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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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A Upgrading an Oracle Portal Repository in a Customer Database

This appendix details the steps for upgrading an Oracle Portal repository stored outside of the OracleAS Metadata Repository.


If the OracleAS Portal instance was originally installed in release 3.0.9 or earlier, or if it was installed using the ptlasst utility, then the portal schema resides in a customer database configuration outside the OracleAS Metadata Repository and needs to be upgraded using the steps in this section.

Refer to the following sections for more information:

A.1 General Information About Upgrading Oracle Portal

General information on upgrading to Oracle Portal, as well as instructions for upgrading from other versions, is provided at:

A.2 Preparing to Upgrade the Oracle Portal Repository in a Customer Database

The following steps should be executed to prepare for the upgrade:

  1. Ensure that the OracleAS Portal repository database is a version supported for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

    For more information about upgrading and preparing the database that hosts your schemas, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide.

  2. Upgrade the middle tiers that are using the Oracle Portal Repository to Oracle Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, and test Oracle Portal using these middle tiers.

    Perform this step for all middle tiers that are associated with the OracleAS Portal repository being upgraded. For instructions, refer to Chapter 3, "Task 6b: Upgrade the Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer Middle Tiers".

A.3 Performing the Upgrade of the Oracle Portal Schema in a Customer Database

To upgrade the portal schema residing in a customer database, you must use the upgrade.bat (Windows) or upgrade (UNIX) script. Perform the following steps to upgrade the portal schema residing in a customer database:

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Oracle home of the midtier.

  2. Add the Transparent Network Services (TNS) entry of the database containing portal schema to Instance_Home\config in Windows and Instance_Home/config in UNIX.

  3. Set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to the following location: INSTANCE_Home/config (UNIX).

  4. Ensure that you are able to connect to database using portal schema.

  5. Verify if you can connect to the portal schema in the database Oracle home by specifying the schema password and the TNS name using SQL*Plus.

    For example in UNIX:

    sqlplus portal/portal@orcl 
  6. Change the directory to ORACLE_HOME/upgrade/portal/admin/plsql (UNIX).

  7. Stop all Oracle Fusion middleware services in the middle-tier Oracle homes that are associated with the portal schema being upgraded.

    For this, stop the WLS_PORTAL through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console and run INSTANCE_HOME/bin/opmnctl stopall (UNIX).

  8. Verify that the Oracle Internet Directory associated with the portal schema is up and running.

  9. Run the upgrade script in precheck mode until there are no errors found.

    On UNIX, run the script as follows:

    ORACLE_HOME/upgrade/portal/admin/plsql/upgrade -precheck 

    When -precheck is specified, only the pre-upgrade checks are done and the upgrade exits after that. In this mode, the upgrade is not immediately terminated if a precheck fails. Instead, the errors for all prechecks are consolidated in the upgrade.log file.

    This file is generated in the following directory:


    Look at the end of the log file to see a list of checks that failed. Run the upgrade in this mode until none of the prechecks fails. In this mode, the schema is not altered, so restoring from your backup is not necessary between runs.

    Look up any errors found in the precheck log file. Contact Oracle Support Services for any errors that are not documented or that cannot be resolved by following documented actions.

  10. After resolving all warnings and errors from the precheck.log file, run the upgrade script without any parameters.

    On UNIX, run the script as follows:


    The script prompts you for information about the system setup. Your answers are echoed for verification at the end of the script. However, if you discover that you have entered incorrect information before the end of the script, then you can exit before any changes are made by answering n to the last script inquiry.

    The following are the questions from the script. Default answers to the questions are given in brackets.

    • Have you backed up your database (y|n)? [y]:

      If you have not backed up the database, then answer n, back up the database, and restart the script. If you have backed up the database, then answer y.

    • Enter the name of the schema you would like to upgrade [portal]:

      If the schema name is different from the default OracleAS Infrastructure 10g installation schema name of portal, then enter the schema name.

    • Enter the password of the schema you would like to upgrade [portal]:

      If the password is not the same as the schema name, then enter the portal schema password.

    • Enter the password for the SYS user of your database [change_on_install]:

      If the password is not change_on_install, then enter the database SYS password.

    • Enter the TNS connect string to connect to the database [orcl]:

      Provide the TNS connect string. This can be found in the INSTANCE_HOME/config/tnsnames.ora file (UNIX).

  11. When the script is complete, examine the upgrade log files in the current directory to make sure there are no errors reported at the end.

  12. Now start the midtiers associated with this repository. Check that portal is accessible.