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Understanding the Business Rules Method Palette     Java CAPS Documentation
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Understanding the Business Rules Method Palette

Java CAPS Business Rules Method Palette Overview

Operator Methods

String Methods

Number Methods

Boolean Methods

Node Methods

XSD Operation


Encoder Parameter Values

String Methods

The String methods allow you to manipulate string data. To display a complete list of available string methods, click String and then click Settings.

Table 2 String Methods

The bytes to text method decodes a bytes object into text using the specified encoding. If no encoding is specified, the platform’s default encoding is used. For a list of possible values for the encoding parameter, see Encoder Parameter Values.
The concat method returns the string created by concatenating the value of the str parameter to the end of the value of the string parameter.

Note: You can add multiple str parameters to the method. The method automatically adds an unmapped node as needed.

The contains method returns Boolean true if the value of string1 is contained within the value of string2; otherwise, it returns false
The convertUnicode method returns the equivalent string value to the Unicode value in the string parameter. The Unicode value can be hexadecimal, octal, or decimal in format. For example, the Unicode number for a new line character is:
  • 0X00A in hexadecimal format

  • 012 in octal format

  • 10 in decimal format

    Use this method to insert other special characters, such as spaces, tabs, and so on.

The copy from method allows you to type in an XPath expression as the source of a copy operation. This is useful for entering XPath predicates. When you select copy from, the Copy From dialog box appears for you to enter the XPath.

Note: This feature is for advanced users who are familiar with XPath and BPEL syntax.

The copy to method allows you to type in an XPath expression as the destination of a copy operation. This is useful for entering XPath predicates. When you select copy to, the Copy To dialog box appears for you to enter the XPath.

Note: This feature is for advanced users who are familiar with XPath and BPEL syntax.

The normalize space method removes leading and trailing spaces from the string contained in string1.
The starts with method returns Boolean true if the value of string1 starts with the value of string2; otherwise, it returns false.
The string method converts the value of object1 to a string.
The string length method returns the number of characters in string1.
The string literal method allows you to create a literal string; that is, a sequence of characters of fixed length and content. Type the literal value directly into the method box.


  • Use Control+Enter to insert a line break in a literal.

  • To add a string literal directly into a parameter without using the string literal method, right-click the parameter, and then click Add Literal. Type the literal directly into the parameter field.

  • To edit an existing literal from a method, right-click the literal, click Edit, and then modify the value.

  • To delete a literal from a method, right-click the literal, and then click Delete Literal.

The text to bytes method encodes the input text into a sequence of bytes using the specified encoding. If no encoding is specified, the platform’s default encoding is used. For a complete list of available values for the encoding parameter, see Encoder Parameter Values.
The substring method returns a substring of string1, with number2 indicating the position of the first character in the substring and number3 indicating the number of characters to include. number2 represents the position of a character from the beginning of string1. If number3 is empty, the return string includes the characters from the position indicated by number2 to the end of string1.

For example, if the parameters are (“Input Data”, 6, 3), the return string is “Dat”. If the third parameter is empty, the return string is “Data”.

Note: The first character position is 1, not 0.

The substring after method returns the substring in string1 that occurs after the first instance of the substring in string2.

For example, if the parameters are (“Input Data”, “Input ”), the return string is “Data”. You would get the same return string if the second parameter contained only a space.

Note: The first character position is 1, not 0.

The substring before method returns the substring in string1 that occurs before the first instance of the substring in string2.

For example, if the parameters are (“Input Data”, “ Data”, the return string is “Input”. You would get the same return string if the second parameter contained only a space.

Note: The first character position is 1, not 0.

The translate method returns the value of string1, replacing any occurrences of the characters in string2 with the characters in the corresponding positions in string3. If string2 contains more than one instance of a character, only the first instance is taken into account. If string3 is longer than string2, the extra characters in string3 are ignored. If string2 is longer than string3, the extra characters in string2 are removed from string1.

For example, if the parameters are (“Sun”,”un”,”MI”), the original string, Sun, is translated to SMI.