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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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25 Working with the People Connections Service

The People Connections service provides a rich set of social networking tools for creating a personal profile and connecting with other users. People Connections exposes these features through task flows that assist you in viewing user profiles, adding and maintaining personal connections, viewing application activities, viewing and posting messages, and providing feedback to your connections.

This chapter discusses the People Connections service and provides information about its task flows. It contains the following sections:


This chapter is for users who want to leverage social networking services, such as connections and profiles, to work collaboratively within the WebCenter Spaces environment.

Much of this information also applies to custom WebCenter applications, though it is written with WebCenter Spaces users in mind. (For information about the People Connections service in custom WebCenter applications, see the chapter "Integrating the People Connections Service" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.)

Your application administrator has the authority to expose or hide a particular service's task flows. Tasks discussed in this chapter are not available to you if the relevant service is hidden.

25.1 What You Should Know About the People Connections Service

The People Connections service exposes its features in main views and quick views. The main views include available information for a given feature. The quick views provide a summary view of available information. You can use Preferences settings to determine the type of information that is shown and control other users' access to your views.

See Also:

For more information about People Connections Preferences, see Section 3.8, "Setting People Connections Preferences."

People Connections configuration settings are exposed at the administrative level—which affects People Connections application-wide; at the individual user level—through Preferences; and at the task flow instance level, through customization and personalization settings on the specific instance. All of these levels of configuration are subject to an order of precedence:

See Also:

For information about setting application-wide preferences for the People Connections service, see "Managing the People Connections Service," in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Once you place a People Connections task flow onto a page, you can use its properties to control the appearance and behavior of that particular task flow instance. For example, use task flow properties to specify how much information to show, whether the instance has a header or a footer, your preferred layout style, and the like. For more information, see Section 25.3, "Setting People Connections Service Task Flow Properties."

People Connections features fall into five groups. These are discussed in the following subsections:

25.1.1 What You Should Know About Profile

The Profile feature provides a variety of views into your own and other users' personal profile information. Such information can include your mail address, phone number, office location, department, manager, direct reports, and so on. Profile takes the bulk of its information from the back-end identity store that provides your WebCenter application with its users. Additionally, Profile may offer opportunities for altering some of this information and for providing additional data not included in the identity store.

When you connect with other users, you give them access to your Profile, and gain access to theirs. You can control how much of your Profile a connection can view through People Connections Preferences.

See Also:

For information about setting your Profile Preferences, see Section 3.8.3, "Setting Profile Preferences."

WebCenter Spaces provides five Profile task flows:

  • Profile for displaying a user's profile details and uploading a photo (Figure 25-1)

    Figure 25-1 Profile Task Flow

    Profile task flow
  • Profile - Actions for accessing quick links to actions associated with contacting another user (Figure 25-2).

    Figure 25-2 Profile - Actions Task Flow

    Profile - Actions task flow
  • Profile Gallery for accessing all of your social networking information from one view (Figure 25-3)

    Figure 25-3 Profile Gallery Task Flow

    Profile Gallery task flow
    Description of "Figure 25-3 Profile Gallery Task Flow"

  • Profile - Snapshot for viewing a user photo and status message (Figure 25-4)

    Figure 25-4 Profile - Snapshot Task Flow

    Profile - Snapshot task flow
  • Profile - Summary View for a summary of user contact information (Figure 25-5).

    Figure 25-5 Profile - Summary View Task Flow

    Profile - Summary View task flow

For information about using Profile features, see Section 25.2.2, "Working with Profile Task Flows."

25.1.2 What You Should Know About Connections

The Connections feature provides a means of collecting your business friends and contacts into a social network and tools for managing your own connections and viewing the connections of others. Using People Connections Preferences, you can grant differing levels of access to those who are and are not your connections. For example, you can enable your connections to offer Feedback and those who are not your connections only to view it.


For information about setting your People Connections Preferences, see Section 3.8, "Setting People Connections Preferences."

WebCenter Spaces provides three Connections task flows:

  • Connections for viewing and managing your connections, creating connections lists, and sending and responding to invitations to connect (Figure 25-6)

    Figure 25-6 Connections Task Flow in List View

    Connections task flow
  • Connections - Card for photos, status messages, and instant contact options to your connections (Figure 25-7)

    Figure 25-7 Connections - Card Task Flow

    Connections - Card task flow
  • Connections - Quick View for photos and quick access to your connections (Figure 25-8)

    Figure 25-8 Connections - Quick View Task Flow

    Connections - Quick View Task Flow

    The Connections - Quick View task flow includes an Invite/Manage Connections button for navigating to the main Connections page where you can invite and manage your connections.

For information about using Connections features, see Section 25.2.3, "Working with Connections Task Flows."

25.1.3 What You Should Know About Feedback

The Feedback feature provides a means of viewing, posting, and managing feedback. By default, you can view feedback in your own Feedback view. You can view and post feedback in other users' Feedback views—provided they have granted you access.


You can grant access to your Feedback through Preferences. For more information, see Section 3.8.5, "Setting Feedback Preferences."

WebCenter Spaces provides two Feedback task flows:

  • Feedback for viewing, posting, and managing feedback (Figure 25-9)

    Figure 25-9 Feedback Task Flow

    Feedback task flow
  • Feedback - Quick View for viewing and posting feedback (Figure 25-10)

    Figure 25-10 Feedback - Quick View Task Flow

    Feedback - Quick View task flow

For information about using Feedback features, see Section 25.2.4, "Working with Feedback Task Flows."

25.1.4 What You Should Know About Message Board

The Message Board feature provides a means of viewing and posting messages. By default, in your personal space you can view and post messages in your own Message Board. You can view and post messages on other users' Message Boards, provided they have granted you access to them.


You can grant access to your Message Board through People Connections Preferences. For more information, see Section 3.8.4, "Setting Message Board Preferences."

In a group space, the Message Board feature provides a means of viewing and posting messages within the scope of the group space. Every instance of a Message Board task flow shows the same content: messages left by authorized users who are members of the group space. The group space Message Board leverages Page service permissions as its permission model.

The following table illustrates who can do what for the group space Message Board.

Table 25-1 Page Permissions for Viewing, Posting, and Managing a Group Space Message Board

Page Permission Post View Update Delete

View Page





Personalize Page



Yes for messages posted by this user

Yes for messages posted by this user

Perform All Page Actions



Yes for all messages

Yes for all messages

WebCenter Spaces provides two Message Board task flows:

  • Message Board for adding, updating, hiding, deleting, and managing your view of messages (Figure 25-11)

    Figure 25-11 Message Board Task Flow

    Message Board task flow
  • Message Board - Quick View for adding, viewing, hiding, and deleting messages (Figure 25-12)

    Figure 25-12 Message Board - Quick View Task Flow

    Message Board - Quick View task flow

For information about Message Board features, see Section 25.2.5, "Working with Message Board Task Flows."

25.1.5 What You Should Know About Activity Stream

The Activity Stream feature can track and report on all the application activity of you and your connections for the services you specify in your personal space and the group spaces to which you belong. For example, Activity Stream can note when you or a connection posts feedback, uploads a document, and creates a discussion forum.

Table 25-2 lists and describes the types of activities that can be reported through Activity Stream.

Table 25-2 Activities Tracked by Activity Stream

Service Tracked Activities Scope Activities Shared or Private


  • Create announcement

  • Edit announcement

  • Delete announcement

Group space

Shared with other group space members


  • Create forum

  • Delete forum

  • Create topic

  • Delete topic

  • Reply to topic

  • Delete reply

Group space

Shared with other group space members


  • Create document

  • Edit document

  • Delete document

  • Add tag

  • Remove tag

  • Group space

  • Personal space

  • Activities on group space documents are shared with other group space members.

  • Activities on personal space documents are private to user.

  • Activities on public page documents are shared with all users.

Group Space Event

  • Create an event

  • Edit an Event

  • Delete an event

Group space

Shared with other group space members

Group Spaces Management

  • Create group space

  • Join group space

  • Delete group space

Group space

Shared with other group space members


  • Create a list

  • Add a row to a list

  • Edit a list row

  • Delete a list

Group space

Shared with other group space members


  • Create page

  • Edit page

  • Delete page

  • Add tag

  • Remove tag

  • Group space

  • Personal space

  • Activities on group space pages are shared with other group space members.

  • Activities on personal space pages are private to user.

  • Activities on public pages are shared with all users.

People Connections

  • People are connected

  • Message Board post

  • Feedback post

  • Photo updated

  • Profile updated

  • Personal status note updated

  • Add tag to People Connections pages

  • Remove tag from People Connections pages

Personal space

Shared with whomever is permitted to view such activities (for more information, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences." and the section, "Configuring the People Connections Service in WebCenter Spaces" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter)


  • Add tag

  • Remove tag

Group space

  • Activities in a group space are shared with all group space members.

  • Activities in a personal space are shared with whomever is permitted to view such activities (for more information, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences." and the section, "Configuring the People Connections Service in WebCenter Spaces" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter)

Wiki and Blog

  • Create wiki

  • Edit wiki

  • Add wiki comment

  • Delete wiki

  • Create blog entry

  • Edit blog entry

  • Add blog entry comment

  • Delete blog entry

  • Group space

  • Personal space

  • Activities in a group space are shared with all group space members.

  • Activities in a personal space are shared with whomever is permitted to view such activities (for more information, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences." and the section, "Configuring the People Connections Service in WebCenter Spaces" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter)

Use Activity Stream Preferences to specify who can view your Activity Stream details and which activities to show.

See Also:

For more information about Preferences relating to Activity Stream task flows, see Section 3.8.1, "Setting Activity Stream Preferences."

WebCenter Spaces provides one Activity Stream task flow:

  • Activity Stream for viewing application activities and the activities of your connections (Figure 25-13)

    Figure 25-13 Activity Stream Task Flow

    Activity Stream task flow

Clicking an object in an Activity Stream opens the object. For example, clicking the name of a newly created document in an Activity Stream opens the document. Additionally, clicking a user name in an Activity Stream opens a user profile pop-up.

For more information, see Section 25.2.6, "Working with the Activity Stream Task Flow."

25.2 Working with People Connections Service Task Flows

This section provides details about using the features offered through the People Connections task flows. It contains the following subsections:

25.2.1 Adding a People Connections Service Task Flow to a Page

For the steps to add a People Connections service task flow to a page, see Section 10.1.4, "Adding Task Flows to a Page."

25.2.2 Working with Profile Task Flows

Profile task flows provide quick access to contact and status information about you and your connections. Additionally, they offer a means of making instant contact with your connections and uploading a picture to include with your personal profile.


The level of access you have to a profile is determined by the People Connections defaults set by the application administrator and a given connection's People Connections Preference settings.

For information about People Connections Preferences, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences." For information about People Connections defaults set by the application administrator, see the chapter, "Managing the People Connections Service," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

This section describes how to use the features offered through Profile task flows. It contains the following subsections:

See Also:

Advanced users can extend WebCenter Spaces by customizing user Profile attributes. For more information, see the white paper, "Extending WebCenter Spaces (" on the Oracle Technology Network: Viewing Profile Details

You can view your full profile details by clicking your user name at the top of the application (Figure 25-14) and then, on the resulting page, clicking the Profile tab to bring it forward.

Figure 25-14 User Name at Top of Application

User name at top of application

You can view summary profile details for yourself and all of your connections simply by clicking a name wherever it appears in any People Connections task flow. Clicking a name opens a Profile dialog (Figure 25-15).

Figure 25-15 Profile Dialog

Profile dialog

Click the View Profile Gallery link in the dialog to access your connection's Profile Gallery.

This dialog also opens when you click a user name in Search results, in Buddies and Members task flows, and on the Members tab of a group space Settings page.

Where user names appear in the application in places other than those mentioned, you can access a user's profile by clicking the user name and selecting View Profile from the resulting context menu (Figure 25-16).

Figure 25-16 View Profile Option on the Presence Context Menu

View Profile command on the Presence context menu Setting Your Personal Status Note

Your personal status note is a type of flag that alerts your connections, and any other users you have enabled to view your profile, to your current activities, state of mind, availability, and the like (Figure 25-17).

Figure 25-17 A Personal Status Message

Personal status message
Description of "Figure 25-17 A Personal Status Message"

Anywhere you see an Edit link under your personal status message, you can revise its content.

To revise a personal status message:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application, and then click the Profile tab to bring it forward.


    You can also edit your personal status message from the Profile Gallery, which is the default page that opens when you click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Edit link under your personal status message (Figure 25-18).

    Figure 25-18 Edit Icon Under Profile Status Message

    Edit icon under Profile status message
  3. In the resulting field, revise your personal status message, and click Done. Uploading and Updating a Personal Profile Picture

Any user with a personal profile can upload an image file to his or her own profile, or update an existing image. This section describes how.


The file must have the mime-type image, and cannot have the extension *.ico.

To upload or update your profile image:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application (Figure 25-19).

    Figure 25-19 User Name at Top of Application

    User name at top of application
  2. On the resulting page, click the Profile tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the Upload link (Figure 25-20) to open the Upload Photo dialog (Figure 25-21).

    Figure 25-20 An Upload Link on a Personal Profile Page

    Upload link on a personal profile page

    Figure 25-21 Upload Photo Dialog

    Upload Photo dialog
  4. Click the Browse button to locate and select a photo.

  5. Click OK to complete the upload.

When you update your profile photo, additional dialogs may come into play. When you click the Upload link, the Upload Photo dialog opens, displaying the name of the current file along with an Update button (Figure 25-22).

Figure 25-22 Update Button in an Upload Photo Dialog

Update button in an Upload Photo dialog

Click Update to open the Upload Photo dialog depicted in Step 3. Follow Steps 4 and 5, and then click OK in the Upload Photo (Update) dialog.


If your new image does not display immediately, click the Refresh icon under the stale image. The new image will appear. Editing Your Personal Profile

Your application administrator has discretion over how much of your personal profile you may revise (for more information, see the section, "Configuring Profiles," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter). Wherever you have permission to revise a profile section, an Edit link displays to the right of the section name (Figure 25-23).

Figure 25-23 Edit Link on a Personal Profile (In This Example, Only Employee Section Is Editable)

Edit link on the Employee section of a personal profile

Click this link to open an edit view of your personal profile.


Even when your application administrator has enabled the editing of a particular section, all fields in that section may not be editable.

To edit your personal profile:

  1. Log in, and open your personal profile.

  2. Click the Edit link to the right of the profile section you want to revise (see Figure 25-23).

  3. Make your changes, and click Save.

25.2.3 Working with Connections Task Flows

Connections provides the core features for building and visualizing your social network. Use Connections task flows to invite other users to connect, to accept connection invitations, to create connections lists, and to remove obsolete connections.


The level of access you have to a connection is determined by the People Connections defaults set by the application administrator, a given connection's People Connections Preference settings, and properties set on a Connections task flow instance.

For information about People Connections Preferences, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences." For information about People Connections defaults set by the application administrator, see the chapter, "Managing the People Connections Service," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. For information about Connections task flow properties, see Section 25.3, "Setting People Connections Service Task Flow Properties."

This section provides information about working with Connections. It contains the following subsections: Viewing Your Connections

You can view your connections in any Connections task flow. One of these is always available on the Connections page that becomes available when you click your user name at the top of the application. In large lists of connections, you can use the search feature to locate a particular connection.

This section describes how to access the Connections page and view or search through your connections. It includes the following subsections: Viewing Your Connections

To view your connections:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward (Figure 25-24).

    Figure 25-24 The Connections Tab

    The Connections tab

    The Connections page displays all of your current connections. Click a connection name to open a Profile dialog and view profile details. Searching Through Your Connections

The People Connections search feature provides an efficient way to locate a particular connection in an otherwise long list of connections. To search through your connections:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward (Figure 25-25).

    Figure 25-25 The Connections Tab

    The Connections tab

    The Connections page displays all of your current connections.

  3. Under Connection Lists, click the name of the connections list you want to search through, or click All connections to search through all of your connections.

    The connections on the selected list appear to the right.

  4. In the Find Connection field, enter the user name of the connection for which to search, and click the Find connection icon next to the field.

    Results appear to the right. Click a connection name to open a Profile dialog and view profile details.

To exit the search, click the Close icon that appears to the right of the Find Connection field (Figure 25-26).

Figure 25-26 Close Icon

Close icon Personalizing Your View of Connections

You can toggle your view of the main Connections task flow between Card Style, Iconic, and List Style.

Card Style displays each connection in a virtual business card and includes the connection's user name and status message and quick-access buttons for interacting with your connections (Figure 25-27).

Figure 25-27 Card Style View of Connections

Connections task flow

Iconic displays the connection's personal profile photo and user name (Figure 25-28).

Figure 25-28 Iconic View of Connections

Iconic view of Connections

List Style displays the connection's personal profile photo, user name, job title, and personal status message (Figure 25-29)

Figure 25-29 List View of Connections

List view of Connections

Additionally, you can select which connections to show. Choose from showing all connections or a custom list of connections that you created (see Section, "Creating a Connections List").

To personalize your view of the Connections task flow:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the icon associated with your preferred view of Connections.

    Select from: Inviting Others to Connect

Connecting to another user potentially provides view access to that user's personal profile and Activity Stream, and view and post access to the user's Feedback and Message Board. The level of access you have to a connection is determined by the People Connections defaults set by the application administrator, the individual user's People Connections Preference settings, and properties set on the task flow instance.

See Also:

For information about People Connections Preferences, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences." For information about People Connections defaults set by the application administrator, see the chapter, "Managing the People Connections Service," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. For information about Connections task flow properties, see Section 25.3, "Setting People Connections Service Task Flow Properties."

You can issue invitations from the Connections and Connections - Quick View task flows and from the Connections page that you access through your user name. This section describes the Connections page method.

To invite another user to connect:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page, click the Find and Invite People link to access the Find User field (Figure 25-33).

    Figure 25-33 Find and Invite People Link and the Find User Field

    Find and Invite People link and the Find User field
  4. In the Find User field, enter the user name of the person you want to invite to be your connection and click the Search icon.

    Results are shown in a list format.

  5. Click the Invite link next to the name of user to invite to be your connection (Figure 25-34).

    Figure 25-34 An Invite Link Next to a Find User Result

    An Invite link next to a Find User result
  6. In the resulting Invitation Message dialog, enter a connection invitation or use the default message (Figure 25-35).

    Figure 25-35 Invitation Message Dialog Showing Default Message

    Invitation Message dialog showing default message
  7. Click Invite.

    If the person you have invited set Preferences to automatically accept all invitations, you are connected immediately. Otherwise, the invitation appears in the person's view of the Connections page. You can also view invitations from the Connections task flow, and you can navigate to them from the Connections - Quick View task flow (click Manage Connections to open the Connections page). For more information, see Section, "Viewing Invitations to Connect."

    See Also:

    For information about People Connections Preferences, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences." Viewing Invitations to Connect

You can view the invitations you have sent and received in the Connections task flow and on the Connections page. This section describes the Connections page case. It includes the following subsections: Viewing Invitations You Have Sent

To view invitations you have sent:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page under Invitations, click Sent.


    The number next to Sent represents the number of unanswered invitations you have sent. Viewing Invitations You Have Received

To view invitations you have received:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page under Invitations, click Received.


    The number next to Received represents the number of unanswered invitations you have received. Responding to Invitations to Be a Connection

The People Connections service provides two methods for responding to an invitation to connect:

  • You can set your Connections Preferences to automatically accept such invitations.

    See Also:

    For information about setting Connections Preferences, see Chapter 3, "Setting Your Personal Preferences."

  • You can manually accept, decline, or delete such invitations through the main Connections task flow or on the Connections page associated with your user name.

This section describes the manual method of responding to invitations to connect from the Connections page.

To respond to invitations to connect:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page under Invitations, click Received.

    A list of the invitations to which you have not responded appears.

  4. To the right of a given invitation, click your desired response.

    Choose from:

    • Accept link—Make the connection.

    • Decline link—Refuse the connection, with notification. When you decline an invitation to connect, the issuer becomes aware of this by watching his sent invitations.

    • Delete icon—Remove the connection, without responding. When you delete an invitation to connect, the issuer does not become aware of this by watching his sent invitations.

    Once you respond to an invitation, it is removed from the list of received invitations. The users whose invitations you accept appear in your view of the Connections page. Creating and Managing Connections Lists

The People Connections service provides a means of grouping your connections into lists for managing the display of your connections and your connections activities. For example:

This section describes how to create and manage lists of connections. It contains the following subsections: Creating a Connections List

To create a list of connections:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page under Connection Lists, click Create List (Figure 25-36).

    Figure 25-36 Create List Link

    Create List link
  4. Click Create List to open the Create List dialog (Figure 25-37).

    Figure 25-37 Create List Dialog

    Create List dialog
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for your list of connections.

  6. Click OK.

    Once you create a list, the Connections page presents a view of that list (Figure 25-38).

    Figure 25-38 View of a Newly Created Connections List (fusion_team)

    View of a newly-created connections list

    To view all of your connections, click the All connections link that appears under the Connection Lists heading (Figure 25-39).

    Figure 25-39 The All connections Link

    The All connections link Adding a Connection to a List

To add a connection to a connections list:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page under Connection Lists, click the name of the list you want to populate to open a view of the list (Figure 25-40).

    Figure 25-40 Opening a View of the fusion_team List

    Opening a view of the fusion_team list
  4. In the list view, click Add a connection to this list (Figure 25-41) to open the Add Member dialog (Figure 25-42).

    Figure 25-41 Add a connection to this list Button

    Add a connection to this list link

    Figure 25-42 Add Member Dialog

    Add Member dialog
  5. Select All to add all of your connections to the list, or select individual connections to add.

  6. Click OK.

    The list is populated, and selected members appear to the right of the list (Figure 25-43).

    Figure 25-43 A Newly Populated List

    A newly populated list
  7. To exit the list, click All connections under Connection Lists.

You can use the Add to List link to the right of a list member to add them or remove them from other lists. For more information, see Section, "Removing a Connection from a List." Removing a Connection from a List

To remove a connection from a list:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page under Connection Lists, click the list from which to remove connections.

  4. Click the Remove Connection icon next to the name of the connection you want to remove from the list (Figure 25-44).

    Figure 25-44 Remove Connection Icon

    Remove Connection icon
  5. In the resulting Remove Person dialog, select the option that best suits how you want to remove the connection (Figure 25-45).

    Figure 25-45 Remove Person Dialog

    Remove Person dialog

    Choose from:

    • list_name (list)—Remove the selected connection from the current list.

    • All My Lists—Remove the selected connection from all of your lists.

    • My Connections and All My Lists—Remove the selected connection from all of your lists, and sever your connection with this user.

  6. Click OK. Deleting a Connections List

When you delete a list, you are not deleting the connections you added to the list. You are deleting only the particular grouping mechanism, that is, the list itself. The connections that were on the deleted list continue to be your connections.

To delete a connections list:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page, click the Actions icon next to the list you want to delete and select Delete List from the resulting context menu (Figure 25-46).

    Figure 25-46 Actions Icon and Delete List Option

    Actions icon and Delete List option
  4. In the resulting confirmation dialog, click Delete List.

    The list is deleted, and your view of the Connections page is returned to the top level. Deleting a Connection

Included in the process of managing your connections is the occasional necessity of weeding people out: they may leave your group or the company, or there may no longer be a compelling reason to stay connected.

To remove one of your connections:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. On the Connections page, how you delete a connection depends on your currently selected view option:

    • In Card Style view, click the Remove icon in the card header (Figure 25-47).

      Figure 25-47 Remove Icon in Card Style View

      Remove icon in Card Style view
    • In List Style view, click the Remove Connection link to the right of the connection (Figure 25-48).

      Figure 25-48 Remove Connection Link in List Style View

      Remove Connection link in List Style view


    There is no option to remove a connection in Iconic view.

  4. In the resulting Remove Person dialog, click OK.

25.2.4 Working with Feedback Task Flows

Feedback provide a means of viewing and posting user feedback. You can view the feedback you have posted and that was posted for you in your own view of the Feedback task flow. You can view all the feedback left for other users and post feedback for those users in their views of the Feedback task flow, provided they have granted you view and post access.

When you view another user's feedback, you can view only the feedback they have received from others. You cannot view the feedback they have sent, except in the views of the users for whom the feedback was posted.

See Also:

Use Preferences settings to configure user access to your Feedback. For more information, see Section 3.8.5, "Setting Feedback Preferences."

This section discusses how to post feedback and how to hide, show, sort, and filter feedback messages. It contains the following subsections: Viewing Feedback You Have Posted or Received

A View menu on the Feedback page provides a means of viewing the feedback you have posted for others and the feedback you have received yourself.

To view feedback you have posted or received:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Feedback tab to bring it forward.

  3. From the View dropdown list (Figure 25-49), select either:

    • Given—To view the feedback you have posted for others

    • Received—To view the feedback others have left for you

    Figure 25-49 View Menu Options on the Feedback Page

    View menu options on the Feedback page Posting Feedback

Use Feedback to pass along remarks to your connections about their efforts and results. Keep in mind that a wider audience than just the connection may see your feedback message.

To post a Feedback message:

  1. Log in, and view the profile gallery of the person for whom to leave feedback.

    For more information, see Section, "Viewing Profile Details."

  2. In the Feedback task flow, click Add Feedback (Figure 25-50).

    Figure 25-50 Add Feedback Button in a Feedback Task Flow

    Add Feedback button in a Feedback task flow
  3. In the resulting Add Feedback dialog, enter your feedback in the text area and click the Add button when you have finished (Figure 25-51).

    Figure 25-51 Add Feedback Dialog

    Add Feedback dialog

    The Add Feedback dialog provides an integrated Rich Text Editor that enables you to add styles, links, and other HTML encoding to your feedback. For information about how to use Rich Text Editor controls, see Table 18-10, "Rich Text Editor Controls".

    Once you click the Add button, your feedback appears in the selected user's view of the Feedback task flow (Figure 25-52).

    Figure 25-52 Feedback in a Feedback Task Flow

    Feedback in a Feedback task flow Sorting and Filtering Feedback Posts

The Feedback page (and the main Feedback task flow) includes sorting and filtering features for controlling what is shown in your view. Use the sorting feature to sort your feedback by date or by person—that is, the user name of the person who left the feedback. Use the filtering feature to display feedback posted on a particular date or within a given date range.

To sort and filter your feedback:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Feedback tab to bring it forward.

  3. From the Sort By dropdown list (Figure 25-53), select from:

    • Date—To sort Feedback posts from the most recent to the oldest.

    • Person Name—To sort Feedback posts by the name of the user who left it for you (Received) or by the name of the user you left it for (Given).

    Figure 25-53 Sort By Dropdown List on Feedback Page

    Sort By dropdown list on Feedback page
  4. To specify a date range within which to view Feedback posts, enter a start date in the field that follows Occurring Between and enter an end date in the field that follows and (Figure 25-54).

    Figure 25-54 Date Range Fields on the Feedback Page

    Date range fields on the Feedback page

    You must enter both a start and end date, even when you want to view Feedback posts from a given day. In such a case, enter the same date in both fields.

    Instead of entering dates, you can click the Select Date icon next to a field to select a date from a calendar.

    Accessibility Note:

    In WebCenter Spaces, you cannot use the keyboard to select a date from the calendar that pops up when you click the Select Date icon. Instead, manually enter the date into the field.

  5. Click the Search icon.

    All of the Feedback posts (either received or given) that fall within the specified date range appear on the Feedback page (or the Feedback task flow, whichever you used).


To remove the date filtering criteria from your Feedback view, clear the date range fields and click the Search icon. Hiding Feedback in Your Own View

You can hide any feedback in your own view of the Feedback page. Hiding provides a means of removing Feedback posts from your own view without actually deleting them. Users to whom you have given access to your feedback can still see the posts you have hidden.

See Also:

For more information about undoing this action, see Section, "Showing Hidden Feedback Posts").

To hide feedback in your own view:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Feedback tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the Hide link next to the feedback message to hide (Figure 25-55).

    Figure 25-55 Hide Link on a Feedback Message

    Hide link on a Feedback message Showing Hidden Feedback Posts

Use the Hidden checkbox on the Feedback page to show all the feedback you have hidden. The Hidden checkbox provides a means of showing all hidden feedback in one operation, making it available to be unhidden or deleted.

To view and show or delete hidden feedback posts:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Feedback page to bring it forward.

  3. Select Hidden at the top of the page (Figure 25-56).

    Figure 25-56 Hidden Checkbox on a Feedback Page

    Hidden checkbox on a Feedback page
  4. All the Feedback posts you have hidden are shown.

  5. Use the link or icon next to a Feedback post to show it or delete it.

    • To change a post from a hidden to a shown state, click the Unhide link to the right of it.

    • To delete a hidden post, click the Delete icon to the right of it.

  6. To remove hidden Feedback posts from your view, clear the Hidden checkbox. Deleting Feedback You Have Posted

You can delete feedback you have posted to other users provided your WebCenter Spaces administrator has enabled you to do so (for more information, see the chapter, "Managing the People Connections Service," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter).

To delete Feedback you have posted:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Feedback tab to bring it forward.

  3. From the View dropdown list, select Given.

  4. Click the Delete icon next to the post you want to delete (Figure 25-57).

    Figure 25-57 Delete Icon Next to a Feedback Post on the Feedback Page

    Delete icon on Feedback page
  5. Click Delete in the resulting confirmation dialog.

    The feedback is deleted from your view and from the view of the user for whom you left it. Hiding Feedback Action Links and Icons on a Task Flow Instance

Advanced users with page edit privileges can set a property on a Feedback – Quick View task flow to hide the actions normally associated with each posted feedback message. Such actions include the Edit and Hide links and the Delete icon.

Setting task flow properties affects every users' view of the task flow instance.

To hide actions on a Feedback – Quick View task flow instance:

  1. Edit the task flow instance's properties as described in Section 10.4.2, "Setting Component Properties."

  2. In the Component Properties dialog, click the Parameters tab to bring it forward.

  3. Set the Hide Actions parameter to true.


    To show hidden actions, set this parameter to false.

  4. When you finish revising component properties, click OK.

  5. Save your changes, and exit Oracle Composer.

25.2.5 Working with Message Board Task Flows

Message Board task flows provide a means of viewing and posting messages to your connections. This section discusses how to post messages and how to edit, hide, show, sort, filter, and delete messages. It contains the following subsections:

See Also:

Users grant access to their Message Boards through People Connections Preferences. For more information, see Section 3.8.4, "Setting Message Board Preferences." Viewing Message Board Messages

In your personal space, you can view the messages other users have sent to you in your view of any Message Board task flow. You can view the messages you have sent to others in their views of any Message Board task flow. This section describes both scenarios using the Message Board page, though you can view messages wherever a Message Board task flow is placed.


Message Boards placed in a group space provide a means of viewing and posting messages within the group space context. All Message Board task flow instances within a given group space display the same content: messages left by authorized users who are members of the group space.

This section includes the following subsections: Viewing Messages Left for You

To view Message Board messages other users have left for you:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Message Board tab to bring it forward.

    The messages you have received appear on the page (Figure 25-58).

    Figure 25-58 My Message Board Messages

    Message Board messages Viewing Messages Left for Others

To view Message Board messages other user have received (including those you have left for them):

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the user name of the connection whose messages you want to see.

  4. In the resulting dialog, click View Profile Gallery (Figure 25-59).

    Figure 25-59 View Profile Gallery Link

    View Profile Gallery link

    See Also:

    There are various ways you can access this dialog or its equivalent. For more information, see Section, "Viewing Profile Details."

  5. On the resulting page, click the Message Board tab to bring it forward.

    The messages the selected user has received appear on the page (Figure 25-60).

    Figure 25-60 Another User's Message Board Messages

    Another user’s Message Board messages

    In Figure 25-60, notice that the message from user weblogic has an associated Edit link and Delete icon. Provided the Message Board is configured to enable you to do so, you can revise or delete the messages you leave for others.

    See Also: Posting Message Board Messages

Your access to any user's Message Board is determined by the application permissions put in place by your application administrator (for more information, see the chapter, "Managing the People Connections Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter). Provided you have sufficient access, you can post a message to any user whose profile is available to you through the application user interface (for more information, see Section, "Viewing Profile Details"). You can also post messages to your own Message Board; though, depending on permissions, you may first have to log in.

This section describes one way to access another user's Message Board. You can use this information to try others.

To post a Message Board message:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the name of the user for whom to leave a message.

  4. In the resulting dialog, click Add Message (Figure 25-61).

    Figure 25-61 Add Message Link

    Add Message link

    See Also:

    There are various ways you can access this dialog or its equivalent. For more information, see Section, "Viewing Profile Details."

  5. In the resulting Add Message dialog, enter a message (Figure 25-62).

    Figure 25-62 Add Message Dialog

    Add Message dialog

    The Add Message dialog provides an integrated Rich Text Editor that enables you to add styles, links, and other HTML encoding to your message. For information about Rich Text Editor controls, see Table 18-10, "Rich Text Editor Controls".

  6. Click Add when you have finished.

    Your message appears on the selected user's Message Board. Editing Message Board Messages

Your application administrator can configure the Message Board feature to allow users to revise the messages they leave. Provided this permission is in place, you can edit any message you post. This section describes how.

See Also:

For information about configuring application-level Message Board settings, see the "Configuring Message Board," section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

To edit a Message Board message:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the name of the user to whom you have sent a message you want to edit.

  4. In the resulting dialog, click View Profile Gallery (Figure 25-63).

    Figure 25-63 View Profile Gallery Link

    View Profile Gallery link
  5. On the resulting page, click the Message Board tab to bring it forward.

  6. Click the Edit link next to the message to edit (Figure 25-64).

    Figure 25-64 Edit Link on a Message Board Task Flow

    Edit link on a Message Board task flow

    A Rich Text Editor (RTE) opens, prepopulated with your message text (Figure 25-65).

    Figure 25-65 The Rich Text Editor

    Rich Text Editor

    For information about RTE controls, see Table 18-10, "Rich Text Editor Controls".

  7. Revise your message, and click Save. Sorting and Filtering Message Board Messages

Your full view of the Message Board task flow includes sorting and filtering features for managing your view of your messages. Use the sorting feature to sort your messages by date or by the person who left the message. Use the filtering feature to display messages posted on a particular date or within a given date range.

To sort and filter your Message Board messages:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Message Board tab to bring it forward.

  3. From the Sort By dropdown list, select a sorting option (Figure 25-66).

    Figure 25-66 Sort By Dropdown List on a Message Board

    Sort By dropdown list on a Message Board

    Choose from:

    • Date—Sort your messages by the date they were posted, from most recent to oldest.

    • Person Name—Sort your messages by the user name of the person who posted them, from A to Z.

  4. To display messages between a particular range of dates, enter the beginning and end of the range respectively in the fields after Occurring between (Figure 25-67).

    Figure 25-67 Date Range Fields on the Message Board Page

    Date range fields on a Message Board page

    Instead of entering dates, you can click the Select Date icon next to a field to select a date from a calendar.

    Accessibility Note:

    In WebCenter Spaces, you cannot use the keyboard to select a date from the calendar that pops up when you click the Select Date icon. Instead, manually enter the date into the field.

  5. Click the button to the right of the fields to apply the filter.

    The Message Board refreshes, showing only those messages that fit your sorting and filtering criteria.


To remove the date filtering criteria from your Message Board view, click the Remove icon to the right of the date range fields. Remove icon on a Message Board Hiding Messages You Have Received

You can hide any message you have received on your Message Board. Hiding provides a means of removing messages from your own view without actually deleting them. Users to whom you have given access to your messages can still see the messages that you have hidden.

See Also:

For information about Message Board Preferences, see Section 3.8.4, "Setting Message Board Preferences."

To hide Message Board messages:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Message Board tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the Hide link next to the message you want to hide (Figure 25-68).

    Figure 25-68 Hide Link on a Message Board

    Hide link on a Message Board

    The message is hidden in your view of the Message Board. Other users can see this message when they visit your view of the Message Board. Showing Hidden Messages

Use the Hidden checkbox on the Message Board page to show all the messages you have hidden. The Hidden checkbox provides a means of showing all hidden messages in one operation, making it available to be unhidden or deleted.

To view and show or delete hidden Message Board messages:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Message Board page to bring it forward.

  3. Select Hidden at the top of the page (Figure 25-56).

    Figure 25-69 Hidden Checkbox on a Message Board Page

    Hidden checkbox on a Message Board page
  4. All the Message Board messages you have hidden are shown.

  5. Use the link or icon next to a message to edit, show, or delete it.

    • To edit a hidden message, click the Edit link to the right of it (for more information, see Section, "Editing Message Board Messages").

    • To change a message from a hidden to a shown state, click the Unhide link to the right of it.

    • To delete a hidden message, click the Delete icon to the right of it.

  6. To remove hidden messages from your view, clear the Hidden checkbox. Deleting Message Board Messages

Your application administrator can configure the Message Board to allow users to delete the messages they send. Provided this permission is in place, you can delete any message you send.

See Also:

For information about configuring application-level Message Board settings, see the "Configuring Message Board," section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

To delete a message you sent:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. On the resulting page, click the Connections tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the user name of the person to whom you sent the message you want to delete, and select View Profile Gallery from the resulting dialog.

  4. In the user's profile gallery, click the Message Board tab to bring it forward.

  5. Click the Delete icon next to the message you want to delete (Figure 25-70).

    Figure 25-70 Delete Icon on a Message You Sent

    Delete icon on a message you sent
  6. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog. Hiding Message Board Action Links and Icons on a Task Flow Instance

Advanced users with page edit privileges can set a property on a Message Board – Quick View task flow to hide the actions normally associated with each posted message. Such actions include the Edit and Hide links and the Delete icon.

Setting task flow properties affects every users' view of the task flow instance.

To hide actions on a Message Board – Quick View task flow instance:

  1. Edit the task flow instance's properties as described in Section 10.4.2, "Setting Component Properties."

  2. In the Component Properties dialog, click the Parameters tab to bring it forward.

  3. Set the Hide Actions parameter to true.


    To show hidden actions, set this parameter to false.

  4. When you finish revising component properties, click OK.

  5. Save your changes, and exit Oracle Composer.

25.2.6 Working with the Activity Stream Task Flow

Use Activity Stream to track the activities of your connections, the activities occurring in selected services, and additional application activities (for more information, see Table 25-2, "Activities Tracked by Activity Stream").

The Activity Stream task flow provides a configuration feature for determining the content of a given task flow instance. Additionally, advanced users with page edit privileges can edit a task flow instance to specify the types of users for whom to display activities and whether activities are listed individually or summarized.

This section describes how to configure an Activity Stream task flow. It includes the following subsections:

See Also:

There is an order of precedence for which settings control the content and behavior of a task flow instance. It moves from administrative settings (application-wide), to Preferences (individual view of all instances), to a given instance. The settings on a given instance affect only your view when made in page view mode and everyone's view when made in page edit mode. For more information, see Section 25.1, "What You Should Know About the People Connections Service." Setting Your Activity Stream Preferences on a Task Flow Instance

The following procedure steps you through configuration using the Activity Stream page that becomes available when you click your user name at the top of the application; however, these steps also work for the Activity Stream task flow.


You may initially see a group space GUID in Activity Stream in lieu of a group space name. This can occur when you configure an Activity Stream task flow instance to display activity from a group space that was migrated. To get the group space name to display instead of the GUID, perform some action in the migrated group space. For example, add or remove a member. This refreshes the Activity Stream instance with the group space display name.

To configure an Activity Stream task flow instance:

  1. Log in, and click your user name at the top of the application.

  2. Click the Activity Stream tab to bring it forward.

  3. Click the Change the source, filter, and display options icon (wrench) on the Activity Stream (Figure 25-71) to open the Activity Stream Configure dialog (Figure 25-72).

    Figure 25-71 Personalize Icon on an Activity Stream

    Wrench icon on an Activity Stream

    Figure 25-72 Activity Stream Configure Dialog

    Activity Stream Configure dialog
  4. Set values for the individual task flow instance as described in Section 3.8.1, "Setting Activity Stream Preferences."

  5. Click Save.

    If you entered these values in page view mode, they affect only your view of the task flow instance. If you entered these values in page edit mode, they affected all users' views of this task flow instance. Specifying which Users to Show in an Activity Stream Task Flow Instance

Advanced users with page edit privileges can set two properties on an Activity Stream task flow to identify the users from whom to display activities in the task flow instance:

  • Use the Show User Activities property to specify the display of activities from the current user in the task flow instance.

  • Use the Show Connections Activities property to specify the display of activities from the current user's connections in the task flow instance.


Setting task flow properties affects every users' view of the task flow instance.

To specify which users to show in an Activity Stream task flow instance:

  1. Edit the task flow instance's properties as described in Section 10.4.2, "Setting Component Properties."

  2. In the Component Properties dialog, click the Parameters tab to bring it forward.

  3. To show the current user's activities in the task flow instance, set the Show User Activities parameter to true.

  4. To show the current user's connections' activities in the task flow instance, set the Show Connections Activities parameter to true.

  5. When you finish revising component properties, click OK.

  6. Save your changes, and exit Oracle Composer. Summarizing Activity Stream Entries in a Task Flow Instance

Advanced users with page edit privileges can use a property on an Activity Stream task flow instance to specify that multiple activities originating from the same user should be summarized.

For example, if there are two activities:

  • Monty created the event Event1.

  • Monty created the event Event2.

Set the property Show Summarized View to true to summarize these into one notification in the Activity Stream: Monty created the events Event1 and Event2.

If more than three activities are summarized, a number is shown in lieu of a listing of individual activity names, for example: Monty created 4 events.


Setting task flow properties affects every users' view of the task flow instance.

To summarize Activity Stream entries in a task flow instance:

  1. Edit the task flow instance's properties as described in Section 10.4.2, "Setting Component Properties."

  2. In the Component Properties dialog, click the Parameters tab to bring it forward.

  3. Set the Show Summarized View parameter to true.

  4. When you finish revising component properties, click OK.

  5. Save your changes, and exit Oracle Composer.

25.3 Setting People Connections Service Task Flow Properties

The People Connections service task flows have associated properties, which users with sufficient privileges can access through the Component Properties dialog in Oracle Composer (Figure 25-73). Many properties are common to all task flows, and the method for accessing task flow properties is the same from task flow to task flow. Common task flow properties and how to access them are discussed in Section 10.4, "Setting Properties on Page Content."

Figure 25-73 People Connections Service Task Flow Component Properties

People Connections Feedback task flow Parameters tab

The properties on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog control the default task flow content and facilitate the wiring of the task flow to page parameters and page definition variables. These properties are unique to the task flow type. For information about wiring pages and components, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components."

Changes to the properties on the Display Options, Style, and Content Style tabs affect the appearance and behavior of the task flow for all users. These properties are common to all task flows. For more information, see Section 10.4, "Setting Properties on Page Content."

The content of the Events tab depends on the events supported by the task flow. For more information, see Section 10.4.8, "Working with Component Contextual Events."

The Child Components tab displays all of the components contained within the current component. It provides controls for rearranging, showing, and hiding child components. Not all components contain children. So you may find this tab devoid of content. For more information, see Section 10.4.6, "Working with Child Components."

All properties on the Parameters and Display Options tabs provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to select or specify a variable value instead of a constant value. Click the Edit icon next to a property field to open the editor. For more information about using the editor and for descriptions of common EL expressions, see Section 10.4.5, "Using Expression Language (EL) Expressions with Component Properties."

Table 25-3 describes the properties that are unique to the People Connections service task flows.

Table 25-3 People Connections Service Task Flow Properties: Parameters Tab

Property Description

Allow photo upload

A Boolean value representing whether a control is available on the task flow for uploading a profile photo

Enter either true or false.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Profile – Snapshot task flow.

Allow Remove

A Boolean value representing whether a control is available on the task flow for removing a connection

Enter either true or false.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Connections – Card task flow.

Allow status update

A Boolean value representing whether a control is available on the task flow for updating a profile status message

Enter either true or false.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Profile – Snapshot task flow.

Connection List Name

The name of a grouped list of connections

Use this parameter to limit the display of connections to those on the specified connections list.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Connections – Card task flow.

End Date

The ending date for a date range within which to show feedback messages

Use the format YYY/MM/DD. Use this parameter with Start Date.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback – Quick View

  • Message Board

Feedback items display size

The number of characters to show for each feedback message

Messages exceeding the specified value are truncated.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Feedback – Quick View task flow.

Hide Actions

A means of hiding the actions normally associated with a Feedback or Message Board entry, such as Edit, Hide, and Delete

  • Enter true to hide actions associated with a Feedback or Message Board entry.

  • Enter false to show such actions. When no value is entered, false is the default.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Feedback – Quick View

  • Message Board – Quick View

Hide Configuration Button

A Boolean value representing whether a control is available on the task flow for configuring Filter, Source, and Display options

Enter either true or false.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Activity Stream task flow.

Hide Footer

A Boolean value representing whether to hide the task flow footer

This parameter turns the More link on (false) or off (true). Note that it does not affect the Previous and Next links that may also display toward the bottom of the task flow.

Enter either true or false.

  • true—Hide the task flow footer.

  • false—Show the task flow footer.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Connections – Card

  • Connections – Quick View

  • Feedback – Quick View

  • Message Board – Quick View

Hide Header

A Boolean value representing whether to hide the task flow header

Enter either true or false.

  • true—Hide the task flow header.

  • false—Show the task flow header.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Activity Stream

  • Connections – Quick View

  • Feedback

  • Feedback – Quick View

  • Message Board

  • Message Board – Quick View

Image Size

The size of the Profile photo to show

Values can be one of: ORIGINAL, LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Profile – Snapshot task flow.

No of columns

The number of columns to show in the task flow

For example, in the Connections – Card task flow with six connections to show, a value of 2 means those connections are shown in two columns with three rows (see also No of rows and No of Connections).

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Connections – Card

  • Connections – Quick View

No of Connections

A number representing the maximum number of connections to show in the task flow

For example, enter 5 to specify that a maximum of five connections can appear in the task flow. A More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more connections than the specified number of connections. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all connections are shown.

This value is honored only when both No of rows and No of columns have not both been specified. If they have both been specified, then Previous and Next buttons appear when there are more connections than can fit into the grid. Subsequently, all connections can be viewed using Previous and Next.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Connections – Card

  • Connections – Quick View

No of feedback items

The number of Feedback items to show in the task flow

For example, enter 5 to specify that a maximum of five items can appear in the task flow. In quick view, a More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more items than the specified number of items. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all items are accessible. In main view, Previous and Next links are shown. Users click these to page through entries.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback – Quick View

No of Messages

The number of messages to show in the task flow

For example, enter 5 to specify that a maximum of five items can appear in the task flow. In quick view, a More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more items than the specified number of items. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all items are accessible. In main view, Previous and Next links are shown. Users click these to page through entries.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Message Board

  • Message Board – Quick View

No of rows

The number of rows to show in the task flow

For example, in the Connections – Card task flow with six connections to show and a value of 2 for No of Columns, a value of 2 for No of Rows means connections are shown in two columns with two rows. That is, four connections are shown.

A More link appears at the bottom of the task flow when there are more connections than can fit in the specified number of columns and rows. Users click More to open the main view of the task flow where all connections are shown. (See also, No of Connections and No of columns.)

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Connections – Card

  • Connections – Quick View

Profile Format

The layout style for the task flow

Enter one of the following:

  • vcard—Displays each connection in a virtual business card and includes the connection's user name and status message and quick-access buttons for interacting with your connections.

  • iconic—Displays the connection's personal profile photo and user name.

  • list—Displays connections in a list, showing the personal profile photo, user name, information about recent profile updates, and quick-access buttons for interacting with your connections.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Connections – Card task flow.

Search String

A value to act as a filter against task flow content

For example, to show only those connections with a user name that includes the term pat (including patrick or sripathy), enter pat in the Filter Pattern field.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Connections – Card task flow.

Show Connections Activities

A way to allow or omit the display of connection activities in a user's view of the Activity Stream

  • Enter true to show the activities of the user's connections in his or her Activity Stream. If a value is not specified, true is the default.

  • Enter false to omit showing the current user's activities in his or her Activity Stream.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Activity Stream task flow.

Show Summarized View

A value for summarizing notifications in an Activity Stream

  • Enter true to provide a summary view of the actions performed on a given object.

    For example, if there are two activities:

    Monty created the event Event1.

    Monty created the event Event2.

    A value of true summarizes these into one notification in the Activity Stream: Monty created the events Event1 and Event2.

    If more than three activities are summarized, a number is shown in lieu of a listing of individual activity names, for example: Monty created 4 events.

  • Enter false to list each action on a given object individually. If a value is not specified, false is the default.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Activity Stream task flow.

Show User Activities

A means of including or excluding the current user's activities from the Activity Stream

  • Enter true to include the activities of the current user. If no value is specified, true is the default.

  • Enter false to exclude such activities

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Activity Stream task flow.

Sort Criteria

The connections sort order

Enter LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME to sort connections in descending date/time order. Leave blank to sort alphabetically by name.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the Connections – Card task flow.

Start Date

The starting date for a date range within which to show feedback messages

Use the format YYYY/MM/DD. Use this parameter with End Date.

This parameter appears in the component properties for the following task flows:

  • Feedback

  • Feedback – Quick View

  • Message Board

User Name

The ID of the user to show in the task flow

This value is set automatically (#{securityContext.userName}). Do not edit this value.

This parameter appears in the component properties for all People Connections task flows.