB_GROUP_ID TEXT String Sub GroupId of the user if available. 256
authStatus AUTH_STATUS INT int Status of the authentication. 3
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
executeTime EXEC_TIME TIMESTAMP Date The time when this request was processed. -
isRegistered IS_REGISTERED CHAR boolean Whether this node is registered. -
digitalSigCookie SENT_DIG_SIG_COOKIE VARCHAR String Digital signature cookie that was sent by the UI 128
expectedDigitalSigCookie EXPECTED_DIG_SIG_COOKIE VARCHAR String Digital signature cookie that was expected by the server from the UI for this node 128
secureCookie SENT_SECURE_COOKIE VARCHAR String Secure cookie that was sent by the UI 128
expectedSecureCookie EXPECTED_SECURE_COOKIE VARCHAR String The secure cookie that was expected by the server from the UI for this node 128
authClientType AUTH_CLIENT_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the client used by the user for authentication 2
authClientVersion CLIENT_VERSION VARCHAR String Version of the client used for authentication 24
digitalClientType DIGITAL_CLIENT_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the client used by the digital cookie client 2
digitalClientVersion DIGITAL_CLIENT_VERSION VARCHAR String Version of the client used by the digital cookie client 24
secureClientType SECURE_CLIENT_TYPE_CODE INT int Type of the client used by the secure cookie client 2
secureClientVersion SECURE_CLIENT_VERSION VARCHAR String Version of the client used by the secure cookie client 24
digitalFingerPrintId DIGITAL_FP_ID BIGINT Long Finger print id of the digital cookie request 16
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
loadDuration LOAD_DURATION INT int Time taken to load the page 8
deviceScore DEVICE_SCORE INT int Score for the device for this login -
preAuthScore PREAUTH_SCORE INT int Pre Authentication score -
postAuthScore POST_SCORE INT int Post Authentication score -
preAuthAction PREAUTH_ACTION TEXT String Pre Authentication action 256
postAuthAction POST_ACTION TEXT String Post Authentication action 256
cityScore CITY_SCORE INT int Score for the city for this login -
stateScore STATE_SCORE INT int Score for the state for this login -
countryScore COUNTRY_SCORE INT int Score for the country for this login -
postProcessStatus POST_PROCESS_STATUS INT int Status of the post processing 5
postProcessResult POST_PROCESS_RESULT INT int Status of the post processing 5
loginFlag LOGIN_FLAG INT int Flagging this authentication 3
isDeviceDerived IS_DEVICE_DERIVED CHAR boolean Is the device identified using derived mechanism. -
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Note against this node 255

9.2.66 VTSesssionFPMap

Description: Session finger print mapping

Database table name :VT_SESS_FP_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Map id 16
userNodeLogId USER_NODE_LOG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user node log. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request. 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
clientType CLIENT_TYPE INT int Client type 5
fingerPrintId FP_ID BIGINT Long Finger print id 16

9.2.67 VCryptTrackerNode

Description: This represents a node/computer

Database table name :VCRYPT_TRACKER_NODE

Primary Keys : nodeId (NODE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
nodeId NODE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Node id for this node 16
nodeVersion NODE_VERSION INT int This keeps track of how many times this node got updated. 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this node. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
relatedNodeId RELATED_NODE_ID BIGINT Long Related node. 16
relationType RELATION_TYPE INT int Type of the relation 5
digitalSigCookie DIG_SIG_COOKIE VARCHAR String Digital signature cookie 128
secureCookie SECURE_COOKIE VARCHAR String Secure cookie 128
remoteIPAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15
remoteHost REMOTE_HOST TEXT String The host name from where the client connected 256
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
digitalFingerPrintId DIGITAL_FP_ID BIGINT Long Finger print id of the digital cookie request 16
deviceStatus STATUS INT int Status of this device 3
deviceScore DEVICE_SCORE INT int Score for the device for this login 6
isDeviceDerived IS_DEVICE_DERIVED CHAR boolean Is the device identified using derived mechanism. -
secureCookieState IS_COOKIE_DISABLED INT int Is the secure cookie disabled for this device or in learn mode. 1
flashCookieState IS_FLASH_DISABLED INT int Is the flash cookie disabled for this device or in learn mode. 1
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Note against this message 255
cache CACHE TEXT String Cache 4000

9.2.68 VCryptTrackerNodeHistory

Description: This keeps the history of the a node/computer


Primary Keys : nodeHistoryId (NODE_HISTORY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
nodeHistoryId NODE_HISTORY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this row 16
nodeId NODE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the nodeId. 16
nodeVersion NODE_VERSION INT int This keeps track of how many times this node got updated. 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this node. -
digitalSigCookie DIG_SIG_COOKIE VARCHAR String Digital signature cookie 128
secureCookie SECURE_COOKIES VARCHAR String Secure cookie 128
remoteIPAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15
remoteHost REMOTE_HOST TEXT String The host name from where the client connected 256
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
digitalFingerPrintId DIGITAL_FP_ID BIGINT Long Finger print id of the digital cookie request 16
isSecureCookieConfirmed IS_SECURE_CONFIRMED CHAR boolean Whether the secure cookie is confirmed to be written -
isFlashCookieConfirmed IS_FLASH_CONFIRMED CHAR boolean Whether the flash cookie is confirmed to be written -
deviceScore DEVICE_SCORE INT int Score for the device for this login -
isDeviceDerived IS_DEVICE_DERIVED CHAR boolean Is the device identified using derived mechanism. -
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Note against this node 255

9.2.69 VTUser

Description: This maintains the list of the users using the tracker

Database table name :VT_USER

Primary Keys : localUserId (LOCAL_USER_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
localUserId LOCAL_USER_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the user 16
extUserId EXT_USER_ID VARCHAR String External user id 255
loginId LOGIN_ID VARCHAR String Login id of the user 255
groupId USERGROUP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the group to which user belongs to. 16
isValid IS_VALID CHAR boolean The user is considered valid if the user had authenticated successfully atleast once. -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
firstLoginTime FIRST_LOGIN_TIME DATETIME Date First time login for this user. -
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Notes for this user 255
cache CACHE TEXT String Cache 4000

9.2.70 VTInvalidUser

Description: This maintains the list of invalid users

Database table name :VT_INVALID_USERS

Primary Keys : userId (USER_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
userId USER_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the user 16
loginId LOGIN_ID VARCHAR String Login id of the user 255
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
loginCount LOGIN_COUNT INT int Total login count for this user 10
imagePath IMAGE_PATH TEXT String Image path 512

9.2.71 VTSessionActionMap

Description: This maintains the actions for each session

Database table name :VT_SESSION_ACTION_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Map Id 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request. This is used to co-relate the post authentication request. 256
trxId TRX_ID BIGINT Long Id for the transaction for this log 16
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of runtime 6
action ACTION TEXT String Actions for this runtime and session 256
originalAction ORIGINAL_ACTION TEXT String This was the original action, which got overrriden finally 256
overrideReason OVERRIDE_REASON INT int Override reason -
actionList ACTION_LIST TEXT String List of action. 256
score SCORE INT int Score for this runtime and runtime. The same score will appear for all the rows for this transaction -
isFinalAction IS_FINAL_ACTION CHAR boolean Is this final action -

9.2.72 VTUserGroup

Description: This contains the user group details.

Database table name :VT_USER_GROUPS

Primary Keys : localUserGroupId (LOCAL_GROUP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
localUserGroupId LOCAL_GROUP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the UserGroup 16 -
extUserGroupId EXT_USERGROUP_ID VARCHAR String External User group id 255 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description for this group. 2000 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
userListId USER_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the userList 16 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note 4000 -

9.2.73 VTUserDeviceMap

Description: This maintains the list of devices the user is using

Database table name :VT_USER_DEVICE_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Map id 16
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
nodeId NODE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the nodeId. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
lastUsedTime LAST_USED_TIME DATETIME Date Last used time for this device. -
lastAuthStatus LAST_AUTH_STATUS INT int Last authentication status for the user using this device. 3
isSecure IS_SECURE CHAR boolean Is this node secure for this user. -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Total authentication count for this user/device 10
successCount SUCCESS_COUNT INT int Total success count for this user/device 10
failedCount FAILED_COUNT INT int Total failed count for this user/device 10
cache CACHE TEXT String Cache 4000
secureCookieState IS_COOKIE_DISABLED INT int Is the secure cookie disabled for this device or in learn mode. 1
flashCookieState IS_FLASH_DISABLED INT int Is the flash cookie disabled for this device or in learn mode. 1
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Finger print of secure cookie 16
digitalFingerPrintId DIGITAL_FP_ID BIGINT Long Finger print id of the digital cookie request 16

9.2.74 VTEntityOne

Description: EntityOne details

Database table name :VT_ENTITY_ONE

Primary Keys : entityId (ENTITY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
entityId ENTITY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the entity 16
extEntityId EXT_ENTITY_ID VARCHAR String External entity id 255
entityName ENTITYNAME TEXT String Name of the entity 4000
entityKey ENTITY_KEY TEXT String Key for the entity 4000
entityType ENTITY_TYPE INT int Type of the entity 6
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the entity type 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
expiryTime EXPIRY_TIME DATETIME Date Expiry Date value. -
renewTime RENEW_TIME DATETIME Date Renew Date value. -
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Notes for this user 255
cache CACHE TEXT String Cache 4000

9.2.75 VTEntityOneProfile

Description: This maintains the entity profile

Database table name :VT_ENTITY_ONE_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
entityId ENTITY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the entity. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Data def id 16
rowOrder ROW_ORDER INT int Row order 6
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.76 VTEntityOneMap

Description: This maintains the list of entities associated with the user

Database table name :VT_USER_ENTITY1_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Map id 16
entityId ENTITY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the entity. 16
objectId MAP_OBJ_ID BIGINT Long Id of the mapped object. 16
objectType OBJECT_TYPE INT int Type of the object. 6
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
status STATUS INT int Status of the transaction (where applicable) 5
defMapId DEF_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the definition map 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
expiryTime EXPIRY_TIME DATETIME Date Expiry Date value. -
renewTime RENEW_TIME DATETIME Date Renew Date value. -

9.2.77 VTEntityTrxMap

Description: This maintains the list of entities associated with the transaction

Database table name :VT_ENT_TRX_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Map id 16
trxId TRX_ID BIGINT Long Id of the transaction. 16
objectId MAP_OBJ_ID BIGINT Long Id of the mapped object. 16
defMapId DEF_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the definition map 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
status STATUS INT int Status of the transaction (where applicable) 5
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -

9.2.78 VTUserProfile

Description: This maintains the user profile

Database table name :VT_USER_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
status STATUS INT int Status of the transaction (where applicable) 5
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.79 VTDeviceProfile

Description: This maintains the device profile

Database table name :VT_DEVICE_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
deviceId NODE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the nodeId. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
status STATUS INT int Status of the transaction (where applicable) 5
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.80 VTIPProfile

Description: This maintains the location profile

Database table name :VT_IP_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
ipAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.81 VTBaseIPProfile

Description: This maintains the location profile

Database table name :VT_BASE_IP_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
baseIPAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.82 VTCountryProfile

Description: This maintains the country profile

Database table name :VT_COUNTRY_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
countryId COUNTRY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the country to which this state belongs to. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.83 VTStateProfile

Description: This maintains the state profile

Database table name :VT_STATE_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
stateId STATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the state to which this state belongs to. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.84 VTCityProfile

Description: This maintains the city profile

Database table name :VT_CITY_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
cityId CITY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the city to which this state belongs to. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request which last updated this row 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
profileTypeId PROFILE_TYPE_ID BIGINT Long - 16
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of data 6
data DATA TEXT String Data 512
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this profile expires -
totalCount TOTAL_COUNT INT int Count for this profile 10

9.2.85 VTWFYears

Description: This has the years to capture

Database table name :VT_WF_YEARS

Primary Keys : wfId (WF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
wfId WF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long wf id 16
objectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the entity type 16
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
year1 YEAR_1 INT int Year one 6
year2 YEAR_2 INT int Year two 6
year3 YEAR_3 INT int Year three 6
year4 YEAR_4 INT int Year four 6
year5 YEAR_5 INT int Year five 6
year6 YEAR_6 INT int Year six 6
year7 YEAR_7 INT int Year seven 6
year8 YEAR_8 INT int Year eight 6

9.2.86 VTWFMonths

Description: This has the months to capture

Database table name :VT_WF_MONTHS

Primary Keys : wfId (WF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
wfId WF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long wf id 16
objectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the entity type 16
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
month1 MONTH_1 INT int Month one 6
month2 MONTH_2 INT int Month two 6
month3 MONTH_3 INT int Month three 6
month4 MONTH_4 INT int Month four 6
month5 MONTH_5 INT int Month five 6
month6 MONTH_6 INT int Month six 6
month7 MONTH_7 INT int Month seven 6
month8 MONTH_8 INT int Month eight 6
month9 MONTH_9 INT int Month nine 6
month10 MONTH_10 INT int Month ten 6
month11 MONTH_11 INT int Month eleven 6
month12 MONTH_12 INT int Month twelve 6
month13 MONTH_13 INT int Month thirteen 6

9.2.87 VTWFDays

Description: This has the days to capture

Database table name :VT_WF_DAYS

Primary Keys : wfId (WF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
wfId WF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long wf id 16
objectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the entity type 16
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
day1 DAY_1 INT int Day one 6
day2 DAY_2 INT int Day two 6
day3 DAY_3 INT int Day three 6
day4 DAY_4 INT int Day four 6
day5 DAY_5 INT int Day five 6
day6 DAY_6 INT int Day six 6
day7 DAY_7 INT int Day seven 6
day8 DAY_8 INT int Day eight 6
day9 DAY_9 INT int Day nine 6
day10 DAY_10 INT int Day ten 6
day11 DAY_11 INT int Day eleven 6
day12 DAY_12 INT int Day twelve 6
day13 DAY_13 INT int Day thirteen 6
day14 DAY_14 INT int Day fourteen 6
day15 DAY_15 INT int Day fifteen 6
day16 DAY_16 INT int Day sixteen 6
day17 DAY_17 INT int Day seventeen 6
day18 DAY_18 INT int Day eighteen 6
day19 DAY_19 INT int Day nineteen 6
day20 DAY_20 INT int Day twenty 6
day21 DAY_21 INT int Day twenty one 6
day22 DAY_22 INT int Day twenty two 6
day23 DAY_23 INT int Day twenty three 6
day24 DAY_24 INT int Day twenty four 6
day25 DAY_25 INT int Day twenty five 6
day26 DAY_26 INT int Day twenty six 6
day27 DAY_27 INT int Day twenty seven 6
day28 DAY_28 INT int Day twenty eight 6
day29 DAY_29 INT int Day twenty nine 6
day30 DAY_30 INT int Day thirty 6
day31 DAY_31 INT int Day thirty 6
day32 DAY_32 INT int Day thirty 6

9.2.88 VTWFHours

Description: This has the hours to capture

Database table name :VT_WF_HOURS

Primary Keys : wfId (WF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
wfId WF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long wf id 16
objectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the entity type 16
fingerPrintId FPRINT_ID BIGINT Long Log id for the finger print 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
hour1 HOUR_1 INT int Hour one 6
hour2 HOUR_2 INT int Hour two 6
hour3 HOUR_3 INT int Hour three 6
hour4 HOUR_4 INT int Hour four 6
hour5 HOUR_5 INT int Hour five 6
hour6 HOUR_6 INT int Hour six 6
hour7 HOUR_7 INT int Hour seven 6
hour8 HOUR_8 INT int Hour eight 6
hour9 HOUR_9 INT int Hour nine 6
hour10 HOUR_10 INT int Hour ten 6
hour11 HOUR_11 INT int Hour eleven 6
hour12 HOUR_12 INT int Hour twelve 6
hour13 HOUR_13 INT int Hour thirteen 6
hour14 HOUR_14 INT int Hour fourteen 6
hour15 HOUR_15 INT int Hour fifteen 6
hour16 HOUR_16 INT int Hour sixteen 6
hour17 HOUR_17 INT int Hour seventeen 6
hour18 HOUR_18 INT int Hour eighteen 6
hour19 HOUR_19 INT int Hour nineteen 6
hour20 HOUR_20 INT int Hour twenty 6
hour21 HOUR_21 INT int Hour twenty one 6
hour22 HOUR_22 INT int Hour twenty two 6
hour23 HOUR_23 INT int Hour twenty three 6
hour24 HOUR_24 INT int Hour twenty four 6
hour25 HOUR_25 INT int Hour twenty five 6

9.2.89 VTransactionLog

Description: This is the transaction log

Database table name :VT_TRX_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log id 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this transaction. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
userId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id of the user. 16
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the login session. 256
extTransactionId EXT_TRX_ID VARCHAR String External transaction id 255
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Transaction def id 16
transactionType TRX_TYPE INT int Transaction type 3
status STATUS INT int Status of the transaction (where applicable) 5
score SCORE INT Integer Score for this transaction -
ruleAction RULE_ACTION TEXT String Action 256
trxFlag TRX_FLAG INT int Flagging this transaction 3
postProcessStatus POST_PROCESS_STATUS INT int Status of the post processing 5
postProcessResult POST_PROCESS_RESULT INT int Status of the post processing 5
transactionData TRX_DATA TEXT String Transaction data as name value pair. 4000
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 256
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 256
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 256
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 256
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 256
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 256
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 256
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 256
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 256
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 256

9.2.90 VTTrxData

Description: This contains the data associated with the transaction

Database table name :VT_TRX_DATA

Primary Keys : trxDataId (TRX_DATA_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
trxDataId TRX_DATA_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Transaction data id 16
trxId TRX_ID BIGINT Long Id of the transaction. 16
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Data def id 16
rowOrder ROW_ORDER INT int Row order 6
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
data1 DATA1 TEXT String Data one 4000
data2 DATA2 TEXT String Data two 4000
data3 DATA3 TEXT String Data three 4000
data4 DATA4 TEXT String Data four 4000
data5 DATA5 TEXT String Data five 4000
data6 DATA6 TEXT String Data six 4000
data7 DATA7 TEXT String Data seven 4000
data8 DATA8 TEXT String Data eight 4000
data9 DATA9 TEXT String Data nine 4000
data10 DATA10 TEXT String Data ten 4000
numData0 NUM_DATA0 BIGINT Long Numeric data 0 16
numData1 NUM_DATA1 BIGINT Long Numeric data 1 16
numData2 NUM_DATA2 BIGINT Long Numeric data 2 16

9.2.91 VTTrxDef

Description: Definition of transaction meta data

Database table name :VT_TRX_DEF

Primary Keys : trxDefId (TRX_DEF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for transaction definition 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for transaction. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
trxDefKey TRX_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key name to be used for the transaction e.g bill_pay, etc. This has to be passed in the handleTransactionLog API call. The context map should have an attribute key called transactionType 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.92 VTTrxDefHist

Description: This is the object history for VTTrxDefHist

Database table name :VT_TRX_DEF_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for transaction definition 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for transaction. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
trxDefKey TRX_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key name to be used for the transaction e.g bill_pay, etc. This has to be passed in the handleTransactionLog API call. The context map should have an attribute key called transactionType 4000
status STATUS INT int Status 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.93 VTTrxInputDef

Description: Definition of transaction input meta data

Database table name :VT_TRX_INPUT_DEF

Primary Keys : trxDefId (TRX_DEF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for transaction definition 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for transaction. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
trxDefKey TRX_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key name to be used for the transaction e.g bill_pay, etc. This has to be passed in the handleTransactionLog API call. The context map should have an attribute key called transactionType 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.94 VTTrxInputDefHist

Description: This is the object history for VTTrxInputDefHist

Database table name :VT_TRX_INPUT_DEF_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for transaction definition 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for transaction. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
trxDefKey TRX_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key name to be used for the transaction e.g bill_pay, etc. This has to be passed in the handleTransactionLog API call. The context map should have an attribute key called transactionType 4000
status STATUS INT int Status 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.95 VTEntityDef

Description: Definition of Entity meta data

Database table name :VT_ENTITY_DEF

Primary Keys : entityDefId (ENTITY_DEF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for entity definition 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for entity. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
entityDefKey ENTITY_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key of the entity. E.g. address, merchant, etc 256 -
keyGenScheme KEY_GEN_SCHEME INT int Key generation scheme - -
keyGenParams KEY_GEN_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for key genration 4000 -
nameGenScheme NAME_GEN_SCHEME INT int Name generation scheme - -
nameGenParams NAME_GEN_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for name generation 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.96 VTEntityDefHist

Description: This is the object history for VTEntityDefHist

Database table name :VT_ENTITY_DEF_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for entity definition 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for entity. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
entityDefKey ENTITY_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key of the entity. E.g. address, merchant, etc 256
status STATUS INT int Status 2
keyGenScheme KEY_GEN_SCHEME INT int Key generation scheme -
keyGenParams KEY_GEN_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for key genration 4000
nameGenScheme NAME_GEN_SCHEME INT int Name generation scheme -
nameGenParams NAME_GEN_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for name generation 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.97 VTTrxDefEntityDefMap

Description: Association between entity and transaction

Database table name :VT_TRX_ENT_DEFS_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for map 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for the map. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16 -
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16 -
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000 -
displayOrder DISP_ORDER INT int Display order 6 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.98 VTTrxDefEntityDefMapHist

Description: History for VTTrxDefEntityDefMap

Database table name :VT_TRX_ENT_DEFS_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for the map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
trxDefId TRX_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000
displayOrder DISP_ORDER INT int Display order 6
status STATUS INT int Status 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.99 VTEntityDefEntityDefMap

Description: Association between entity and transaction

Database table name :VT_ENT_DEFS_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for the map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
entityDefId1 ENTITY_DEF_ID_1 BIGINT Long Parent entity def id of object 1 16
entityDefId2 ENTITY_DEF_ID_2 BIGINT Long Parent entity def id of object 2 16
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000
displayOrder DISP_ORDER INT int Display order 6
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.100 VTEntityDefEntityDefMapHist

Description: History for VTEntityDefEntityDefMap

Database table name :VT_ENT_DEFS_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for the map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
entityDefId1 ENTITY_DEF_ID_1 BIGINT Long Parent entity def id of object 1 16
entityDefId2 ENTITY_DEF_ID_2 BIGINT Long Parent entity def id of object 2 16
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000
displayOrder DISP_ORDER INT int Display order 6
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.101 VTDataDef

Description: Definition of Data meta

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF

Primary Keys : dataDefId (DATA_DEF_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for data definition 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for data def. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
dataDefKey DATA_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key of the data. E.g. street_name, zip_code, etc 256 -
dataDefType DATA_DEF_TYPE INT int Type of data def. Whether it is dynamic or static 5 -
isRequired IS_REQUIRED CHAR boolean Is this data required by default. - -
isAutoCreated IS_AUTO_CREATED CHAR boolean Whether this auto created. - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.102 VTDataDefHist

Description: This is the object history for VTDataDef

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for data definition 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for data def. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
dataDefKey DATA_DEF_KEY TEXT String Key of the data. E.g. street_name, zip_code, etc 256
status STATUS INT int Status 2
dataDefType DATA_DEF_TYPE INT int Type of data def. Whether it is dynamic or static 5
isRequired IS_REQUIRED CHAR boolean Is this data required by default. -
isAutoCreated IS_AUTO_CREATED CHAR boolean Whether this auto created. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.103 VTDataDefElement

Description: Definition of elements in Data meta

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF_ELEM

Primary Keys : dataDefElementId (DATA_DEF_ELEM_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
dataDefElementId DATA_DEF_ELEM_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
defKey DEF_KEY TEXT String Key to identify this data 256 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for column. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16 -
dataRow DATA_ROW INT int Row for this data element - -
dataColumn DATA_COL INT int Column for this data element - -
isEncrypted IS_ENCRYPTED CHAR boolean Is this data element encrypted - -
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of the data - -
dataFormat DATA_FORMAT TEXT String Format of the data 4000 -
isRequired IS_REQUIRED CHAR boolean Is this data required by default. - -
nameGenScheme NAME_GEN_SCHEME INT int Name generation scheme - -
nameGenParams NAME_GEN_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for name generation 4000 -
isAutoCreated IS_AUTO_CREATED CHAR boolean Whether this auto created. - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.104 VTDataDefElementHist

Description: History for VTDataDefElement

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF_ELEM_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
dataDefElementId DATA_DEF_ELEM_ID BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
defKey DEF_KEY TEXT String Key to identify this data 256
name LABEL TEXT String Name for column. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16
dataRow DATA_ROW INT int Row for this data element -
dataColumn DATA_COL INT int Column for this data element -
isEncrypted IS_ENCRYPTED CHAR boolean Is this data element encrypted -
dataType DATA_TYPE INT int Type of the data -
dataFormat DATA_FORMAT TEXT String Format of the data 4000
status STATUS INT int Status 2
isRequired IS_REQUIRED CHAR boolean Is this data required by default. -
nameGenScheme NAME_GEN_SCHEME INT int Name generation scheme -
nameGenParams NAME_GEN_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for name generation 4000
isAutoCreated IS_AUTO_CREATED CHAR boolean Whether this auto created. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.105 VTDataDefMap

Description: Map between Objects and Data Def

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for the map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16
parentObjectType PARENT_OBJ_TYPE INT int Type of source object 5
parentObjectId PARENT_OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Parent to which datadef belongs to -
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.106 VTDataDefMapHist

Description: History for VTDataDefMap

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for the map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
dataDefId DATA_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Parent data def id 16
parentObjectType PARENT_OBJ_TYPE INT int Type of source object 5
parentObjectId PARENT_OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Parent to which datadef belongs to -
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.107 VTDataDefTranslation

Description: Translation from one element to another, e.g. input transaction to normalized transaction data. Or transaction to entity

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF_TRANS

Primary Keys : translationId (ELEM_MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
translationId ELEM_MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for this data map. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
translationScheme TRANS_SCHEME INT int Scheme for translation - -
translationParams TRANS_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for translation 4000 -
srcObjectType SRC_OBJ_TYPE INT int Type of source object 5 -
srcObjectId SRC_OBJ_ID BIGINT Long Source object id 16 -
destObjectType DEST_OBJ_TYPE INT int Type of destination object 5 -
destObjectId DEST_OBJ_ID BIGINT Long Destination object id 16 -
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.108 VTDataDefTranslationHist

Description: History for VTDataDefTranslation

Database table name :VT_DATA_DEF_TRANS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
translationId ELEM_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for this data map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
translationScheme TRANS_SCHEME INT int Scheme for translation -
translationParams TRANS_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for translation 4000
srcObjectType SRC_OBJ_TYPE INT int Type of source object 5
srcObjectId SRC_OBJ_ID BIGINT Long Source object id 16
destObjectType DEST_OBJ_TYPE INT int Type of destination object 5
destObjectId DEST_OBJ_ID BIGINT Long Destination object id 16
relationType RELATION_TYPE TEXT String Type of the relation 4000
status STATUS INT int Status 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.109 VTDataDefElementTranslation

Description: Translation from one element to another, e.g. input transaction to normalized transaction data. Or transaction to entity

Database table name :VT_ELEM_DEF_TRANS

Primary Keys : destMapId (DEST_MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
destMapId DEST_MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for this data map. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
translationScheme TRANS_SCHEME INT int Scheme for translation - -
translationParams TRANS_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for translation 4000 -
translationId TRANS_ID BIGINT Long Translation id 16 -
destElementDefId DEST_ELEMENT_ID BIGINT Long Destination data element id 16 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.110 VTDataDefElementTranslationHist

Description: History for VTDataDefElement

Database table name :VT_ELEM_DEF_TRANS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
destMapId DEST_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for this data map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
translationScheme TRANS_SCHEME INT int Scheme for translation -
translationParams TRANS_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for translation 4000
translationId TRANS_ID BIGINT Long Translation id 16
destElementDefId DEST_ELEMENT_ID BIGINT Long Destination data element id 16
status STATUS INT int Status 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.111 VTTranslationSourceElement

Description: Source columns for the translation

Database table name :VT_TRANS_SRC_ELEM

Primary Keys : srcElementId (SRC_ELEM_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
srcElementId SRC_ELEM_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
name LABEL TEXT String Name for this data map. 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
translationScheme TRANS_SCHEME INT int Scheme for translation - -
translationParams TRANS_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for translation 4000 -
destMapId DEST_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Destination map id 16 -
srcElementDefId SRC_ELEMENT_ID BIGINT Long Source data element id 16 -
sortOrder SORT_ORDER INT int Row for this data element - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.112 VTTranslationSourceElementHist

Description: History for VTTranslationSourceElement

Database table name :VT_TRANS_SRC_ELEM_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
srcElementId SRC_ELEM_ID BIGINT Long Id for data definition element 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name for this data map. 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the object 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
translationScheme TRANS_SCHEME INT int Scheme for translation -
translationParams TRANS_PARAMS TEXT String Static params to be passed to the java class for translation 4000
destMapId DEST_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Destination map id 16
srcElementDefId SRC_ELEMENT_ID BIGINT Long Source data element id 16
sortOrder SORT_ORDER INT int Row for this data element -
status STATUS INT int Status 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.113 VCountry

Description: Country object

Database table name :VCRYPT_COUNTRY

Primary Keys : countryId (COUNTRY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
countryId COUNTRY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this country 16
countryCode COUNTRY_CODE VARCHAR String Code of the country 64
countryName COUNTRY_NAME TEXT String Name of the country 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
continent CONTINENT VARCHAR String Continent to which this country belongs to 64
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this country 4000

9.2.114 VCountryHist

Description: Country object

Database table name :V_COUNTRY_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
countryId COUNTRY_ID BIGINT Long Id for this country 16
countryCode COUNTRY_CODE VARCHAR String Code of the country 64
countryName COUNTRY_NAME TEXT String Name of the country 4000
continent CONTINENT VARCHAR String Continent to which this country belongs to 64
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this country 4000

9.2.115 VState

Description: This is the state or region of the country

Database table name :VCRYPT_STATE

Primary Keys : stateId (STATE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
stateId STATE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this state 16
countryId COUNTRY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the country to which this state belongs to. 16
stateCode STATE_CODE VARCHAR String Code for the state or region 64
stateName STATE_NAME TEXT String Name of the state 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this state 4000

9.2.116 VStateHist

Description: This is the state or region of the country

Database table name :V_STATE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
stateId STATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this state 16
countryId COUNTRY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the country to which this state belongs to. 16
stateCode STATE_CODE VARCHAR String Code for the state or region 64
stateName STATE_NAME TEXT String Name of the state 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this state 4000

9.2.117 VCity

Description: This is the city object

Database table name :VCRYPT_CITY

Primary Keys : cityId (CITY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
cityId CITY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this city 16
stateId STATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the state to which this city belongs to. 16
cityCode CITY_CODE VARCHAR String Code for the city 64
cityName CITY_NAME TEXT String Name of the city 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
latitude LATITUDE VARCHAR String Latitude 20
longitude LONGITUDE VARCHAR String Longitude 20
timezone TIMEZONE VARCHAR String Time Zone 20
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this city 4000

9.2.118 VCityHist

Description: This is the city object

Database table name :V_CITY_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
cityId CITY_ID BIGINT Long Id for this city 16
stateId STATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the state to which this city belongs to. 16
cityCode CITY_CODE VARCHAR String Code for the city 64
cityName CITY_NAME TEXT String Name of the city 4000
latitude LATITUDE VARCHAR String Latitude 20
longitude LONGITUDE VARCHAR String Longitude 20
timezone TIMEZONE VARCHAR String Time Zone 20
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this city 4000

9.2.119 VISP

Description: ISP listing

Database table name :VCRYPT_ISP

Primary Keys : ispId (ISP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
ispId ISP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this ISP 16
ispName ISP_NAME TEXT String Name of the ISP 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -

9.2.120 VISPHist

Description: ISP listing

Database table name :V_ISP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
ispId ISP_ID BIGINT Long Id for this ISP 16
ispName ISP_NAME TEXT String Name of the ISP 4000

9.2.121 VLocationLookup

Description: Location lookup tables for constants

Database table name :V_LOC_LOOKUP

Primary Keys : lookupId (LOOKUP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
lookupId LOOKUP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Lookup ID 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time. - -
lookupType LOOKUP_TYPE INT int Type of lookup. E.g. for profiles, etc - -
name NAME TEXT String Name of the lookup 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000 -

9.2.122 VIPLocationMap

Description: Mapping of the IP range to city, state and country

Database table name :VCRYPT_IP_LOCATION_MAP

Primary Keys : ipRangeId (IP_RANGE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
ipRangeId IP_RANGE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this range 16
fromIPAddr FROM_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The from IP address 15
toIPAddr TO_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The to IP address 15
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
countryId COUNTRY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the country to which this state belongs to. 16
stateId STATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the state to which this IP range belongs to. 16
cityId CITY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the city to which this IP range belongs to. 16
metroId METRO_ID BIGINT Long Id of the metro for this IP -
ispId ISP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the ISP to which this IP range belongs to. 16
ipRoutingType ROUTING_TYPE INT Integer IP routing type 3
connectionType CONNECTION_TYPE INT Integer Connection type -
connectionSpeed CONNECTION_SPEED INT Integer Connection speed -
topLevelDomain TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN VARCHAR String Top level domain 25
secondLevelDomain SEC_LEVEL_DOMAIN VARCHAR String Second level domain 128
asn ASN VARCHAR String ASN 25
carrier CARRIER VARCHAR String Carrier 128
zipCode ZIP_CODE VARCHAR String Zip code 24
dma DMA INT Integer U.S. Designated Market Area, AC Nielsen 6
msa MSA INT Integer Metropolitan Statistical Area 6
pmsa PMSA INT Integer Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area 6
regionId REGION_ID BIGINT Long Id the region 16
phoneAreaCode PHONE_AREA VARCHAR String Phone area code 10
isSplit IS_SPLIT CHAR boolean Is the IP split. If so, in some queries, we might have to do addtional checks. -
countryCF COUNTRY_CF INT Integer Confidence factor of the country 4
stateCF STATE_CF INT Integer Confidence factor of the state 4
cityCF CITY_CF INT Integer Confidence factor of the city 4
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Notes for this IP range 255

9.2.123 VIPLocationMapHist

Description: Mapping of the IP range to city, state and country. Shadow table

Database table name :V_IP_LOC_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
ipRangeId IP_RANGE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this range 16
fromIPAddr FROM_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The from IP address 15
toIPAddr TO_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The to IP address 15
countryId COUNTRY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the country to which this state belongs to. 16
stateId STATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the state to which this IP range belongs to. 16
cityId CITY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the city to which this IP range belongs to. 16
metroId METRO_ID BIGINT Long Id of the metro for this IP -
ispId ISP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the ISP to which this IP range belongs to. 16
ipRoutingType ROUTING_TYPE INT Integer IP routing type 3
connectionType CONNECTION_TYPE INT Integer Connection type -
connectionSpeed CONNECTION_SPEED INT Integer Connection speed -
topLevelDomain TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN VARCHAR String Top level domain 25
secondLevelDomain SEC_LEVEL_DOMAIN VARCHAR String Second level domain 128
asn ASN VARCHAR String ASN 25
carrier CARRIER VARCHAR String Carrier 128
zipCode ZIP_CODE VARCHAR String Zip code 24
dma DMA INT Integer U.S. Designated Market Area, AC Nielsen 6
msa MSA INT Integer Metropolitan Statistical Area 6
pmsa PMSA INT Integer Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area 6
regionId REGION_ID BIGINT Long Id the region 16
phoneAreaCode PHONE_AREA VARCHAR String Phone area code 10
isKnownProxy IS_PROXY CHAR boolean Whether this is a known proxy -
isSplit IS_SPLIT CHAR boolean Is the IP split. If so, in some queries, we might have to do addtional checks. -
countryCF COUNTRY_CF INT Integer Confidence factor of the country 4
stateCF STATE_CF INT Integer Confidence factor of the state 4
cityCF CITY_CF INT Integer Confidence factor of the city 4
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Notes for this IP range 255

9.2.124 VIPLocationMapSplit

Description: Mapping of the split Class C IP ranges

Database table name :V_IP_LOC_MAP_SPLIT

Primary Keys : ipRangeId (IP_RANGE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
ipRangeId IP_RANGE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this range 16
baseIPAddr BASE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The from IP address 15
fromIPAddr FROM_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The from IP address 15
toIPAddr TO_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The to IP address 15
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
secondLevelDomain SEC_LEVEL_DOMAIN VARCHAR String Second level domain 128
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Notes for this IP range 255

9.2.125 VIPLocationMapSplitHist

Description: Mapping of the split Class C IP ranges. Shadow table

Database table name :V_IP_LOC_MAP_SPLIT_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
ipRangeId IP_RANGE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this range 16
baseIPAddr BASE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The from IP address 15
fromIPAddr FROM_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The from IP address 15
toIPAddr TO_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The to IP address 15
secondLevelDomain SEC_LEVEL_DOMAIN VARCHAR String Second level domain 128
notes NOTES VARCHAR String Notes for this IP range 255

9.2.126 VLocationUpdateSession

Description: Location update session

Database table name :V_LOC_UPD_SESS

Primary Keys : updateSessionId (SESS_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
updateSessionId SESS_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this update session 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000
updateType UPDATE_TYPE INT int Type of the update. e.g. Location load or annonymizer 5
updateStatus UPDATE_STATUS INT int Status of the update 5
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for session begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.127 VLocationUpdateLogs

Description: Location Update Logs

Database table name :V_UPD_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the run log 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
updateSessionId UPD_SESS_ID BIGINT Long Id for the update session 16
name LOG_NAME TEXT String Name for the log 4000
value LOG_VALUE TEXT String Value of the log 4000
logType LOG_TYPE INT int The type of the log. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.128 VIPCluster

Description: This class defines an IP cluster. IP cluster is a range of IP addresses grouped as a cluster.

Database table name :VT_IP_CLUSTER

Primary Keys : clusterId (CLUSTER_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
clusterId CLUSTER_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this row 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
label LABEL TEXT String Label for the cluster. This should be unique among all the IP clusters. 4000
fromIPAddr FROM_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The from IP address 15
toIPAddr TO_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The to IP address 15
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description for this group. 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this node 4000

9.2.129 VIPClusterGroup

Description: This class represents the group of cluster ids. The cluster ids are stored in VIPClusterGroupMap

Database table name :VT_IP_CLUSTER_GROUP

Primary Keys : clusterGroupId (CLUSTER_GROUP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
clusterGroupId CLUSTER_GROUP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this group 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
label LABEL TEXT String Label for this cluster group. This should be unique among the IP cluster groups. 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description for this group. 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this node 4000

9.2.130 VIPClusterGroupMap

Description: This is used as an element in VIPClusterGroup

Database table name :VT_IP_CLUSTER_GROUPMAP

Primary Keys : clusterGroupMapId (CLUSTER_GROUPMAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
clusterGroupMapId CLUSTER_GROUPMAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the group map 16
clusterGroupId CLUSTER_GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the cluster group 16
clusterId CLUSTER_ID BIGINT Long Id for the cluster id 16

9.2.131 VRuleVersion

Description: Managing the versions of the rule

Database table name :VR_VERSION

Primary Keys : versionId (VERSION_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
versionId VERSION_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this version row 16
parentVersionId PARENT_VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Parent version id 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Number for this version. 10
versionName VERSION_NAME TEXT String Name for this version. 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
versionStatus VERSION_STATUS INT int Status of this version 3
runStatus RUN_STATUS INT int This is the runtime status, whether it is active run or not 3
editStatus EDIT_STATUS INT int This is the edit status, whether it is active edit or not 3
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this version 4000

9.2.132 VRuleVersionHist

Description: History of rule versions

Database table name :VR_VERSION_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Id for this version row 16
parentVersionId PARENT_VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Parent version id 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Number for this version. 10
versionName VERSION_NAME TEXT String Name for this version. 4000
versionStatus VERSION_STATUS INT int Status of this version 3
runStatus RUN_STATUS INT int This is the runtime status, whether it is active run or not 3
editStatus EDIT_STATUS INT int This is the edit status, whether it is active edit or not 3
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this version 4000

9.2.133 VRuleVersionTree

Description: Maintains the version true

Database table name :VR_VERSION_TREE

Primary Keys : treeId (TREE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
treeId TREE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this tree 16
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
olderVersionId OLD_VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id of the ancestor 16
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of the tree 3
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -

9.2.134 VRuleVersionMap

Description: Maps all the elements to the version

Database table name :VR_VERSION_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
objectType OBJECT_TYPE INT int Type of the object. Example, PolicySet, Policy, Model, Rule, RuleMap, .. 3
objectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id of the object 16

9.2.135 VRule

Description: This is the rule template

Database table name :VCRYPT_RULE

Primary Keys : ruleId (RULE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
ruleId RULE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this rule 16 -
ruleName RULE_NAME TEXT String Name for this rule. 4000 -
ruleNameRBKey RULE_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the rule name 4000 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
minCompatibleVersion MIN_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Minimum compatible version 32 -
maxCompatibleVersion MAX_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Maximum compatible version 32 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the rule 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
ruleType RULE_TYPE INT int Type of the rule. - -
ruleMetaData RULE_METADATA TEXT String Meta data describing the attributes and other properties of the rule - -
ruleFileData RULE_FILEDATA TEXT String Content from the rule file - -
resultList RESULT_LIST TEXT String List of possible results stored in XML format 4000 -
defaultScore DEFAULT_SCORE INT int Default score for this rule template - -
defaultWeight DEFAULT_WEIGHT INT int Default weight for this rule template - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this rule 4000 -

9.2.136 VRuleHist

Description: This is the rule object history

Database table name :VCRYPT_RULE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
ruleId RULE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this rule 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
ruleName RULE_NAME TEXT String Name for this rule. 4000
ruleNameRBKey RULE_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the rule name 4000
minCompatibleVersion MIN_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Minimum compatible version 32
maxCompatibleVersion MAX_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Maximum compatible version 32
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the rule 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
ruleType RULE_TYPE INT int Type of the rule. -
ruleStatus RULE_STATUS INT int Type of the rule. 2
ruleMetaData RULE_METADATA TEXT String Meta data describing the attributes and other properties of the rule -
ruleFileData RULE_FILEDATA TEXT String Rule file name -
resultList RESULT_LIST TEXT String List of possible results stored in XML format 4000
defaultScore DEFAULT_SCORE INT int Default score for this rule template -
defaultWeight DEFAULT_WEIGHT INT int Default weight for this rule template -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this rule 4000

9.2.137 VRuleCondition

Description: This is the rule condition template

Database table name :VR_RULE_CONDN

Primary Keys : conditionId (CONDN_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
conditionId CONDN_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this rule condition 16 -
conditionName CONDN_NAME TEXT String Name for the condition. 4000 -
conditionNameRBKey CONDN_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the condition name 4000 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
minCompatibleVersion MIN_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Minimum compatible version 32 -
maxCompatibleVersion MAX_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Maximum compatible version 32 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the condition 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
conditionType CONDITION_TYPE INT int Type of the condition. - -
conditionData CONDN_DATA TEXT String Condition expression. If it is Oracle database, then is stored as CLOB. - -
resultList RESULT_LIST TEXT String List of possible results stored in XML format 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this condition 4000 -

9.2.138 VRuleConditionHist

Description: This is the rule condition history

Database table name :VR_RULE_CONDN_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
conditionId CONDN_ID BIGINT Long Id for this rule condition 16
conditionName CONDN_NAME TEXT String Name for the condition. 4000
conditionNameRBKey CONDN_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the condition name 4000
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
minCompatibleVersion MIN_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Minimum compatible version 32
maxCompatibleVersion MAX_COMPAT_VER VARCHAR String Maximum compatible version 32
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the condition 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
conditionType CONDITION_TYPE INT int Type of the condition. -
conditionStatus CONDN_STATUS INT int Type of the condition. 2
conditionData CONDN_DATA TEXT String Condition expression. If it is Oracle database, then is stored as CLOB. -
resultList RESULT_LIST TEXT String List of possible results stored in XML format 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this condition 4000

9.2.139 VRuleConditionScope

Description: Scope for the Rule Condition

Database table name :VR_RULE_CONDN_SCOPE

Primary Keys : scopeId (SCOPE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
scopeId SCOPE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the Scope 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
conditionId CONDN_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule condition 16 -
scopeEnumElementValue SCOPE_ELEM_VALUE INT int Value of the scope enum - -

9.2.140 VRuleConditionScopeHist

Description: Shadow table for Rule Condition Scope

Database table name :VR_RULE_CONDN_SCOPE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
scopeId SCOPE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Scope 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
conditionId CONDN_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule condition 16
status STATUS INT int Status of the scope. 2
scopeEnumElementValue SCOPE_ELEM_VALUE INT int Value of the scope enum -

9.2.141 VRuleConditionMap

Description: This contains mapping between Rule Template and Rule Conditions

Database table name :VR_RULE_CONDN_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the Map 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
mapName MAP_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000 -
mapNameRBKey MAP_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the map 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
ruleId RULE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule template 16 -
conditionId CONDN_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule condition 16 -
isPreCondition IS_PRECONDN CHAR boolean Is this a pre condition for the rule to execute - -
displayOrder DISP_ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of display. - -
executionOrder EXEC_ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of execution. - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this object 4000 -

9.2.142 VRuleConditionMapHist

Description: Shadow table for Rule Condition Map

Database table name :VR_RULE_CONDN_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the Map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
mapName MAP_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000
mapNameRBKey MAP_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the map 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
ruleId RULE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule template 16
conditionId CONDN_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule condition 16
status MAP_STATUS INT int Status of the map. 2
isPreCondition IS_PRECONDN CHAR boolean Is this a pre condition for the rule to execute -
displayOrder DISP_ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of display. -
executionOrder EXEC_ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of execution. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this object 4000

9.2.143 VRuleParam

Description: This contains the parameter definition for the given rule template

Database table name :VCRYPT_RULE_PARAMS

Primary Keys : paramId (PARAM_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
paramId PARAM_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the parameter 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
ruleId RULE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the rule 16 -
conditionId CONDN_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule condition 16 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
paramName PARAM_NAME TEXT String Name of the parameter 4000 -
paramNameRBKey PARAM_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the Resource Bundle for the parameter 4000 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
promptLabel PROMPT_LABEL TEXT String Label to prompt 4000 -
promptLabelRBKey PROMPT_LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for Label 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the rule parameter 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order number. This is used to create the grammer for prompts - -
compareOperator COMPARE_OPER INT int Comparision operator - -
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000 -
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type - -
valueSubType VALUE_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR String Value sub type 128 -
validations VALIDATIONS TEXT String Constraints for the parameter 256 -
defaultValue DEFAULT_VALUE TEXT String Default value 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000 -

9.2.144 VRuleParamHist

Description: Shadow table for Rule Param

Database table name :VCRYPT_RULE_PARAMS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
paramId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the parameter 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
ruleId RULE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the rule 16
conditionId CONDN_ID BIGINT Long Id of the rule condition 16
paramName PARAM_NAME TEXT String Name of the parameter 4000
paramNameRBKey PARAM_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the Resource Bundle for the parameter 4000
paramStatus PARAM_STATUS INT int Status of the parameter. 2
promptLabel PROMPT_LABEL TEXT String Label to prompt 4000
promptLabelRBKey PROMPT_LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for Label 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the rule parameter 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order number. This is used to create the grammer for prompts -
compareOperator COMPARE_OPER INT int Comparision operator -
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type -
valueSubType VALUE_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR String Value sub type 128
validations VALIDATIONS TEXT String Constraints for the parameter 256
defaultValue DEFAULT_VALUE TEXT String Default value 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000

9.2.145 VRuleParamCustom

Description: Customization of Rule Parameters

Database table name :VR_RULE_PARAM_CUSTOM

Primary Keys : customId (CUSTOM_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
customId CUSTOM_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the customization 16
ruleParamId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the rule param 16
ruleConditionMapId RULE_COND_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the rule condition map 16
paramName PARAM_NAME TEXT String Name of the parameter 4000
paramNameRBKey PARAM_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the Resource Bundle for the parameter 4000
promptLabel PROMPT_LABEL TEXT String Label to prompt 4000
promptLabelRBKey PROMPT_LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for Label 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the rule parameter 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
defaultValue DEFAULT_VALUE TEXT String Default value 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000

9.2.146 VRuleParamCustomHist

Description: Shadow table for VRuleParamCustom

Database table name :VR_RULE_PARAM_CUSTOM_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
customId CUSTOM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the customization 16
ruleParamId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the rule param 16
ruleConditionMapId RULE_COND_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the rule condition map 16
paramName PARAM_NAME TEXT String Name of the parameter 4000
paramNameRBKey PARAM_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the Resource Bundle for the parameter 4000
promptLabel PROMPT_LABEL TEXT String Label to prompt 4000
promptLabelRBKey PROMPT_LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for Label 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the rule parameter 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
defaultValue DEFAULT_VALUE TEXT String Default value 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000

9.2.147 VProfile

Description: This is the rule model object

Database table name :VCRYPT_PROFILE

Primary Keys : profileId (PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
profileId PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this profile 16 -
profileName PROFILE_NAME TEXT String Name for this profile. 4000 -
profileNameRBKey PROFILE_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for Model Name. 4000 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the profile 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
policyType POLICY_TYPE INT int Type of the policy. 3 -
profileType PROFILE_TYPE INT int Type of the profile. 6 -
profileScope PROFILE_SCOPE INT int Scope of the profile. Whether it is System or not 3 -
run_mode RUN_MODE INT int Whether this model is running in test mode or some other mode 3 -
score SCORE INT int Score for this profile - -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile - -
logLevel LOG_LEVEL INT int Level of logging 6 -
priorityLevel PRIORITY_LEVEL INT int Priority Level 6 -
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3 -
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this profile 4000 -

9.2.148 VProfileHist

Description: Shadow table for Profile table

Database table name :VCRYPT_PROFILE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
profileId PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this profile 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
profileName PROFILE_NAME TEXT String Name for this profile. 4000
profileNameRBKey PROFILE_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for Model Name. 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the profile 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
policyType POLICY_TYPE INT int Type of the model. 3
profileType PROFILE_TYPE INT int Type of the profile. 6
profileScope PROFILE_SCOPE INT int Scope of the profile. Whether it is System or not 3
profileStatus PROFILE_STATUS INT int Status of the profile. 2
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512
run_mode RUN_MODE INT int Whether this model is running in test mode or some other mode 3
score SCORE INT int Score for this profile -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile -
logLevel LOG_LEVEL INT int Level of logging 6
priorityLevel PRIORITY_LEVEL INT int Priority Level 6
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this profile 4000

9.2.149 VProfileRuleMap

Description: This is the profileRuleMap object

Database table name :VCRYPT_PROFILE_RULE_MAP

Primary Keys : profileRuleMapId (PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this profileRuleMap 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
mapName MAP_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000 -
mapNameRBKey MAP_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for name for this instance. 4000 -
profileId PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
ruleId RULE_ID BIGINT Long Id rule 16 -
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of execution. Rule instances with same value will executed parallely - -
minDeviceScore MIN_DEVICE_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the device for executing this rule - -
maxDeviceScore MAX_DEVICE_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the device for executing this rule - -
minLocationScore MIN_LOCATION_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the location for executing this rule - -
maxLocationScore MAX_LOCATION_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the location for executing this rule - -
minCityScore MIN_CITY_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the city for executing this rule - -
maxCityScore MAX_CITY_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the city for executing this rule - -
minStateScore MIN_STATE_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the state for executing this rule - -
maxStateScore MAX_STATE_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the state for executing this rule - -
minCountryScore MIN_COUNTRY_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the country for executing this rule - -
maxCountryScore MAX_COUNTRY_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the country for executing this rule - -
exceptionUserGroupId EXCEPT_USER_GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Exception User Group Id 16 -
score SCORE INT int Score when this rule is executed - -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile - -
logLevel LOG_LEVEL INT int Level of logging 6 -
priorityLevel PRIORITY_LEVEL INT int Priority Level 6 -
stopOnViolation STOP_ON_VIOLATION CHAR boolean Whether to stop processing of further rules, if this rule fails. - -
onTrueActionListId ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action list to be called when the condition is sucessful 16 -
onFalseActionListId ON_FALSE_ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action list to be called when the condition is sucessful 16 -
alertId ALERT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list 16 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this profile rule map 4000 -

9.2.150 VProfileRuleMapHist

Description: Shadow table for VProfileRuleMap table


Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for this profileRuleMap 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
mapName MAP_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000
mapNameRBKey MAP_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key to the resource bundle for name for this instance. 4000
profileId PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
ruleId RULE_ID BIGINT Long Id rule 16
status MAP_STATUS INT int Type of the profile. 2
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of execution. Rule instances with same value will executed parallely -
minDeviceScore MIN_DEVICE_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the device for executing this rule -
maxDeviceScore MAX_DEVICE_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the device for executing this rule -
minLocationScore MIN_LOCATION_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the location for executing this rule -
maxLocationScore MAX_LOCATION_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the location for executing this rule -
minCityScore MIN_CITY_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the city for executing this rule -
maxCityScore MAX_CITY_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the city for executing this rule -
minStateScore MIN_STATE_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the state for executing this rule -
maxStateScore MAX_STATE_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the state for executing this rule -
minCountryScore MIN_COUNTRY_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the country for executing this rule -
maxCountryScore MAX_COUNTRY_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the country for executing this rule -
exceptionUserGroupId EXCEPT_USER_GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Exception User Group Id 16
score SCORE INT int Score when this rule is executed -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile -
logLevel LOG_LEVEL INT int Level of logging 6
priorityLevel PRIORITY_LEVEL INT int Priority Level 6
stopOnViolation STOP_ON_VIOLATION CHAR boolean Whether to stop processing of further rules, if this rule fails. -
onTrueActionListId ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action list to be called when the condition is sucessful 16
onFalseActionListId ON_FALSE_ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action list to be called when the condition is sucessful 16
alertId ALERT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list 16
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this profile rule map 4000

9.2.151 VProfileListMap

Description: This is to assign profiles to a list.

Database table name :VCRYPT_PROFILE_LIST_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this profile list mapping 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this oject. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of update. - -
profileId PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16 -
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this profile list map 4000 -

9.2.152 VProfileListMapHist

Description: Shadow tables to the VProfileListMap.


Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16 -
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. - -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. - -
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for this profile list mapping 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256 -
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15 -
profileId PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16 -
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this profile list map 4000 -

9.2.153 VRuleParamValue

Description: This contains the values for the parameter of the rule instance

Database table name :VCRYPT_RULE_PARAM_VALUES

Primary Keys : paramValueId (PARAM_VALUE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
paramValueId PARAM_VALUE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the param value 16 -
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map 16 -
paramId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the param 16 -
ruleConditionMapId RULE_COND_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the rule condition map 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this oject. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of update. - -
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type - -
intValue INT_VALUE INT int Integer value - -
longValue LONG_VALUE BIGINT long Long value - -
stringValue STRING_VALUE TEXT String String value 4000 -
booleanValue BOOLEAN_VALUE CHAR boolean Boolean value. - -
dateValue DATE_VALUE DATETIME Date Date value. - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this param values 4000 -

9.2.154 VRuleParamValueHist

Description: Shadow table for VRuleParamValue


Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
paramValueId PARAM_VALUE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the param value 16
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map 16
paramId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the param 16
ruleConditionMapId RULE_COND_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the rule condition map 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
valueStatus PARAM_VALUE_STATUS INT int Status of the parameter value. 2
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type -
intValue INT_VALUE INT int Integer value -
longValue LONG_VALUE BIGINT long Long value -
stringValue STRING_VALUE TEXT String String value 4000
booleanValue BOOLEAN_VALUE CHAR boolean Boolean value. -
dateValue DATE_VALUE DATETIME Date Date value. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this param values 4000

9.2.155 VRuleOverRide

Description: This is to over ride any rules that are fired.

Database table name :VR_OVERRIDE

Primary Keys : overRideId (OVER_RIDE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
overRideId OVER_RIDE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this object 16 -
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
allowFromTime ALLOW_FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Date value. - -
allowToTime ALLOW_TO_TIME DATETIME Date Date value. - -
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 6 -
objectType OBJECT_TYPE INT int What is this rule exception for? Example, user, location, device 6 -
objectValue OBJECT_VALUE TEXT String Object value 4000 -
maxCountAllowed MAX_COUNT_ALLOWED INT int How many attempts the user should be allowed. - -
fromAction FROM_ACTION VARCHAR String From action 64 -
toAction TO_ACTION VARCHAR String To action 64 -
used_count USED_COUNT INT int Used count. - -
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the login session. 256 -
transactionId TRX_ID BIGINT Long Id for the session - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000 -

9.2.156 VRuleOverRideHist

Description: Shadow table for VRuleOverRide table.

Database table name :VR_OVERRIDE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
overRideId OVER_RIDE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map -
allowFromTime ALLOW_FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Date value. -
allowToTime ALLOW_TO_TIME DATETIME Date Date value. -
objectStatus OBJECT_STATUS INT int Status of the object. 2
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 6
overRideType OVER_RIDE_TYPE INT int Override type. 2
objectType OBJECT_TYPE INT int What type of object is allowed 6
objectValue OBJECT_VALUE TEXT String Object value 4000
maxCountAllowed MAX_COUNT_ALLOWED INT int How many attempts the user should be allowed. -
fromAction FROM_ACTION VARCHAR String From action 64
toAction TO_ACTION VARCHAR String To action 64
used_count USED_COUNT INT int Used count. -
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the login session. 256
transactionId TRX_ID BIGINT Long Id for the session -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this object 4000

9.2.157 VRuleOverRideLog

Description: Logs to keep track of overrides.

Database table name :VR_OVERRIDE_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
overRideId OVER_RIDE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. -

9.2.158 VRuleException

Description: This is to over ride any rules that are fired.

Database table name :VR_EXCEPTION

Primary Keys : exceptionId (OVER_RIDE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
exceptionId OVER_RIDE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
overRideId OVERRIDE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map 16
exceptionType EXCEPTION_TYPE INT int Type of exception. e.g List, rule, etc 3
exceptionName EXCEPTION_NAME INT int Name of the type. e.g listName, ruleName, etc 3
exceptionValue EXCEPTION_VALUE INT int Value for the name e.g values for the list 3

9.2.159 VRuleExceptionHist

Description: Shadow table for VRuleException table.

Database table name :VR_EXCEPTION_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
exceptionId OVER_RIDE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
overRideId OVERRIDE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map 16
exceptionType EXCEPTION_TYPE INT int Type of exception. e.g List, rule, etc 3
exceptionName EXCEPTION_NAME INT int Name of the type. e.g listName, ruleName, etc 3
exceptionValue EXCEPTION_VALUE INT int Value for the name e.g values for the list 3

9.2.160 VRuleSetRow

Description: This contains the rows for the rule set/ model. Each row determines how to interpret the result

Database table name :VR_RULESET_ROW

Primary Keys : rowId (RULESET_ROW_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
rowId RULESET_ROW_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the ruleset row 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
profileId PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. -
rowName ROW_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000
rowNameRBKey ROW_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the row 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of evaluation. Evaluation will stop the first time all the -
resultType RESULT_TYPE INT int Type of the result. It could be a score or model to execute. 3
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
includeAlertsPreference INCLUDE_ALERTS_PREF INT int Whether to include rule alerts when this override is true 4
includeActionsPreference INCLUDE_ACTIONS_PREF CHAR boolean Whether to include rule actions when this override is true 4
score SCORE INT int Score for this row 5
executeProfileId EXE_PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile to be executed if this 16
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this row 4000

9.2.161 VRuleSetRowHist

Description: Shadow table for VRuleSetRow

Database table name :VR_RULESET_ROW_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
rowId RULESET_ROW_ID BIGINT Long Id for the ruleset row 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
profileId PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile 16
rowName ROW_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000
rowNameRBKey ROW_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the row 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
orderNumber ORDER_NUMBER INT int Order of evaluation. Evaluation will stop the first time all the -
resultType RESULT_TYPE INT int Type of the result. It could be a score or model to execute. 3
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
includeAlertsPreference INCLUDE_ALERTS_PREF INT int Whether to include rule alerts when this override is true 4
includeActionsPreference INCLUDE_ACTIONS_PREF CHAR boolean Whether to include rule actions when this override is true 4
score SCORE INT int Score for this row 5
includeRuleAlerts INCLUDE_RULE_ALERTS CHAR boolean Whether to include rule alerts when this override is true -
includeRuleActions INCLUDE_RULE_ACTIONS CHAR boolean Whether to include rule actions when this override is true -
executeProfileId EXE_PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile to be executed if this 16
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this row 4000

9.2.162 VRuleSetColumn

Description: This contains the columns for the rule set/ model.

Database table name :VR_RULESET_COL

Primary Keys : columnId (RULESET_COL_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
columnId RULESET_COL_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the ruleset column 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
rowId ROW_ID BIGINT Long Id of the row 16
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. -
ruleResult RULE_RESULT INT int What rule result show be considered 3
minScore MIN_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the rule to be considered -
maxScore MAX_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the rule to be considered -

9.2.163 VRuleSetColumnHist

Description: Shadow table for VRuleSetColumn

Database table name :VR_RULESET_COL_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
columnId RULESET_COL_ID BIGINT Long Id for the ruleset column 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
rowId ROW_ID BIGINT Long Id of the row 16
profileRuleMapId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the profile rule map 16
ruleResult RULE_RESULT INT int What rule result show be considered 3
minScore MIN_SCORE INT int Minimum score of the rule to be considered -
maxScore MAX_SCORE INT int Maximum score of the rule to be considered -

9.2.164 VScoreAction

Description: Mapping actions for scores

Database table name :VR_SCORE_ACTION

Primary Keys : scoreActionId (SCORE_ACTION_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
scoreActionId SCORE_ACTION_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. -
scoreName SCORE_NAME TEXT String Name for this score action. 4000
scoreNameRBKey SCORE_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the row 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
minScore MIN_SCORE INT int Minimum score -
maxScore MAX_SCORE INT int Maximum score -
runLevel RUN_LEVEL INT int Level where this mapping should run 5
runTimeType RUN_TIME_TYPE INT int Runtime type 6
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000

9.2.165 VScoreActionHist

Description: Historing for VScoreAction

Database table name :VR_SCORE_ACTION_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
scoreActionId SCORE_ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
scoreName SCORE_NAME TEXT String Name for this score action. 4000
scoreNameRBKey SCORE_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the row 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
minScore MIN_SCORE INT int Minimum score -
maxScore MAX_SCORE INT int Maximum score -
runLevel RUN_LEVEL INT int Level where this mapping should run 5
runTimeType RUN_TIME_TYPE INT int Runtime type 6
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000

9.2.166 VMaxBlock

Description: Action/Score override based on threshold of the action. This can be used for gating.

Database table name :VR_MAX_BLOCKS

Primary Keys : blockId (BLOCK_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
blockId BLOCK_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. -
blockName BLOCK_NAME TEXT String Name for this block action. 4000
blockNameRBKey BLOCK_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the row 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
runTimeType RUN_TIME_TYPE INT int Runtime type 6
fromAction FROM_ACTION VARCHAR String From action 64
toAction TO_ACTION VARCHAR String To action 64
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
maxCountAllowed MAX_COUNT_ALLOWED INT int Number of actions . -
duration DURATION INT int Duration in minutes 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000

9.2.167 VMaxBlockHist

Description: History for VMaxBlock

Database table name :VR_MAX_BLOCKS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
blockId BLOCK_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
blockName BLOCK_NAME TEXT String Name for this block action. 4000
blockNameRBKey BLOCK_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
runTimeType RUN_TIME_TYPE INT int Runtime type 6
fromAction FROM_ACTION VARCHAR String From action 64
toAction TO_ACTION VARCHAR String To action 64
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
maxCountAllowed MAX_COUNT_ALLOWED INT int Number of actions . -
duration DURATION INT int Duration in minutes 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000

9.2.168 VMaxBlockLogs

Description: Logging for max blocks

Database table name :VR_MAX_BLOCKS_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
blockId BLOCK_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. -
localUserId LOCAL_USER_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
deviceId DEVICE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this object 16
remoteIPAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15
baseIPAddr BASE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String This is the base IP address for quick search 15

9.2.169 VPolicySetPkg

Description: Policy Set package

Database table name :V_POLICY_SET_PKG

Primary Keys : policySetId (POLICY_SET_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
policySetId POLICY_SET_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the policy set package 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
policySet RA_POLICY_SET TEXT String Policy set in zip format -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.170 VPolicySet

Description: This contains properties for the policy set

Database table name :VR_POLICY_SET

Primary Keys : policySetId (POLICY_SET_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
policySetId POLICY_SET_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the policy set 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. - -
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3 -
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512 -
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list - -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000 -

9.2.171 VPolicySetHist

Description: This contains properties for the policy set

Database table name :VR_POLICY_SET_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
policySetId POLICY_SET_ID BIGINT Long Id for the policy set 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
status STATUS INT int Status of the policy set. 2
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000

9.2.172 VPolicy

Description: This contains properties for the policy

Database table name :VR_POLICY

Primary Keys : policyId (POLICY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
policyId POLICY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the policy 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. - -
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000 -
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
policyType POLICY_TYPE INT int Policy type 3 -
score SCORE INT int Default score for this policy - -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile - -
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3 -
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512 -
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list - -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000 -

9.2.173 VPolicyHist

Description: Shadow table for policy

Database table name :VR_POLICY_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
policyId POLICY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the policy 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionId VERSION_ID BIGINT Long Version Id 16
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000
nameRBKey LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
policyType POLICY_TYPE INT int Policy type 3
status STATUS INT int Status of the policy. 2
score SCORE INT int Default score for this policy -
weight WEIGHT INT int Weight for this profile -
scoringType SCORING_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 3
fileName FILE_NAME TEXT String Name of the file 512
actionListId ACTION_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id of the action list -
alertListId ALERT_LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert list -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this record 4000

9.2.174 VPolicySetLog

Description: Logs for rules at PolicySet level

Database table name :VR_POLICYSET_LOGS

Primary Keys : policySetLogId (POLICYSET_LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
policySetLogId POLICYSET_LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log id 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this transaction. -
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the login session. 256
transactionLogId TRX_LOG_ID BIGINT Long Id for the transaction 16
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 6
policySetId POLICYSET_ID BIGINT Long Id of PolicySet 16
status STATUS INT int Execution status for this policy set execution 3
totalTime TOTAL_TIME BIGINT long Time taken to execute this 10
score SCORE INT int Type of scoring 5
transactionData TRX_DATA TEXT String Transaction data as name value pair. 4000
finalAction FINAL_ACTION TEXT String Final action for this policyset 256
actionList ACTION_LIST TEXT String List of action. 256
alertIdList ALERT_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert id list. 256
alertTemplateIdList ALERT_TEMPL_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert template id list. 256

9.2.175 VPolicyLog

Description: Logs for rules at Policy level

Database table name :VR_POLICY_LOGS

Primary Keys : policyLogId (POLICY_LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
policyLogId POLICY_LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log id 16
policySetLogId POLICYSET_LOG_ID BIGINT Long Id of Policy Set 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this transaction. -
policyId POLICY_ID BIGINT Long Id of Policy 16
status STATUS INT int Execution status for this policy execution 3
totalTime TOTAL_TIME BIGINT long Time taken to execute this 10
score SCORE INT int Type of scoring 5
actionList ACTION_LIST TEXT String List of action. 256
alertIdList ALERT_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert id list. 256
alertTemplateIdList ALERT_TEMPL_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert template id list. 256

9.2.176 VModelLog

Description: Logs for rules at Model level

Database table name :VR_MODEL_LOGS

Primary Keys : modelLogId (MODEL_LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
modelLogId MODEL_LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log id 16
policyLogId POLICY_LOG_ID BIGINT Long Id of Policy 16
parentModelLogId PARENT_MODEL_LOG_ID BIGINT Long Id of calling model id 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this transaction. -
profileId MODEL_ID BIGINT Long Id of profile/model 16
scoreRowId SCORE_ROW_ID BIGINT Long Id of the row score 16
status STATUS INT int Execution status for this model 3
totalTime TOTAL_TIME BIGINT long Time taken to execute this 10
score SCORE INT int Type of scoring 5
actionList ACTION_LIST TEXT String List of action. 256
alertIdList ALERT_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert id list. 256
alertTemplateIdList ALERT_TEMPL_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert template id list. 256

9.2.177 VRuleLog

Description: Logs for rules at Rule level

Database table name :VR_RULE_LOGS

Primary Keys : ruleLogId (RULE_LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
ruleLogId RULE_LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log id 16
modelLogId MODEL_LOG_ID BIGINT Long Id of model log 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this transaction. -
ruleMapId RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of ruleMap 16
status STATUS INT int Execution status for this model 3
totalTime TOTAL_TIME BIGINT long Time taken to execute this 10
score SCORE INT int Type of scoring 5
actionList ACTION_LIST TEXT String List of action. 256
alertIdList ALERT_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert id list. 256
alertTemplateIdList ALERT_TEMPL_ID_LIST TEXT String List of alert template id list. 256

9.2.178 VDynamicAction

Description: This is the Dynamic Action

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACTION

Primary Keys : actionId (ACTION_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
actionId ACTION_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this action 16 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
dynamicActionName ACTION_NAME TEXT String Name for this action. 4000 -
dynamicActionNameRBKey ACTION_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name 4000 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the action 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
actionType ACTION_TYPE INT int Type of the action. - -
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this action 4000 -

9.2.179 VDynamicActionHist

Description: This is the action object history

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACTION_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
actionId ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for this action 16
dynamicActionName ACTION_NAME TEXT String Name for this action. 4000
dynamicActionNameRBKey ACTION_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name 4000
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the action 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
actionType ACTION_TYPE INT int Type of the action. -
status STATUS INT int Status of the object. 2
javaClass JAVA_CLASS TEXT String Java class path 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note against this action 4000

9.2.180 VDynamicActionParam

Description: This contains the parameter definition for the given action

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACT_PAR

Primary Keys : paramId (PARAM_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
paramId PARAM_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the parameter 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
actionId ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action 16 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
paramName PARAM_NAME TEXT String Name of the parameter 4000 -
paramNameRBKey PARAM_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name of the parameter 4000 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. - -
promptLabel PROMPT_LABEL TEXT String Label to prompt 4000 -
promptLabelRBKey PROMPT_LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for label 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the parameter 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type - -
valueSubType VALUE_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR String Value sub type 128 -
validations VALIDATIONS TEXT String Constraints for the parameter 4000 -
defaultValue DEFAULT_VALUE TEXT String Default value 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000 -

9.2.181 VDynamicActionParamHist

Description: Shadow table for Action Param

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACT_PAR_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
paramId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the parameter 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
actionId ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
paramName PARAM_NAME TEXT String Name of the parameter 4000
paramNameRBKey PARAM_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for name of the parameter 4000
status STATUS INT int Status of the parameter. 2
promptLabel PROMPT_LABEL TEXT String Label to prompt 4000
promptLabelRBKey PROMPT_LABEL_RBKEY TEXT String Key in the resource bundle for label 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the parameter 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type -
valueSubType VALUE_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR String Value sub type 128
validations VALIDATIONS TEXT String Constraints for the parameter 4000
defaultValue DEFAULT_VALUE TEXT String Default value 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000

9.2.182 VDynamicActionInstance

Description: Instance of dynamic action. This is associated with a VValueList.

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACTION_INST

Primary Keys : instanceId (INSTANCE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. - -
instanceId INSTANCE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the instance 16 -
mapName MAP_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000 -
mapNameRBKey MAP_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the map 4000 -
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
actionId ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action 16 -
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 6 -
timeToLiveInMilliSeconds TIME_TO_LIVE_MS INT int How long this action is valid from the time it is schedule. Zero or negative number means for infinite time - -
execType EXEC_TYPE INT int Execution type for this action. E.g. Synchronous or Asynchronous 5 -
execPriority EXEC_PRIORITY INT int Priority of execution 5 -
actionToTrigger ACTION_TO_TRIGGER INT Integer This is the action required to trigger 5 -
finalActionToTrigger FINAL_ACTION_TO_TRIGGER INT Integer Final action required to trigger 5 -
minScoreToTrigger MIN_SCORE INT int Minimum score required for triggering this dynamic action - -
maxScoreToTrigger MAX_SCORE INT int Maximum score required for triggering this dynamic action - -
logLevel LOG_LEVEL INT int Logging/Tracking level for this action instance 5 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000 -

9.2.183 VDynamicActionInstanceHist

Description: Instance of dynamic action. This is associated with a VValueList.

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACTION_INST_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
instanceId INSTANCE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the instance 16
mapName MAP_NAME TEXT String Name for this instance. 4000
mapNameRBKey MAP_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this instance 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the map 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
actionId ACTION_ID BIGINT Long Id for the action 16
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT int Type of scoring 6
timeToLiveInMilliSeconds TIME_TO_LIVE_MS INT int How long this action is valid from the time it is schedule. Zero or negative number means for infinite time -
execType EXEC_TYPE INT int Execution type for this action. E.g. Synchronous or Asynchronous 5
execPriority EXEC_PRIORITY INT int Priority of execution 5
actionToTrigger ACTION_TO_TRIGGER INT Integer This is the action required to trigger 5
finalActionToTrigger FINAL_ACTION_TO_TRIGGER INT Integer Final action required to trigger 5
minScoreToTrigger MIN_SCORE INT int Minimum score required for triggering this dynamic action -
maxScoreToTrigger MAX_SCORE INT int Maximum score required for triggering this dynamic action -
logLevel LOG_LEVEL INT int Logging/Tracking level for this action instance 5
status STATUS INT int Status of the parameter. 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this paramter 4000

9.2.184 VDynamicActionParamValue

Description: This contains the values for the parameter of the dynamic action instance

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACT_PAR_VAL

Primary Keys : paramValueId (PARAM_VALUE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
paramValueId PARAM_VALUE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the param value 16
actionInstanceId INSTANCE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the instance 16
paramId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the param 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this oject. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of update. -
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type -
intValue INT_VALUE INT int Integer value -
longValue LONG_VALUE BIGINT long Long value -
stringValue STRING_VALUE TEXT String String value 4000
booleanValue BOOLEAN_VALUE CHAR boolean Boolean value. -
dateValue DATE_VALUE DATETIME Date Date value. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this param values 4000

9.2.185 VDynamicActionParamValueHist

Description: History object dynamic action parama value

Database table name :VR_DYN_ACT_PAR_VAL_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
paramValueId PARAM_VALUE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the param value 16
actionInstanceId INSTANCE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the instance 16
paramId PARAM_ID BIGINT Long Id for the param 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Value type -
intValue INT_VALUE INT int Integer value -
longValue LONG_VALUE BIGINT long Long value -
stringValue STRING_VALUE TEXT String String value 4000
booleanValue BOOLEAN_VALUE CHAR boolean Boolean value. -
dateValue DATE_VALUE DATETIME Date Date value. -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this param values 4000

9.2.186 VDynamicActionExecLog

Description: Log of dynamic action executions

Database table name :VT_DYN_ACT_EXEC_LOG

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was updated. -
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request. This is used to co-relate the post authentication request. 256
actionInstanceId INSTANCE_ID BIGINT Long Id of the instance 16
sessionActionMapId SESS_ACT_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id to the session action map (VTSessionActionMap) 16
execStatus EXEC_STATUS INT int Status of the execution 5
startTime START_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when the execution started -
totalTime TOTAL_TIME BIGINT long Time taken to execute this 10
paramData PARAM_DATA TEXT String Parameter data 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this execution 4000

9.2.187 VAlertTemplate

Description: List containing alert values for rule instance

Database table name :VCRYPT_ALERT_TEMPLATES

Primary Keys : templateId (TEMPLATE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
templateId TEMPLATE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the alert template 16
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. -
alertType ALERT_TYPE INT int Type of alert -
alertLevel ALERT_LEVEL INT int Level of alert -
alertMessage ALERT_MESSAGE TEXT String Alert message 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this list 4000

9.2.188 VAlertTemplateHist

Description: Shadow table for VAlertTemplate


Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
templateId TEMPLATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert template 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
alertType ALERT_TYPE INT int Type of alert -
alertLevel ALERT_LEVEL INT int Level of alert -
alertMessage ALERT_MESSAGE TEXT String Alert message 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this list 4000

9.2.189 VValueList

Description: This contains the vector values

Database table name :VCRYPT_VALUE_LIST

Primary Keys : listId (LIST_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
listId LIST_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of latest update. -
listName LIST_NAME TEXT String Name of the list 4000
listNameRBKey LIST_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this list name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the map 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
cacheType CACHE_TYPE INT int Whether this list should be cached 4
listType LIST_CLASS_CODE INT int What is the type of this list -
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Type of the value -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this list 4000

9.2.190 VValueListHist

Description: Shadow table for VValueList

Database table name :VCRYPT_VALUE_LIST_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
listName LIST_NAME TEXT String Name of the list 4000
listNameRBKey LIST_NAME_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for this list name 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description of the map 4000
descriptionRBKey DESC_RBKEY TEXT String Resource bundle key for the description 4000
listType LIST_CLASS_CODE INT int What is the type of this list -
cacheType CACHE_TYPE INT int Whether this list should be cached 4
valueType VALUE_TYPE INT int Type of the value -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this list 4000

9.2.191 VStringValueElement

Description: String elements of the list


Primary Keys : elementId (ELEMENT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
elementId ELEMENT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Element Id 16
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
value ELEMENT_VALUE TEXT String String value 4000

9.2.192 VLongValueElement

Description: Long elements of the list

Database table name :VCRYPT_LONG_VALUE_ELEMENT

Primary Keys : elementId (ELEMENT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
elementId ELEMENT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Element Id 16
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
value ELEMENT_VALUE BIGINT long Long value -

9.2.193 VIntValueElement

Description: Int elements of the list

Database table name :VCRYPT_INT_VALUE_ELEMENT

Primary Keys : elementId (ELEMENT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
elementId ELEMENT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Element Id 16
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
value ELEMENT_VALUE INT int Int value -

9.2.194 VDateValueElement

Description: Date elements of the list

Database table name :VCRYPT_DATE_VALUE_ELEMENT

Primary Keys : elementId (ELEMENT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
elementId ELEMENT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Element Id 16
listId LIST_ID BIGINT Long Id for the list 16
value ELEMENT_VALUE DATETIME Date Date value -

9.2.195 VRunStatus

Description: This has the run status for critical operations

Database table name :V_RUN_STATUS

Primary Keys : runStatusId (RUN_STATUS_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
runStatusId RUN_STATUS_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the operation 16
runStatusType RUN_STATUS_TYPE INT int Type of the operation 4
runStatusSubType RUN_STATUS_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR String Sub type of the operation 64
runStatusValue RUN_STATUS_VALUE VARCHAR String Run status value 64
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this user. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -

9.2.196 VRunStatusHist

Description: This has the run status for critical operations. Shadow table.

Database table name :V_RUN_STATUS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
runStatusId RUN_STATUS_ID BIGINT Long Id of the operation 16
runStatusType RUN_STATUS_TYPE INT int Type of the operation 4
runStatusSubType RUN_STATUS_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR String Sub type of the operation 64
runStatusValue RUN_STATUS_VALUE VARCHAR String Run status value 64

9.2.197 VCacheStatus

Description: Has the last update status of all the caches

Database table name :VCRYPT_CACHE_STATUS

Primary Keys : cacheId (CACHE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
cacheId CACHE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the cache 16
cacheType CACHE_TYPE INT int Type of the cache -
objectValue OBJECT_VALUE VARCHAR String Value of the object 255
version VERSION INT int Version of the cache -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time. -

9.2.198 VGlobalLookup

Description: Global lookup tables for constants

Database table name :V_G_LOOKUP

Primary Keys : lookupId (LOOKUP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
lookupId LOOKUP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Lookup ID 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this object. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time. - -
lookupType LOOKUP_TYPE INT int Type of lookup. E.g. for profiles, etc - -
name NAME TEXT String Name of the lookup 4000 -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000 -

9.2.199 VGlobalLookupHist

Description: Global lookup tables for constants. Shadow table

Database table name :V_G_LOOKUP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
lookupId LOOKUP_ID BIGINT Long Lookup ID 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
lookupType LOOKUP_TYPE INT int Type of lookup. E.g. for profiles, etc -
name NAME TEXT String Name of the lookup 4000
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
status STATUS INT int Status of the lookup 2

9.2.200 VReportQuery

Description: Report Query

Database table name :V_REP_QUERY

Primary Keys : queryId (QUERY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
queryId QUERY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the query 16 -
queryName QUERY_NAME TEXT String Name of the query 4000 -
description QUERY_DESC TEXT String Description of the report 4000 -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. - -
query QUERY TEXT String Query of the report 4000 -
adminLoginId ADMIN_LOGIN_ID VARCHAR String Id of the admin 30 -

9.2.201 VReportQueryHist

Description: Report Query shadow object

Database table name :V_REP_QUERY_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
queryId QUERY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the query 16
queryName QUERY_NAME TEXT String Name of the query 4000
description QUERY_DESC TEXT String Description of the report 4000
query QUERY TEXT String Query of the report 4000
accessType ACCESS_TYPE INT int Type of access. 2
adminLoginId ADMIN_LOGIN_ID VARCHAR String Id of the admin 30

9.2.202 VReportSchedule

Description: These are the reports which are scheduled

Database table name :V_REP_SCHED

Primary Keys : scheduleId (SCHED_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
scheduleId SCHED_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the report 16 -
reportName REPORT_NAME TEXT String Name of the report 4000 -
description REPORT_DESC TEXT String Description of the report 4000 -
fileType FILETYPE INT int File Type of the report - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. - -
startDate START_DATE DATETIME Date Date to start this schedule. - -
executeTimeInSeconds EXEC_TIME_SECS INT int Time of the day to run this report. - -
endDate END_DATE DATETIME Date Date to end this schedule. - -
intervalValue FILE_TYPE TEXT String Value for the interval 256 -
lastRunTime LAST_RUN_TIME DATETIME Date Last time the report of run. - -
queryId QUERY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the query 16 -
emailList EMAIL_LIST TEXT String Email list 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000 -

9.2.203 VReportScheduleHist

Description: Shadow table for report schedule

Database table name :V_REP_SCHED_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
scheduleId SCHED_ID BIGINT Long Id of the schedule 16
reportName REPORT_NAME TEXT String Name of the report 4000
description REPORT_DESC TEXT String Description of the report 4000
status SCHEDULE_STATUS INT int Status of the schedule. 2
fileType FILETYPE INT int File Type of the report -
startDate START_DATE DATETIME Date Date to start this schedule. -
executeTimeInSeconds EXEC_TIME_SECS INT int Time of the day to run this report. -
endDate END_DATE DATETIME Date Date to end this schedule. -
intervalType INTERVAL_TYPE INT int Type of interval. 2
intervalValue FILE_TYPE TEXT String Value for the interval 256
lastRunTime LAST_RUN_TIME DATETIME Date Last time the report of run. -
queryId QUERY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the query 16
actionType ACTION_TYPE INT int Type of action. 2
emailList EMAIL_LIST TEXT String Email list 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.204 VReportSaved

Description: This is the saved report.

Database table name :V_REP_SAVED

Primary Keys : savedId (REPORT_SAVED_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
savedId REPORT_SAVED_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id of the saved report 16 -
scheduleId SCHED_ID BIGINT Long If this was a scheduled report, then the id of the schedule 16 -
reportName REPORT_NAME TEXT String Name of the report 4000 -
description REPORT_DESC TEXT String Description of the report 4000 -
filePath FILE_PATH TEXT String Path for the file 1024 -
fileType FILETYPE INT int File Type of the report - -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. - -
processTime PROCESS_TIME INT int Time taken to process this report. 10 -
queryId QUERY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the query - -
query QUERY TEXT String Query of the report 4000 -
emailList EMAIL_LIST TEXT String Email list 4000 -
errorMessage ERROR_MSG TEXT String Error message if failed 4000 -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000 -

9.2.205 VReportSavedHist

Description: This is the saved report shadow table.

Database table name :V_REP_SAVED_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
savedId REPORT_SAVED_ID BIGINT Long Id of the saved report 16
scheduleId SCHED_ID BIGINT Long If this was a scheduled report, then the id of the schedule 16
reportName REPORT_NAME TEXT String Name of the report 4000
description REPORT_DESC TEXT String Description of the report 4000
filePath FILE_PATH TEXT String Path for the file 1024
fileType FILETYPE INT int File Type of the report -
status REPORT_STATUS INT int Status of the schedule. 2
processTime PROCESS_TIME INT int Time taken to process this report. 10
queryId QUERY_ID BIGINT Long Id of the query -
query QUERY TEXT String Query of the report 4000
emailList EMAIL_LIST TEXT String Email list 4000
errorMessage ERROR_MSG TEXT String Error message if failed 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.206 VJavaBinaryClass

Description: This contains the binary class code

Database table name :VR_JAVA_BIN

Primary Keys : javaClassId (JAVA_CLASS_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length Enum values
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time creation of this oject. - -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Time of update. - -
javaClassId JAVA_CLASS_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the object 16 -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255 -
referenceObjectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id to the object it belongs to - -
referenceObjectClassName OBJECT_CLASS_NAME VARCHAR String Class name for the reference objectId - -
checkSum CHECK_SUM INT int Check sum for the class - -
javaClassName JAVA_CLASS_NAME TEXT String Java class name 4000 -
javaClassBinary JAVA_CLASS_BIN TEXT String This is the class code in binary format - -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this param values 4000 -

9.2.207 VJavaBinaryClassHist

Description: History object dynamic action java class

Database table name :VR_JAVA_BIN_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
javaClassId JAVA_CLASS_ID BIGINT Long Id for the object 16
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
referenceObjectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id to the object it belongs to -
referenceObjectClassName OBJECT_CLASS_NAME VARCHAR String Class name for the reference objectId -
checkSum CHECK_SUM INT int Check sum for the class -
javaClassName JAVA_CLASS_NAME TEXT String Java class name 4000
javaClassBinary JAVA_CLASS_BIN TEXT String This is the class code in binary format -
status STATUS INT int Status of the parameter. 2
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes for this param values 4000

9.2.208 VAlert

Description: This is the Alert object

Database table name :VCRYPT_ALERT

Primary Keys : alertId (ALERT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
alertId ALERT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this alert 16
templateId TEMPLATE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the alert template 16
sessActionMapId SESS_ACTION_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the session action map 16
alertLevel ALERT_LEVEL INT int Alert level -
alertType ALERT_TYPE INT int Alert type -
alertStatus ALERT_STATUS INT int Alert status -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Create time for this alert. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -
week CREATE_WEEK INT int Week the alert was created -
month CREATE_MONTH INT int Week the alert was created -
quarter CREATE_QUARTER INT int Week the alert was created -
year CREATE_YEAR INT int Year the alert was created -
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request. This is used to co-relate the post authentication request. 256
transactionLogId TRX_LOG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the transaction for whic this alert was created. 16
sourceType SOURCE_TYPE INT int The type could be from rule or other source like model 4
sourceId PROFILE_RULE_MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id of the source. It could be ruleMapId or any other id 16
runtimeType RUNTIME_TYPE INT Integer Type of runtime(if available) 6
nodeId NODE_ID BIGINT Long Node Id -
userId USER_ID TEXT String User Id of the user if available. 256
loginId USER_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Login Id of the user if available. 256
remoteIPAddr REMOTE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String The IP address from where the client connected 15
baseIPAddr BASE_IP_ADDR BIGINT String This is the base IP address for quick search 15
inputList INPUT_LIST TEXT String Input value list. 4000
probableCause PROBABLE_CAUSE VARCHAR String Cause of this alert. 128
category ALERT_SOURCE VARCHAR String Alert category 64
alertMessage ALERT_MESSAGE TEXT String Alert message 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000

9.2.209 VCSRCase

Description: CSR Case

Database table name :V_CASE

Primary Keys : caseId (CASE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
caseId CASE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this case 16
extUserId USER_LOGIN_ID TEXT String External User Id of the user if available. 256
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the session. 256
lastActionType LOG_ACCESS_TYPE INT int The last reportable action type for this case 3
caseStatus CASE_STATUS INT int Status of the case 3
disposition DISPOSITION INT int Disposition of the case 6
caseType CASE_TYPE INT int Type of the case 6
createType CREATE_TYPE INT int How the case got created 6
severityLevel SEVERITY_LEVEL INT int Severity level for the case -
ownerGroupId ADMIN_GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the owner group 16
adminUserId ADMIN_USER_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Id 16
externalCaseId EXT_CASE_ID TEXT String Id of the external caseId 256
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this case expires -
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.210 VCSRCaseHist

Description: CSR Case shadow table

Database table name :V_CASE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
caseId CASE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this case 16
extUserId USER_LOGIN_ID TEXT String External User Id of the user if available. 256
requestId REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the session. 256
lastActionType LOG_ACCESS_TYPE INT int The last reportable action type for this case 3
caseStatus CASE_STATUS INT int Status of the case 3
caseType CASE_TYPE INT int Type of the case 6
createType CREATE_TYPE INT int How the case got created 6
disposition DISPOSITION INT int Disposition of the case 6
severityLevel SEVERITY_LEVEL INT int Severity level for the case 3
ownerGroupId ADMIN_GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the owner group 16
adminUserId ADMIN_USER_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Id 16
externalCaseId EXT_CASE_ID TEXT String Id of the external caseId 256
expirationTime EXPIRE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this case expires -
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000

9.2.211 VCaseActionLogSessionMap

Description: Mapping between action log and session

Database table name :V_ACTION_LOG_SESS_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
sessionId SESSION_ID BIGINT Long Id for this session 16
caseId CASE_ID BIGINT Long Id for this session 16

9.2.212 VCaseMap

Description: Mapping between case and other entities

Database table name :V_CASE_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time of this transaction. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Last update time for this object. -
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
caseId CASE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the case 16
objectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id of the object. 16
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the entity type 16
relationType RELATION_TYPE INT int Type of the relationship 6
mapStatus MAP_STATUS INT int Status of the case map 5
adminSessionId ADM_SESSION_ID BIGINT Long Id of the admin session 16
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000

9.2.213 VCaseMapHist

Description: Shadow table for VCaseMap

Database table name :V_CASE_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
caseId CASE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the case 16
objectId OBJECT_ID BIGINT Long Id of the object. 16
entityDefId ENTITY_DEF_ID BIGINT Long Id for the entity type 16
relationType RELATION_TYPE INT int Type of the relationship 6
mapStatus MAP_STATUS INT int Status of the case map 5
adminSessionId ADM_SESSION_ID BIGINT Long Id of the admin session 16
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000

9.2.214 VAdminUser

Description: Admin User

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USER

Primary Keys : adminUserId (USER_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
adminUserId USER_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for admin user 16
extUserId USER_LOGIN_ID TEXT String External User Id of the user if available. 256
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -

9.2.215 VAdminUserHist

Description: Admin User shadow table

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USER_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
adminUserId USER_ID BIGINT Long Id for admin user 16
extUserId USER_LOGIN_ID TEXT String External User Id of the user if available. 256
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.216 VAdminUserGroup

Description: Admin User Group

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USERGROUP

Primary Keys : adminUserGroupId (USER_GROUP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
adminUserGroupId USER_GROUP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for admin user group 16
extGroupId EXT_USER_GROUP_ID TEXT String External Grup Id of the user if available. 256
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -

9.2.217 VAdminUserGroupHist

Description: Admin User Group shadow table

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USER_GROUP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
adminUserGroupId USER_GROUP_ID BIGINT Long Id for admin user group 16
extGroupId EXT_USER_GROUP_ID TEXT String External Grup Id of the user if available. 256
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.218 VAdminUserGroupMap

Description: Admin User Group Map

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USERGROUP_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for map 16
adminUserId ADMIN_USER_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Id 16
adminUserGroupId ADMIN_USERGROUP_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Group Id 16
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -

9.2.219 VAdminUserGroupMapHist

Description: Admin User Group Map shadow table

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USERGROUP_MAP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
mapId MAP_ID BIGINT Long Id for map 16
adminUserId ADMIN_USER_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Id 16
adminUserGroupId ADMIN_USERGROUP_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Group Id 16
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000

9.2.220 VAdminUserProfile

Description: Admin User Profile

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USERPROFILE

Primary Keys : adminUserProfileId (USER_PROFILE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
adminUserProfileId USER_PROFILE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for admin user profile 16
adminUserId ADMIN_USER_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Id 16
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
name ATTR_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute 4000
value ATTR_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time when this object was created. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date/Time of the last update. -

9.2.221 VAdminUserProfileHist

Description: Admin User Profile shadow table

Database table name :V_ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
adminUserProfileId USER_PROFILE_ID BIGINT Long Id for admin user profile 16
adminUserId ADMIN_USER_ID BIGINT Long Admin User Id 16
status STATUS INT int The status of the admin user. 5
name ATTR_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute 4000
value ATTR_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Note for this alert 4000

9.2.222 VRAConfig

Description: RA Config

Database table name :VRA_CONFIG

Primary Keys : configId (CONFIG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
configId CONFIG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the config 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
configType CONFIG_TYPE INT int The type of this config. 5
configStatus CONFIG_STATUS INT int The status of the config. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.223 VRAConfigHist

Description: RA Config shadow

Database table name :VRA_CONFIG_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id for the config 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
configType CONFIG_TYPE INT int The type of this config. 5
configStatus CONFIG_STATUS INT int The status of the config. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.224 VRAConfigProperty

Description: RA Config Property

Database table name :VRA_CONFIG_PROP

Primary Keys : propertyId (PROPERTY_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
propertyId PROPERTY_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the property 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the config 16
name PROP_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute 4000
value PROP_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
propType PROP_TYPE INT int The type of this property. 5
isEncrypted IS_SECURE CHAR boolean Is this property encrypted -
status STATUS INT int The status of the property. 5
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.225 VRAConfigPropertyHist

Description: RA Config Property shadow

Database table name :VRA_CONFIG_PROP_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
propertyId PROPERTY_ID BIGINT Long Id for the property 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
globalId GLOBAL_ID VARCHAR String Unique identifier which is used in import and export feature. 255
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the config 16
name PROP_NAME TEXT String Name of the attribute 4000
value PROP_VALUE TEXT String Value of the attribute 4000
propType PROP_TYPE INT int The type of this property. 5
isEncrypted IS_SECURE CHAR boolean Is this property encrypted -
status STATUS INT int The status of the property. 5
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.226 VRARunLogs

Description: RA Run Logs

Database table name :VRA_RUN_LOGS

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the run log 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
serverId SERVER_ID TEXT String Id of the server 512
raRunSessionId RUN_SESS_ID BIGINT Long Id for the run session id 16
name LOG_NAME TEXT String Name for the log 4000
value LOG_VALUE TEXT String Value of the log 4000
logType LOG_TYPE INT int The type of the log. 5
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.227 VRASessionSet

Description: RA Session Set

Database table name :VRA_SESS_SET

Primary Keys : setId (SET_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
setId SET_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this session set 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
setType SET_TYPE INT int The type of this set. 5
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for session begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
dbQuery DB_QUERY TEXT String DBQuery for this session set 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.228 VRASessionSetHist

Description: RA Session Set

Database table name :VRA_SESS_SET_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
setId SET_ID BIGINT Long Id for this session set 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
setType SET_TYPE INT int The type of this set. 5
name NAME TEXT String Name 4000
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for session begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
dbQuery DB_QUERY TEXT String DBQuery for this session set 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.229 VRARunSession

Description: RA Run Session

Database table name :VRA_RUN_SESS

Primary Keys : runSessionId (RUN_SESS_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
runSessionId RUN_SESS_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for this run 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000
scheduledTime SCHEDULED_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this to run. -
runType RUN_TYPE INT int Type of the run. e.g. Load or Playback 5
runStatus RUN_STATUS INT int Status of the run 5
raSessionSetId RA_SESS_SET_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the RA session set 16
policySetPkgId POLICY_SET_PKG_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the policy set package 16
raScheduleId RA_SCHED_ID BIGINT Long Id of the RA schedule 16
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the config 16
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for session begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
lastProcessedTime LAST_PROCESSED_TIME DATETIME Date Last processed time stamp -
lastRequestId LAST_REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request id that was processed 256
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.230 VRARunSessionHist

Description: RA Session Set

Database table name :VRA_RUN_SESS_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
runSessionId RUN_SESS_ID BIGINT Long Id for this run 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
name LABEL TEXT String Name 4000
scheduledTime SCHEDULED_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this to run. -
runType RUN_TYPE INT int Type of the run. e.g. Load or Playback 5
runStatus RUN_STATUS INT int Status of the run 5
raSessionSetId RA_SESS_SET_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the RA session set 16
policySetPkgId POLICY_SET_PKG_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the policy set package 16
raScheduleId RA_SCHED_ID BIGINT Long Id of the RA schedule 16
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the config 16
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for session begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
lastProcessedTime LAST_PROCESSED_TIME DATETIME Date Last processed time stamp -
lastRequestId LAST_REQUEST_ID TEXT String Id of the request id that was processed 256
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.231 VRAReports

Description: RA reports

Database table name :VRA_REPORTS

Primary Keys : reportId (REPORT_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
reportId REPORT_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the report 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
savedReportId SAVED_REPORT_ID BIGINT Long Id for the saved report 16
raRunSessionId RUN_SESS_ID BIGINT Long Id for the run session 16

9.2.232 VRASchedule

Description: RA schedule

Database table name :VRA_SCHEDULE

Primary Keys : scheduleId (SCHEDULE_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
scheduleId SCHEDULE_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the schedule 16
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for session begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
raSessionSetId RA_SESS_SET_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the RA session set 16
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the config 16
policySetPkgId POLICY_SET_PKG_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the policy set package 16
status SCHEDULE_STATUS INT int Status of the schedule. 5
executeTimeInSeconds EXEC_TIME_SECS INT int Time of the day to run this job. -
suspendTimeInSeconds SUSPEND_TIME_SECS INT int Suspend or how long the schedule job should run -
intervalType INTERVAL_TYPE INT int Type of interval. 5
intervalValue FILE_TYPE TEXT String Value for the interval 256
lastRunTime LAST_RUN_TIME DATETIME Date Last time the report of run. -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.233 VRAScheduleHist

Description: RA schedule shadow

Database table name :VRA_SCHEDULE_HIST

Primary Keys : logId (LOG_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
logId LOG_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Log Id 16
fromTime FROM_TIME DATETIME Date Active from time. -
toTime TO_TIME DATETIME Date Active to time. -
accessLoginId ACCESS_LOGIN_ID TEXT String Id of the administrator. 256
accessIPAddress ACCESS_IP_ADDR BIGINT String IP address from where the request came from 15
scheduleId SCHEDULE_ID BIGINT Long Id for the schedule 16
beginTime BEGIN_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for session begin time. -
endTime END_TIME DATETIME Date End time. -
raSessionSetId RA_SESS_SET_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the RA session set 16
configId CONFIG_ID BIGINT Long Id of the config 16
policySetPkgId POLICY_SET_PKG_ID BIGINT Long Reference to the policy set package 16
status SCHEDULE_STATUS INT int Status of the schedule. 5
executeTimeInSeconds EXEC_TIME_SECS INT int Time of the day to run this report. -
suspendTimeInSeconds SUSPEND_TIME_SECS INT int Suspend or how long the schedule job should run -
intervalType INTERVAL_TYPE INT int Type of interval. 5
intervalValue FILE_TYPE TEXT String Value for the interval 256
lastRunTime LAST_RUN_TIME DATETIME Date Last time the report of run. -
description DESCRIPTION TEXT String Description 4000
notes NOTES TEXT String Notes 4000

9.2.234 VRADeviceMap

Description: RA Device Map

Database table name :VRA_DEVICE_MAP

Primary Keys : mapId (MAP_ID)

Name DB name DB type Java type Description Length
mapId MAP_ID (PK) BIGINT Long Id for the map 16
versionNumber VERSION_NUM INT int Version Number -
createTime CREATE_TIME DATETIME Date Date/Time for this log. -
updateTime UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Date Date value. -
extNodeId EXT_NODE_ID TEXT String External node id 256
secureCookie SECURE_COOKIE TEXT String Secure cookie 256
digitalCookie DIGITAL_COOKIE TEXT String Digital cookie 256
expectedSecureCookie OLD_SECURE_COOKIE TEXT String Expected Secure cookie 256
expectedDigitalCookie OLD_DIGITAL_COOKIE TEXT String Expected Digital cookie 256