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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Manager Policy Monitor Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 1.1
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C Policy Monitor Script

This appendix provides a description and examples of the Policy Monitor script.

C.1 Policy Monitor Script and Command Line Examples

This section provides a description of the Policy Monitor script, and then provides command line examples.

C.1.1 Description of the Policy Monitor Script

usage: arr -propertyfile <propertyfile> -command <command> <...args>

Use the above script to start and test an instance of Policy Monitor (use CTRL^C to stop the server).

C.1.1.1 Commands

  • create-tables

    Creates the required Policy Monitor database tables and sequences.

    • Options

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type, for example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database url.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database username.

      • -arr.jdbc_password

        The JDBC database password.

  • drop-and-create-tables

    Drops and recreates the Policy Monitor database tables and sequences.

    • Options

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type, for example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database url.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database username.

      • -arr.jdbc_password

        The JDBC database password.

  • parse-audit-msg

    Tests the validity of an audit message.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing an audit message.

  • parse-syslog-msg

    Tests the validity of a syslog message.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing a syslog message.

  • send-tls-msg

    Sends a syslog message to a Policy Monitor supporting TLS.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing a syslog message.

      • -arr.hostname

        The hostname of the syslog server.

      • -arr.port

        The port of the syslog server.

      • -arr.keystore

        The client keystore.

      • -arr.keystore_password

        The client keystore password.

      • -arr.truststore

        The client truststore.

      • -arr.truststore_password

        The client truststore password.

      • -arr.keymanager_keystore_password

        The client keymanager keystore password.

  • send-udp-msg

    Sends a syslog message to Policy Monitor supporting UDP.

    • Options

      • -arr.input_file

        A file containing a syslog message.

      • -arr.hostname

        The hostname of the syslog server.

      • -arr.port

        The port of the syslog server.

  • start-tls-server

    Starts a TLS Policy Monitor running on a given port.

    • Options

      • -arr.port

        The port to listen on (6514 is the standard port for syslog over TLS).

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type, for example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database url.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database username.

      • -arr.jdbc_password

        The JDBC database password.

      • -arr.keystore

        The server keystore.

      • -arr.keystore_password

        The server keystore password.

      • -arr.truststore

        The server truststore.

      • -arr.truststore_password

        The server truststore password.

      • -arr.keymanager_keystore_password

        The server keymanager keystore password.

  • start-udp-server

    Starts an UDP Policy Monitor running on a given port.

    • Options

      • -arr.port

        The port to listen on (514 is the standard port for syslog over UDP).

      • -arr.persistence_unit_name

        The name of the javax persistence unit defined in persistence.xml.

      • -arr.jdbc_driver

        The JDBC database driver type, for example:

        - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • -arr.jdbc_url

        The JDBC database url.

      • -arr.jdbc_username

        The JDBC database username.

      • -arr.jdbc_password

        The JDBC database password.

C.1.2 Examples of Policy Monitor Commands

  • create-tables

    > arr -propertyfile -command create-tables

  • drop-and-create-tables

    > arr -propertyfile -command drop-and-create-tables

  • parse-audit-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command parse-audit-msg -arr.input_file test_audit_msg.txt

  • parse-syslog-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command parse-syslog-msg -arr.input_file test_syslog_msg.txt

  • send-tls-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command send-tls-msg -arr.hostname localhost -arr.input_file test_syslog_msg.txt

  • send-udp-msg

    > arr -propertyfile -command send-udp-msg -arr.hostname localhost -arr.input_file test_syslog_msg.txt

  • start-tls-server

    > arr -propertyfile -command start-tls-server

  • start-udp-server

    > arr -propertyfile -command start-udp-server