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Installing Oracle Java CAPS Domains and Runtime Components     Java CAPS Documentation
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Java CAPS Domain and Runtime Installation

Overview of New Domain Installation

Creating a New Java CAPS Domain

To Create a New Java CAPS Domain

Installing a Java CAPS Runtime on a New Domain

To Install Runtime Components on a New Domain

Adding the New Domain to NetBeans

To Add the New Domain to NetBeans

Installing Java CAPS JBI Runtime Components on a Stand-Alone GlassFish Instance

To Install JBI Runtime Components on a Stand-Alone GlassFish Server

Installing Java CAPS JBI Components on a New Domain

To Install JBI Components on a New Domain From the Admin Console

To Install JBI Components on a New Domain From NetBeans

To Install JBI Components on a New Domain From the Command Line

Finalizing the New Domain Installation

To Finalize the Installation

Installing a Java CAPS Runtime on a New Domain

Whenever you create a domain after the initial Java CAPS installation you need to add the runtime to the new domain in order to deploy any Java CAPS applications on it. This requires you to modify the files, which contains the domain configuration, and defines where to install and deploy components, as well as how to connect to the application server. You can also specify the new values for the domain name, port number, and username on the command line.

The installation files can be obtained in two ways: They are located in an existing Java CAPS installation of the application server and they are located in the file in the installation media.

To Install Runtime Components on a New Domain

Before You Begin

Complete the steps under Creating a New Java CAPS Domain.

  1. If you have not already installed a Java CAPS instance of the application server, download the file from thecore/appserver/runtime folder in your installation media. Extract it to the following location (where appserver is your GlassFish home directory):


  2. Open the file in a text editor.

    This file is located at appserver/addons/caps/, either in the GlassFish instance where you extracted or in the Java CAPS application server instance.

  3. Modify the properties in the file to match the properties of the new domain.

    Tip - You will likely need to change the following properties:


    • caps.admin.port. This is typically your base port plus 48. You can look the value up in domains/DomainName/config/domain.xml. It is the port number for the admin-listener.

    • caps.admin.user, if you changed the default administrator user name.


    In addition, you need to enable the UDDI installation if you require UDDI support, and enable the STCMS installation and specify an operating system if you required STCMS support.

  4. From a command line, navigate to the appserver/bin directory.
  5. Run the following command:

    asant -f ../addons/caps/install.xml

  6. Restart the domain.
  7. Continue to Adding the New Domain to NetBeans.